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Transcript Words, pronunciation, and translation for Yo Sin Ti Tu cariño es too kah-REEN-yo ehs your affection es a promise que me una promesa OO-nah proh-MEH-sah atraviesa kay may ah-trah-VYE-sah that runs through me que navega de costa kay nah-VE-gah day KOAS-tah that navegates from coast to coast en mi kah-BEH-sah ya lo ves yah loh as you can see vehs tanto PYEN-soe TAHN-toe I think about you so much porque costa ah KOAS-tah cabeza en mee in my head pienso a tí en tee tengo miedo por mí POOR-kay no TEHN-go because I am not afraid for me MYE-doe poor mee un no en minuto oon mee-NOO-toe a minute of love vale un VAH-lay oon is worth a world ese de amor day ah-MORE mundo MOON-doe pacto es así EH-say PAK-toe that pact is like that ehs ah-SEE es mi corazón atleta ehs mee koh-rah-SOAN ah-TLEH-tah my heart is an athlete de la paciencia day lah of patience pah-SYEN-syah condenado a la esperanza kohn-deh-NAH-doe condemned to hoping ah lah eh-speh-RAHN-sah de ese day EH-say for that flavor sabor sah-BOAR pero al fin PEH-roe but at last ahl feen cuando llega KWAN-doe YEH-gah when the night comes va mi alma vah mee my soul goes AHL-h a tu la noche lah NO-chay cuerpo ah too KWAIR-poe to your body to search frente a a buscar ah boo-SKAHR frente FREHN-tay ah FREHN-tay in front of one another to live día a día DEE-ya day by day ah DEE-ya a llenarte ah yeh-NAHR-tay to fill you with me de mí day mee a vivir ah VEE-veer yo yo sin tí yo seen tee yo me without you, me without you seen tee un sin tí, mar de penas oon mahr a sea of sadness day PEH-nahs que cubre kay KOO-bray thats covers my heart reloj de el corazón ehl koh-rah-SOHN arena reh-LOE day ah-REH-nah sand clock stop yourself this time por verte detente esta vez deh-TEN-tay EH-stah vehs viviré, viviré poor VEHR-tay vee-vee-ray vee-vee-ray in order to see you I will live, I will live, I will live por retenerte un vee-vee-ray instante poor reh-teh-NAIR-tay oon in order to retain you for an instant nada viviré in-STAHN-tay más NAH-dah mahs nothing more que ya no entiendo kay ya no ehn-TYEN-doe since I don't understand a second sin tu seen too without your voice te llevo un segundo oon seh-GOON-doe voz vose en mi camino tay YEH-voe ehn I take you in my journey mee kah-MEE-noe REPEATS above