Download Jeronimo Cello Research Assistant Professor Center for Infectious
Uso racional de los virus para el tratamiento del cancer: Immunoterapia oncolitica utilizando poliovirus atenuado Jeronimo Cello Research Assistant Professor Center for Infectious Diseases School of Medicine Stony Brook University Tópicos de la charla Viroterapia para el tratamiento del cancer: Desde la genesis a la manipulacion genetica Desarrollo de un modelo animal para el tratamiento de Neuroblastoma mediante el uso del virus de la poliomielitis Viroterapia, muerte celular inmunogenica y su impacto en tratamiento del cancer Viroterapia para el tratamiento del cancer: Desde la genesis a la manipulacion genetica Experimentos de la naturaleza Remisión espontánea y generalmente transitoria de tumores coincide infecciones agudas virales Leucemias Linfomas Sarampion Influenza EBV Varicela Virus Hepatitis Replicative cycle of virus and mechanisms of transformation of normal to tumor cells elucidated at molecular level Descriptive studies Mechanistic studies Rational use of viral oncoloysis Unrestricted growth and proliferation Tumors cells Deficient in controlling nucleic acid synthesis Viruses grow preferentially in this intracellular environment Oncolytic virotheraphy Infection and killing of tumour cells by an oncolytic virus Oncolytic viral therapies: Advantages over conventional therapies • Viruses can be rapidly modified by recombinant DNA technology Deletion mutants Incorporation of of tissue specific promoters Receptor mediated re-targeting • Viruses promote tumor-specific inflammation • Self-replicate within the cancer cells→Unique pharmacokinetic properties • Low levels of toxicity Desarrollo de un modelo animal para el tratamiento del neuroblastoma mediante el uso del virus de la poliomielitis Background Neuroblastoma es el tumor solido extracranial mas comun de la infancia (40 % adrenal, 25% paraspinal ganglia, 15% torax, 5% pelvis, 3% tumor cervicales, 12% miscelaneos) Neuroblastoma es un tumor embrional del sistema nervioso simpatico que se origina en los neuroblastos que migran a lo largo del neuroaxis y populan los ganglios simpaticos, glandula suprarrenal, etc. Amplificacion del oncogene MYCN y deleccion del brazo corto del cromosoma 1 esta asociado con mal pronostico Neuroblastoma es resistente a los tratamientos convencionales antitumor (radio y quimio) Cellular functions of CD155 • CD155 binds strongly to nectin-3: function in cell-to-cell adhesion • CD155 interacts with vitronectin:mediates cell-to-matrix contacts • CD155 binds CD96 and DNAM-1 on NK cells: stimulates cytotoxicity of activated NK • CD155 is over expressed in tumor cells PVR expression in neuroblastoma cells SJ-N-JF KP-N-SIFA SK-N-SD 100 1 100 60 2 3 4 5 6 PVR Cell count M1 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 N2a 102 103 104 100 101 SHEP 100 102 103 104 SUZUKI 100 60 M1 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 M1 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 Lane 1: N2a 2: SJ-N-JF 3: KP-N-SIFA 4: SK-N-SD 5: SHEP 6: SUZUKI Relative Fluorescence Intensity PVR Sequencing (SHEP) : No abnormality RESISTANT SENSITIVE Experimental treatment of human neuroblastoma using live-attenuated poliovirus Toyoda et al, Int J Oncol 2004 Tumor Xenotransplantation and Intratumoral Liveattenuated Poliovirus Injection. Xenograft Poliovirus Injection 3 - 4 weeks 0.5 - 0.8 cm3 1 x 107 SJ-N-JF cells in 0.2 ml of Matrigel were injected s.c. into both flanks of nude mice. 3x106 TCID50 Live-attenuated poliovirus was injected into the right flank tumor Tumor size was monitored every 2-3 days. Day 0 Vehicle-treated Mouse Live-attenuated poliovirustreated Mouse Day 7 Day 14 Sabin strains are genetically unstable and they can revert to full neurovirulence Poliovirus strain neuroattenuated and stable Nude mouse is immunodeficient and does not express CD155 Modelo raton inmunocompetente that express CD155 Mouse neuroblastoma cells susceptible to poliovirus infection Poliovirus Genome 5' NTR Structural Region P1 VPg VP2 I VP3 Non-structural Region P2 VP1 2A2B 2B 2C 3A 3C IIIIIIV VVI VP4 CLOVER IRES -LEAF A103 3' NTR P3 VPg 3D A AA n Mutacion de A103 localizado entre el “cloverleaf” y IRES atenua la neurovirulencia de poliovirus en ratones CD155 10.000 veces y le le confiere un fenotipo ts en celulas neuronal de origen humano Nuevo sitio de atenuacion Identification of an RNA Hairpin in Poliovirus RNA That Serves as the Primary Template in the In Vitro Uridylylation of VPg Aniko V. Paul,1,* Elizabeth Rieder,1 Dong Wook Kim,1 Jacques H. van Boom,2 and Eckard Wimmer1 Cis-acting replication element (cre)appear to be essential for minus-strand RNA synthesis Functional Dissection of a Poliovirus cis-Acting Replication Element [PV-cre(2C)]: Analysis of Single- and Dual-cre Viral Genomes and Proteins That Bind Specifically to PV-cre RNA Jiang Yin, Aniko V. Paul, Eckard Wimmer, and Elizabeth Rieder* cre VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2B 2C 3A3B 3C cre 3D VP4 cre VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2B 2C 3A3B 3C cre Dual-cre PV VP4 Mono-cre PV 3D Neuropatogenicidad en ratones CD155 Virus PV1 (M) Mono-cre PV1 Dual-cre PV1 LD50 (PFU) 102 107.2 107 Alteracion de la region conservada localizada entre el cloverleaf y IRES atenua la neurovirulencia de poliovirus PVR expression in neuroblastoma cells SJ-N-JF KP-N-SIFA SK-N-SD 100 1 100 60 2 3 4 5 6 PVR Cell count M1 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 N2a 102 103 104 100 101 SHEP 100 102 103 104 SUZUKI 100 60 M1 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 M1 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 Lane 1: N2a 2: SJ-N-JF 3: KP-N-SIFA 4: SK-N-SD 5: SHEP 6: SUZUKI Relative Fluorescence Intensity PVR Sequencing (SHEP) : No abnormality RESISTANT SENSITIVE viral titer (pfu/ml) Growth curve of mono-cre PV 1.E+09 1.E+08 1.E+07 N2aCD155 1.E+06 SK 1.E+05 Hela 1.E+04 1.E+03 1.E+02 0 2 4 6 8 12 hours after infection 24 Celulas N2a originadas de un neuroblastoma espontaneo raton Ratones CD155, H-2a negativo A/J, H-2a CD155 tg A/J CD155/CD155 -/H-2a/H-2a H-2?/H-2? CD155 tg A/J Inmunocompetente CD155+, H-2a+ CD155/ H-2a/H-2? Immunization Tumor transplantation Treatment 1x108 pfu mono-cre PV 7-10 days Once a week Neutralizing antibody to PV: < 8 (n=8) (200 mm3) 3 weeks Neutralizing antibody to PV: 256-2024 (3 mice) 1x107 cells N2aCD155 1x108 pfu mono-cre PV 4000 3500 3000 mono-cre PV 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -1 0 1 2 3 Days after mono-cre PV inoculation 4 5 133 A to G mono-cre PV 133 A to G VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 3C 3D VP4 Virus mono-cre PV1 A133G mono-cre PV1 PLD50 (i.c.) 107.2 pfu 105.33 pfu. LDH release assay (24h after infection) 100 80 no infection 60 mono-cre 40 133AtoG mono wild type 20 0 N2a SK-N- SK-N- SK-SH- MC SH 5Y cell line 1 cm None of the rechallenged mice developed tumors at the site of tumors cells reinoculation or elsewhere Oncolytic therapy by A133Gmono-crePV activates the immune system against Neuro-2aCD155 cells leading to antitumor activity that is likely to be independent of A133Gmono-crePV naive splenocytes:N2aCD155 cells Figure 1 splenocytes from cured mice:N2aCD155 cells Naive splenocytes:N2a cells Splenocytes from cured mice:N2a cells A 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Target cells:Effector cells 120 B 100 % Lysis 80 60 40 20 0 non depleted NK-depleted CD4+-depleted CD8+-depleted . Figure 2 Tumor transplantation 1x107 cells Neuro-2aCD155 A Treatment 1x108 pfu A133Gmono-crePV cured mice 2 months 10 days A/J mice II I Adaptive transfer of splenocytes III Tumor transplantation 1x107 cells Neuro-2aCD155 10 days A/J mice B IV V : splenocytes from naïve mice : splenocytes from cured mice 6000 5000 4000 Average volume: 2183 mm3 3000 2000 Average volume: 583 mm3 1000 Days after adaptive transfer of splenocytes 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Tumor volume (mm3) 7000 Fig. 3A Vaccination with different preparations Immunization i) PBS ii) PV1(M)-infected Neuro-2aCD155 cells lysate iii) Non infected Neuro-2aCD155 lysate iv) Neuro-2aCD155 lysate admixed with PV1 (M) 1x108 pfu mono-crePV Thrice a week I 3 weeks Thrice a week II Monitoring of mice survival 3 weeks III Intravenous Tumor transplantation 2x106 cell Neuro-2aCD155 Figure 3B vaccination with PBS naïve mouse liver kidney 1 cm Figure 3C PBS PV1(M)-infected Neuro-2aCD155 lysate Noninfected Neuro-2aCD155 lysate Noninfected Neuro-2aCD155 lysate admixed with PV1(M) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 100 Percent of survival 80 (ii) 60 (i) (iv) (iii) 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 Days after intravenous tumor seeding 100 120 Viroterapia, muerte celular inmunogenica y su impacto en tratamiento del cancer Main immunogenic determinants of dying tumor cells Plasma membrane molecules P53 activation Inflammatory components End-stage degradation products Viral oncolysate Oncolytic virus “Restauración de equilibrio inmunológico a través de la vacunación y inmunoterapias . será fundamental para el dominio final sobre el cáncer.” L. Old (co-discoverer P53) DEPT OF MOLECULAR GENETICS AND MICROBIOLOGY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SUNY AT STONY BROOK NIDIA DEJESUS JERONIMO CELLO HIDEMI TOYODA JIANG JING ELIZABETH RIEDER-ROJAS ANIKO PAUL ECKARD WIMMER Background Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor and the most common tumor occurring during infancy It is an embryonal malignancy of the sympathetic nervous system arising from neuroblasts (pluripotent sympathetic cells). These cells invaginate, migrate along the neuraxis, and populate the sympathetic ganglia, adrenal medulla, and other sites. Patients present metastatic disease, usually to lymph nodes, liver, skin, bone, and bone marrow Infants younger than 1 year (40%) have a good prognosis, even in the presence of metastatic disease, whereas older patients with metastatic disease (60%) fare poorly, even when treated with aggressive therapy Abdominal cavity (40 % adrenal, 25% paraspinal ganglia) or involve other sites (15% thoracic, 5% pelvic, 3% cervical tumors, 12% miscellaneous) G102G103 virus sintetico antes inoculacion intracerebral G102A103 virus aislado del cerebro de ratones CD155 LD50%, pfu 102 >108 >108 Poliovirus recombinants for the treatment of malignant glioma and intracerebral neoplasia Induction of tumor cell death Induccion de una respuesta inmune antitumor Calreticulin HMGB1 HSP70 Tumor eradication HSP90 Recognition of tumor cell death Uptake of apoptotic bodies Maturation of dendritic cells Presentation of tumor derived antigens DC Innate immune response NK NKT Adaptative immune response DC CTL T helper CTL T helper T Regs Stimulation of anti tumor immune response Viral Oncolysate Induction of immunogenic tumor cell death Preservation of the immune system Calreticulin/HSP70/90 exposure HMGB1/Pro inflammatory Mediators Release Anthracyclines Bortezomib γ-irradiation p53 restoration Enhanced immunogenicity of tumor cell death Complete eradication of tumor cells Stimulation of NK cells Inhibition of PTX3 Maturation of DC Secretion of chemo attractants Enhanced cross presentation of tumor derived antigen Mecanismos propuesto para una eficiente Immunoquimio terapia