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Felipe J Solano, MD.
Mailing address:
University of Florida Department of Pathology Immunology and Laboratory
1600 SW Archer road
P.O. BOX 100275
Gainesville, Florida, 32610
Current and past postgraduate training:
11/2011 to Present
Surgical pathology fellow: University of Florida, Gainesville.
11/2007 to 10/2011
Resident in Anatomical and Clinical pathology: University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA).
Future postgraduate training:
07/2012 to 07/2013
Cytopathology fellow: University of Florida, Gainesville.
Medical Education:
04/1998 to 11/2004
MD: “Universidad de Antioquia”, Medellin – Colombia,
Board certification:
Diplomat, American board of pathology, Anatomic and Clinical
Medical License(s):
Texas Medical licensure, full, active.
Florida Medical licensure, temporal/training, active.
Research and volunteer experience:
04/2007 to 08/2007
Observer: Audie L Murphy Veterans Hospital at San Antonio
Texas, Pathology department.
11/2003 to 10/2005
Research fellow: UTHSCSA.
08/1999 to 05/2003
Young research fellow, “Universidad de Antioquia” Medellin,
Society memberships:
American Society of Clinical Pathology
College of American Pathologists
Assistance to courses, meetings and additional pathology training:
2011 CAP team member inspector training course.
2011 USCAP.
2011 Texas Society of pathologists.
2010 Elective rotations on breast pathology and dermatopathology at MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, Texas (two months).
2010 Texas Society of pathologists.
2009 Pathology Osler Course.
2009 San Antonio society of pathologists meetings and seminars.
2008 San Antonio society of pathologists meetings and seminars.
Scholastic activities related to pathology residency training:
GME Internal Residency Program Review participation: Dermatology program,
and Anesthesiology (critical care fellowship) program. UTHSCSA.
Internal laboratory inspection of special Chemistry laboratory, UTHSCSA.
2008 to 2011 Speaker of: morbidity and mortality, autopsy, pathology grand rounds, clinical
pathology, journal clubs, laboratory medicine seminar series, and tumor board
Laboratory seminars instructor for 2nd and 4th year UTHSCSA medical students.
Internal laboratory inspection of Cytogenetics laboratory, UTHSCSA.
Published abstracts, posters and publications:
Abstract/Poster. USCAP, San Antonio, 2011. Is the Anti-S-100 Antibody Decreasing its Affinity
for Epidermal Melanocytes? A Possible Diagnostic Pitfall. Felipe J. Solano, MD; Jyoti Kapil MD;
Michael T. Deavers, MD FASCP, Victor G. Prieto, MD/PhD.
Abstract/Poster. Texas Society of Pathologist. 90th annual meeting. San Antonio, 2011.
Cutaneous Bipolaris Spicifera infection, a Case Report. Felipe J. Solano, MD; Emily Becker, MD;
Betsy Furukawa, MD; Lindsey Finklea, MD.
Abstract/Poster. RSNA, 96th annual meeting, Chicago, 2010 .Immuno-Histochemical Markers: A
Primer for Radiologists. K N Chintapalli, MD, San Antonio, TX; N Lalwani, MD, DMRD; F Solano,
MD; V S Katabathina, MD; P Valente, MD; S Choudhary, MD.
Abstract/Poster. Texas Society of Pathologist. 89th annual meeting. January 15-16, 2010.
Galveston, Texas. Leiomyosarcoma of the Prostatic Fossa Following Prostatectomy for Prostatic
Ductal Adenocarcinoma. FJ Solano, JS Jagirdar and MM Nicolas.
Abstract/Poster. Texas Society of Pathologist. 89th annual meeting. January 15-16, 2010.
Galveston, Texas. Mitotically Active Cellular Fibromas of the Ovary: Report of Two Cases. Felipe
J. Solano, MD, Irina Lytvak, MD, and Philip T. Valente, MD.
Aknowledgments. Burt TD, Agan BK, Marconi VC, He W, Kulkarni H, Mold JE, Cavrois M, Huang
Y, Mahley RW, Dolan MJ, McCune JM, Ahuja SK. Apolipoprotein (Apo) E4 enhances HIV-1 cell
entry in vitro, and the APOE ε4/ε4 genotype accelerates HIV disease progression. PNAS. June
24, 2008 vol. 105 no. 25 8718-8723.
Abstract/Poster. 10th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). The G17336T Polymorphism in Tsg101 is associated
with altered HIV disease progression in European Americans. Ahn V; He W, MD; Kulkarni H, MD;
Barshop K; Solano F, MD; Anderson S; Marconi V, MD; Agan B, MD; Dolan M, MD; Ahuja S, MD.
Publication Date: 05/2007.
Abstract/Poster. 9th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Polymorphisms in CX3CR1 are associated with
accelerating HIV disease progression in African Americans independently of CD4+ lymphocyte
count. Geevarghese R; Gonzalez E, MD; He W, MD; Solano F, MD; Kulkarni H, MD; O'Connell R;
Agan B, MD; Dolan M, MD; Ahuja S, MD. Publication Date: 05/2006.
Abstract/Poster. 9th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). An exhaustive bioinformatics approach to defining
genes with copy number variations and characterization of six genes with dosage effect at two
loci 8p23 and 17q11. Sanchez R; He W, MD; Sharron J; Kazandjian D, MD; king J; Solano F, MD;
Gonzalez E, MD; and Ahuja S, MD. Publication Date: 05/2006.
Abstract/Poster. DNA Structure, Genomic Rearrangements, and Human Disease. Institute of
Biosciences and Technology, Houston, TX. A symposium sponsored by the American Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Gene Duplication: An Evolutionary Adaptation for Variable
Immune Response?. Sharron J; Solano F, MD; He W, MD; king J; Patel B; Gonzalez E, MD; and
Ahuja S, MD. Publication Date: 03/2006.
Abstract/Poster. 8th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Genetic variants in FOXP3, the master regulator of T
regulatory cells, increases susceptibility to AIDS-associated neurological diseases in EuropeanAmericans. Solano F, MD; Gonzalez E, MD; Kulkarni H, MD; Unutmaz D; Anderson S; Agan B,
MD; O'Connell R; Dolan M, MD; Ahuja S, MD. Publication Date: 05/2005.
Abstract/Poster. 8th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). The Apolipoprotein E4/E4 genotype is also
associated with detrimental effects in HIV disease: a link between cholesterol metabolism and
HIV pathogenesis. Gonzalez E, MD; Hildebrand M;, Solano F, MD; Kulkarni H, MD; Anderson S;
Agan B, MD; O'Connell R; Dolan M, MD; Ahuja S, MD. Publication Date: 05/2005.
Abstract/Poster. 7th Annual Department of Medicine Research Day, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Gene duplication: an evolutionary adaptation for
variable immune responses?. Solano F, MD; Patel B; Gonzalez E, MD; and Ahuja S, MD.
Publication Date: 05/2004.
Review. Infectio (Revista Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia). Factores que influyen en la
transmisión vertical del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1) (translation:
Factors that influence the vertical transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV1)). Solano F, Patiño PJ, Rugeles MT. 2003; 7(1): 30-37.
Case Report. Revista de la Asociacion Colombiana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología. Detección y
manejo de tres pacientes con agamaglobulinemia ligada al cromosoma X (translation: Detection
and follow up of three patients with agammaglobulinemia linked to the X chromosome). Solano
F; De los Ríos J; Matute JD; Zapata W; Olivares MM; Patiño PJ; Montoya CJ. 2003; 12(1): 19-27.
Abstract/Poster. XXIII Congreso Colombiano de Pediatria, Cartagena-Colombia. Detección y
manejo de tres pacientes con agamaglobulinemia ligada al cromosoma X (translation: Detection
and follow up of three patients with agammaglobulinemia linked to the X chromosome). Solano
F, et al. Publication Date: 08/2003.
Abstract/Poster. III Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Basicas Biomedicas, MedellinColombia. IATREIA. Papel de la IL-15 en individuos infectados con el virus de la
inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 y en expuestos seronegativos (ESN) al virus (translation: Role
of IL-15 in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and
seronegative exposed). Solano F, et al. 2003; 16(1):104.
Article. Journal of Clinical Virology. Molecular characterization of the CCR5 gene in seronegative
individuals exposed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Rugeles MT; Solano F; Dias FJ;
Bedoya VI; Patino PJ. 2002; 23(3): 161-9.
Article. Infectio (Revista Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia). Frecuencia de mutaciones en
el correceptor CCR5 del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) en diferentes grupos en
Medellin (translation: Frequency of mutations of CCR5, correceptor of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in different groups in Medellin). Rugeles MT; Diaz FJ; Vega JA;
Solano F; Angles J; Bedoya G; Bedoya VI; Patino PJ. 2001; 5(2): 87-95.
College of American pathologist. Supporting performance improving program. November 2010, and
April 2008.
2000, Research Award Glaxo-Welcome, at the 2nd Colombian National Meeting of Infectious
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Updated: January/10/2012