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COURSE SYLLABI Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí 1.COURSE NAME Algebra Workshop 2.THEORY HOURS PER WEEK COURSE NUMBER PRACTICE HOURS PER WEEK 2 Rojas Tinoco Maria Esperanza, Rojas Tinoco Maria Virginia, Sanchez García José Luis, Orejel Pajarito José Fernando, Milan Segovia Nohemi, Cruces Ríos Aide. 3.PROFESSOR´S NAME 4a.TEXT BOOK TITLE AUTHOR YEAR EDITORIAL Rojas Tinoco Maria Esperanza, Rojas Tinoco Maria Virginia, Sanchez García 20105 José Luis, Orejel Pajarito José Fernando, Milan Segovia Nohemi, Cruces Ríos Aide. Handbook of Algebra Workshop 4b.COMPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY TITLE Álgebra Bioestadistica Concepts of intermédiate Algebra. An early functions approach. Álgebra y trigonometría con geometría analítica AUTHOR EDITORIAL YEAR Aurelio Baldor Daniel Wayne 2011 2002 Patria Limusa David Gustafson 2008 Brooks/Cole Earl Swokowski, Jeffery Cole 2006 Thompson 5.SPECIFIC COURSE DESCRIPTION 5a.Brief description of course content To train the student in reasoning and problem solving of key Algebra to facilitate interaction between Algebra and the study of factual science. 5.b.PREREQUISITES 5.c. REQUIRED COURSE SELECTED ELECTIVE Yes NO 6.SPECIFIC COURSE OBJETIVES 6.a. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF INSTRUCTION To apply and to confirm the knowledge acquired in theory and to develope skills that allow students to manage the mathematical variables that define the problems related to factual science. 6.b.COURSE OUTCOMES ACCORDING TO CRITERION QFB: A(X) B(X) C( ) D(X) E( ) F(X) G(X) H( ) I(X) J( ) K(X) LQ: A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) F( ) G( ) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IBP: A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) F( ) G( ) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IA: A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) F( ) G( ) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IQ: A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) F( ) G( ) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) 7. LIST OF THEMES TO REVIEW DURING THE COURSE 1.- Measurement management systems and scientific notation. 2.- Factorization and Algebraic Fractions. 3. Algebraic Ecuations. 4.- Graphs 5.- Fitting a line. 6.- Exponential Functions. 7.- Logarithmic Functions.