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CARMELITAS MISIONERAS PROVINCIA SANTA TERESA DEL NIÑO JESÚS COLEGIO NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN – PASTO GUIA DE AUTOGESTION DEL APRENDIZAJE NUCLEO TEMATICO 2: WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHER: CRISTINA PELAEZ PERIODO I GUIA B ASIGNATURA: INGLES NOMBRE EDUCANDO: GRADO: NOVENO 9 FECHA: ESTANDAR: Leo y comprendo textos narrativos y descriptivos o narraciones y descripciones de diferentes fuentes sobre temas que me son familiares, y comprendo textos argumentativos cortos y sencillos. NIVELES DE DESEMPEÑO: LINGUISTICA SOCIOLINGUISTICA PRAGMATICA Expreso mis opiniones, gustos y preferencias sobre temas que he trabajado en clase, utilizando estrategias para monitorear mi pronunciación. Edito mis escritos en clase, teniendo en cuenta reglas de ortografía, adecuación del vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales Expreso mis opiniones, gustos y preferencias sobre temas que he trabajado en clase, utilizando estrategias para monitorear mi pronunciación.. CONTENIDOS: 1. 2. 3. 4. PAST PERFECT PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS PAST AND PRESENT HABITS GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES 1. SITUACION PROBLEMA: Observa la siguiente imagen sobre profesiones y describa las funciones de cada oficio en inglés 1 2 2. HACIENDO – EJECUTANDO PREGUNTAS ESENCIALES WHAT WOULD BE MY BEST PROFESSION TO WORK IN? WHERE WOULD I LIKE TO WORK IN, WHY? Actividad en Clase 1 ( Personal work) 1. Consulta el vocabulario sobre 15 profesiones e indique las funciones de cada uno y el lugar donde se desempeñan. 2. Expresa tu opinión sobre la información que tienes de la facilidad o dificultad de conseguir empleo en Colombia y la remuneración para cada cargo. Actividad en Clase 2 Team work ( 2 people) LABORATORY PRACTICE 1. Consulta en GOOGLE el PASADO PERFECTO EN INGLES respondiendo a los siguientes criterios: 1.1 CUAL ES LA FUNCION O USO DE ESTE TIEMPO GRAMATICAL 1.2 CUAL ES LA CARACTERISTICA DEL VERBO 1.3 CUALES SON LAS ESTRUCTURAS DE (+), (-), (?), ELABORE DOS EJEMPLOS DE CADA UNA TENGA EN CUENTA UNO CON V.R Y OTRO CON V.I. 2. Consulta en GOOGLE el PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO EN INGLES respondiendo a los siguientes criterios: 2.1 CUAL ES LA FUNCION O USO DE ESTE TIEMPO GRAMATICAL 2.2 CUAL ES LA CARACTERISTICA DEL VERBO 2.3 CUALES SON LAS ESTRUCTURAS DE (+), (-), (?), ELABORE DOS EJEMPLOS DE CADA UNA. 3. Consulta en GOOGLE sobre HABITOS EN PASADO EN INGLES utilizando USED TO 4. Consulta en GOOGLE sobre HABITOS EN PRESENTE EN INGLES utilizando PRESENTE SIMPLE CON ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA 5. Consulta en GOOGLE sobre la función del GERUNDIO y qué verbos se utilizan con esta forma verbal 6. Consulta en GOOGLE sobre la función del INFITINIVO y qué verbos se utilizan con esta forma verbal 3. HACIENDO – CONFRONTANDO 1. SE REALIZA LA SOCIALIZACION DE LA CONSULTA HECHA EN PRACTICA DE LABORATORIO PARA UNIFICAR CRITERIOS 2. REALICE LOS SIGUIENTES EJERCICIOS PARA PRACTICAR LA CONSULTA REALIZADA 3 PASADO PERFECTO COMPLETE EL TEXTO CON LA FORMA DEL PASADO PERFECTO ADECUADA 4 PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO A) Escribe los verbos marcados en verde en el past perfect continuous en afirmativo o negativo, según corresponda en las siguientes oraciones. 1 H e (s tu dy ) Ch i n e s e f o r t w o y e ar s b e fo r e th e y s en t h i m t o Ch i n a . 2 Wh at ( yo u d o) b e fo r e I a r ri v ed ? 3 It ( no t r a i n) h a rd b e f o r e I a rri v ed . 4 (t h e p at i e nt n ot fe e l) b ett e r ? 5 ( yo u r st u de nt s s pe a k) i n En gl i sh at th e m e eti n g? 6 I ( dr i ve ) f o r tw o h ou r s wh en I g ot t o th e vi l l age. 7 H e a dmi tte d h e (n ot s l e ep ) f o r s e v e ral d a ys . 8 Lu c y (n ot w at ch ) T V si n c e 8 o' cl o c k. 9 Sh e ( re a d ) a n ew sp ap e r. 5 10 H e ( no t wo rk ) th e r e f o r t en y ea r s be f o r e h e r eti r ed . PAST HABITS - USED TO Ejercicios: Used to (Soler/Estar acostumbrado a) Compartir 4 Elige la respuesta correcta. Q1 of 10 I __________ smoke when I was in my 20s. usually use to used to am used to Q2 of 10 I __________ smoke when I drink. usually use to used to am used to Q3 of 10 I __________ the smell of smoke because my husband smokes. usually use to used to am used to Q4 of 10 There was a time when she __________ always work late. usually use to was used to would Q5 of 10 He __________ be a vegetarian when he was a kid. 6 usually use to used to would Q6 of 10 They __________ the silence when they built a restaurant next door. were used to are used to are getting used to were getting used to Q7 of 10 Sally __________ drink a lot of wine. didn't use to wouldn't didn't used to don't use to Q8 of 10 It's a noisy apartment, but I __________ it. used to am used to use to am use to Q9 of 10 Bill is used to _________ long days. work works working worked Q10 of 10 By the time John moves in, I __________ living alone. am used to would be used to will be used to used to 7 PRESENT HABITS – PRESENTE SIMPLE CON ADVERBIOS DE FRECUENCIA Chose which is correct; 1. get up go up 2. have a shower go to shower 3. get to breakfast have breakfast 4. have at lunch have lunch 5. go a school go to school 6. go hom 7. go at dinner go home have dinner 8. have bed go to bed Colocar el adverbio de frecuencia 1. He listens to the radio. (often) _____________________________ 2. They read a book. (sometimes) _____________________________ 3. Pete gets angry. (never) _____________________________ 4. Tom is very friendly. (usually) _____________________________ 5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes) 8 _____________________________ 6. Ramon is hungry. (often) _____________________________ 7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always) _____________________________ 8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually) _____________________________ 9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) _____________________________ 10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom) _____________________________ GERUNDIO E INFINITIVO ESCOGE LA FORMA CORRECTA 1. I can't imagine Peter 2. He agreed (go) by bike. (buy) a new car. 3. The question is easy (answer). 4. The man asked me how 5. I look forward to (get) to the airport. (see) you at the weekend. 6. Are you thinking of 7. We decided (visit) London? (run) through the forest. 8. The teacher expected Sarah 9. She doesn't mind 10. I learned (study) hard. (work) the night shift. (ride) the bike at the age of 5. 9 10 FUENTES Y RECURSOS – PROFUNDIZACION INGRESA A LOS SIGUIENTES LINKS PARA PROFUNDIZAR SOBRE PASADO PERFECTO, PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO, HABITOS EN PRESENTE Y PASADO Y GERUNDIOS E INFINITIVOS RELACION CON OTRAS ASIGNATURAS CRECIMIENTO EN LA FE Consulta en Sobre LAS BODAS DE CANÁ, y elabora una lista de 10 costumbres que solían realizar en las bodas practicando USED TO. Realiza un dibujo sobre esta cita bíblica. 4.VERIFICANDO Y EVALUANDO Pasado perfecto afirmativo Escribe los verbos marcados en verde en el past perfect simple en afirmativo o negativo, según corresponda en las siguientes oraciones. 1 Wh en I a r ri v ed at th e ci n em a, th e fi l m ( st a rt ) . 2 If y ou ( l is te n ) t o m e, y ou w ou l d h av e d on e a b ett e r e xam . 3 W e ( me et ) th em s om ew h er e b e f or e th at da y. 4 M y d au gh t e r sai d to m e th a t sh e ( st u dy ) 11 v e r y h a rd f o r th i s e xam . 5 Th e f o r e st bu rn t e asi l y b e cau s e i t ( n o t r a in ) du ri n g th e wi n t e r. 6 Pat ri c k ( l iv e ) i n Spai n b ef o r e h e mo v ed t o L on do n . 7 By th e ti m e w e a r ri v ed , t h ey ( g o) . 8 H e w an t ed t o kn o w wh at (h a p pe n ) wi th h e r b o o k. 9 Th e d o o rma n di dn ´t l et u s g et i n si de be cau s e w e (f or g et ) ou r i d en ti ty c a rd. 10 I (f i n is h ) m y h o m ew o r k b ef o r e I w en t t o b ed . Ejercicios: Past Perfect Continuous Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que está entre paréntesis. Sample She was excited because she Q1 of 4 had been planning (plan) her trip to Italy. They (not/talk) when the phone cut out. Q2 of 4 _______ you _______ (research) the problem for long when you found the solution? Q3 of 4 Adam and Natalie _______ (know) each other when they started dating. Q4 of 4 I needed a change. I ________ (live) in New York for a long time. 12 PRESENT HABITS – ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY ANSWER WITH YOUR INFORMATION ¿Qué tan frecuentemente haces estas cosas? (No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas.) 1. How often do you eat cereal for breakfast? 2. How often do you use a computer? 3. How often do you speak English? 4. How often do you exercise? 5. How often do you go to the movie theater? 6. How often do you watch TV? 7. How often do you read a book? 8. How often do you go to parties? 9. How often do you eat ice cream? 10. How often do you go to the park? 13 GERUNDIO E INFINITIVO COMPLETA CON LA OPCION CORRECTA Gerunds and Infinitives 1 Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'): Check 1) I don't fancy (go) out tonight.. Show Answ er Check 2) She avoided (tell) him about her plans.. Show Answ er Check 3) I would like (come) to the party with you.. Show Answ er Check 4) He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening.. Show Answ er Check 5) She kept (talk) during the film.. Show Answ er Check 6) I am learning (speak) English.. Show Answ er Check 7) Do you mind (give) me a hand?. Show Answ er Check 8) She helped me (carry) my suitcases.. Show Answ er Check 9) I've finished (cook) - come and eat!.. Show Answ er Check 10) He decided (study) biology.. Show Answ er Check 11) I dislike (wait).. Show Answ er 14 Check 12) He asked (come) with us.. Show Answ er Check 13) I promise 14) We discussed home.. (help) you tomorrow.. (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at Show Answ er Check Show Answ er Check 15) She agreed (bring) the pudding to the dinner.. Show Answ er Check 16) I don't recommend (take) the bus - it takes forever!.. Show Answ er Check 17) We hope (visit) Amsterdam next month.. Show Answ er Check 18) She suggested (go) to the museum.. Show Answ er Check 19) They plan 20) I don't want (start) college in the autumn.. Show Answ er (leave) yet.. 15 USED TO ESCOJA LA OPCION CORRECTA Y COMPLETE LAS ORACIONES used to Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of used to and the words in brackets. Use contractions where possible. used to didn't use to didn't use to Did they use to used to did you use to didn't use to used to 1. David Beckham 2. We play for Manchester United. have a computer, but we do now. 3. (they) work together? 4. That restaurant 5. She 6. Where 7. There 8. I be a clothes shop. like him, but now they're married. (you) go to school? be a police station here. like vegetables, but I do now. 5.ACTUANDO Se socializa el resultado de la evaluación y se realiza práctica de refuerzo en laboratorio de inglés desarrollando los ejercicios online del siguiente link: ELABORADO NOMBRE AURA CRISTINA PELAEZ CARGO EDUCADOR FIRMA FECHA REVISADO Y APROBADO NOMBRE HECTOR FELIX TUTISTAR CARGO COORDINADOR ACADEMICO FECHA FIRMA 16