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Cornelio Gonzalez, Ph.D. Executive Director TO: CNP-South Texas Cooperative Members FROM: Lori Atwood Ramos, MBA, RD Purchasing Coordinator SUBJECT: Discounted Warehouse ~ Addendum #1 Proposal 15-04-12 DATE: August 27, 2015 The price change below was submitted by Valco Foods, LLC and is effective immediately: Item: Barbacoa, Beef , Item # 2054 Previous Case Price: $166.02 New Case Price $160.62 In addition, the following items were added as requested by La Joya ISD: ITEM # ESTIMATED USAGE MINIMUM ORDER PACK SIZE: UNIT: UNIT PRICE: CASE PRICE: Carne al Pastor/Fully cooked seasoned pork meat pastor mexican style* 2274 175 20,000 LB/Month 6/4.4 LBS LB $5.5227 $145.80 Deshebrada de Res/Shredded Beef* 2062 175 20,000 LB/Month 6/4.4 LBS LB $7.6386 $201.66 ITEMS: For your convenience, the order guide has been revised and posted on the CNP-South Texas Cooperative Web page at, Awarded Bids & Proposals. For additional information or questions, please contact the South Texas Cooperative: Lori Atwood Ramos, Purchasing Coordinator Phone: 956.984.6123 Email: America Retana Phone: 956.984.6217 Email: Region One Education Service Center does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, gender, or disability. . INFORMACIÓN NUTRIMENTAL BARBACOA DE RES – EXPORTACIÓN Aplica a: Línea: BARBACOA DE RES Comal Congelados Clave: BJ-INFN-001 Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo de Productos Fecha de Nivel de Página Emisión: Edición: 24/08/15 01 1 de 1 Barbacoa de Res Código Interno 2054 Gramaje 2 Kg (4.40 lb) Ingredientes: Etiqueta Nutrimental Código de Barras 75014653 1753 3 Código Display 175014653 1753 0 Carne de res (100% carne de res), Manteca vegetal, ajo, cebolla, laurel y sal entera Carne al Pastor /Fully cooked seasoned pork meat pastor mexican style 2kg (4.40 Lb) CÓDIGO INTERNO / INTERNAL CODE : 2274 CÓDIGO DE BARRAS / BARCODE 7 50 14653 1930 8 CÓDIGO DISPLAY / CÓDE DISPLAY: 1 750 14653 1930 5 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO / PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Trozos de carne de cerdo en adobo y cebolla fileteada / Pieces of marinated pork and threaded onion FICHA TÉCNICA / TECHNIQUE FILE INGREDIENTES / INGREDIENTS: Foto Ilustrativa / Serving suggestion Carne de cerdo, cebolla, manteca de cerdo, vinagre (agua, ácido acético, azúcar, saborizante artificial), chile ancho, chile cascabel, agua, ajo, orégano, pimienta negra, pimienta blanca, laurel, clavo, canela, tomillo, jengibre, sal de mar, paprika, colorante naranja rojizo, consomé de pollo (sal yodatada, glutamate monosódico, fécula de maíz, azúcar, grasa de res, maltodextrina, proteína vegetal hidrolizada, cebolla, dióxido de silicón, extracto de levadura, colorants naturales (color caramelo clase IV y curcuma), ajo, carne de res, saborizante identico al natural, contiene cebada, agua, perejil, inositato disodico, ácido cítrico, especias. (pimienta y nuez moscada). / Pork meat, onion, lard, vinegar (water, acetic acid, sugar, artificial flavoring), ancho chili, cascabel chili, water, garlic, oregano, black pepper, white pepper, laurel, clove, cinnamon, thyme, ginger, salt, paprika, orange red coloring, chicken bouillon (iodized salt, monosodium glutamate, cornstarch, sugar, beef fat, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed soy protein, onion, silicon dioxide, yeast extract, natural colours (caramel color class IV and curcuma), garlic, beef, flavoring identical to natural, contains barley, water, parsley, inositate disodium, citric acid, spices (pepper and nutmeg). TABLA DE PROPORCIONES / TABLE PROPORTION: % PORCENTAJE DE SOLIDOS / RANK SOLIDS % % PORCENTAJE DE LIQUIDOS / RANK LIQUID % % PORCENTAJE DE GUARNICIÓN / RANCK LINING% 70% – 75% 15% – 10% 15% ESPECIFICACIONES ORGANOLEPTICAS /ORGANOLEPTIC SPECIFICATIONS: PARAMETRO /PARAMETER: Color / Color : Olor / Odor : Sabor / Taste: Aspecto Visual / Visual Appearance : Textura / Texture: ESPECIFICACIÓN / SPECIFICATION: Naranja / Orange Característico a achiote / Characteristic of achiote Característico a carne al pastor / Characteristic of Pastor Meat Trozos de carne con cebolla fileteada en adobo/ Pieces of meat with marinated and threaded onion Media / Medium Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 FICHA TÉCNICA / TECHNIQUE FILE ESPECIFICACIONES NUTRIMENTALES / NUTRITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: *DE ACUERDO A LA NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, ESPECIFICACIONES GENERALES DE ETIQUETADO PARA ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS NO ALCOHÓLICAS PREENVASADOS-INFORMACIÓN COMERCIAL Y SANITARIA. / According to the Mexican Official Standard NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1-2010, GENERAL LABELING FOR FOOD AND NONALCOHOLIC PREPACKAGED BUSINESS INFORMATION AND HEALTH. ESPECIFICACIONES MICROBILOGICAS / MICROBIOLOGICAL LIMITS: Microorganismos Límite superior Microorganismos * Bacterias mesofilicas aerobias ** Coliformes totales Patógenos 150,000 U.F.C./gr. Bacterias Gram negativo <10 U.F.C./gr. ausente E. Coli Salmonella, Shigella, NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-093-SSA1-1994, BIENES Y SERVICIOS. PRÁCTICAS DE HIGIENE Y SANIDAD EN LA PREPARACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS QUE SE OFRECEN EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS FIJOS. / MEXICAN OFFICIAL STANDARD NOM-093-SSA1-1994, GOODS AND services. HYGIENE AND HEALTH PRACTICES IN THE PREPARATION OF FOOD OFFERED IN FIXED ESTABLISHMENTS. Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: PRESENTACIÓN / PRESENTATION : VIDA DE ANAQUEL / SHELF LIFE: Empacado en presentación de 2 Kg, en bolsa de polietileno. / Packaged in presentation of 4.40 Lb. (2 kg) in polybag. 12 Meses / 12 Months ALMACENAMIENTO Y CONSERVACIÓN / STORAGE AND CONSERVATION: TRAZABILIDAD / TRACEABILITY: Manténgase a Temperatura de Congelación 18°C / Keep freezing temperature – 0.4 °F Número de Lote. / Lot Number ESPECIFICACIONES DE ENVASADO / PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS: FICHA TÉCNICA / TECHNIQUE FILE EMPAQUE Y EMBALAJE / PACKING AND PACKAGING: Caja / Box : Doble corrugado anti humedad / Double corrugated anti humidity 6 bolsas / 6 bags Contenido piezas por caja / Content for parts box : Tarima / Stage : Cama de 7 estiba de 8 / 7 stowage bed 8 Total de cajas por tarima / Total boxes per pallet: 56 cajas / 56 boxes *Imagen Ilustrativa de Tarima / Ilustrative image pallet. ESPECIFICACIONES DE USO / SPECIFICATIONS OF USE: CALENTAMIENTO A BAÑO MARÍA / A WARM BATH: Mantener el producto en su empaque original e introducir en una olla con agua a baño maría con una temperatura de 85 - 90°C Por 45 Min. / Keep the product in the original pack and put it inside of the pot with water and take it in a bath with a temperature of 185 - 194 ° F for 45 min . CALENTAMIENTO EN HORNO COMBI / COMBI OVEN HEATING Colocar el producto a temperatura de conservación de 0 a 4°C - 24 horas antes de utilizar posteriormente pasar en el horno combi por 50 min. Con una temperatura de 82°C con vapor. / Place the product to a temperature 32 – 39.2 ° F - 24 hours before using; later pass on the combi oven for 50 min. With a temperature of 179.6 ° F with steaming vapour. CALENTAMIENTO DIRECTO / DIRECT HEATING Colocar el producto a temperatura de conservación de 0 a 4°C - 24 horas antes de utilizar, calentar a fuego bajo, preferentemente tapar para evitar evaporación de líquidos, hidratar si es necesario. / Place the product to a temperature 32 – 39.2 ° F - 24 hours before using, Heat over low heat, cover preferably to avoid liquid vaporation, hydrate If necessary. Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 Deshebrada de Res / Sheredded Beef 2kg (4.40 Lb) CÓDIGO INTERNO / INTERNAL CODE : CÓDIGO DE BARRAS / BARCODE CÓDIGO DISPLAY / CÓDE DISPLAY: 2062 75014653 1757 1 175014653 1757 8 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO / PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Carne deshebrada cocida en su propio jugo / Beef cooked to steam in its own juice, seasoned and shredded. INGREDIENTES / INGREDIENTS: Carne de res (100% carne de res), Manteca vegetal, ajo, cebolla, laurel y sal entera / Beef, (100% meat), vegetable shorting, garlic, onion, laurel and salt. TABLA DE PROPORCIONES / TABLE PROPORTION: % PORCENTAJE DE SOLIDOS / RANK SOLIDS % % PORCENTAJE DE LIQUIDOS / RANK LIQUID % 85-90% 15-10% % PORCENTAJE DE GUARNICIÓN / RANCK LINING% 0-0% ESPECIFICACIONES ORGANOLEPTICAS /ORGANOLEPTIC SPECIFICATIONS: PARAMETRO /PARAMETER: Color / Color : Olor / Odor : Sabor / Taste: Aspecto Visual / Visual Appearance : Textura / Texture: ESPECIFICACIÓN / SPECIFICATION: Café grisáceo / grayish brown Carcateristico a barbacoa de res / Characteristic of sheredded beef Carcateristico a barbacoa de res / Characteristic of sheredded beef Carne deshebrada / shredded beef Suave / soft Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 ESPECIFICACIONES NUTRIMENTALES / NUTRITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS: * *DE ACUERDO A LA NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, ESPECIFICACIONES GENERALES DE ETIQUETADO PARA ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS NO ALCOHÓLICAS PREENVASADOS-INFORMACIÓN COMERCIAL Y SANITARIA. / According to the Mexican Official Standard NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1-2010, GENERAL LABELING FOR FOOD AND NONALCOHOLIC PREPACKAGED BUSINESS INFORMATION AND HEALTH. ESPECIFICACIONES MICROBILOGICAS / MICROBIOLOGICAL LIMITS: LÍMITES MICROBIOLÓGICOS / MICROBIOLOGICAL LIMITS Bacterias Mesófilas aerobias / Aerobic mesophilic bacteria 150000 UFC c/g Coliformes Totales / Total coliforms <10 UFC c/g Enterobacterias / Enterobacteriaceae Negativo / Negative Salmonella – shigella / Salmonella – shigella Negativo / Negative Salmonella – typhi / Salmonella – typhi Negativo / Negative DE ACUERDO A LA NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-127-SSA1-1994, "SALUD AMBIENTAL, AGUA PARA USO Y CONSUMO HUMANO-LIMITES PERMISIBLES DE CALIDAD Y TRATAMIENTOS A QUE DEBE SOMETERSE EL AGUA PARA SU POTABILIZACION". / ACCORDING TO THE MEXICAN OFFICIAL STANDARD NOM-127-SSA1-1994, "ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH WATER FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION-USE AND PERMISSIBLE LIMITS QUALITY AND TREATMENTS TO BE BOUND WATER FOR DRINKING WATER". NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-093-SSA1-1994, BIENES Y SERVICIOS. PRÁCTICAS DE HIGIENE Y SANIDAD EN LA PREPARACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS QUE SE OFRECEN EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS FIJOS. / MEXICAN OFFICIAL STANDARD NOM-093-SSA1-1994, GOODS AND services. HYGIENE AND HEALTH PRACTICES IN THE PREPARATION OF FOOD OFFERED IN FIXED ESTABLISHMENTS. Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: PRESENTACIÓN / PRESENTATION : VIDA DE ANAQUEL / SHELF LIFE: Empacado en presentación de 2 Kg, en bolsa de polietileno. / Packaged in presentation of 4.40 Lb (2 kg ) in polybag. 12 Meses / 12 Months ALMACENAMIENTO Y CONSERVACIÓN / STORAGE AND CONSERVATION: TRAZABILIDAD / TRACEABILITY: Manténgase a Temperatura de Congelación 18°C / Keep freezing temperature – 0.4 °F Número de Lote. / Lot Number ESPECIFICACIONES DE ENVASADO / PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS: EMPAQUE Y EMBALAJE / PACKING AND PACKAGING: Caja / Box : Doble corrugado anti humedad / Double corrugated anti humidity 6 bolsas / 6 bags Contenido piezas por caja / Content for parts box : Tarima / Stage : Cama de 7 estiba de 8 / 7 stowage bed 8 Total de cajas por tarima / Total boxes per pallet: 56 cajas / 56 boxes *Imagen Ilustrativa de Tarima / Ilustrative image pallet. ESPECIFICACIONES DE USO / SPECIFICATIONS OF USE: CALENTAMIENTO A BAÑO MARÍA / A WARM BATH: Mantener el producto en su empaca original e introducir en una olla con agua a baño maría con una temperatura de 85 - 90°C Por 45 Min. / Keep the product in the original ITS pack and enter the pot with water from a water bath with a temperature of 85-90 ° C for 45 min . CALENTAMIENTO EN HORNO COMBI / COMBI OVEN HEATING Colocar el producto a temperatura de conservación de 0 a 4°C - 24 horas antes de utilizar posteriormente pasar en el horno combi por 50 min. Con una temperatura de 82°C con vapor. / Place the product storage temperature 0-4 ° C - 24 hours before use later pass on the combi oven for 50 min . With a temperature of 82 ° C with steam. CALENTAMIENTO DIRECTO / DIRECT HEATING Colocar el producto a temperatura de conservación de 0 a 4°C - 24 horas antes de utilizar, calentar a fuego bajo, preferentemente tapar para evitar evaporación de líquidos, hidratar si es necesario. / Place the product temperature Conservation 0-4 ° C - 24 hours before using , Heat over low heat, cover preferably para Avoid Liquid Evaporation , hydrate If Necessary. Av. Valle del Guadiana #460 Nte. Parque Industrial Lagunero, Gómez Palacio, Dgo. C.P. 35078 01 800 624 6181 (871) 1 7508 00 Lori A. Ramos From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Alegre & Associates BCS [] Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:37 AM Lori A. Ramos Fwd: VALCO FOODS: CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12 -- La Joya ISD BARBACOA DE RES_2 OZ.pdf; FT_2062 DESHEBRADA DE RES _ 2KG.pdf; FT_2274 CARNE AL PASTOR _ 2KG.pdf Good Morning Lori !!!! The prices are correct !!!!! Also we are sending you the nutritional info !!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Most Respectfully Alegre & Associates BCS Accounting & Tax Firm 3827 N 10th Street Ste 205 McAllen, TX 78501-1745 Tel: 956 618 3210, 210 399 7631 Fax: 713 280 1184 Skype ID: aabcs1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Valco <> Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:16 AM Subject: Fwd: VALCO FOODS: CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12 -- La Joya ISD To: "" <> Region 1 Enviado desde mi iPhone Inicio del mensaje reenviado: De: "Sylvia G. Zapata" <> Fecha: 26 de agosto de 2015, 5:19:28 PM CDT Para: "Lori A. Ramos" <>, "''" <> Cc: Ricardo Rodriguez <>, "Marc D. Garcia" <>, Joel Trevino <>, America Retana <>, "Marc D. Garcia" <> Asunto: RE: VALCO FOODS: CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12 -- La Joya ISD Good Afternoon, Lori: 1 Quantities are as follows: Item Description Case Price Barbacoa de Res $160.62 400 Pastor Pork $145.80 175 Shredded Beef $201.66 Qty 175 Have a pleasant evening. Sylvia G. Zapata, CPPO, RTSBA Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Operations Business & Operations Center - 201 East Expressway 83, La Joya, TX 78560 Ph. 956.323.2100 Fax 956.323.2109 2 From: Lori A. Ramos [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 5:14 PM To: Sylvia G. Zapata; '' Cc: Ricardo Rodriguez; Marc D. Garcia; Joel Trevino; America Retana; Marc D. Garcia; Lori A. Ramos Subject: VALCO FOODS: CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12 -- La Joya ISD Good afternoon Sylvia, I will need to verify pricing, and obtain product specifications, item #, pack size, and nutrition info from the manufacturer.. How many cases of the following products does La Joya ISD plan to purchase? Item Description Case Price Barbacoa de Res $160.62 Pastor Pork Shredded Beef $145.80 $201.66 Please advise. Lori Atwood Ramos, MBA, RD Purchasing Coordinator Region One Education Service Center 1900 W. Schunior 3 Edinburg, Texas 78541 Phone: 956.984.6123 Fax: 956.984.7654 Email: Website: Webpages: *Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email & attached documents may contain confidential information. All information is intended only for the use of the named recipient. If you are not the named recipient, you are not authorized to read, disclose, copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on the information and any action other than immediate delivery to the named recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, do not read the information and please immediately notify sender by telephone to arrange for a return of the original documents. If you are the named recipient you are not authorized to reveal any of this information to any other unauthorized person. If you did not receive all pages listed or if pages are not legible, please immediately notify sender by phone. From: Sylvia G. Zapata [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 5:06 PM To: Lori A. Ramos Cc: Ricardo Rodriguez; Marc D. Garcia; Joel Trevino Subject: CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12 Good Afternoon, Lori: We would like to process an order for the following items through VALCO Foods, approved bid vendor on the CNP-STC PROPOSAL #15-04-12. Item Description Case Price 4 Barbacoa de Res Pastor Pork Shredded Beef $160.62 $145.80 $201.66 We need to process an order at this time. Will you please add these to the tabulation sheet posted online? How soon can we expect the tabulation sheet to be updated? Please advise. Thank you for your assistance with this request. Sylvia G. Zapata, CPPO, RTSBA Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Operations Business & Operations Center - 201 East Expressway 83, La Joya, TX 78560 Ph. 956.323.2100 Fax 956.323.2109 5 6