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Antonio Alifa JOSE MARIA TORRECILLA BECERRA [] lunes, 18 de junio de 2012 8:31 VIRGINIA CRUZ MERCADILLA; RV: Probetas TRATERCOM De: Enviado el: Para: CC: Asunto: Enhorabuena. Saludos _______________________________________ José María Torrecilla Supply Chain Quality Quality Department C/ de los Hermanos d'Eluyar, s/n Pabellón de Francia, 41092 Sevilla, SPAIN Phone. +34 609 28 96 17 Antes de imprimir este mensaje, asegúrate de que es necesario. De: DIAZ-MORENO, Javier [] Enviado el: domingo, 17 de junio de 2012 18:36 Para: JOSE MARIA TORRECILLA BECERRA CC: VIRGINIA CRUZ MERCADILLA; SANTOS-BARRERO, Alejandro; BENAVENTE-FERNANDEZ, Maria-Jose (UNIQUE INTERIM ETT) Asunto: RE: Probetas TRATERCOM Hola José María, Actualizo el estatus de calificación de TRATERCOM para la pareja AIPS/AIPI04-03-001 AIPS04-03-001 HEAT TREATMENT OF STEELS 1 TRATERCOM Saludos Javi Javier DÍAZ MORENO New Product Introduction A350 & A400M Supply Chain Quality TTPQK AIRBUS Mailto: Phone: (+34) 915049135 / 929135 Mobile Phone: (+34) 655363047 / 7723047 Airbus Operations S.L. Paseo John Lennon 28906 Getafe – Madrid España From: JOSE MARIA TORRECILLA BECERRA [] Sent: viernes, 01 de junio de 2012 9:45 To: DIAZ-MORENO, Javier Cc: VIRGINIA CRUZ MERCADILLA; SANTOS-BARRERO, Alejandro; BENAVENTE-FERNANDEZ, Maria-Jose (UNIQUE INTERIM ETT) Subject: RE: Probetas TRATERCOM Hola, Os adjunto las evidencias de las probetas solicitadas en Tratercom. Saludos _______________________________________ José María Torrecilla Supply Chain Quality Quality Department C/ de los Hermanos d'Eluyar, s/n Pabellón de Francia, 41092 Sevilla, SPAIN Phone. +34 609 28 96 17 Antes de imprimir este mensaje, asegúrate de que es necesario. De: DIAZ-MORENO, Javier [] Enviado el: jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012 17:43 Para: JOSE MARIA TORRECILLA BECERRA CC: VIRGINIA CRUZ MERCADILLA; SANTOS-BARRERO, Alejandro; BENAVENTE-FERNANDEZ, Maria-Jose (UNIQUE INTERIM ETT) Asunto: Probetas TRATERCOM Buenas tardes José María, Tal y como hablamos hace tres semanas, en relación al proceso de tratamiento térmico en TRATERCOM según AIPS/AIPI04-03-001, quedamos a la espera de recibir entre esta semana y la que viene evidencia de las probetas solicitadas. 2 Un saludo, Javi Javier DÍAZ MORENO New Product Introduction A350 & A400M Supply Chain Quality TTPQK AIRBUS Mailto: Phone: (+34) 915049135 / 929135 Mobile Phone: (+34) 655363047 / 7723047 Airbus Operations S.L. Paseo John Lennon 28906 Getafe – Madrid España The information in this e-mail is confidential. The contents may not be disclosed or used by anyone other than the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Airbus immediately and delete this e-mail. Airbus cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this e-mail as it has been sent over public networks. If you have any concerns over the content of this message or its Accuracy or Integrity, please contact Airbus immediately. All outgoing e-mails from Airbus are checked using regularly updated virus scanning software but you should take whatever measures you deem to be appropriate to ensure that this message and any attachments are virus free. The information in this e-mail is confidential. The contents may not be disclosed or used by anyone other than the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Airbus immediately and delete this e-mail. Airbus cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this email as it has been sent over public networks. If you have any concerns over the content of this message or its Accuracy or Integrity, please contact Airbus immediately. All outgoing e-mails from Airbus are checked using regularly updated virus scanning software but you should take whatever measures you deem to be appropriate to ensure that this message and any attachments are virus free. No se encontraron virus en este mensaje. Comprobado por AVG - Versión: 2012.0.2179 / Base de datos de virus: 2433/5076 - Fecha de publicación: 06/17/12 3