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University School of Business Studies ERASMUS GUIDE for FOREIGN STUDENTS CENTER OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 35 INDEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INDEX HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION STUDY PLANS SOCRATES-ERASMUS STUDENTS EXCHANGE PROGRAMME x COORDINATORS FOR THE YEAR 2010-2011 x ARRIVAL CALENDAR FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS x HOLIDAYS x PRE-REGISTRATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS x ERASMUS INCOMING STUDENTS x REGISTRATION FORMS x EXAMS x COURSES OF SPANISH x ACCOMODATION STUDENTS SERVICES x LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES x COMPUTER LABORATORY OF THE SCHOOL BUSINESS STUDIES x SERVICE OF SPORT ACTIVITIES (S.A.D.U.S.) x UNIVERSITY WELFARE SERVICE (S.A.C.U.) VISITING STUDENTS RAMÓN Y CAJAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 36 36 37 39 40 42 55 55 57 57 57 58 58 60 61 62 64 64 65 65 66 68 69 HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES The predecessors of the commercial instruction seem to be were the Germans, creating at the end of the 18th century the first Schools of Trade, supported by businessmen, their courses included accounting, calculation of weight and measures, all the categories of commercial operations and correspondence. But up to the last third of the 19th century, there cannot be appreciated any decisive progresses in the commercial education. In Spain the career of trade was created in the middle of the 19th century with the Royal Decree of September 8th, 1850, Education being organized in the Institutes. Due to the practical utility of the profession, the Ministry of Promotion, by royal decree of August 11th, 1887, reorganizes the commercial educations, and creates the Schools of Trade. In the article 1 the above mentioned education is divided in elementary and high. Elementary Schools of Trade are established for teaching the degree of Mercantile Experts in Alicante, Bilbao, Corunna, Malaga, Seville, Valladolid and Saragossa; and High Schools of Trade for the same degree and that of Mercantile Teachers, in Barcelona and Madrid. The Royal Decree of August 31st, 1922 provoked a reorganization of the mercantile studies in the Schools of Trade. They were transformed in three degrees of educations: Elementary or Expert (with a preparatory period of two courses), Professional, and Top Technician. The highest degree included two specialties: Actuarial and Mercantile. The Schools, according to the degree of education that they were giving, were named Expert of Trade, Professional of Trade, and Higher Mercantile Studies. That of Seville was catalogued as Vocational school; the studies of Mercantile Expert and Mercantile Teacher were taught there. The career of trade has been improving in its content as the economic and administrative reality was demanding new knowledge, and in this evolution there appeared a series of study plans, which were adapted to the needs of the moment. In spite of the problems of all kinds that has had the career in its already more than centenary existence, it has triumphed in the area of the teaching, as well as in the administrative institutions, and in general, in all the manifestations of the wealth and national activities. Since the Vocational schools of Trade joined the Universities, with the denomination of University Schools of Business Studies, the business career takes a new direction. In the year 1953 the Law is promulgated on the Arrangement of the Economic and Commercial Studies, in which the legal requirements establish that the mercantile studies will comprise two periods: one of technical character and another university. The educations of the technical period would be offered in the Schools of Trade. The duration of the period was of six years distributed in three courses to obtain the Degree of Mercantile Expert, and other three, for the Degree of Mercantile Teacher. The studies of the university degree were taught in the Faculties of Political, Economic and Commercial Sciences (Economic and Commercial Department). The General Law of Education 14/1970, in its second transitory disposition, established that the Vocational schools of Trade would join the University as University Schools. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 37 By Resolution of the Management Department of Universities and Investigation, of July 19th, 1975 (BOE of September 12th), the first study plan of the Diplomatura in Business Studies of the EUEE of the University of Seville was approved, modified as refers to the specialties by an order of July 4, 1982 (BOE of August 21st ). The need of adjustment to the new legislative, academic and labor environment has led to modifying the plans of study of this Diplomatura in two occasions more. So, the first reform took place after the Resolution of the University of Seville of January 14, 1997 (BOE of February 17th). Finally, in the year 2002 the Resolution of the University of Seville (June 17th) was published in BOE, for that the study plan that is used at present is adopted. After having been published the R.D. 604/1996 of April 15th (BOE of April 26th), in 1999 the official university degree of Diplomatura in Tourism is taught at the University School. It was a Resolution of September, 2nd (BOE of September 22nd), which ordered the publication of the study plan conducive to the obtaining of the degree. In the European Area of Higher Education, the English language is the common and basic instrument of communication, and in this frame the University School of Business Studies (EUEE) of the University of Seville decided to offer to its students the possibility of an academic career in English. Starting from the academic course 03/04, the EUEE has initiated the teaching of the Diplomatura in Business Sciences with a considerable part of the subjects in English. The offer of this program has given an added value to the qualification of the students and to the academic center. Six years later we face the challenge of it being transformed to fit the new Degree in Finance and Accounting that at present are taught at the School, starting from the course 09/10. Joining in the European Area of Higher Education, in 2009 the School began the introduction of the degrees of a Grade in Finance and Accounting and in Tourism for the students of the first course. The qualification of the degree authorizes to develop a professional career of a higher formative level of university type. At present the University School of Business Studies of the University of Seville is a Public Center dedicated to the Higher education in managerial and tourist themes. The formation of our students in these topics and the support to their professional integration once finished the studies, constitute the raison d'être of our organization. Simultaneously we work to obtain a more modern, just, free and developed society, in that the organizations are competitive inside a context of globalization and could give products and quality services to the citizens. Consequence of it, our pupils have been and are, certainly, qualified due to their good preparation and high technical quality. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 38 INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION The following professors compose the Government team of the School: Director: Dr. JOSÉ LUIS JIMÉNEZ CABALLERO Vicedirector of Academic Area and Plans of Study: Dra. MACARENA SACRISTÁN DÍAZ Vicedirector of International Affairs: Dra. Mª. DEL ROSARIO GONZÁLEZ RODRÍGUEZ Vicedirector of Internship and Institutional Relations: Dra. PILAR FUENTES Vicedirector of Academic Innovation: Dr. ÁLVARO RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ Vicedirector of Quality, Economic Management and Inraestructure: Dr. JOAQUÍN TRAVERSO CORTÉS Secretary: Dr. JOSÉ ANTONIO CAMÚÑEZ RUIZ WEB UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLE WEB EUEE WEB Center of International Affairs INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS University School of Business Studies: VICEDIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Mª Rosario González Rodríguez Tel/Fax: 954 55 75 46, 954 55 16 39 E-mail: Monday 9:00-12:00. Friday 11:30-14:00 a.m. CHIEF SECRETARY Mª José Rodríguez Marfil Tel/Fax: 954 55 16 04, 954 55 16 12 E-mail: SUPPORT ASSISTANT Tel/Fax: 954 55 16 22 / 12 954 55 16 12 E-mail: Monday to Wednesday de 9:00- 14:00 a.m. Thursday and Friday 9:00 -12:00 a.m. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 39 DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION The departments are the basic elements ordered to organize and develop the research and the lessons of their areas or area of knowledge in one or several Schools, Higher Technical Schools, University Schools, as well as in other centers that can be created legally. The Departments that have educational and investigating responsibility in the University School of Business Studies are the following: Marketing http: // Tel: 954557575 Accounting and Financial Economics http: //www. Tel: 954557616 Administrative Law and International Public Law and International Affairs (Situated at the Law Faculty) Teléfono de Secretaría: 954551248/56 Labor Law and Social Security (Situated at the Law Faculty) Tel: 954551242 Financial and Tax Law (Situated at the Law Faculty) http: // Tel: 954551324 Trade Law (Situated at the Law Faculty) Tel: 954551243 Applied Economics I http: // Tel: 954557547 Applied Economics III http: // Tel: 954557512 Financial Economics and Management http: // Tel: 954557624 English Filology (Situated at the Linguistics Faculty) Tel: 954551516 Economic Theory and Economic Politics Tel: 954557538 Social Anthropology (Situated at the History and Geography Faculty) Tel: 954551597 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 40 German Filology (Situated at the Linguistics Faculty) http: // Tel: 954551562 French Filology (Situated at the Linguistics Faculty) http: // Tel: 954551510 Phisical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis (Situated at the History and Geography Faculty) Tel: 954551366 Art History (Situated at the History and Geography Faculty) Tel: 954551465 Sociology (Situated at the Pedagogy Faculty) http: // Tel: 954551751 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 41 STUDY PLANS At present there the academical offer of the University School of Business Studies consists of four academic degrees: x Degree in Business Sciences (Diplomatura en Ciencias Empresariales (Plan 2002)) x Degree in Tourism (Diplomatura en Turismo (Plan 1999)) x Degree in Finance and Accounting (Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad (Plan 2009) ) x Degree in Tourism (Grado en Turismo (Plan 2009)) The two first degrees (the degrees of Diplomatura) will cease their existence. In the academic year 2009/10 the subjects of the 2nd and 3rd year are taught, in the academic year 2010/11 only the subjects of the 3rd year will persist, in the year 2011/12 these degrees will extinguish. As regards the degrees of Diplomatura, they have a structure of a unique cycle of three years of study. The Diplomatura syllabus includes different types of subjects: The university studies are defined by an actual study plan that contemplates four types of subjects defined as follows: · Main Subjects: They are subjects of obligatory studying for the obtaining of the degree. · Compulsory Subjects: Subjects established by the University where they are offered, the student must pass them obligatorily for the obtaining of the degree. · Optional Subjects: Subjects that the student can choose among, those that are offered in a particular year of studies as a kind of specialization, as a whole a student must pass the number of credits that are demanded according to the Study plan. Therefore, they are the subjects aimed at the vocational and professional specialization of the student. · Subjects of Free Configuration: Besides the previous category of subjects, the student must overcome a number of credits in subjects of free choice to obtain the degree of Graduate. They are subjects that complete adequately his/her training. Joining in the European Area of Higher Education, in 2009 the School began the introduction of the degrees in Finance and Accounting and in Tourism for the students of the new first course. The qualification of the degree authorizes to develop a professional career that requires a formative level of university type. At the same time, the teaching of the subjects of the Diplomatura ceases. For this motive, the foreign students will be able to enroll for the subjects of the Diplomatura (in Business Studies or in Tourism) or Degree (in Finance and Accounting or in Tourism) in the following way: Academic Year 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 The course of enrollment of the Diplomatura 3rd - UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES The course of enrollment of the Grade (Grado) 1st, 2nd 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (the whole career) Page 42 DEGREE IN BUSINESS STUDIES (DIPLOMATURA) The Study plan of the Diplomatura in Business Sciences is constructed as the unique cycle with a total academic load of 207 credits (according to the current study plan, a credit is equivalent to 10 hours of theoretical and / or practical classes). The main and compulsory subjects in this Diplomatura suppose a load of 54 ' 35 % and of 16 ' 67 %, respectively. The optional ones suppose 18 ' 84 % of the educational load of the career, whereas those of free configuration suppose 10 ' 14 % of credits. Degree Syllabus First Year: • Investigación y Comercialización (Marketing) • Economía Española y Mundial (World and Spanish Economy) • Economía Política (Political Economy) • Matemáticas (Mathematics) • Introducción al Derecho Empresarial (Fundamentals of Commercial Law) • Gestión de Empresas (Business Management) • Estadística (Statistics) • Fundamentos de la Contabilidad Financiera (Fundamentals of Accounting) • Historia Económica (Economic History) • Inglés Empresarial (English for Business) Second Year: • Contabilidad Financiera (Financial Accounting) • Derecho Mercantil (Commercial Law) • Dirección Financiera (Financial Control) • Informática Aplicada a la Gestión de la Empresa (Computer Software for Management) • Administración y Dirección (Management and Organization) • Matemáticas Financieras (Financial Mathematics) • Dirección y Gestión de la Producción I (Operations Management I) • Gestión de la Calidad (Quality Management) • Microeconomía (Microeconomics) • Derecho Administrativo (Public Law) • Macroeconomía (Macroeconomics) • Estadística para las Matemáticas Actuariales (Statistics for Actuarial Mathematics) Third Year: • Contabilidad de Costes (Cost Accounting) • Derecho Tributario (Tax Law) • Derecho del Trabajo (Labour Law) • Política Comercial (Trade Policy) • Técnicas y Métodos de Racionalización Administrativa I (Techniques and Methods of Administrative Rationalisation I) • Gestión Exterior (International Relations Management) • Contabilidad Pública (Public Accounting) UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 43 • Matemáticas Actuariales (Actuarial Mathematics) • Introducción a la Auditoria Financiera (Introduction to Financial Auditing) • Análisis de los Estados Financieros (Financial Statement Analysis) • Contabilidad Fiscal (Tax Accounting) • Dirección y Gestión de la Producción II (Operations Management II) • Gestión Financiera (Financial Management) • Técnicas y Métodos de Racionalización Administrativa II (Techniques and Methods of Administrative Rationalisation II) • Creación de Empresas (Creating a New Business) • Distribución Comercial (Commercial Distribution) • Procedimiento Tributario (Taxation Precedure) Starting from the academic course 03/04, the EUEE has initiated the teaching of the Diplomatura in Business Sciences with a considerable part of the subjects in English. The offer of this program has given an added value to the qualification of the students and to the academic center. As it has been commented, with respect to the enrollment process in the academic year 2010-2011 it will only be possible to choose the subjects of the third year, among which 2 subjects can be studied in English: Subjects Taught in English: Third Year DERECHO TRIBUTARIO (TAX LAW) CONTABILIDAD DE COSTES (COST ACCOUNTING) Subjects of the 3rd year of the career (available for the enrollment in the academic year 2010/2011) are the following: Code Subject Credits Term 1170013 Contabilidad de Costes (Cost Accounting) Derecho Tributario (Tax Law) Derecho del Trabajo (Labour Law) Política Comercial (Trade Policy) 9 Annual Academic Type Main 6 1st Main 4,5 2nd Main 6 2nd Main Técnicas y Métodos de Racionalización Administrativa I (Techniques and Methods of Administrative Rationalisation I) Gestión Exterior (International Relations 6 1st Compulsory 4,5 2nd Optional 1170015 1170014 1170016 1170020 1170034 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Department Contabilidad y Economía Financiera Derecho Financiero y Tributario Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Page 44 Code Subject Credits Term Academic Type Management) 1170030 Department Investigación de Mercados Contabilidad y Economía Financiera Economía Aplicada I Contabilidad Pública (Public Accounting) Matemáticas Actuariales (Actuarial Mathematics) Introducción a la Auditoría Financiera (Introduction to Financial Auditing) Análisis de los Estados Financieros (Financial Statements Analysis) Contabilidad Fiscal (Tax Accounting) Dirección y Gestión de la Producción II (Operations Management II) Gestión Financiera (Financial Management) Técnicas y Métodos de Racionalización Administrativa II (Techniques and Methods of Administrative Rationalisation II) Creación de Empresas (Creating a New Business) 4,5 1st Optional 4,5 1st Optional 4,5 1st Optional Contabilidad y Economía Financiera 4,5 2nd Optional Contabilidad y Economía Financiera 4,5 2nd Optional 4,5 1st Optional Contabilidad y Economía Financiera Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 4,5 1st Optional Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 4,5 2nd Optional Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 4,5 2nd Optional 1170033 Distribución Comercial (Commercial Distribution) 4,5 1st Optional 1170038 Procedimiento Tributario (Taxation Procedure) 4,5 2nd Optional Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Derecho Financiero y Tributario 1170037 1170036 1170028 1170029 1170032 1170035 1170039 1170031 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 45 DEGREE IN TOURISM (DIPLOMATURA) The Study plan of the Diplomatura in Tourism is constructed as the unique cycle with a total academic load of 207 credits (according to the current study plan, a credit is equivalent to 10 hours of theoretical and / or practical classes). The main and compulsory subjects in this Diplomatura suppose a load of 50 % and of 20 ' 28 %, respectively. The optional ones suppose 19 ' 56 % of the educational load of the career, whereas those of free configuration suppose 10 ' 14 % of credits. The University of Seville offered in the academic year 1999-2000 the option of specialization Tourism + Languages. This option can be chosen by any student of the Diplomatura of Tourism as an additional module, that is to say, the students will be able to choose between completing his/her academic curriculum only according to the Study plan of Tourism, obtaining in this way only the degree of Graduate in Tourism or, by the other hand, to study several additional subjects at the Institute of Languages. The credits of the subjects of the language/s chosen within the option Tourism + Languages will be recognized in the Study plan of Graduate in Tourism up to a maximum of 21 credits of Free Configuration and 9 credits of optional subjects. Every language will have an academic load of 12 credits in each of three years of the Diplomatura. The languages will be given according to the timetable compatible with other subjects of the career. Degree Syllabus First Year: • Organización y Gestión de Empresas (Corporate Organization and Management) • Contabilidad (Accounting) • Planificación Territorial del Turismo a Diferentes Escalas (Tourism Territorial Planning at Different Scales) • Introducción a la Economía (Fundamentals of Economics) • Patrimonio Cultural Etnológico (Ethnological Cultural Heritage) • Fundamentos de Marketing (Fundamentals of Marketing) • Estructura de Mercados (Market Structure) • Tipologías de Espacios Turísticos (Typologies of Tourism Areas) Second Year: • Derecho Privado del Empresario Turístico (Private Law for Tourism Entrepreneurs) • Contabilidad para la Gestión Turística (Management Accounting in the Tourism Industry) • Operaciones y Procesos de Producción (Operations and Processes Management) • Historia de los Estilos Artísticos (History of Artistic Styles) • Gestión Financiera en el Sector TurísticoI (Financial Management in the Tourism Industry I) • Dirección y Gestión de Producción en el Sector Turístico I (Operations Management I) • Estadística Descriptiva para el Turismo (Descriptive Statistics for Tourism) • Gestión de Personal (Human Resource Management ) • Publicidad y Promoción del Turismo (Tourism Advertising and Trade Promotion) • Antropología del Turismo (Tourism Anthropology) • Economía del Turismo en Andalucía (Tourism Economy in Andalusia) • Análisis Geográfico del Turismo en Andalucía (Geographical Analysis of Tourism in Andalusia) UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 46 • Patrimonio Artístico Andaluz y Turismo (Andalusian Artistic Cultural Heritage and Tourism) • Investigación de Mercados Turísticos (Market Research in Tourism) • Sociología del Turismo en Andalucía (Sociology of Tourism in Andalusia) • Matemáticas de las Operaciones Financieras (Mathematics of Financial Operations) Third Year: • Practicum (Internship) • Derecho Administrativo (Public Law) • Idioma (Inglés) (English) • Idioma (Francés) (French) • Idioma (Alemán) (German) • Gestión Informatizada de los Servicios Turísticos (Computerized Management of the Tourism Services) • Gestión de la Calidad del Sector Turístico (Quality Management in Tourism) • Sistema Turístico de Sevilla (The Seville Tourism System) • Gestión Financiera en el Sector Turístico II (Financial Management in the Tourism IndustryII) • Dirección y Gestión de Producción en el Sector Turístico II (Operations Management in Tourism II) • Dirección Estratégica de Organizaciones Turísticas (Strategic Management of Tourism Companies) • Derecho del Trabajo (Labour Law) • Ampliación Idioma (Inglés) (English Advanced) • Ampliación Idioma (Francés) (French Advanced) • Ampliación Idioma (Alemán) (German Advanced) • Dirección y Gestión de Producción III (control) (Operations Management III (Control)) • Creación de Organizaciones Turísticas (Creating a New Tourism Business) • Derecho Tributario (Tax Law) • Control de Gestión (Management Control) As it has been commented, with respect to the enrollment process in the academic year 2010-2011, it will only be possible to choose the subjects of the third year: Code Subject Credits Term 1010028 Derecho Administrativo (Public Law) Idioma (Inglés) (English) Idioma (Francés) (French) Idioma (Alemán) (German) Gestión Informatizada de los Servicios Turísticos (Computerized Management of Tourism Services) 7,5 1010030 1010032 1010034 1010036 1st Academic Type Main Derecho Administrativo 6 1st Main Filología Inglesa 6 1st Main Filología Francesa 6 1st Main Filología Alemana 6 2nd Compulsory Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Department Page 47 Code Subject Credits Term 1010035 Gestión de la Calidad del Sector Turístico (Quolity Management in Tourism) 6 2nd Academic Type Compulsory 1010042 Sistema Turístico de Sevilla (The Seville Tourism System) Gestión Financiera en el Sector Turístico II (Financial Management in the Tourism Industry II ) Dirección y Gestión de Producción en el Sector Turístico II (Operations Management in Tourism II) Dirección Estratégica de Organizaciones Turísticas (Strategic Management of Tourism Companies) Derecho del Trabajo (Labour Law) Ampliación Idioma (Inglés) (Advanced English) Ampliación Idioma (Francés) (Advanced French) Ampliación Idioma (Alemán) (Advanced German) Dirección y Gestión de Producción III (control) (Operations Management in Tourism III (Control)) Creación de Organizaciones Turísticas (Creating a New Tourism Business) Derecho Tributario (Tax Law) Control de Gestión (Management Control) 4,5 1st Optional 4,5 1st Optional 4,5 1st Optional Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 4,5 1st Optional 4,5 1st Optional 1st Optional Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Filología Inglesa 4,5 1st Optional Filología Francesa 4,5 1st Optional Filología Alemana 4,5 2nd Optional Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 4,5 2nd Optional 4,5 2nd Optional 4,5 2nd Optional Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Derecho Financiero y Tributario Contabilidad y Economía Financiera 1010040 1010039 1010038 1010037 1010044 1010046 1010048 1010051 1010049 1010050 1010022 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Department Administración de Empresa y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones Page 48 DEGREE IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (GRADO) After being introduced in the academic year 03/04 the Diplomatura in Business Sciences with a considerable part of the subjects in English, at present the School faces the challenge of it being transformed to fit the new Degree in Finance and Accounting that at present is taught at the School, starting from the academic year 09/10. During the year 2009/10 the following subjects of the Degree in Finance and Accounting of the first academic year are taught in English: First Term Second Term Fundamentals of Accounting Cost Accounting Fundamentos de Contabilidad Contabilidad de Costes Introduction to Economics Microeconomics Introducción a la Economía Microeconomía Mathematics Matemáticas Together with the introduction of a new Degree in Finance and Accounting, other subjects will be offered in English. The academic offer of the subjects taught in English in the year 2010/11 can be consulted in June, 2010. For more information, contact Ignacio Sanchez Palencia: Telephone: 954 554 323 (from 9 to 14 a.m.) E-mail: Degree Syllabus: FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM Subjects Fundamentos de Contabilidad Fundamentals of Accounting Matemáticas Mathematics Fundamentos de Dirección de Operaciones Fundamentals of Operations Management Fundamentos de Economía de la Empresa Fundamentals of Business Economics Introducción a la Economía Introduction to Economics Total UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES SECOND TERM ECTS 6 6 6 6 6 30 Subjects ECTS Contabilidad de Costes Cost Accounting Introducción a las Finanzas Introduction to Finance Historia Económica Economic History Microeconomía Microeconomics Derecho Mercantil Commercial Law Total 6 6 6 6 6 30 Page 49 SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Macroeconomía Macroeconomics Contabilidad Financiera I Financial Accounting I Sistemas y Mercados Financieros Financial Systems and Markets Régimen Fiscal de la Empresa Corporate Tax System Dirección y Organización Management and Organisation Total Subjects 6 ECTS Contabilidad Financiera II Financial Accounting II Marketing Marketing Estadística I Statistics I Contabilidad para la Gestión Management Accounting Matemáticas Financieras Financial Mathematics Total 6 6 6 6 30 6 6 6 6 6 30 THIRD YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Subjects ECTS 6 Finanzas de la Empresa a Corto Plazo Short-Term Business Finance Valoración de Empresas Firm Valuation Análisis de Estados Financieros I Financial Statement Analysis I Introducción a la Auditoría Introduction to Auditing Responsabilidad Social y Ética Empresarial Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Total 6 Planificación Financiera de la Empresa Business Financial Planning Estadística II Statistics II Sistemas de Información para las Finanzas y la Contabilidad Information Systems for Finance & Accounting Mercados Financieros Derivados Derivatives Market Consolidación de Estados Contables Consolidation of Accounting Statements 6 6 6 6 Total 30 6 6 6 6 30 FORTH YEAR FIRST TERM Subjects SECOND TERM ECTS Subjects ECTS 6 Optativas 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 (se recomienda cursar dos optativas en este semestre) Elective courses # 1,2,6,8, 9,11,12,15 (ideally two elective courses should be taken during this semester) Prácticas o Plan de Empresa Internship or Business Plan Proyecto Fin de Grado Degree Dissertation 12 Creación de Empresas Creating a New Business Análisis de Estados Financieros II Financial Statement Analysis II Optativas 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14 (se recomienda cursar tres optativas en este semestre) UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES 6 18 Page 50 12* 6 FORTH YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Subjects ECTS Elective courses # 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14 (ideally three elective courses should be taken during this semester) Total 30 Total 30 No. OPTIONAL No. OPTIONAL ECTS Gestión Bancaria Bank Management 3 Finanzas Internacionales International Finance Contabilidad Fiscal Tax Accounting Control de Gestión Management Control 4 5 7 10 13 14 PYMES y Gestión de la Calidad SME’s and Quality Management Derecho del Mercado Financiero Financial Market Law Elementos Actuariales y Probabilísticos en la Valoración del Riesgo Actuarial and Probabilistic Elements in Risk Valuation 6 1 6 2 6 6 6 8 6 9 6 11 12 6 15 ECTS Técnicas y Métodos de Racionalización Administrativa (TMRA) Techniques and Methods of Administrative Rationalisation Simulación Empresarial Business Simulation Auditoría Financiera Financial Auditing Gestión de Costes Laborales Labour Costs Management Gestión de Recursos Humanos y Habilidades Directivas Human Resources Management and Management Skills Marketing Financiero Financial Marketing Inglés para las Finanzas y la Contabilidad English for Finance and Accounting 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fiscalidad de los Productos Financieros Financial Products Taxation 6 DEGREE IN TOURISM (GRADO) Degree Syllabus: FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM Subjects Economía I Economics I El Turismo en el Mundo Actual Tourism Today Fundamentos de Contabilidad Fundamentals of Accounting Introducción a las Finanzas Introduction to Finance UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES SECOND TERM ECTS Subjects ECTS 6 Economía II Economics II Patrimonio Cultural Histórico y Artístico Historical & Artistic Cultural Heritage Marketing Turístico Marketing in Tourism Patrimonio Cultural Etnológico Ethnological Cultural Heritage 6 6 6 6 Page 51 6 6 6 FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM Subjects Empresas y Organizaciones Turísticas Tourism Companies and Organisations Total SECOND TERM ECTS 6 30 Subjects ECTS Tipologías de Espacios Turísticos Typologies of Tourism Areas Total 6 30 SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM Subjects Estadística Statistics Inglés I para Turismo English for Tourism I SECOND TERM ECTS Subjects ECTS 6 Estructura de Mercados Market Structure Dirección y Organización de Empresas Turísticas Management & Organisation of Tourism Companies Territorio, Turismo y Desarrollo Sostenible Territory, Tourism & Sustainable Development Alemán Turístico I/ Francés Turístico I German for Tourism I or French for Tourism I 6 6 Introducción al Derecho del Turismo Introduction to Tourism Law 6 Dirección de Operaciones en Organizaciones Turísticas I Operations Management in Tourism Organisations I Contabilidad para la Gestión en el Sector Turístico Management Accounting in the Tourism Industry Total 6 6 6 6 6 Derecho Privado del Empresario Turístico Private Law for Tourism Entrepreneurs 6 30 Total 30 THIRD YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación Information and Communication Technologies Alemán Turístico II /Francés Turístico II German for Tourism II or French for Tourism II 6 Gestión de los Recursos Humanos en el Sector Turístico Human Resource Management in the UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES 6 6 Subjects ECTS Dirección de Operaciones en Organizaciones Turísticas II Operations Management in Tourism Organisations II Derecho Administrativo del Sector Turístico Administrative Law for the Tourism Industry Dirección Estratégica de Organizaciones Turísticas Strategic Management of Tourism Page 52 6 6 6 THIRD YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Tourist Industry Investigación de Mercados Turísticos Market Research in Tourism Subjects Organisations Análisis Geográfico del Turismo en Andalucía Geographical Analysis of Tourism in Andalusia Inglés II para Turismo English for Tourism II Total 6 Políticas Públicas en el Sector Turístico Public Policies in the Tourist Industry Total ECTS 6 30 6 6 30 FORTH YEAR FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Subjects ECTS Inglés III para Turismo English for Tourism III Optativas 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13 (Se recomienda elegir 4 en este cuatrimestre) Elective courses # 1,2,3,4,6,10,13 (ideally four elective courses should be taken during this semester) Subjects 6 ECTS Creación de Empresas Turísticas Creating a New Tourism Business Trabajo Fin de Grado Degree Dissertation 24 6 6 Total Practicum Internship Optativas 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 (Se recomienda elegir 1 en este cuatrimestre) Elective courses # 5,8,9,11,12,14,15 (ideally one elective course should be taken during this semester) Total 30 12 6 30 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS 1 2 3 4 Control de Costes y Control Presupuestario en 5 Sector Turístico Cost & Budget Control in the Tourism Industry 8 Ampliación de Alemán Advanced German Ampliación de Francés Advanced French Informática Aplicada al Turismo Computing Applied to Tourism UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES 9 11 Finanzas a Corto Plazo Short-term Finance Análisis Cuantitativo de las Operaciones Bancaria las Empresas Turísticas Quantitative Analysis of Bank Transactions in Tourism Companies Regiones Turísticas Españolas Spanish Tourism Regions Antropología del Turismo y Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural Etnológico Page 53 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS Tourism Anthropology and Management of Ethnological Cultural Heritage 6 7 10 13 Derecho del Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales e 12 Empresas Turísticas Labour Law and Labour Relations in Tourism Companies 14 Arte y Turismo Cultural Art and Cultural Tourism Sistema Turístico de Sevilla The Seville Tourism System 15 Sociología del Turismo Sociology of Tourism Publicidad y Promoción Comercial del Turismo Tourism Advertising and Trade Promotion Régimen Fiscal de la Empresa Turística Corporate Tax System for Tourism Companies Gestión Integrada de la Calidad en el Turismo Integrated Quality Management in Tourism UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 54 SOCRATES-ERASMUS STUDENTS EXCHANGE PROGRAMME University School of Business Studies of the University of Seville has remarkable relations with national and foreign Higher Educational Establishments. Perhaps the clearest example of those links with other Universities is the high number of students that our School exchanges every year with Institutions of almost every European country. These exchanges, coordinated institutionally by the Vicedirector of International Affairs with the collaboration of the academic coordinators, are mainly aimed for students of the last courses of the degrees. Erasmus students are welcome to ask for information and solve doubts with the academic coordinator responsible for the Agreement with the particular University. Information about the Universities, with which the University School of Business Studies of the University of Seville has signed the agreements of exchange, can be consulted on the following web pages: Degree in Business Sciences: Degree in Tourism: COORDINATORS FOR THE YEAR 2010-2011 ACADEMIC TUTOR TEL/FAX ALFALLA LUQUE, RAFAELA 954556456 ,954557570 CABELLO ANDRÉS, NURIA DE LA TORRE GALLEGOS, ANTONIO ESCOBAR MONTERO, MANUELA FERNÁNDEZ TABALES, ALFONSO GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Mª ROSA GÓMEZ MORENO, JUAN GONZÁLEZ LIMÓN, MIRYAM GONZÁLEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Mª ROSARIO JIMÉNEZ CABALLERO, JOSÉ LUIS MARTOS RAOS, JOSÉ JAVIER MEDINA LÓPEZ, CARMEN PALACÍN SÁNCHEZ, MªJOSÉ PÉREZ LÓPEZ, JOSÉ ANGEL RAMÍREZ GÁLVEZ, BELÉN E-MAIL DEPARTMENT Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954556131 Filología francesa 954557626, 954557570 Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954551627, 95455 1612 Filología Inglesa 954551628, 95.455.69.88 Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional 954551616, 954557570 Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954551691, 95455 1612 Filología Inglesa 954557524, 954556638 Teoría Económica y Economía Política 954557546, 954551639 Economía Aplicada I 954559533, 954551612 Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954553828, 954552876 Filología Alemana 954556456 954557570 Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954557621, 954557570 Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones 954556051, 954557569 Contabilidad y Economía Financiera 954551546, 954551516 Filología Inglesa UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 55 ROBUSTILLO BAYÓN, EVA RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ, ÁLVARO SACRISTÁN DÍAZ, MACARENA 954550982 Filología francesa 954557640 954 556 850 Sociología 954556968 Economía Financiera y SÁNCHEZ BARRIOS, MARIANO 954556062, 954551612 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Dirección de Operaciones Contabilidad Page 56 SÓCRATES-ERASMUS PROGRAMME ARRIVAL CALENDAR FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS It is recommendable for the students to organize their arrival at the following dates, in order to facilitate their accommodation: First semester: second fortnight of September Second semester: first fortnight of February Courses will start the last week of September. The period of studies in each term is the following: First four-month period: at the end of September to 15 of February Second four-month period: 15 of February to the end of July Holidays: 12th of October: Fiesta de la Hispanidad (National) 1st of November: Fiesta de Todos los Santos (National) 6th of December: Día de la Constitución (National) 8th of December: Día de la Inmaculada (Autonomous) 20th of Dec-8th of Jan: Christmas Holidays 28th of January: San Tomás de Aquino (Academic) 28th of February: Día de Andalucía (Autonomous) Spring Holidays de Semana Santa Spring Feria de Sevilla (Local) 1st May Fiesta del Trabajo (National) 30th May San Fernando (Local) 21st July-31st August Summer Holidays PRE-REGISTRATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS For the next academic year, Erasmus students will have to register on-line at the following Internet web pages: - link "Estudiantes" or "Universidad Virtual". - link "Información para Estudiantes Extranjeros". The application will accept the requests in case of availability according to the bilateral Sócrates-Erasmus agreement subscribed by the University of Seville with each University for the current academic course. In case a vacant place exists, when the student fills in the Pre-Registration Form and submits it, a message will appear on the screen notifying the provisional admission. Besides, the student will receive a confirmation in the e-mail address indicated in the form, enclosing a copy of the application. Otherwise, if there are no vacant places, a message will appear communicating that the student must get into contact with the International Relations Office of the sending University and the receiving University. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 57 For the definitive admission, the student will have to print the Pre-Registration Form and, once signed by the Institutional Coordinator of the sending University, send it by ordinary mail in a maximum term of 15 days with two photos to the Service of "Oficina de Movilidad Internacional" C/ San Fernando, nº 4, C.P. 41004, Sevilla. At the moment this Office receives the Pre-Registration Form, filled in and signed properly, it will send back to the student´s address all the necessary forms to make the SocratesErasmus exchange. ERASMUS INCOMING STUDENTS Students will register at Oficina de Movilidad Internacional Rectorado Universidad de Sevilla C/ San Fernando, 4 Tel: 954.55.10.51 Fax: 954.55.10.23 Students will have to provide the following documentation: 1. - Letter of the Coordinator of the University of origin certifying that the student was selected for a Socrates/Erasmus scholarship at the University of Seville 2. - Health insurance or E-111 Form of the European Community for medical assistance 3. - Two photos 4. - Photocopy of the passport or the identity card When all the documents are processed, the International Relations Office will provide to the student: Student Card, Foreign Student Guide, Certificate of Inscription and forms for that goal. Finally, the student must contact with the academic coordinator who is responsible for the exchange programme in Seville, who will inform about all the academic matters: Plans and Syllabus of the subjects, schedules, evaluation system. This teacher will contact the student and his/her University. REGISTRATION FORMS In the International Relations Office of the University School of Managerial Studies, students must provide the Inscription Form fulfilled properly, writing clearly the subjects which will be attended in the University of Seville. This form must be signed and stamped by the Vicedirector of International Relations of the School. Deadline for giving it in, is October 31st for the students of the first semester, and March 15th for those of the second one. It will be not admitted out of this deadline, neither will be admitted changes in the selected subjects. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 58 The students can choose any subject of any course and in the amount they decide, subjects of the School of Business Studies, or any other degree that is offered in another Centre of the University of Seville, except for the activities of Free Configuration that are excluded from the registration for the foreign students. Students will be allowed to choose any subject of the University of Seville, except those with the limitation of vacant places. For all the students it is compulsory to make the inscription at least of one subject of the University School of Business Studies. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 59 EXAMS The examinations of the subjects submitted at the first semester (October/February) will take place: 1st examination: examinations in the month of February. 2nd examination: examinations in the month of September. The examinations of annual subjects or subjects of the second semester period (February/June) will take place: 1st examination: examinations in the month of June. 2nd examination: examinations in the month of September. CERTIFICATES The grades of the subjects that the students have passed will be sent directly to the coordinators of the universities of origin in the month of May, for the first semester period, and in September for the second semester of each academic course. Oficina de Movilidad Internacional Rectorado Universidad de Sevilla Tlf: 954.55.10.51 Fax: 954.55.70.53 GRADES SCALE Grades by name Grades by number Matrícula de honor ECTS 10 A 9 – 10 A Notable 8 B Notable 7 C Aprobado 6 D Aprobado 5 E Sobresaliente Suspenso UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES 0 – 4.9 F Page 60 COURSES OF SPANISH There are two possibilities to learn Spanish language in the University of Seville: x INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES COURSES Institute of Foreign Languages offers free Spanish courses for the official students with Socrates/Erasmus scholarships. For it, students they have to deliver the concrete form and the Socrates-Erasmus student card. There are courses in both semesters, in four different levels. They will have to do a compulsory test in order to confirm their level of Spanish. Calendar: First Period: October-January. Inscription deadline at the end of September. Second Period: February-May. Inscription deadline at the end of January. Timetable: Two times weekly, 90 minutes each one. For further information: Instituto de Idiomas Avda. Reina Mercedes, s/n. 41012 Sevilla Tlf: 954.55.11.56 Fax: 954.55.14.50. x AUTUMN COURSES Every year in the month of September Philology and History-Geography Faculties manage these courses. One of those is an Intensive Spanish Course, containing 10 hours per week of Grammar and Oral Skills. The courses have two different levels: 1.- Hispanic Studies for Foreign Students: - Spanish for Foreigners: Spanish Language classes (40 hours) that will be taught in three different level. - Spanish and Andalusian Culture Studies: Several conferences taught by teachers of the University of Seville about Spanish Literature, History, Geography, Arts and others aspects of the Spanish and Andalusian Culture. 2.- Advanced Spanish Studies Courses: Orientated to students (Spaniards and foreigners) with University studies in which take part several monographic seminars of one week of duration each one. Further information: Office of Courses for Foreigners, Faculties of Filology. C/ Palos de la Frontera, s/n. 41004 Sevilla Tlf: 954.55.14.93 Fax: 954.55.13.43. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 61 ACCOMODATION University of Seville can recommend different kinds of housing. x UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES AND COLLEGES These are the types of housing preferred by new students in Seville. It is necessary to request a place at least four months before arrival. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCIES AND COLLEGES / ADRESSES TELEPHONE RAMON CARANDE 954.55.68.00 ÁMESE RODRIGO 954.48.58.88 ALMONTE 954.62.16.11 SAN UAN BOSCO 954.41.30.61 ALBORAN 954.61.57.50 LA LUZ 954.38.33.11 STA.Mª DEL BUEN AIRE 955.72.70.00 GUADAIRA 954.61.41.00 LOS BERMEJALES 954.23.92.43 VIRGEN DE LA SOLEDAD 954.90.14.64 HERMANAS TRINITARIAS C/Padre Méndez Casariego 2,41003 Sevilla 954.42.03.51 SAGRADO CORAZON Avda Reino Unido s/n, 41012 Sevilla 954.29.92.63 BEATRIZ DE SUABIA C/Beatriz de Suabia, 162 41005 Sevilla 954.63.43.90 PALMERA REAL Ctra. Sevilla-Utrera Km.2,5. 41089 Sevilla 954.12.41.11 SANTA ANA 954.22.71.56 MARIA INMACULADA C/Jesús de la Veracruz, 10.41002 Sevilla 954.21.73.01 REYES CATÓLICOS C/Reyes Católicos,11 Sevilla 954.22.22.03 SANTA ANA.Apartamentos 954.22.71.56 ESMERALDA C/Tesorero,7. 41640 Osuna-Sevilla 955.82.10.73 x PRIVATE APARTMENTS The information about the offer of private apartments to rent individually or to share with other Spanish or foreign students can be obtained at: UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 62 University Welfare Service Pavilion of Uruguay Avda. de Chile, s/n Tlf: 954.48.60.14 Fax: 954.48.60.20 To receive information about accommodation it is necessary to fulfill a form available in and send back to the fax number +34 954.48.60.20 Besides, it is possible to find several private accommodations during the whole academic year in different places such as information blackboards, magazines as others. The price of the accommodation in shared flat, the most common option in Seville varies about 150-250€ approximately by person and month. Despite the reduced number of free places offered by the Colleges and University Accommodation, it is recommendable to start the process as soon as possible. Nevertheless, the private offer in accommodation for renting is bigger and there should be no problem to get one. Also there exist alternatives ways of being accommodated, one of it could be with elderly people, offered by the Social Work Unit for the S.A.C.U. students, the other is in the frame of the Youth Hostelling Services through the Andalusian Institute for Youth. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 63 STUDENTS SERVICES x LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES The Library of the University School of Business Studies of the University of Seville offers its services fundamentally to the students and teachers of the School, as well as to the rest of the university community and to the professionals of economy and business. It forms a part, close to the rest of the university buildings, of the functional unit that constitutes the University Library of Seville. Its aim is to be a point of access to the information particularly in Business Sciences and in Tourism. Funds The Library possesses bibliographical funds in themes of Management of Companies, Accounting, economic Theory, Law and Tourism. They comprise: · More than 45.000 monographic works (works of reference, manuals, specialized monographs, working papers etc.). The encyclopedias, dictionaries, works of periodic update, digests of legislation, working papers and magazines are of free access. The rest are deposited in a warehouse, of access restricted to the professorship. · About 1.400 titles of periodic publication, of which more than 300 they are updated on a regular basis. · Additional Materials: Videos, DVDs, cassettes, slides, CDRom's and diskettes. Automated catalogue Contains the references of the bibliographical and documentary funds (books, magazines, additional material, videos, CDRoms, DVDs , etc.) of the University Library. It is possible to consult the computerized catalogue FAMA. Reading Hall · The Library counts with: 252 working places for reading at the 1st floor of the Building divided in two Halls of reading. Likewise on the ground floor, in the Room of Resources for the learning there are located 20 working places for reading, of more restricted access. The schedule of the Halls of Reading is 24 hours (uninterrupted) during every day of the week, and that of the Hall of Library, 8 ' 30 to 20 ' 30 hours from Monday to Friday. · The Library possesses 3 PCs for the public consultation of the computerized catalogue (FAMA), in the Hall of access. In the Room of Resources (former Room of Newspaper library) there are 2 computers that allow the reading of CD-ROMs and local DVDs. The Library also has a service of copying in the Room of Resources, for making copies of the works deposited in the Library, always restricted by the legal dispositions on the intellectual property. Besides, a photocopier of self-service exists with a retailer of rechargeable cards. · Also there is a Room of Resources for studying with 20 fixed computers and a service of utilization of notebooks in the room of Newspaper library with cards of wireless network available. Likewise there exist a tape recorder of CDs and a scanner to digitize electronic documents of databases, pages webs and electronic magazines. The Room of Resources will be used also as room of users’ training since it has a projector with access to Internet. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 64 Books Borrowing Service The service of lending is available for the teachers and students of the university community and other authorized persons. The regulation has the aim to guarantee the conservation of the bibliographical and documentary funds in order to put them at the disposal of the users. Schedule The schedule of the Library is from Monday until Friday, from 8,30 to 21. During the holidays period it is reduced: from 9 to 19. The person in charge of the library is Director of the Library José Manuel Vinagre Lobo Tel: 954 551609/10 Fax: 954 551612 E-mail: x COMPUTER LABORATORY OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Situated on the second floor of the Principal Building, there are three computer classrooms labeled as Classroom I, Classroom II and Classroom III. They are available for the education activities as well as for the individual use of the students, when the classrooms are not occupied by any class. The Classroom I is used as a priority for the teaching, it has 50 working places, each of them equipped with a computer multimedia at the service of the students. The Classroom II is used as a priority to the accomplishment for personal use on the part of the students. It has 20 working places. The Classroom III is used both for the teaching and for the free use by students. It has 47 working places, each of them equipped with a computer multimedia. Schedule of attention to the public: Morning: From Monday until Friday Of 9,00 h. to 14,30 h. and on Saturdays of 9,00 h to 13,45 h. Evening: Of Monday to Friday Of 16,00 h. to 21,00 The person in charge of the service is D. Antonio Espinar Morales: Technical Laboratory specialist (Classroom of Computer science). Tlf: 954 551659 Fax: 954 551612 E-mail: x SERVICE OF SPORT ACTIVITIES (S.A.D.U.S.) The Service of Sport Activities of the University of Seville (S.A.D.U.S.) is the office created for the promotion and the development of the sport activities in the university community. S.A.D.U.S Avda. de Dinamarca, s/n. 41012 Sevilla UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 65 Tlf: 954.48.77.00 Fax: 954.48.77.27 Requirements for using the sports facilities and the services of the S.A.D.U.S.: It is necessary to be in possession of the Sport Card that can be asked for at the S.A.D.U.S Places to practice sport - Zona de Reina Mercedes Zona de Avda. de Chile Zona de Los Bermejales Zona Macarena Zona Ramón y Cajal (Indoor Sport Centre (just behind the University School of Business Studies). S.A.D.U.S. manages also the University Championship and supports the internal competitions between the Faculties in the following sports: Basketball, Volleyball, etc. x UNIVERSITY WELFARE SERVICE (S.A.C.U.) University Welfare Service is the office for the management and control of the quality of all the Welfare Services of the University of Seville. S.A.C.U. Pabellón de Uruguay. Avda. de Chile, s/n 41013 Sevilla Tlf: 954.48.60.10/11 Fax: 954.48.60.20. These services have been grouped, according to their nature and content, in different areas. Those that are especially interesting for foreign students are the following: - Accomodation Service (Bolsa de alojamiento y Vivienda) "La bolsa de Alojamiento del S.A.C.U." offers information concerning the different housing modalities for students: - Colegios Mayores y Residencias - Pisos en Alquiler - Family Housing Using the “Bolsa de alojamiento” (for this the student has to prove that he/she is a member of the University Community), it is possible to obtain for free the data of the lodgings available as well as ask for a legal advice related to any problem that could arise in relation with it. - Service of Attention to the Foreigner This service was created to take care of the growing number of foreign students and professors at the University of Seville. An interpreter helps the members of this community in all those situations in which Spanish is necessary. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 66 There is also a Service of Linguistic Exchange, in which the Spanish students can enroll as much as the foreigners with the purpose of promoting the cultural and linguistic exchange between the multiple nationalities in the university community. - . University Restaurant Service The University Restaurant Service location is the following: A. Macarena Campus Restaurant: Capacity of 130 places. Breakfasts form 8h to 12h; lunches from 13h to 16h. The menu consists of a first and a second course, bread and dessert included, and it costs 3 € approximately. The restaurant offers three daily menus. B. Campus Reina Mercedes Restaurant: Capacity of 360 places. Its characteristics and benefits are similar to the previous one. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 67 VISITING STUDENTS The registration of visitor students is a type of registration for foreign students with studies of university level and for Spanish graduates. Requirements and terms The students can enroll in whichever subjects they wish of any degree given in the Centre, except for the subjects of first course, and always in agreement with the educational and material availabilities of the different Departments. They will have to present in the Centre a request of registration, signed by the Director of the Centre. The application for the registration pre-inscription will be addressed to the International Affairs Office before the beginning of each semester, 15th of September for the first and 31st of January for the second. After the applications are admitted, the students will be informed about their admission. The registration requests will be made in Spanish and will include the following documentation: 1. Motivation letter, indicating the preferred semester for the studies. 2. Curriculum Vitae. 3. Photocopy of the passport or identity card. 4. A photograph. 5. Academic Certificate of the university studies or a certificate of being registered in a foreign University. 6. Certificate of a University or an Official Institution about the knowledge of the Spanish language, or certificate of having passed the exam of Spanish at the University of Seville. Students who choose this modality of registration will pay the public prices corresponding to the academic year in which they are registered. Certificates The registration of visiting students will not have official academic validity in Spain. Despite of that, when the course is finished, the students will receive a Certificate with the grades obtained, if they have passed the exams, or a Certificate of Attendance, in case they have not. Students who do not stay the whole academic year at the University, if the subject is annual, or the whole semester, if the subject is taught just in one semester, will not be allowed to take exams. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 68 RAMÓN Y CAJAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES Page 69