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Beginners - Class 6 1 THE FAMILY [Di F'ám-i-li] (La Familia) CC Do you have brothers? Where do your parents live? These are questions about family that you hear all the time. Now, you will learn English words related to family. (¿Tiene hermanos? ¿Dónde viven sus padres? Estas son preguntas acerca de la familia que se escuchan todo el tiempo. Ahora, usted aprenderá palabras en inglés relacionadas con la familia.) [man] [jós-band] [guerl] [chaild] [béi-bi] [mam and dád] [mód-er] [son] [bród-er] [uó-man] [uaif] [boi] [chaild-rn] [tet] [péi-rents] [fá-der] [dó-ter] [sís-ter] LV man husband girl child baby mom and dad mother son brother woman wife boy children tot parents father daughter sister Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC hombre esposo, marido muchacha niño (a), criatura bebé mamá y papá madre hijo hermano mujer esposa muchacho niños o hijos niño (a), que empieza a caminar padres padre hija hermana We are a family. Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 2 In-Laws / Los Suegros: father-in-law sister-in-law son-in-law [fá-der-in-lo] [sís-ter-in-lo] [son-in-lo] suegro cuñada yerno CC Relatives / Los Parientes: [greit gránd-péi-rents] [gránd-péi-rents] [gránd-fad-er] gránd-mod-er] [gránd-chaild] [gránd-chaild-rn] [gránd-son] [gránd-do-ter] [ón-kl] [ant] [néf-iu] [nis] [kós-n] [sék-ond kós-n] [stép-fá-der] bisabuelos abuelos abuelo abuela nieto (a) nietos nieto nieta tío tía sobrino sobrina primo (a) primo (a), segundo (a) padrastro step-mother step-brother step-sister step-son step-daughter step-child step-children [stép-mód-er] stép-bród-er] [stép-sis-ter] [stép-son] [stép-dó-ter] stép-chaild] [stép-chaild-rn] abuela hermanastro hermanastra hijastro hijastra hijastro (a) hijastros (as) LV great-grandparents grandparents grandfather grandmother grandchild grandchildren grandson granddaughter uncle aunt nephew niece cousin second cousin step-father Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 3 People / Personas: [én-i-bód-i] [év-ri-bod-i] [év-ri-uan] [lov-ers] [boi-frend] [bód-is] [nou uan] [nóu-bod-i] [pí-pl] [á-dolts] [guerl- frend] [kids] [sóm-uan] [part-ner] [tin-eíyers] [frend] todo el mundo todo el mundo todo el mundo amantes novio (no oficial), amigo compañeros, muy amigos nadie nadie gente, personas, pueblo adultos novia (no oficial), amiga niños (as), personas, jóvenes alguien socio jóvenes amigo (a) LV CC anybody everybody everyone lovers boyfriend buddies no one nobody people adults girlfriend kids someone partner teenagers friend boyfriend and girlfriend Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC grandfather and grandson Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 4 CC Family Tree [Fám-i-li Tri] (árbol genealógico) LV Exercise 1 / Ejercicio 1: 1. The father of Alicia is _________________________________________________ 2. The aunt of María is __________________________________________________ 3. Alicia and José are ___________________________________________________ 4. The grandmother of Carlos is ___________________________________________ 5. Rosa is the cousin of __________________________________________________ 6. Rosa and Francisco are ___________________________of José and Mercedes. 7. Alicia is the ______________________________ of Alberto. 8. Carlos is the _____________________________ of Mercedes. 9. Alberto is the ____________________________ of Carlos. 10. Antonio is the ___________________________________ of Alicia and José. 11. Antonio is ______________________________ Albetto. 12. Josefa is the ____________________________________ of Rosa. 13. Alberto is the ____________________________________ of Francisco. Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 5 "DO" Verbs [Du] (Los verbos "hacer") The verb "do" is one of the most common verbs in English. It can be used as an auxiliary and a main verb. (El verbo "hacer" es uno de los verbos más comunes en Inglés. Se puede utilizar como un auxiliar y un verbo principal.) Present Tense Past Tense CC Pronoun (pronombre) (tiempo presente) I [ai] do you [yu] do did he [ji] does [duz] did she [shi] does did it [it] does did we [ui] do did do did they [dei] [du] (tiempo pasado) did [did] LV Note/Nota: When we refer to the third person, we always use does. The past tense is always did. (Cuando nos referimos a la tercera persona, siempre usamos hace. El pasado es siempre lo hacía.) Use the verb "do" to express daily activities or jobs. ( Utilice el verbo "hacer" para expresar las actividades diarias o trabajos.) Examples (Ejemplos): a. I do my homework. [Ai du mai jom-uerk.] b. My sister does housework. [Mai sís-ter duz jaus-uerk.] c. He does the cooking. [Shi did chaild-ker uerk.] e. We do cleaning. [Ui du klín-ing.] f. They do grass cutting. [Ji duz di kuk-ing.] Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols d. She did childcare work. [Dei du gras kot-ing.] LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 6 Exercise 2 / Ejercicio 2: Use the "do" verb in the correct tense. (Utilice el verbo "hacer" en el tiempo correcto.) 1. She _____ exercise every day. 11. The children _____ homework after dinner. 2. I _____ some damage to my car. (past) 12. We _____ all the work on the house. (past) 13. Yesterday, they _____ the laundry. 4. She _____ the cooking. 14. John _____ the cooking every Thursday. 5. I _____ my nails this morning. 15. I _____ the housecleaning in our home. 6. We _____ laundry last week. 16. Sandra and Carlos _____ the dishes together. 7. My husband _____ the laundry. 17. She _____ my nails this morning. 8. Isabel _____ the dishes last night. 18. They _____ many things together. 9. She _____ my hair. 19. Pedro _____ the dirty dishes. 10. What _____ Dana like to do? 20. He _____ the weeding when he has time. CC 3. He _____ all the yard work. The auxiliary (helping verb) "do" is used mainly to form questions and negative sentences with the present and past tenses. It is not normally used in affirmative sentences. (El auxiliar (verbo auxiliar) "qué" se utiliza principalmente para formar preguntas y frases negativas con los tiempos actuales y pasados. No se utiliza normalmente en frases afirmativas.) LV 1. Yes / no questions. (Para hacer preguntas que sólo requieren si ó no como respuesta.) 2. To give answers. (Para dar respuestas.) 3. To ask information questions. (Para hacer preguntas de información.) 1. Yes or no Questions: Auxiliary Verb Pronoun Base Verb Object Do/Did I know him? Do/Did you go dancing? Does/Did he/she like you? Does/Did it sound good? Do/Did we have any butter? Do/Did they seem happy? Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 7 Exercise 3 / Ejercicio 3: Use the present or past tense of the "do" verb. (Utilice el tiempo presente o pasado del "hacer" verbo.) 11. ____ you ride the bus everyday? 2. ____ you watch TV yesterday? 12. ____ she love him very much? 3. ____ he wait for his wife every day? 13. ____ you like the gift? 4. ____they finish the work last week? 14. ____ you see her last night? 5. ____ he live near her? 15. ____ she help you make dinner? 6. ____ you write letters tofriends? 16. ____ he drink beer? 7. ____ Penny listen to rap music? 17. ____ they dance well? 8. ____ Mark study German? 18. ____ Mary drive fast? CC 1. ____ you speak English? 9. ____ your mother clean house last week? 19. ____ John wash the car yesterday? 10. ____ it work? 20. ____ the air conditioner cool the car? Homework / (Tarea:) Use do or does to complete the following questions. (Uso hacer o lo hace para completar las siguientes preguntas.) 6. _____ Veronica speak English? 2. _____ Tom like to dance? 7. _____ you walk to school? LV 1. _____ he cook? 3. _____ my sister live here? 8. _____ I sing well? 4. _____ she have a TV? 9. _____ the children play after school? 5. _____ John and Mary live together? 10. _____ it work? Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 8 2. Answers: There are several ways you can answer a yes/no question. You can convert the question into a statement, you can give a short answer, or you can give a one word response. (Hay varias maneras en que puede responder a una pregunta sí / no. Puede convertir la cuestión en un comunicado, se puede dar una respuesta corta, o se puede dar una respuesta de una palabra.) Answer Forms___________________ Statement Short One Word CC Question Do I get up early? Yes, I get up early. Do you go to church? No, I do not go to church. No, I don't. No Does she love him? Yes, she loves him. Yes, she does. Maybe Do we watch television? No, we do not watch TV. No, we don't. Perhaps Yes, they do. Sometimes Do they have any money? Yes, they have money. Yes, I do. Yes Note/Nota: In statements or short answers, use do not, does not, or contractions don't or doesn't to answer negatively. (En declaraciones o respuestas cortas, el uso no hacer, no lo hace, o contracciones no hacer o no contestar negativamente.) LV Exercise 4 / Ejercicio 4: Answer the questions. (Responde a las preguntas.) 1. Does Peter go to school here? __________________________________________ 2. Did you do your homework? ____________________________________________ 3. Did you go to school? _________________________________________________ 4. Did you eat breakfast this morning? ______________________________________ 5. Does he play soccer? _________________________________________________ 6. Did he go camping last weekend? ________________________________________ 7. Did you work yesterday? _______________________________________________ 8. Do you do your laundry every weekend? ___________________________________ 9. Did you get to work on time? ____________________________________________ 10. Do You se her every day? _____________________________________________ 11. Do you speak English? ________________________________________________ 12. Does she like to read books? ___________________________________________ Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 9 Homework / (Tarea:) Give statements and short responses for the following questions: (Dar declaraciones y respuestas cortas para las siguientes preguntas:) Examples (Ejemplos): Do you like to go to the beach? Yes, I like to go to the beach. Yes, I do. Yes. CC 1. Does you father listen to rock music? Yes _________________________________ 2. Do you often wash clothes? Yes ________________________________________ 3. Does your sister cook? Perhaps ________________________________________ 4. Do the teachers work on the weekend? No ________________________________ 5. Does José watch TV every day? Sometimes _______________________________ 6. Did you call your mother last night? No ___________________________________ 7. Do you always ask questions? Yes ______________________________________ 8. Do they clean their apartment on Saturday? Maybe _________________________ 9. Does Lucy always to out on Friday nights? No _____________________________ 10. Does Linda look for her keys every morning? Yes __________________________ 11. Do Mr. and Mrs. Smith usually stay in Naples every winter? Yes _______________ LV 12. Did Norma spend the night at your house Sunday night? _____________________ washing dishes cooking food [uash-ing dishes] [kuk-ing fud] Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 10 3. Questions: Questions beginning with "WH" words or with "How" are called information uestions because they require more detailed response. (Preguntas que comienzan con las palabras "WH" o con "cómo" se llama información uestions porque requieren una respuesta más detallada.) [JU] ¿quién, quienes? (Persona) WHAT [JUAT] ¿qué? (Cosa) WHERE [JUER] ¿dónde? (Lugar) CC WHO WHY [JUAI] ¿porqué? (interrogativo) WHEN [JUEN] ¿cuándo? (Tiempo) WHICH [JUICH] ¿qual? (interrogativo) HOW [JAU] ¿cómo? (interrogativo) Basic Question Form Auxiliary Verb Pronoun Base Verb Object When do/did I go to school? Where do/did you meet him? Who does/did he/she see after work? How does/Did it sound to you? What do/did we like best? Which do/did you study most? How often do/did they go out? Why do/did they speak so fast? LV WH Work Exercise 5 / Ejercicio 5: Use the present or past tense of the "do" verb. (Utilice el tiempo presente o pasado del "hacer" verbo.) 1. Where _____ you work before? 6. How _____ you spell your name? 2. How often _____ you wash your clothes? 7. What _____ you eat for breakfast? 3. Which book _____ he read? 8. Where _____ your mother shop? 4. When _____ the boss go to lunch? 9. What _____ your father do? 5. Who _____ your laundry? Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols 10. Who _____ your house cleaning? LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 11 11. Where _____ Carlos live? 16. Which one _____ they like best? 12. Why _____ you lie to her? 17. How __ you know she quit her job? 13. What _____ she eat for breakfast? 18. Who _____ she think she is? 14. How often _____ you see her? 19. How often ____ you go to church? 15. When _____ he get back from Italy? 20. When _____ she tell you she was ill? Homework / (Tarea:) Using the past tense of the "do" verb, print ten questions CC beginning with "WH" words or "How". (Usando el tiempo pasado del "hacer" verbo, imprimir diez preguntas que comienzan con las palabras "WH" o "cómo".) 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________ LV 9. __________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________ Exercise 6 / Ejercicio 6: Answer the following questions using negative answers. (Conteste las siguientes preguntas usando respuestas negativas.) 1. Do you like to travel? ____________ 6. Does he have a car? __________________ 2. Does she walk to work? _________ 7. Did the dog eat my cereal? _____________ 3. Do we miss our country? ________ 8. Does he like my cat? _________________ 4. Do they drive? ________________ 9. Do you sing in the shower? ____________ 5. Did you do your homework? ______ 10. Do you like to eat tacos? ______________ Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 12 Exercise 7 / Ejercicio 7: Change these statements to questions using do or does. (Cambie estas declaraciones a preguntas utilizando hacer o hace.) 1. He plays basketball. _________________________________________ 2. Tina washes her clothes on Monday. ___________________________ 3. Pat speaks Russian and English. ______________________________ CC 4. She studies every night. _____________________________________ 5. The teacher speaks English. __________________________________ 6. You do homework every day. __________________________________ 7. He watches TV on the weekend. _______________________________ 8. Mother eats cereal in the morning. _____________________________ 9. She takes a shower in the evening. _____________________________ 10. Martin gets to work on time. __________________________________ Exercise 8 / Ejercicio 8: Translate to English. (Traducir a Inglés.) 1. ¿Dónde vives? ______________________________________________________ LV 2. ¿Dónde trabajas? ____________________________________________________ 3. ¿Cuándo vas a clases? _______________________________________________ 4. ¿Ellos van a la escuela? _______________________________________________ 5. ¿Qué comes en la cena? ______________________________________________ 6. ¿Ella tiene un hijo? ___________________________________________________ 7. ¿Qué clase de música te gusta? ________________________________________ 8. ¿Qué hace tu mamá? _________________________________________________ 9. ¿El va a clases los jueves? _____________________________________________ 10. ¿Qué clase de música escucha Maria? ___________________________________ 11. ¿Tu ves television? ___________________________________________________ 12. ¿Nosotros vamos a la playa? ___________________________________________ 13. ¿Cuándo Maria y José van al cine? ______________________________________ 14. ¿Tu estudias inglés? __________________________________________________ 15. ¿Ellos manejan al trabajo? _____________________________________________ Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 13 Lastly, do may be used in affirmative sentences, but when it is used in this way, it denotes strong contrastive emphasis with heavy work stress on the auxiliary itself. (Por último, no se puede usar en frases afirmativas, pero cuando se utiliza de esta manera, denota fuerte énfasis contrastante con el estrés trabajo pesado en el propio auxiliar.) CC Quite a lot of emotion is usually involved. Study the following examples: (Bastantes de emoción por lo general está involucrado. Estudia los siguientes ejemplos:) 1. Do come in! Please don't stand there on the doorstep. 2. He thinks I don't love him, but I do love him with all my heart! 3. He's not a vegetarian! He does eat meat! I have seen him eat meat! Homework / (Tarea:) Answer the following questions. (Conteste las siguientes preguntas.) 1. How often do you play tennis? a. On Tuesday. c. Almost every day. b. For two hours. d. With John. LV 2. Where do you usually eat lunch? a. Sandwich. c. With Jane. b. At 12:00. d. In the cafeteria. 3. How long did you study last night? a. With Bob. c. In my room. b. English. d. For three hours. 4. What kind of novels do you like? a. Yes, I do. c. Perhaps I do. b. I like spy novels. d. She likes spy novels. 5. What kind of work do you do? a. I work every day. c. I worked for two hours. b. I'm a piano teacher. d. I don't like my job. Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 14 6. How many hours a day do you watch TV? a. About two hours. c. In my living room. b. I watch the news. d. On Tuesday. 7. What does "TV" mean? c. Yes. b. Television. d. For three hours. CC a. For one hour. 8. How often do you speak on the telephone? a. At least once a day. c. In the evening. b. Several times a week. d. Both a and b. 9. How do you spell dog? a. No. c. Yes. b. I don't. d. I don't know. 10. What did you do yesterday? c. I swim. b. I will swim. d. I swam. LV a. I am swimming. 11. What do you like to drink? a. Coffee. c. Saturday evening. b. Two. d. With my friends. 12. What did you eat last night? a. At six. c. Spaghetti b. With my family. d. At home. 13. Where does Mike go every afternoon? a. To school. c. At eight. b. For three hours. d. No, he doesn't. Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 15 14. Where do you do your homework? a. With John. c. In the evening. b. About one hour. d. At home. 15. When did you go to that restaurant? c. With Jane. b. Last night. d. About 30 minutes. CC a. Spaghetti. 16. What were you doing last night at 7:00? a. I sleep. c. I will be sleeping. b. I slept. d. I was sleeping. 17. When did you mail that letter? a. Last night. c. A week ago. b. To Mary. d. Both a and c. 18. How many hours a day do you sleep? c. I am sleeping seven hours. b. I slept seven hours. d. I sleep seven hours. LV a. I have slept seven hours. 19. How often do you write letters? a. Two pages. c. Two times a week. b. Two people. d. Two hours. 20 How do you get to school? a. By train. c. I ride my bicycle. b. My mother drives me d. a, b and c. Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 16 G and J Pronunciation (G y J Pronunciación) In English, the pronunciation of words that begin with or contain the letters "g" or "j" is very similar to the sound of the letters "ll" or "y" in Spanish. (En Inglés, la pronunciación de palabras que comienzan o contienen las letras "g" o "j" es muy similar al sonido de las letras "ll" o "y" en español.) CC Practice / Práctica: At the beginning In the middle At the end (Al comienzo) (En el centro) (Al final) [yam] agent [éi-yent] age [eich] joy [joi] adjust [ád-yost] cage [keich] jab [yab] magic [ma-yic] large [larch] jar [yar] enjoy [en-yói] energy [én-er-yi] gym [yim] angel [án-yél] badge [badch] gem [yem] injure [ín-yur] ridge [rídch] jail [yeil] rejoin [re-yoin] college [kál-ich] giant [yái-ant] danger [déin-yer] wage [uéi-ch] jello [yél-lou] suggest [sog-yést] marriage [mér-ich] jaw [yo] major [méi-yor] fudge [fodch] joke [youk] subject [sób-yekt] bridge [brich] June [yun] budge [budch] gin [yin] wedge [uéd-ch] gentle [yén-tl] grudge [gruch] LV jam Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC pajamas [pa-yá-mas] Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 17 Important / Importante: Words which contain the letter "g", where the letter "g" follows the letter "n" or precedes the letters "a, o, u, or r," sound just like the letter "g" in Spanish. (Las palabras que contienen la letra "g", donde la letra "g" sigue a la letra "n" o precede a las letras "a, o, u, o r," suenan igual que la letra "g" en español.) Practice / Práctica: In the middle At the end (Al comienzo) (En el centro) (Al final) CC At the beginning go [gou] cigar [sí-gar] beg [bég] get [guet] agree [a-grí] pig [pig] girl [guerl] begin [bi-guní] bag [bag] gone [goun] anger [án-guer] rug [rog] great [greit] forget [for-guét] log [log] guess [gues] bigger [big-ger] dog [dog] green glass [grin] [glas] hungry beggar [jón-gri] [bég-ar] egg [eg] drug [drog] cigarette [sí-gar-et] flag [flag] good [gud] legal [lí-gal] leg [leg] grill [gril] again [a-guéin] fig [fig] gas [gas] vinegar [vín-i-gher] dig [dig] pager [peich-er] rag [rag] LV gather [gád-er] grapes [greips] Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto Beginners - Class 6 18 G and Y Pronunciation (G e Y de Pronunciaciones) Practice / Práctica: [youk] [yél-ou] [yam] [yat] [ya-ju] [yu] [yard] [yard-eich] [yard-seil] [yo] [yon] [yéi] [yéi] [yir] [yir-buk] [yiist] [yes] [yés-ter-dai] [yet] [yield] [yó-ga] [yó-guert] [york] [yong] [yur] [yur-self] [yuth] [yó-yó] [yú-ká] [yúm-mi] joke jello jam Jack jail jew janitor jealous jean jaw jelly jerk jersey jet jewel jewish jingle job jockey join Jesus journal joy judge July jump June junk just jungle [youk] [yél-lou] [yam] [yak] [yeil] [yiú] [yán-it-tor] [yél-los] [yin] [yo] [yél-li] [yerk] [yer-sii] [yet] [yiú-l] [yiú-ish] [yin-gl] [yob] [yo-ki] [yoin] [yes-os] [yur-nl] [yoi] [yoch] [yu-lái] [yomp] [yun] [yonk] [yost] [yon-gl] LV CC yoke yellow yam yacht Yahoo you yard yardage yardsale yaw yawn yea yeah year yearbook yeast yes yesterday yet yield yoga yogurt york young your yourself youth yo-yo yucca yummy Created by: L. Kaplan Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: A. Napierkowski Update Edited by: S. Baretto