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Physical Education 1º ESO IES La Sagra. Huescar. 3. PARTS OF THE WARM UP 1) General warm up: gentle aerobic exercise, running or walking while doing arm circles, skipping, jumping, etc. General warm up permits us to increase muscles temperature. (5-‐10 minutes). 2) Joint mobility: to improve our range of motion and to avoid injuries in our joints. (5 minutes). 4. THE COOL DOWN. The last part of the PE lesson. 1) Static stretching: to stretch the muscles to improve muscle contraction and to avoid injuries. (5-‐10 minutes). 3 Physical Education 1º ESO IES La Sagra. Huescar. 4.GLOSSARY ENGLISH Warm up Blood PICTURE SPANISH Calentamiento Sangre Heart Corazón Injury Lesión Joint Articulación Muscle Músculo To bend down Agacharse To breathe Respirar To fall To increase Caer Aumentar To kneel Arrodillarse 4 Physical Education 1º ESO IES La Sagra. Huescar. To lean Inclinarse To lie down To pull Tumbarse Tirar To push Empujar To raise Subir/Levantar To step (forward, on) Dar un paso adelante To Straighten Extender To hold Aguantar/Sostener Vuelta a la calma/enfriamiento Warm down 5