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Kristin S. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Objective: To offer culturally specific Spanish <-> English anthropological translations
that take into consideration not only linguistic constructions but also cultural norms by
combining my considerable personal experience and anthropological understanding of
U.S. and Mexican culture with my fluency in both Mexican Spanish and U.S. English.
Educational History:
• Arizona State University, 1999-2007
- Ph.D., 2007; Anthropology, Mesoamerican archaeology specialization
- M.A., 2002; Anthropology, Mesoamerican archaeology specialization
• Dartmouth College, 1994-1998
- B.A. with High Honors, 1998; Anthropology major, Latin American and Hispanic
Literatures minor
- Mary E. Westbrook Thesis Prize in Anthropology, 1999: Daily Life in the City of
the Gods: Household and Funerary Analysis of Two Sites at Teotihuacan.
- Robert A. McKennan Prize in Anthropology, 1997: The Power of Propaganda:
The Migration Myth of the Mexica.
Foreign Language Experience:
• Native U.S. English speaker with translation businesses in the U.S. and Mexico
• A decade of formal training in Spanish, one year of formal training in Latin
• Spanish/English translator/editor and ESL teacher at Sullivan Translations, 2007
to present
• Spanish/English translator/editor and ESL teacher at La palabra clave, S.A. de
C.V., 2010 to present
• certified Spanish/English translator/editor at One Hour Translation, 2012 to
Recent Translation and Editing/ Proofreading Experience:
● Spanish to English Translation
- Nichols, Deborah L., and Enrique R. Rodríguez-Alegría, eds. (in progress,
2015), The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs. Oxford University Press, New York.
- Nichols, Deborah L. and Christopher A. Pool, eds. (2012). The Oxford Handbook
of Mesoamerican Archaeology. Oxford University Press, New York.
- de Rojas, José Luis (2012). Tenochtitlan: Capital of the Aztec Empire. University
of Florida Press, Gainesville.
- articles published in peer review academic journals (STEM, social sciences)
- multi-media presentations in anthropology, archaeology, biology, and chemistry
- essays on contemporary film directors
- critiques of contemporary artists
- biography of a Latin American rebel group leader
- chapters from an art history book on traditional Mexican clothing
● English to Spanish Translation
- corporate brochure for a land banking company
- field work and laboratory research permit requests, and interim and final reports
submitted to Mexico’s Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
- article abstracts submitted for publication in peer review academic journals
(STEM, social sciences)
● English Proofreading/ Editing
- English editor for, September 2009 to present
- anthropology, archaeology, biology, chemistry, earth science, environmental
studies, marine biology, nutrition, pharmacology, and soil science articles for publication
in peer review academic journals
- anthropology, archaeology, and marine biology theses and dissertations
● Spanish Proofreading/ Editing
- Hodge, Mary G., ed. (2008) Lugar de Jade: Sociedad y economía en el antiguo
Chalco/ Place of Jade: Society and Economy in Ancient Chalco. University of Pittsburgh
and INAH, Mexico, D.F.
2010 Análisis e interpretación de la cerámica recuperada en las excavaciones en la
plataforma adosada de la Pirámide del Sol como parte del Programa de
Conservación e Investigación en el Complejo Arquitectónico de la Pirámide del
Sol, Temporadas 2004-2005 y 2008-2009. Report submitted to the Instituto
Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
2010 La cerámica recuperada en las excavaciones en la Plataforma en U de la
Pirámide del Sol, Temporada 2007. Report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
2007 Informe Final: Investigación de la producción de figurillas en un conjunto
residencial de Teotihuacán, México. Final Report submitted to the Instituto
Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
2007 Commercialization in Early State Economies: Craft Production and Market
Exchange in Classic Period Teotihuacan. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of
Anthropology, Arizona State University.
2006 Specialized Production of San Martín Orange Ware at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Latin
American Antiquity 17(1):23-53.
2005 Informe Parcial: Investigación de la producción de figurillas en un conjunto
residencial de Teotihuacán, México. Interim Report submitted to the Instituto
Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
2005 Making and Manipulating Ritual in the City of the Gods: Figurine Production
and Use at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Final report submitted to the Foundation for the
Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc.
2002 Specialized Production of San Martin Orange Ceramics in the Tlajinga District of
Classic Period Teotihuacan, Mexico. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology,
Arizona State University.
1998 Daily Life in the City of the Gods: Household and Funerary Analysis of Two Sites
at Teotihuacan. B.A. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College.
Presentations and Posters:
2007 Commercialization in Early State Economies: Craft Production and Market
Exchange in Classic Period Teotihuacan, Ph.D. defense, Department of
Anthropology, Arizona State University.
2004 Multi-Craft Production in Classic Period Teotihuacan, Mexico, paper presented
at the “Craft Production at Terminal Formative and Classic Period Teotihuacan,
Mexico” symposium organized by Oralia Cabrera Cortés and Kristin Sullivan at
the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 2004.
2003 Production and Distribution of Ultrafine Paste Ceramic Vessels and Figurines in
the Western Lower Papaloapan Basin of Veracruz, Mexico, paper presented at the
“Ceramic Ecology” symposium, organized by Charles C. Kolb and Louana M.
Lackey at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
November 2003.
2003 Specialized Production of San Martín Orange Ceramics in the Tlajinga District of
Classic Period Teotihuacan, Mexico, paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, April 2003.
2002 Specialized Production of San Martín Orange Ceramics in the Tlajinga District of
Classic Period Teotihuacan, Mexico, M.A. defense, Department of Anthropology,
Arizona State University.
2002 Ceramic Specialization at Classic Period Teotihuacan, Mexico: San Martín
Orange Production in the Tlajinga District, A.D. 350-650, poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 2002.
2001 Irrigation in the Salt River Valley: A.D. 500 – Present, poster presented at the
NSF site visit to the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research
project at the Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University, March
1998 Daily Life in the City of the Gods: Household and Funerary Analysis of Two Sites
at Teotihuacan. B.A. Thesis defense, Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth