Download UNIT 1: FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS Números naturales
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MATH VOCABULARY IES LA RIBERA UNIT 1: FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS Números naturales Whole numbers Múltiplo Multiple Divisible por… Divided by … Divisor Divisor Número primo Prime number Número compuesto Composite number Factorizar Factoring /Break a number down into its prime factors MCD GCD: Greatest Common Divisor MCM LCM: Least Common Multiple Números enteros Integer numbers Regla de los signos Sign rule Paréntesis Brackets Operaciones combinadas Combined operations Números racionales Rational numbers Fracciones Fractions Numerador Numerator Denominador Denominator 3/2 Three halfs /Three over two 5/3 Five thirds / Five over three 2/4 Two quarters / two over four 6/5 Six fifths / six over five Fracciones equivalentes Equivalent fractions Simplificar fracciones Simplify fractions Fracción irreducible Irreducible fraction Fracción propia Proper fraction Fracción impropia Improper fraction Reducir a común denominador To reduce to common denominator Números decimales Decimal numbers Décimas Tenths Centésimas Hundredths UNIT 1: FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS 3º ESO MATH VOCABULARY IES LA RIBERA Milésimas Thousandths 5.67 Five units and sixty-seven hundredths 53.467 Fifty-three point four six seven 53,467 Fifty-three thousand four hundred and sixty_six Recta numérica Number line De menor a mayor From least to greatest Decimal exacto Terminating decimal Decimal periódico puro Purely recurring decimal Decimal periódico mixto Mixed recurring decimal Periodo Period Proporcionalidad Proporcionality Regla de tres directa/inversa Direct/inverse Rule of three Regla de tres compuesta Compound rule of three Porcentaje Percentage Cantidad Amount Aumento porcentual Percentage increase Disminución porcentual Percentage decrease DEFINITIONS Prime number: A number that only can be divided by 1 and itself Composite number: A number with more than two divisors Factoring: GCD: Greatest Common Divisor LCM: Least Common Multiple Simplify fractions: Descomposition into a product of powers of prime numbers Multiplying all common primes raised to the smallest exponents Multiplying all primes (common or not) raised to the largest exponents Divide numerator and denominator into the same number Irreducible fraction: That can not be reduced any more Proper fraction: A fraction which numerator is smaller than the denominator Improper fraction: A fraction which numerator is greater than the denominator UNIT 1: FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS 3º ESO MATH VOCABULARY IES LA RIBERA UNIT 1: FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS 3º ESO