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Protein Biochemistry and Virology We are seeking for candidates to a 2-3 years contract (Titulado Superior) starting around October 2015. The candidates should have a PhD with experience and publications on Protein Biochemistry and Virology. Skills on protein design, expression and purification, as well as on protein-protein interactions are required. Candidates with experience on antibody characterization and/or virus neutralization will be also considered. Interested candidates should send their Curriculum vitae, including experience and research goals to: Jose M Casasnovas Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (lab. B16) CSIC, Campus UAM Darwin 3 28049 Madrid Spain Ph. 34 915854917(8) Fax. 34 915854506 email: Information on our group: El CNB practica una política de empleo de igualdad de oportunidades con arreglo a principios de publicidad y mérito.