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March 2015
Upcoming Events:
DataVision Cooperative
Annual Meeting, April 14th
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Photo Contest
Pages 2-9:
Community News
Pages 10-11:
French Prairie Connector
Welcome to Connected! Feel free to
email us any information you’d like to be
included in the next issue of Connected.
Email us at
DataVision Cooperative
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Join us at the 68th Annual Meeting for some cookies
and the latest news and technology updates.
Don’t forget to pick up your DataVision
customer appreciation gift!
Do you like to take photos of nature, pets or people?
Get ready for our Spring Photo Contest! Submit your favorite photo and you could win a gift card!
There are three categories: 1) Spring into Action, 2) Spring into Life, and 3) Spring into Bloom. Use your creativity
to figure out what each category means to you and how your photo will apply! Submissions are due April 30, 2015.
Winners will be announced May 1st in the May issue of Connected and on the DataVision Facebook page. You do not
have to be a customer to participate, but you must be 13 or older. Each participant may only submit one photo per
category. One winner will be picked from each category. Photos will be judged by DataVision employees. Email submissions
Parents of the Senior Class at Gervais High School...
Monday, March 2nd (6:30 pm)
- Senior Parents Meeting -
Senior Parents of Gervais High School Students usually meet once a month during the school year
to plan for the Senior class graduation party.
MOST meetings are held on a week day at the beginning of the month beginning at 6:30pm, in the Library at Gervais High School.
Gervais High School Parents...
Tuesday, March 3rd (7:00 pm)
- Gervais Pride Association (GPA) Meeting -
GPA Meetings are for parents of Gervais High School Students.
MOST meetings are held on a week day at the beginning of the month beginning at 7:00pm, in the Library at Gervais High School.
Get in the know with the City of Gervais...
Thursday, March 5th (7:00 pm)
- Gervais City Council Meeting -
Attend a Gervais City Council Meeting to stay connected with what is going on. It’s a great time to meet
the local City Council Members, Mayor & local officials.
Citizens of Gervais...
Tuesday, March 10th (7:00 pm)
- 4th of July Festival Meeting -
The City of Gervais is currently planning the annual 4th of July Festival. A committee has been formed and welcomes
more citizen participation. The committee is also seeking VOLUNTEERS for the day of the event. (See ad)
Kids making Miracles (raising $ for Doernbecher)...
Saturday, March 14th (7:00 pm)
- Mr. & Miss Gervais Pageant -
Students at Gervais High School compete during a pageant, while raising money to donate to Doernbecher Children’s
Hospital for a great cause! Tickets are $5 each, available at Gervais High School. (See ad)
Join Us for a Fabulous BBQ Dinner...
Sunday, March 15th (11:00 - 3:00pm)
- St. Louis BBQ Chicken Dinner -
Come on down to the Sacred Heart School Hall located at 515 7th Street, Gervais, Oregon for dinner! Adults eat for
$11.00; children 12 and under eat for $7.00. There will be a country store chock full with baked goods and candy and
there will also be a raffle. See you there!
Open House...
Thursday, March 18th (6:30 pm)
- Open House hosted by Gervais City Council -
The Gervais City Council is hosting an Open House on March 18th at 6:30pm. At this meeting, the Council will review
updated sections of the Comprehensive Plan related to housing and economic growth. The Open House is a chance for
the public to share their thoughts on these subjects with city leaders and staff. There will also be an opportunity for
citizens of Gervais to express interest in volunteer opportunities for the City. Because your input is important
to these projects, you are encouraged to attend and share your ideas.
Supporters of the Gervais School District...
Thursday, March 19th (6:00 pm)
- Gervais School Board Meeting -
Gervais School Board Meetings are held in the Conference Center at the District Office. Attend to be connected with
what’s happening in the district.
Free Lunch during Spring Break...
March 23rd - 27th (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm )
- Spring Break Lunch Program -
Gervais School District has partnered with the Marion Polk Food Share to provide FREE meals during Spring Break to
children (ages 1-18) in Gervais. VOLUNTEERS are needed, please contact Arnulfo:
FREE Training...
Monday, March 30th (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm )
- Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) -
Gervais is looking for citizens who are interested in attending a FREE training on Emergency Response. The Community
Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training course. This valuable course is designed to
help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT members
receive 21 hours (one day a week for six weeks and on Saturday class) of initial training. CERT is provided free of charge
within the Boundaries of the Woodburn Fire District to anyone 18 or over (Participants from outside the Woodburn Fire
District are charged a $25.00 fee). (See ad)
If you know of anyone who’d like to be added to our email list, please let us know.
Your support to our monthly community emails is appreciated - please help us
spread the word. THANK YOU!!
French Prairie Community Progress Team
Basketball Tournament in coming up in March...
YOUTH JAM 3 on 3: Saturday, March 21th
ADULT TOURNAMENT: 5 on 5 Friday-Sunday, March 27th, 28th, 29th
L.E.a.R.N. (Latino Educational and Recreational Network) presents its 25th Anniversary!
The annual tournament is held at Gervais High School & Gervais Elementary School.
Admission: $3 children (ages 7-17) / $5 adults (ages 18 and over)
$8 weekend pass (for an individual) / $20 family pass (5 person max)
Bring a can food item for $1 to be taken off of your admission (Sunday ONLY ) All canned food items
collected will be donated to local food bank.
Come cheer on some of our Gervais athletes as well as many other talented athletes that come from across
Oregon and other states! For more information and to register visit the website:
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE for adult teams ($50 discount): Friday, February 13th
DEADLINE: for all teams to register is Saturday, February 28th
Annual St Louis Parish
Sunday, March 15th
Served from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Adult $11.00
Children 12 & under $7.00
At the
Sacred Heart School Hall
515-- 7th St Gervais
Chicken and/or Dinners to Go
Chicken, Baked Potato, Roll, Green Beans,
Coleslaw & Dessert
Country Store/Candy
Raffle: Quilt, KitchenAid Mixer, $100
Contact #503-951-1000
Spring Break Fun Time!
Descanso de primavera y tiempo divertido
March 23 - 27, 2015
23 - 28 de marzo de 2015
12 - 1 p.m. Each Day
12 - 1 p.m. cada día
Ages 1 - 18 Welcome!
¡Niños y jóvenes de 1 a 18 años bienvenidos!
Salem and Keizer Locations
North and West Salem
Auburn Elementary School - 4612 Auburn Road NE
Chavez Elementary School - 2400 Walker Road NE
Eastwood Boys and Girls Club - 1120 Savage Road, NE
Glen Creek Village Apartments - 1320 Orchard Heights Road NW
Highland Elementary School - 530 Highland Avenue NE
Knudson Boys and Girls Club - 1395 Summer Street NE
Kroc Center - 1865 Bill Frey Drive
Oak Park Community Bible Church - 2990 Lancaster Drive NE
Orchard Park Apartments - 4100 Kacey Circle NE
Parkway Village Apartments - 3143 7th Place NE
Salem 1st Free Methodist Church - 4455 Silverton Road NE
Swegle Boys and Girls Club - 4485 Market Street NE
Waldo Middle School - 2805 Lansing Avenue NE
Walker Middle School - 1075 8th Street NW
YMCA - 685 Court Street NE
Yoshikai Elementary School - 4900 Jade Street NE
South Salem
Bush Elementary School - 410 14th Street SE
Colonia Libertad - 2911 Saddle Club Street SE
Salem Library - 585 Liberty Street SE
Eyre Elementary School - 4868 Buffalo Drive SE
Faye Wright Elementary School - 4060 Lone Oak Street SE
Four Corners Elementary School - 500 Elma Avenue SE
Liberty Elementary School - 4871 Liberty Road South
Claggett Creek Middle School - 1810 Alder Drive NE
Cummings Elementary School - 613 Cummings Lane N
Keizer Civic Center - 930 Chemawa Road NE
Keizer Boys and Girls Club - 4540 Noren Avenue NE
This program is sponsored by: Marion-Polk Food Share, SalemKeizer Schools Child and Adult Care Food Program, Salem-Keizer
Education Foundation, Boys & Girls Club of Salem—Marion and
Polk Counties, Salem Housing Authority, Food and Nutrition
Services for the Central, Dallas, North Marion and Woodburn
School Districts, Polk County Service Integration Team and other
community partners. USDA and these institutions are equal
opportunity providers and employers.
Call 503-581-3855 for more information.
Other Locations in Marion & Polk counties
Mt View Wesleyan Church - 111 Main Street
Whitworth Elementary School - 1151 SE Miller Street
Lyle Elem School - 185 SW Levens Street
Gervais Elementary School - 150 Douglas Avenue
Grand Ronde
Grand Ronde Community Center - 9615 Grand Ronde Rd Building B
Rivenes Park - 4th & D Streets
Henry Hill Elementary School - 750 S 5th Street
Colonia Amistad - 30 S Gun Club Road
Jefferson Fire Main Station - 189 N Main Street
Mt Angel
St. Mary’s Elementary School - 590 E College Street
Eugene Field Elementary School - 410 N Water Street
Stayton Christian Church - 189 E Washington Street
Washington Elementary School - 777 E. Lincoln Street
Nuevo Amanacer - 1274 5th Street
This is your opportunity to participate in this year’s annual spring and summer hanging flower
baskets by donating your tax deductible contribution for the beautification of our community.
Name:_____________________________________ Phone:________________________
Address:___________________________________ Date:_________________________
I wish to be a sponsor by donating $_____________________ to support the beautification of my city.
Donations may be made at City Hall, 592 Fourth Street, or mailed to P.O. Box 329, Gervais, OR 97026
Please make checks payable to the City of Gervais, and put “flower basket” on the memo line.
Sponsors will be recognized on the city web page. Thank You.
Mayor Shanti Platt
All donations are tax deductible:
If you have questions, please call City Hall at 503-792-4900
Today’s Date:
January 7, 2015
Contact: Terry Witter – Pageant Advisor – (503)910-1113 or (503)792-3656
Deb Holum – Pageant Advisor – (503) 970-9492
Twelve Gervais High School students will put their best foot forward during the 2015
Mr. and Miss Gervais Pageant Saturday, March 14th, at 7:00pm. The pageant is being held at
Gervais High School as a benefit for Kids Making Miracles Foundation for Doernbecher
Children’s Hospital. Kids Making Miracles (KMM) is a volunteer effort by students from all
over Oregon and Southwest Washington to help support a state-of- the-art health care facility
for children. Patients of Doernbecher come from all over the region to receive much needed
care from the facility. This year the need to help Doernbecher families is even greater than
before. Proceeds from the evening go directly to these two causes.
The contestants consist of six senior boys and six senior girls. They are: Alec Anthony,
Ben Avery, Melissa Casas, Shawn Guerrero, Brandelyn Ifft, Vanessa Lopez, Paulina
Oropeza, Tito Rodriguez, Emily Saafeld, Dakota Sandoval, Sam Wheeler, and Jessica
Wolfer. They were selected by Gervais High School teachers and other staff to represent the
epitome of spirit, involvement, hard work, and respect from the Class of 2015 of Gervais
High School.
They will be judged in many different categories by a panel of local celebrity judges.
The categories include: Casual Wear, Sports Wear, Formal Wear, Talent Competition, and
Interview Questions. The contestants also compete by independently raising contributions.
The emcees are Enrique Flores, Sofia Flores, and Tiana Jaramillo of Gervais High
School, who will also serve as Pageant Coordinators for this year’s pageant.
Gervais High School has been supporting Doernbecher Children’s Hospital since 1992.
This will be the fifteenth year the high school has had a combined pageant held in the
evening. The pageant is dedicated to the memory of Jovita Reyes, a Gervais High School
student, who passed away Thanksgiving Day, 2000. Tickets for the pageant are $5.00 and
are available in the Gervais High School Office or by requesting tickets in writing. Requests
for tickets and/or donations may be sent to; Mr. and Miss Gervais Pageant, c/o Gervais
High School, P.O. Box 195, Gervais, OR 97026. Checks should be made out to Gervais
High School.
C.E.R.T. Class Syllabus
Welcome and Information
Unit 1 – Disaster Preparedness
Community Preparedness
Roles and Responsibilities
Hazards and their Potential Impact
Home and Workplace Preparedness
Reducing the Impact of Hazards through Mitigation
C.E.R.T. Disaster Response
Additional Training for C.E.R.T.
Unit 3 – Disaster Medical Operations – Part 1
o Treating Life-Threatening Conditions
o Triage
Unit 4 – Disaster Medical Operations – Part 2
o Public Health Considerations
o Disaster Medical Operations Organization
o Establishing Medical Treatment Areas
o Conducting Head-TO-Toe Assessments
o Treating Burns
o Wound Care
o Treating Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains, and Strains
o Nasal Injuries
o Treating Cold Related Injuries
o Treating Heat Related Injuries
o Bites and Stings
Unit 6 – C.E.R.T. Organization
o C.E.R.T. Organization
o C.E.R.T. Mobilization
o Documentation
Unit 7 – Disaster Psychology
o Disaster Trauma
o Team Well-Being
o Working with Survivor’s Trauma
A Publication of the French Prairie Community Progress Team
February 2015
“Involved Families Reach Their Full Potential and Maintain Wellness”
PO Box 404, Gervais, OR 97026
Phone: 503-902-9517
Do you know there is a
number you can call for
information on resources?
For free?
Just dial 211 or if you have
internet access you can go
to their website at
What kind of resources do they connect you with?
According to their website, they have 3,000 agencies
providing over 50,000 programs to people throughout
Oregon and (Southwest) Washington. They tell you about
food bank information, shelters, how to get clothing for
free or reduced cost, parenting resources (like Ask and
Stages Questionnaire Oregon Dot COM) –where you can
find out if child’s general development is on schedule.
They also can help you find: Oregon Safe Net 1-800-7233638 which provides Free, Confidential information and
referral helpline for Oregon families. Community health,
social and mental health services, immediate care health
service, pregnancy and reproductive health services.
They also have an early learning link that provides
information on Autism called Early Autism Research and
Learning for the Young Child (EARLY) mission is to improve
the quality of life for young children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders and their families. (
They also have fun resources like: the KROC Community
Center, A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village for arts and crafts
lessons. (
So check out or call 211 to see what
resources are available for you.
One step you can take to a healthier diet is to drink more
water. This is a small step that can make a
big difference in your diet.
According to Web MD, Here are six
reasons to make sure you're drinking
enough water or other fluids every day:
1. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body
Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The
functions of these bodily fluids include digestion,
absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of
nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.
"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain
communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much
water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says
Guest, who is also an adjunct professor of medicine at
Stanford University.
2. Water Can Help Control Calories. For years, dieters
have been drinking lots of water as a weight loss strategy.
While water doesn't have any magical effect on weight loss,
substituting it for higher calorie beverages can certainly
“What works with weight loss is if you choose water or a
non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a
diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more
filling, and help you trim calorie intake," says Penn State
researcher Barbara Rolls, PhD, author of The Volumetrics
Weight Control Plan
Food with high water content tends to look larger, its higher
volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more
slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich
foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups,
oatmeal, and beans.
3. Water Helps Energize Muscles. Cells that don't
maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel,
which can result in muscle fatigue. "When muscle cells
don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and
performance can suffer," says Guest.
4. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good. Your skin
contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective
barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But don't expect overhydration to erase wrinkles or fine lines, says Atlanta
dermatologist Kenneth Ellner, MD.
a big
some determined Gervais ladies.
It all started when a young boy came to a local Gervais
Mom’s (who wants to remain anonymous) house to trick
or treat. She asked him “where is your costume”? He
stated that his family couldn’t afford a costume so he did
not own one. Our determined mom thought that that was
a shame and she thought that she could do something
about it. So she set out to change things.
One of the first things that she did was spread the word.
Carmen Leiva was contacted. Mrs. Leiva helped by putting
the flyer that was made onto Mrs. Leiva emailed
Newsletter. In the meantime, our local mom was busy
going to business and asking for their left over Halloween
Costumes at a discounted price. She bought the costumes
at an extremely discounted price. Now she has a wide
variety of Costume sizes and themes. So if you know
someone that could really use a Halloween costume next
Halloween have them contact Carmen Leiva at Or if you would like to donate a
costume, the FPCT can write you a tax receipt for your
donation upon request.
In 2011 a community health assessment for Marion
County was completed. The result is the Community
Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) for four separate
areas of Marion County: Salem-Keizer, Santiam Canyon,
Silverton and North Marion County. The top four health
priorities for North Marion County are: adults who are
obese (28.3%), teen fruit and vegetable consumption
(19%), teen pregnancy rate (40.6/1000), and teens who
engage in regular physical activities (49.5%).
As a result of the CHIP objectives, the FPCPT has provided
teens with information about the 5-2-1-0 program (five
fruits or vegetables daily, 2 hours or less of TV time, 1 hour
of physical exercise daily and 0 sugary drinks. This school
year FPCPT will be presenting teens with information
about e-cigarettes and hookahs. Also look for a walking
club for adults to start in Spring 2015. If you are interested
in joining the walking club, email FPCPT at or call 503-902-9517.
Have news or an activity you want reported? Call or email FPCPT. We
want your news.
¿Sabes que hay un número que puede llamar para
obtener información sobre los recursos? De forma
Sólo tiene que marcar 211 o si usted tiene acceso al
Internet, se puede ir al Web:
¿Qué tipo de recursos con que se conectan?
Según su sitio web, tienen 3,000 agencias que proveen
más de 50,000 programas para personas en Oregon y
(Suroeste) de Washington. Dan información de bancos
de alimentos; refugios; cómo conseguir ropa gratis o a
un costo reducido; recursos para crianza de niños;
donde se puede saber si el desarrollo general del niño
es normal.
También pueden ayudarle a encontrar: Oregon Segura
Net 1-800-723-3638, que proporciona información
gratuita y confidencial y línea de ayuda de referencia
para las familias de Orego: salud comunitaria, los
servicios sociales y de salud mentales, servicio de salud
la atención inmediata, el embarazo, y los servicios de
salud reproductiva. (
También tienen un vínculo de aprendizaje rápida que
facilite información sobre el autismo llamado Early
Autism Investigación y Aprendizaje para los Niños
Pequeños. Su misión es mejorar la calidad de vida de los
niños con trastornos del espectro autista y sus familias.
También tienen recursos divertidos como: el Centro
Comunitario KROC, AC Gilbert Casa de artes y
manualidas. (
Si tienes interes, visita a o llama al 211
para opciones.
Un cosa que puedes hacer para aprovechar una dieta
mas saludable es beber más agua. Este es un pequeño
paso que puede hacer una gran diferencia en su dieta.
De acuerdo con Web MD, aquí están cuartro razones
para asegurarse de que usted está bebiendo suficiente
agua u otros líquidos cada día:
1. Beber agua ayuda a mantener el equilibrio de los
fluidos corporales. Su cuerpo se compone 60% de agua.
Las funciones de estos fluidos corporales incluyen: la
digestión, absorción, la circulación, la creación de la
saliva, el transporte de nutrientes, y el mantenimiento
de la temperatura corporal.
"A través de la glándula pituitaria posterior, su cerebro
se comunica con sus riñones y dice que la cantidad de
agua para excretar en la orina o aferrarse a las
reservas," dice un professor de medicina en la
Universidad de Stanford.
2. El agua puede ayudar controlar las calorías . Durante
años, personas han estado bebiendo mucha agua como
una estrategia de bajar de peso. Mientras que el agua
no tiene ningún efecto mágico sobre la bajada de peso,
sustituyéndola por bebidas altas en calorías sin duda
puede ayudar.
"Lo que funciona con bajar de peso es si usted escoje el
agua o una bebida sin calorías en veces de una bebida
de calorías y comer una dieta alta en alimentos ricos en
agua que son más saludables, más te rellena, y te
ayudará a recortar el consumo de calorías," dice
Barbara Rolls, PhD, autor de La Dieta Volumétrica
Control de Peso.
Alimentos con alto contenido de agua parecen más
grandes, su volumen más alto requiere más
masticación, y que se absorben más lentamente por el
cuerpo, lo que ayuda a sentirse satisfecho. Los
alimentos ricos en agua son las frutas, verduras, sopas a
base de caldo, avena y frijoles.
3. El agua ayuda dar energia a los músculos. Las células
que no mantienen el equilibrio de líquidos y electrolitos
se arrugan, lo que puede resultar en fatiga muscular.
"Cuando las células musculares no tienen suficientes
líquidos, no funcionan muy bien y el rendimiento
pueden sufrir," dice Professor Visitante.
4. El agua ayuda a mantener la piel en buen estado. Su
piel contiene mucha agua, y funciona como una barrera
protectora para prevenir la pérdida de exceso de
líquido. Pero no espere que la hidratación excesiva va a
borrar las arrugas o líneas de expresión, dice
Dermatólogo Kenneth Ellner, MD.
Gracias a algunas señoras determinadas en Gervais.
Todo comenzó cuando un joven llegó a una casa en
Gervais para “trick or treat.” Pregunto la mamá (que
quiere ser anonima), "Dónde está tu disfraz"? El niño
declaró que su familia no tiene suficiente dinero para
un traje. La mamá pensó que podía hacer algo para
ayudar. La primera cosa que hizo fue contactar Carmen
Leiva. Senora Leiva envió un mensaje por correo
electrónico. Mientras tanto, la mamá fue ocupada
solicitando a los negocios disfraces de Halloween
dejados a un precio de descuento. Ella compró los trajes
a un precio muy rebajado. Ahora ella tiene una amplia
variedad de tamaños y temas de disfaces. Si conoces
alguien que podría usar un disfraz de Halloween el
próximo Halloween, contacta Carmen Leiva a Tambien, si desea donar un
traje, la FPCT puede escribir un recibo de impuestos por
su donación.
En 2011 se completó una evaluación de la salud de la
comunidad para el condado de Marion. El resultado es
la Asociación de Salud de la Comunidad de Mejoras
(CHIP) para cuatro áreas separadas del Condado de
Marion: Salem-Keizer, Santiam Canyon, Silverton y el
Norte del Condado de Marion. Los cuatro principales
prioridades de salud para North Marion County están:
los adultos que son obesos (28.3%); el consumo de
fruitas y vegetales de adolescentes (19%); la tasa de
embarazos en adolescentes (40.6 / 1000); y
adolescentes que participan en actividades físicas
regulares (49.5%).
Como resultao de los objetivos de CHIP, el FPCPT ha
proporcionado los adolescentes con información sobre
el programa de 5-2-1-0 (cinco frutas o verduras al día, 2
horas o menos de tiempo de TV, 1 hora de ejercicio
físico diario y 0 bebidas azucarada). Este año escolar,
FPCPT va a presenter a los adolescentes información
acerca de los e-cigarrillos y pipas de agua. También,
piensan comenzar un club de caminar para adultos en la
primavera de 2015. Si estás interesado en unirse al club
de caminante, contacte con FPCPT por correo
electrónico, o llame al 503902-9517.
Si tienes noticias o una actividad que quieres reportar,
llame FPCPT a 503-902-9517 o mande correo
electrónico a
• Protection. Awareness. Peace of Mind.
• Live Streaming - Provides you real-time
video for your property.
• Video Alerts - Use state-of-the-art
cameras to trigger recording, and
automatically capture a video clip and send
it directly to your mobile phone
or computer.
• Cloud Storage - Recorded video clips are
stored in a secured off-site location.
(971) 983-5000
Marissa Gainer
Marketing & Sales Supervisor
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