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Environmental Regulatory Research Group (ERRG)
University of Surrey
Book or Journal Guest Editor
Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente: Una Visión desde Iberoamérica,
London/Quito, Cameron May, 2009; co-edited with Rosa María Fernandéz Egea
and Susana Borrás Pentinat [forthcoming]
“Climate Change in a Global Economy”, 2.1. Carbon and Climate Law Review
(2008), co-edited with Joost Pauwelyn
Peer Reviewed Articles
“Water export bans for environmental purposes before the WTO: a reflection of
the difficult Relationship between trade and environment”, 60 Revue Hellenique
de Droit International (2007), [forthcoming]
“The EU and Carbon Leakage: How to Reconcile Border Adjustments with the
WTO?”, 17 European Energy and Environmental Law Review (2008), pp. 328340
“Global Climate Change and the Fragmentation of International Law”, 30.4 Law
and Policy (2008), pp. 423-449; together with Harro van Asselt and Michael
“El papel de la UE en la lucha contra el cambio climático: ¿Líder en la política
climática global?” [The role of the EU in the battle against climate change: Global
Leadership?], 14 Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (2007), pp. 13;
together with Rosa María Fernández Egea
“Climate Change: A Security (Council) Issue?”, 1 Carbon and Climate Law
Review (2007), pp. 26-31
School of Law
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Environmental Regulatory Research Group (ERRG)
“Soft Law and the Elusive Quest for Sustainable Global Governance”, 19.3 Leiden
Journal of International Law (2006), pp. 829-846
“Ex-Post and Ex-Ante [Legal] Approaches to Climate Change Threats to the
International Community”, 9 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law (2005),
pp. 207-236
“Moving the Climate Regime Further Through a Hydrogen Protocol”, 13.2
Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (2004), pp.
175-186; together with Joyeeta Gupta
Book Chapters/Other Articles
“Why comply when others are not bound? Emissions Trading, Carbon Leakage
and Trade Measures”, in L. Rajamani and S. Maljean Dubois, The Implementation
of Environmental Law, The Hague, The Hague Academy of International Law,
“Climate and Trade in a Divided World: Can Measures Adopted in the North End
Up Shaping Climate Change Legislative Frameworks in the South?”, in Y. Le
Bouthillier, H. McLeod-Kilmurray, B. Richardson and S. Wood, Climate Law and
Developing Countries: Legal and Policy Challenges for the World Community,
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, [forthcoming]
“The Linkages Between Access to Water and Water Scarcity with International
Investment Law and the WTO Regime”, in P. Cullet et al. (eds.), Legal Aspects of
Water Sector Reforms: New Delhi, Cambridge University Press, [forthcoming];
together with Francesco Costamagna
“Puede el comercio internacional convertirse en instrumento en la lucha contra el
cambio climático: Respuestas preliminares desde la ronda de Doha y desde las
negociaciones post-Kyoto” [Can International trade become an instrument in the
fight against climate change?: Preliminary answers from the Doha negotiations
and the Post-Kyoto negotiations], in R.M. Fernández Egea (Ed.), El Protocolo de
Kioto: Dificultades de su Aplicación en el Derecho International y Comunitario,
Madrid, Prensa Universitaria Autónoma, [forthcoming]
School of Law
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Environmental Regulatory Research Group (ERRG)
“Climate Taxes and the WTO: Is the Multilateral Trade Regime a Further
Obstacle for Efficient Domestic Climate Policies?”, 8 ECOLOMIC Policy and
Law (2006), pp. 1-24
“La regulación comunitaria del cambio climático y los mecanismos flexibles
previstos por el Protocolo de Kyoto: ¿un obstáculo o un impulso para la economía
europea? [The Community Regulation of Climate Change and the Flexible
Mechanisms Provided for in the Kyoto Protocol: ¿An Obstacle or an Impulse for
the European Economy?] in A. Remiro Brotons e I. Blázquez Navarro (Eds.), La
Acción Exterior de la Unión Europea, Valencia; Ed. Tirant lo Blanch (2006), pp.
“Unravelling the Trade and Environment Debate Through Sustainable
Development Law Principles”, ESIL Inaugural Conference Agora Paper (2005)
“The GMO Dispute before the WTO: Legal Implications for the Trade and
Environment Debate” (January 2005). FEEM Working Paper No. 11.05
Work in progress
“The Role of Economic Instruments” in J. Brunnée, M. Doelle & L. Rajamani, A
Compliance System for the Post-2012 Climate Change Regime, Cambridge
University Press, forthcoming in 2010
“Environment and security”, in F. Sindico, R.M. Fernandéz Egea and S. Borrás
Pentinat Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente: Una Visión desde
Iberoamérica, London/Quito, Cameron May, 2009, [forthcoming] [book chapter
with Jorge Cardona Llorens]
School of Law
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK