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Canto andaluz ['kan.tO an.da.'luT] Andalucían song Text by Anonymous Set by Joaquín Nin-Castellanos (1879-1949), from Vingt chants populaires espagnols, vol. 2, #9 ¡Ay! Por darle gusto [aj pOr 'Dar.l” 'øus.tOç Ah! for to-give-it pleasure (Ah! In order to please your family) a a… to tu tu your gente 'x”n.t”] family y a mi corazón pesar dije que no te quería teniéndote voluntad. ¡Ay! asdf entire texttotothis this title title with TheThe entire text with the thecomplete complete IPA transcription and literal translation is available fordownload. download. IPA transcription and translation is available for Thank Thank you! you! asdf Canto andaluz (anonymous) - Page 1 of 1