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Name: Javier A. Abadía Bayona
Birth date and place: 02/04/1954, Zaragoza, Spain
NIF: 17850563X
Professional address: Department of Plant Nutrition, Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Av. Montañana 1005, E50059 Zaragoza, Spain.
Tel.: +34-976716056; Fax: +34-976716145; E-mail:
Degree in Chemistry: 1976. University of Zaragoza, Spain.
Doctorate in Science: 1981. University of Zaragoza, Spain.
Languages: Spanish (native), English (high level), French (conversational level).
Current Positions
 Full Professor CSIC, since June 2003.
 Member of the Agricultural Sciences Committee of the CSIC, since 2004.
Previous Positions
 Institute Deputy Director. June 2002- July 2004. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Institute Director. March 1994- March 1998. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Professor CSIC. February 1989-May 2003. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Researcher CSIC. February 1988-February 1989. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Visiting Scientist OECD. April 1987-June 1987. University of Essex, Colchester, U.K.
 Post-doctoral fellow MEC. January 1986-February 1988. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
 Post-doctoral fellow CSIC and Assistant Specialist. January 1984-December 1985. Department of Plant and Soil
Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
 Post-doctoral fellow CSIC. September 1981-December 1983. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza,
 Pre-doctoral fellow CSIC. September 1979-September 1981. Aula Dei Experimental Station-CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain.
Number of scientific articles published in SCI journals: 90 (58 in the last ten years).
H-index: 24 (source WOK)
Books edited: 2
Book chapters: 4
Invited, keynote and Plenary lectures in scientific conferences: 11 (7 in International Conferences).
Number of PhD thesis supervised: 9
Number of international conferences organised: 2 (as Chairman)
Number of patents granted: 1
Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Publications: 1 (Biometals, 2006-).
1. National Research Projects of Spanish National R+D Plans: 7.
-Mechanisms of adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to adverse environmental conditions (PGC PB88/0084,
-Interaction between light and environmental stress (PGC PB91/0057, 1992-1995).
-Changes induced by iron deficiency on the physiology and biochemistry of Beta vulgaris (PB 94-0086, 1995-1998).
-Physiology of plants submitted to environmental stress (PB 97-1176, 1998-2001).
-Physiology and biochemistry of iron deficiency in the model plant Beta vulgaris (BOS2001-2343, 2001-2004).
-Metal acquisition and transport in plants (AGL2004-00194, 2004-2007).
-Studies on metal homeostasis in plants (AGL2007-61948, 2007-2010).
2. Research Projects of European R+D Framework Programmes: 1.
-Novel approaches for the control of iron chlorosis in fruit tree crops (AIR3-CT94-1973, 1995-1998).
3. Research Infrastructure: Bruker BioTOF, Bruker ion trap HCT-Ultra, Bruker microTOF, etc.
4. Research and support contracts with private companies and institutions: 8 (including foreign companies).
1. de las Rivas J, Abadía A, Abadía J (1989) A new reverse-phase-HPLC method resolving all major higher plant
photosynthetic pigments. Plant Physiology 91, 190-192.
2. Morales F, Abadía A, Abadía J (1990) Characterization of the xanthophyll cycle and other photosynthetic pigment
changes induced by iron deficiency in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Plant Physiology 94, 607-613.
3. Belkhodja R, Morales F, Abadía A, Gómez-Aparisi J, Abadía J (1994) Chlorophyll fluorescence as a possible tool for
salinity tolerance screening in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant Physiology 104, 667-673.
4. Susín S, Abadía A, González-Reyes JA, Lucena JJ, Abadía J (1996) The pH requirement for in vivo expression of
the Fe-deficiency-induced "turbo" ferric chelate reductase. A comparison of the Fe deficiency-induced Fe reductase
activities of intact plants and isolated plasma membrane fractions in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Plant Physiology
110, 111-123.
5. González-Vallejo EB, Morales F, Cistué L, Abadía A, Abadía J (2000) Iron deficiency decreases the Fe(III)-chelate
reducing activity of leaf protoplasts. Plant Physiology 122, 337-344.
6. López-Millán A-F, Morales F, Abadía A, Abadía J (2000) Effects of iron deficiency on the composition of the leaf
apoplastic fluid and xylem sap in sugar beet. Implications for iron and carbon transport. Plant Physiology 124, 873884.
7. López-Millán A-F, Morales F, Andaluz S, Gogorcena Y, Abadía A, de las Rivas J, Abadía J (2000) Responses of
sugar beet roots to iron deficiency: Changes in carbon assimilation and oxygen use. Plant Physiology 124, 885-897.
8. Álvarez-Fernández A, Paniagua MP, Abadía J, Abadía A (2003) Effects of Fe deficiency-chlorosis on yield and fruit
quality in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 5738-5744.
9. Andaluz S, López-Millán A-F, De las Rivas J, Aro E-M, Abadía J, Abadía A (2006) Proteomic profiles of thylakoid
membranes and changes in response to iron deficiency. Photosynthesis Research 89, 141-155.
10. Álvarez-Fernández A, Orera I, Abadía J, Abadía A (2007) Determination of synthetic ferric chelates used as
fertilizers by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry in agricultural matrices. Journal of the American
Society for Mass Spectrometry 18, 37-47.
1. Abadía J, A Abadía (1993) Iron and plant pigments. In: Iron Chelation in Plants and Soil Microorganisms, LL Barton,
B Hemming eds, pp 327-344. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA. ISBN 0-12-079870-0.
2. Morales F, Abadía A, Abadía J (2005) Photoinhibition and photoprotection under nutrient deficiencies, drought, and
salinity. In: Photoinhibition, B Demmig-Adams, WW Adams III, AK Matoo eds, Advances in Photosynthesis and
Respiration, Vol. 21, pp 65-85. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN-10 1-4020-3564-0.
3. Álvarez-Fernández A, Abadía J, Abadía A (2006) Iron deficiency, fruit yield and fruit quality. In: Iron Nutrition in
Plants and Rizospheric Microorganisms, LL Barton, J Abadía eds, pp 85-101. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
ISBN-10 1-4020-4742-8.
4. Larbi A, Morales F, Álvarez-Fernández A, López-Millán AF, Molías N, Gogorcena Y, Lucena JJ, Abadía A, Abadía J
(2003) Cadmium and Pb toxicity in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In: Risk assessment and sustainable land
management using plants in trace element-contaminated soils (Mench M, Mocquot B eds.), pp. 93-98. Institut
National de la Recherche Agronomique, Villenave d’Ornon, France. ISBN 2-9520207-0-1.
5. Abadía J (2006) Absorción, transporte y uso de hierro en plantas. Estudios de biología vegetal vs. prácticas
agronómicas de fertilización. En: Nutrición Mineral. Aspectos fisiológicos, agronómicos y ambientales (Lamsfus C,
ed.), vol I, pp. 109-116. ISBN 84-9769-165-2.
1. Iron chlorotic leaves: a dynamic system responding to stress. Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA, 1991.
Sixth International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants.
2. Using the flower Fe concentration for estimating crop chlorosis status in fruit tree orchards. A summary report.
University of Hohenheim, Germany, 1997. 9th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in
3. Absorción y transporte de hierro en plantas. Madrid, España, 1998. VII Simposio Nacional-III Ibérico sobre
Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas.
4. Photosystem II efficiency in low chlorophyll, iron deficient plants. University of Hohenheim, Germany, 1998. Plant
Nutrition Symposium in Memory of Prof. H. Marschner.
5. Organic acids and Fe deficiency. USDA-ARS, Houston, Texas, 2000. 10th International Symposium on Iron
Nutrition and Interactions in Plants.
6. Correction of iron chlorosis by foliar sprays. Merano, Italia, 2001. International Symposium on Foliar Nutrition of
Perennial Fruit Plants.
7. Tratamiento de la clorosis férrica con aspersiones foliares. Estado actual y posibilidades futuras. Universidad de
Extremadura, Badajoz, España, 2001. XIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal. VII Congreso
Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal.
8. New technologies for the diagnosis and remediation of Fe deficiency. Rome, Italy, 2004. 2nd NewAg International
9. New technologies for the diagnosis and remediation of Fe deficiency. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
XII International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants (CREST International Symposium on
Regulation of Iron Nutrition in Plants.
10. Absorción, transporte y uso de nutrientes. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, España, 2006. XI
Simposio Ibérico sobre Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas.
11. Long-distance metal transport in plants. Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, España, 2007. XVII Reunión
de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal-X Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal.
1. VIIth International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants. Zaragoza, Spain, June-July 1993.
2. IX Iberic Symposium on Plant Mineral Nutrition. Zaragoza, Spain, September 2002. Chairman.