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Dear parents/guardians of 1st grade students: ¡Hola! During the month of January we will be learning vocabulary related to table-setting and restaurants. Towards the end of the monthe we will begin our unit on body parts. We will also learn how to say that we are sick or injured. Below are the vocabulary lists we will be working with. Please take some time, when you can, to practice these with your children over the next few weeks. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to reach me is by e-mail: Gracias, Señora Cihlar The table – la mesa el plato – plate la escudilla – bowl el vaso – glass la taza – cup el tenedor – fork la cuchara – spoon el cuchillo – knife la servilleta – napkin el mantel – table cloth El cuerpo – the body la cabeza – head el ojo – eye la nariz – nose la boca – mouth la oreja – ear los dientes – teeth la espalda – back el estómago – stomach el corazón – heart el brazo – arm el hombro – shoulder la mano – hand el dedo – finger la pierna – leg la rodilla – knee el pie – foot el cuello - neck Me duele(n)___.– My ___ hurts. CUT----------------- CUT----------------- CUT----------------- CUT----------------¡SÍ, YO PUEDO! ~I CAN DO IT! Name: __________________________________ Teacher(circle): Mrs. Palomaki I can name 3 objects needed to set a table in Spanish. 1) ______________________________________ 2) ______________________________________ 3) ______________________________________ They are: Mrs. Osorio CUT----------------- CUT----------------- CUT----------------- CUT-----------------CUT------------Peer signature: ______________________________________ (friend, brother/sister, cousin, etc.) Adult signature: ____________________________________ (mom/dad, grandma, uncle, neighbor, etc.) Sra. Cihlar’s signature (last): ____________________________