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Español AP - Sabbato
Tareas de verano 2010
Durante el verano, uds. tendrán que escuchar, leer y escribir.
escuchar – It is required that each student listen to 2 horas de
español por semana. This listening practice is vital in preparing for
Spanish 5 and AP. You may get this listening practice in many ways,
including . . .
Watching DVD’s in Spanish (in most DVD’s you can change the
language into dubbed Spanish)
Watching Univisión (channel 54 on Cox cable) or any other t.v. station
in Spanish (get hooked on a telenovela!)
Getting “Learn Spanish” CD’s, as long as they are intermediate level or
beyond (either from the library or you can buy them)
Using the internet – podcasts in Spanish as well as many websites that
have audio ( is one. Note there is no www in front of url)
Listening to the radio (am 1050)
Make sure that you average two hours per week. If you are short one hour one
week, make up for it the following week. Record your listening hours on the form
attached. You will hand in the form on the first week of class in September.
Be sure to have your parents verify / sign off on the hours you spend listening.
Leer y escribir – Every two weeks you will be required to e mail Mrs.
Sarver and Mr. Sabbato a copy of an article that you’ve read and / or
listened to from (no “www” in front). Here are the
steps you’ll take:
Log on to
Choose an article that looks interesting or that you may have better
luck understanding.
Cut and paste this article into a word document, then read the
article carefully. As you read (and listen), . . .
Put 10 or more words in boldface in the article, and insert next to
the word or words what you think it/they mean in English (see
Underneath the article write a 5-8 sentence summary of the article,
citing interesting or pertinent things that it mentions, and giving
your opinion or viewpoint on the topic as well. Choose articles
that are interesting to you so that your opinion will be more
meaningful and insightful.
Send us the article via e mail to the following address . . . (Sr. Sabbato) (Sra. Sarver)
Here is an example of article and summary copied from . .
Viernes, 01 de junio de 2007-Los jóvenes tienen que liderar la lucha contra el cambio
El Secretario General de la ONU Ban Ki Moon, pidió hoy a los jóvenes que se involucren en la
lucha (The struggle) contra el cambio climático (climate change).
En una video-conferencia (video conference) con estudiantes de todo el mundo con motivo del
Día Mundial para el Medio Ambiente, Ban les hizo este llamamiento:
“Les pido que se unan a la lucha contra (against) el cambio climático. Si no actuamos (to act, we
form), el coste real de nuestro fracaso (failure) lo heredarán las generaciones siguientes (the
next generations). Tenemos que unirnos (to unite) para impedirlo. Por eso, amigos míos, les doy
las gracias por su voluntad de afrontar (to confront)el desafío (the challenge)”.
Naciones Unidas ha declarado el 5 de junio día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. En esta oportunidad
se celebrará bajo el lema (the motto): “el deshielo, un asunto caliente”.
“El artículo de arriba trata del cambio climático de la tierra, y
especificamente, el calentamiento global. Según el artículo, el Secretario
General de las Naciones Unidas quiere que los jóvenes traten de afrontar este
asunto. También el artículo afirma que si nosotros no hacemos nada, entonces
las generaciones del futuro van a sufrir mucho. A mi parecer, este
calentamiento global es una tragedia y nosotros los jóvenes necesitamos
unirnos para tartar de impeder la destrucción de nuestro planeta. Creo que si
todos hacemos un esfuerzo para parar las causas de esta tragedia, podemos
hacer una gran diferencia en el futuro de nuestros hijos.”
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of reading and writing these
reviews . . .
• Use a dictionary if and when needed, but DO NOT use translation
software or translations of the article.
DEFINITELY do not use translation software on your summary - it will be
immediately evident and is NOT worth it (usually the paragraph comes out
even worse than if you hadn’t used a translator)
Keep in mind that this is VALUABLE practice for what you’ll be expected
to do in class and eventually on the AP exam.
Listen to the article as well if it comes in an audio format (many of them
do) and use this as part of your listening assignment (about 5 min’s each)
Use the following vocabulary expressions to help you write the
summaries. . .
to cite the article
Según el artículo, …= According to the article, …
Según la fuente, … = According to the source, . . .
El artículo dice / afirma / explica / informa que . . . =
This article says / affirms / explains / informs us that …
Giving your opinions
(No) estoy de acuerdo con el artículo cuando dice que . . . =
I (don’t) agree with the article when it says that . . .
Yo comparto la idea de que . . .= I share the idea that . . .
No creo que . . .(subjuntivo) . . .= I don’t believe that . . .
En mi opinión, . . . = In my opinion, . . .
Por un lado, . . ., pero por otro lado. . . =
On the one hand…, but on the other hand…
Creo que es fantástico / absurdo / ridículo / horrible que . . . (subjuntivo) =
I think that it’s fantastic / absurd / ridiculous / horrible that . . .
The due dates for each article are as follows . . .
July 1 – First article and summary is due
July 15 – second article and summary due
July 30 – Third article and summary due
August 15 – Fourth article and summary due
August 30 - Fifth and last article and summary due
Nota - Upon successful and timely completion of each of the assignments, you
will receive two quiz grades of 100% (One for the listening two hrs/wk. and one
for the five articles and summaries).
What you listened to & source
Time spent
Firma de padres