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Departamento de Fisiología
Coloquio de Neurofisiología
Serie 2017-1
The Newton Fund International Collaboration Programme 2016
Academia Mexicana de Ciencias y la Royal Society, UK
Dr. Jerome D. Swinny
Fellow of Newton fund-AMC-CONACYT
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
University of Portsmouth, Reino Unido
Emotional instability in the demented:
how Locus Coeruleus dysfunction
contributes to psychiatric disorders in
Alzheimer’s disease
About the speaker
Dr. Swinny graduated with BSc Pharmacy and MSc Pharmacology degrees from the
University of Kwazulu Natal South Africa. He then went on to obtain a PhD from the
University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Following postdoctoral training with Dr. Rita
Valentino, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Prof. Peter Somogyi, FRS, University
of Oxford, he was appointed to his current position in 2009.
The Neurochemical Anatomy & Psychopharmacology Group Dr. Swinny leads is part of
cell biology and pharmacology section of IBBS. Their research is focussed on
investigating the expression and functional plasticity of excitatory and inhibitory
neurotransmitters in the central and peripheral nervous systems to psychosocial stress.
Auditorio Fernando Ocaranza. Facultad de Medicina
17 de Agosto de 2016, 12:00 – 12:40 hrs.
Información: Dra. Limei Zhang o Dr. Victor Rodriguez,,