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Tommy Trojan’s Lament My name is Tommy Trojan, I’m only doin’ my job No-one ever told me, about this stinkin’ little NOD Even Ronnie Rootkit, he never said a word My life’s flashin’ by me, heuristics? How absurd! Hey guys don’t mess with ESET, listen good, or you’ll regret Killin’ PC’s has always been my job, but I can’t get passed this evil NOD Headline in ‘Virus News’, says NOD is everywhere Before I hit that last PC, I could-a got myself prepared So how will I survive, I’m really gettin’ frantic Guess the only thing to do, is find a PC with Sssymm..... Copyright © ESET, LLC. Este artículo se encuentra bajo licencia Creative Commons de Atribución, No Comercial y Compartir Obras Derivadas Igual. (by-nc-sa). Página 1 de 1