Download Español III la tarea para el : el ____ / ____ / ____ A. Usa todos los
Español III la tarea para el ________________: el ____ / ____ / ____ 92 A. Usa todos los verbos para completar las frases. Usa: acostarse, afeitarse, arreglarse, bañarse, cepillarse, despertarse, ducharse, lavarse, llamarse, maquillarse, reunirse, reírse, quejarse, equivocarse, despedirse, pararse, mudarse, cansarse, callarse, quitarse, vestirse, olvidarse, divertirse. 1. Yo (go to bed) _______ _______________________ (at …) ___ ______ ______________________________ 2. Tú (complain) _______ ____________________ (about) _____ _____________________________________ 3. Ella (forgets the ..) _______ __________________ _____ _________________________________________ 4. Nosotros (move) ________ ______________________ a Iowa (because..) ____________ ______________________ 5. Vosotros (never shave) ______ ______ _____________________________ _______________. 6. Ellos (stop in the..) ______ ______________________ ______ ______ __________________________________ 7. Yo (fix myself up) _______ ______________________ (because) ______________ __________________________ 8. Mi padre (gets dressed) ______ _________________ (at…) _____________________________________________ 9. Tú (become quiet) ______ __________________ (because) _______________ _____________________________ 10. Yo (have fun) _______ _________________ (with… in the …) ______ _________________ ____ ___________ 11. Nosotros (are wrong) _______ _________________________. El professor (t-is right) __________ ___________ 12. Ellos (brush their hair) ______ _____________________ _____ ______________. 13. Mi madre (wakes up late) _____ ______________________ ______________ (at..) __ ______ _______________ 14. Los estudiantes (take off their hats) _____ _____________ ____ _________ (after..) _________ ___ __________ 15. Yo (am tired of …) _______ _____________________ ______ _________________________________________ 16. Él (takes a bath in…) _______ ____________________ ______________________________________________ 17. Mis amigos y yo (say goodbye) _______ ________________________ (because) _________ __________________ 18. El profesor (meets with …) _______ ______________________ ________ _______________________________ 19. ¿ (Are you all laughing at me?) _______ __________________ Uds. ______ ________? 20. Ellas (put make up on in ….) ______ ___________________________ ______ __________________________ 21. Yo (am called …) ______ ______________ ___________. Ella (is called ..) ______ _____________ ________ 22. Tú (wash your …) ______ ________________ _______ _____________ (with) ________ ___________________ 23. Mi ______________ (showers in / at) ______ _________________ ________ _____________________________ B. Completa. 24. (Spanish is spoken in Spain.) ______ _________________ el español ______ ______________ 25. (Many things are sold ..) ______ _____________________ muchas ____________ en Walmart. 26. (Fantastic ice cream is sold in ..) ______ _______________ el ___________ maravilloso en ___________________ (92 de atrás) C. Usa todos los verbos para completar las frases. Usa: dormirse, desayunarse, burlarse, sentarse, quedarse, prepararse, moverse, levantarse, irse, casarse, peinarse, pintarse, ponerse, acordarse, preocuparse, enojarse, enfermarse, enamorarse, darse cuenta de, sentirse, aburrirse, secarse, alegrarse. 1. Yo (dry myself in the … with a …) _____ ___________ _____ _____ ___________ _______ _____ ___________ 2. Mis padres (fall asleep) ______ ______________________ (when they..) ___________ ______________________ 3. Tú (don’t remember the ..) _____ _____ ____________________ ______ _________________________________ 4. Yo (move) _______ _____________________ cerca de la puerta. 5. Bob y Clara (sit) _______ ________________________ (next to) __________ ______ la ventana. 6. Nosotros (stay) _______ ___________________ en casa (because) __________ (there is no) _____ _______ escuela. 7. (nombre) _______________ (is in love with..) ______ ______________________ ______ ___________________ 8. Yo (I’m not aware of …) ______ _______ _____________ ________________ ______ ____________________ 9. (nombres) _________ y __________ (make fun of …) ______ ___________________ ______ _______________ 10. Mi madre (gets up at …) _______ _______________________ ____ _______ ___________________________ 11. Yo (am glad) _______ ____________________ (because) ____________ ________________________________ 12. Tú (get ready) ______ _________________________ (for the ..) __________ ______ _______________________ 13. Yo (have … for breakfast) ______ _______________________ _______ __________________________________ 14. (nombres) __________ y __________ (get married) _____ ________________ (on..) _____ __________________ 15. Nosotros (get sick) _______ ___________________________ (in the …) _____ _____ _______________________ 16. Vosotros (comb [your hair]) ______ _____________________ [ ____ ____________ ]. 17. Ella (colors her … with …) ______ ______________ _____ ______________ ________ __________________ 18. Los estudiantes (get bored) ______ ____________________ (when) ____________ _________________________ 19. Yo (worry about …) ______ ________________________ ______ _____________________________________ 20. Nosotros (leave at …) _______ _____________________ ___ ________ _______________________________ 21. Yo (put on …) ______ _____________ ____ _______________ (when) ___________ ____________________ 22. Mi padre (gets angry) ______ ___________________ (when) ___________ ________________________________ 23. Yo (feel …) ______ _____________________ ________________ (today) ____________. D. Completa con el vocabulario del arreglo personal y un verbo reflexivo. 24. (One uses) _____ ________ (shampoo) ____ __________ (in order to…) ________ _____________ ___ _______ 25. (One uses) _____ ________ (soap) ____ __________ (in order to…) ________ _____________________. 26. (One uses) _____ ________ la pasta de dientes (in order to..) ________ ____________________ ______ _________ 27. Yo (need) ______________ una afeitadora eléctrica (in order to … my..) _______ ________________ ____ _______ 28. (One uses) _____ _________ un despertador (in order to …) __________ __________________________________.