Download Canadá, México, US 2014: URBAN FUTURES RAL-NCAR
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Canadá, México, US 2014: IMPACTOS, ADAPTACION, Y VULNERABILIDAD Congreso: La Ciencia del Cambio Climático en México Patricia Romero-Lankao URBAN FUTURES RAL-NCAR *********** North America: chapter writing team Lead Authors: Patricia Romero-Lankao (Mexico), Joel Smith (US) Lead Authors: Debra Davidson (Canada), Noah Diffenbaugh (US), Patrick Kinney (US), Paul Kirshen (US), Paul Kovacs (Canada), Lourdes Villers Ruiz (Mexico) Review Editors: Ana Rosa Moreno (Mexico), Linda Mortsch (Canada) Contributing authors: William Anderegg (US), Jessie Carr (US), Anthony Cheng (US), Thea Dickinson (Canada), Ellen Douglas (US), Rob de Loë (Canada), Hallie Eakin (US), Daniel M. Gnatz (US), Mary Hayden (US), Maria Eugenia Ibarraran Viniegra (Mexico), Elena Jiménez Cisneros (Mexico), Michael D. Meyer (US), Amrutasri Nori-Sarma (India), Landy Sánchez Peña (Mexico), Catherine Ngo (US), Greg Oulahen (Canada), Diana Pape (US), Ana Peña del Valle (Mexico), Roger Pulwarty (US), Ashlinn Quinn (US), Daniel Runfola (US), Fabiola S. SosaRodrigquez (Mexico), Bradley H. Udall (US), Fiona Warren (Canada), Kate Weinberger (US), Tom Wilbanks (US) IMPACTOS CLIMA Vulnerabilidad DESARROLLO Patrones de Desarrollo Socioeconómico Variabilidad Natural Amenazas RIESGO Cambio Climático Antropogénico Exposición EMISIONES Usos del suelo Acciones Adaptación Mitigación Governanza IMPACTOS CLIMATICOS OBSERVADOS GENERALIZADOS OBSERVED IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ARE WIDESPREAD AND CONSEQUENTIAL Y SUBSTANCIALES POBLACIONES, SOCIEDADES Y ECOSYSTEMAS MUNDIALES VULNERABLES Y EXPUESTOS EN DISTINTAS FORMAS PEOPLE, SOCIETIES, AND ECOSYSTEMS AROUND THE WORLD VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED IN DIFFERENT WAYS Impacts from recent climate-related extremes reveal significant vulnerability of North America Los impactos de eventos climáticos extremos muestran el alto grado de vulnerabilidad de Norteamérica This figure offers a graphic illustration of location of extreme events and relevant vulnerability trends. The observed extreme events have not been attributed to anthropogenic climate change, yet they are climatesensitive sources of impact illustrating vulnerability of exposed systems, particularly if projected future increases in the frequency and/or intensity of such events should materialize Missing are context specific determinants of capacities within and across communities, sectors, and ecosystems Mexico is already vulnerable to current climate variability and change Figure 9.1. The total number of hydro-meteorological disaster events, 2005-2010 (Source: Runfola, Romero-Lankao, Jiang, Nawrotski, and Sanchez 2014) Disenventar – one of the best sources for environmental impacts available. Improvements on this product would allow for significant advancements in risk studies DE MANTENERSE EL ALTO NIVEL DE EMISIONES IRREVERSIBLES LOS RIESGOS DEL CAMBIO CLIMATICO RISKS OF CLIMATE CHANGE INCREASE WITH CONTINUED HIGH EMISSIONS Norteamérica Projected changes in extremes Cambios proyectados en extremos A MAYOR CALENTAMIENTO MAYOR PROBABILIDAD DE IMPACTOS SEVEROS Y PROFUNDOS INCREASING MAGNITUDES OF WARMING INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF SEVERE AND PERVASIVE IMPACTS Floods/Inundaciones Wildfires/Incendios Water/agua Dislocación de infraestructuras costeras Animales marinos/Marine animals Food security/seguridad alimentaria Salud urbana/urban health Animales terrestres Land animals CAMBIO CLIMATICO UN RETO A LA GESTION DE RIESGO CLIMATE CHANGE A CHALLENGE IN MANAGING RISKS Approaches for managing the risks of climate change ADAPTATION IS ALREADY OCCURING Agriculture in Mexico • Much of Mexico’s landbase is already marginal – Severe desertification due to non-climate drivers – Farmers are considered highly vulnerable – High livelihood risks due to limited access to credit and insurance • Market forces and technical feasibility alone are insufficient to foster sectoral-level adaptation • Institutional support is key, found to be inadequate in many contexts Climate Responses in Mexico City, New York and Vancouver • Frontrunners faced with multiple risks • Their climate plans are far reaching • Adaptation planning faces many challenges • multi-jurisdictional governance structures • conflicts in priorities & objectives between various actors and sectors (e.g., pro growth policies take precedence) Uncertainties, Knowledge Gaps, and Research Needs • The literature on VIA in North America has grown considerably • While US and Canada have produced large volumes of literature, Mexico lags well behind • Literature dominated by sector level analyses • Placed-based, integrated approaches are needed exploring • How climate change interacts with other physical and social processes to create differential risks and impact levels. • Context-specific physical and social factors shaping differences in vulnerability of exposed systems and sectors EFFECTIVE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION A MORE VIBRANT WORLD