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Directive to Administrators (Specify which administrators School Administrators WAD (Wednesday) Publication Date WAD Notice ( Number ) December 12, 2012 WAD Title ( Limit to 4-6 Words ) Not Applicable After this Date: N/A From: Title: Kim Coates Director, School Health Programs (Cabinet member or approved by one below) 1 of 4 Date Due (if applicable) Gastroenteritis in Schools No. of Pages June 1, 2013 Signature: Telephone: 242-2615 Inform: ( x ) Certificated Staff ( X) Classified Staff ( ) Parents ( ) Post on Bulletin Board Other _____________________ Administrative Directive WHAT: Several schools have reported increased absences or illness at school due to diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and/or stomach cramps. Diarrhea and vomiting are the most common symptoms of gastroenteritis or what is commonly referred to as “stomach flu”. Most likely gastroenteritis is caused by a virus, such as Norovirus. If there is a greater than usual number of reported absences or students being sent home because of gastroenteritis, the following actions should be taken: WHY: Contact the Nurse of the Day (NOD) at 242-2615 with information about the number of students/staff members absent or sent home for gastroenteritis. The Nurse of the Day (NOD) will contact the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The Department of Public Health will contact the school with recommendations for controlling the spread of the illness. Consider sending the attached Gastroenteritis letter to parents/guardians. Gastroenteritis is contagious and can be spread by sharing food, water or eating utensils, or by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching one’s mouth. While there is no cure for gastroenteritis, most people recover completely. HOW: School communities can help control the spread of gastroenteritis by: Frequent hand-washing Prompt disinfection of contaminated surfaces Having those with symptoms remain out of school for 48 hours AFTER symptoms resolve More information on viral gastroenteritis and norovirus can be found at and For additional information contact your School District Nurse or the Nurse of the Day at School Health Programs at 242-2615. Cabinet Member: Approved Kevin Truitt Title: Associate Superintendent of Student, Family and Community Support Department Signature: SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - WEEKLY ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE (WAD) Fecha: Estimados padres/tutores: Una cantidad creciente de estudiantes se está ausentando o se ha enfermado en la escuela de gastroenteritis. Los síntomas de la gastroenteritis incluyen vómitos, diarrea, náuseas y/o dolores de estómago. Todas las personas que se sientan mal deben permanecer en sus casas. Toda persona con diarrea y/o vómitos no debe volver a la escuela hasta 48 horas DESPUÉS de que se hayan resuelto los síntomas. Se recomiendan las siguientes medidas para evitar la propagación de la enfermedad: • Frecuente lavado de manos • Limpieza y desinfección minuciosa de las superficies contaminadas inmediatamente después de un episodio de enfermedad con una solución de lejía diluida • Sacarse inmediatamente las prendas de vestir o ropa de cama que puedan estar contaminadas con el virus y lavarlas después de un episodio de enfermedad (usar agua caliente y jabón) • Lavar e higienizar los utensilios después de cada uso y no compartir utensilios, alimentos ni bebidas El personal de la escuela recomienda el lavado de manos frecuente; el personal de limpieza toma las medidas adecuadas para limpiar y desinfectar las aulas y otras áreas de la escuela. Si bien la mayoría de las personas que contraen gastroenteritis se recuperan completamente, es importante evitar la deshidratación (pérdida grave de líquidos) durante esta enfermedad. Para obtener más información consulte el sitio web del Control y Prevención de Enfermedades Contagiosas, Departamento de Salud Pública de San Francisco en Por cualquier pregunta, por favor consulte con su enfermero de distrito escolar o con el proveedor de salud de su hijo. Con su apoyo en el hogar, podremos hacer que nuestra escuela sea un lugar saludable en el cual aprender. Atentamente, Director Date: Dear Parents/Guardians: An increased number of students are absent or have become ill at school with gastroenteritis. Symptoms of gastroenteritis include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and/or stomach cramps. All persons feeling sick should stay home. Any person with diarrhea and/or vomiting should not return to school for 48 hours AFTER the symptoms have resolved. The following measures are recommended to prevent the spread of illness: • Frequent hand-washing • Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of contaminated surfaces immediately after an episode of illness with a diluted bleach solution • Immediate removal and washing of clothing or linens that may be contaminated with virus after an episode of illness (use hot water and soap) • Washing and sanitizing all utensils after each use and not sharing utensils, food and drinks Frequent hand-washing is being encouraged by school staff; the custodial staff has taken appropriate steps to clean and disinfect classrooms and other areas in the school. While almost all people who get gastroenteritis recover completely, it is important to prevent dehydration (severe loss of fluids) during this illness. For more information refer to the Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, San Francisco Department of Public Health website at For any questions, please consult your school district nurse or your child’s health provider. With your support at home, we will be able to keep our school a healthy place to learn. Sincerely, Principal 日期: 尊敬的家長或監護人 近來,缺課或者在校患上腸胃炎的學生有所增加。腸胃炎的症狀包括嘔吐、腹 瀉、惡心還有胃痙攣。 所有感覺不適的人都應該留在家裡。患有腹瀉或者/以及嘔吐的人都應該在症 狀消失以後 48 小時才可以返回學校。 我們建議採取以下措施來防止疾病傳播: • • • • 經常洗手 在生病以後立即使用稀釋的漂白劑徹底清洗受到污染的表面並且加以消毒 在生病以後立即撤除以及清洗可能污染病毒的衣服或者床單(使用熱水和肥 皂) 每次使用餐具以後立即清洗還消毒,並且避免共用餐具、食物和飲料 學校園公故里經常洗手;學校的管理人員採取了適當的措施來清掃教室以及學 校的其他地方,並且加以消毒。 儘管患上腸胃炎的大多數人都會徹底病癒,但是,在患病期間一定要避免脫水 (嚴重體液流失)。 想要瞭解更多的資訊,請訪問三藩市公共衛生局傳染病控制和防治處的網站。如有問題,請詢問學區護士或者您孩子的醫療單位。 有了您在家的支持,我們就可以保持我們學校為健康的學習場所。 此致, 校長