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Community News From ASA Coordinator Photo Mission and Vision 22-23 AASSA tournament in Quito 23 SAT exams Yesterday Thursday, January 21 was held talk to parents "Emotions management to be efficient parents”. Dictated by the psychotherapist Natalia Ferrero, Director of PSICOTREC in Lima, Peru, Centre affiliated to the Albert Ellis Institute in New York. The event was opened to the public in general (free only to parents and staff of IAA). read more We gave much liked to have been able to share with teachers and parents of IAA. 8-9 26 Carnival no school ASA season 2 ends Dear Parents, For more information, please contact our psychologist Karina Bustamante. Director’s Coffee. I would like to invite all parents to school on Thursday morning, January 28 at 7:30am in the Multi-purpose room (back of our Library) for our next Director's Coffee. During this time I can answer any questions or concerns you may have, and share our ideas with each other. We look forward to seeing you there. read more read more 2 3-4 14 17 18 21-25 PSAT for grade 10 Technology Fair ASA season 3 begins End of third quarter Curriculum Day, no school Semana Santa, no school ¿Cómo se transmite el virus Zika? Se transmite por la picadura de un mosquito del género Aedes, que es el mismo que puede transmitir dengue o chikungunya conocido como Mosquito tigre y que está presente en las zonas tropicales y subtropicales de las Américas. ¿Qué medidas se deben tomar para prevenir la infección por el virus Zika? Con la eliminación y el control de los criaderos del mosquito Ae. aegypti, disminuyen las posibilidades de que se transmita el virus Zika, el chikungunya y el dengue. Al igual que el dengue y el chigunkunya, este virus requiere de una respuesta integral que involucre a varias áreas de acción, desde la salud, hasta la educación y el medio ambiente. read more Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. All books are in English and are for ages 2-teen. Books should arrive the first week of February (before Carnival). You will need to log in or register at the top of the page in order to place and order: You will be asked for your child’s name and grade when you are checking out so we know who the books belong to. You may pay with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Delta, Solo, Maestro, or Visa Electron. Please place your order online by January 25th, 2016. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards. Please contact me in the library or at with any questions!