Download First grade We have been doing a fun project about the clothing that

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First grade
We have been doing a fun project about the clothing that we wear in
the winter. The students have been very busy designing their clothing.
Here are the words:
un gorro
una bufanda
oon go—rrrroh
oo-nah boo-fahn-dah
a hat
a scarf
unos guantes
oo-nohss goo-ahn-tehss
un abrigo
oon ah-bree-go
a coat
unos pantalones
unas botas
oo-nohss pahn-tah-lohn-ess
oo-nahss bo-tahss
la ropa
Y mucho frío
lah ro-pah
Ee moo-cho free-oh
And it’s very cold
We sing a song about the winter clothing to the tune of “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”_
here it is:
Gorro, bufanda, guantes,
Guantes, abrigo
Gorro, bufanda, guantes,
Guantes, abrigo,
Pantalones, botas
Y mucho frío
Gorro, bufanda, guantes,
Guantes, abrigo
**Ask your child to sing it for you and to show you the movements.**
We will be presenting our designs in an informal fashion show. Here is what
the students will be saying:
¿Qué llevas tú?
Yo llevo……un
rojo, etc..
Kay yay-vahss too?
What are you wearing?
Yo yay-vo oon-go-rroo roho
I am wearing a red hat,
For each item of clothing that they are wearing they will also describe what
color it is.
In first grade we have also been talking about our favorite color.
¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
Mi color favorito es…..azul
El corazón/los corazones
Kwahl ehss too ko-lohr
Mee ko-lohr fah-vo-reetow ehss…..ah-sool
Ehl ko-rah-tsohn
What is your favorite
My favorite color
Heart/ hearts