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Implementation of Almada’s Adaptation Strategy: a multi-level approach. Nuno Lopes, Sara Dionísio, Patrícia Silva & Catarina Freitas Head of the Environmental Studies and Management Division Sustainable Environmental Management and Planning Department City Council of Almada, Portugal Adaptación Adaptación a a los los efectos efectos del del cambio cambio climático: climático: Marco Marco europeo, europeo, sectores sectores estratégicos estratégicos y y políticas políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Topics… ... a glimpse of Almada ... adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change ... boosting resilience through ecosystem based adaptation … Final remarks Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Almada Coastal southern European city Lisboa Tagus River 1 of 18 municipalities in Lisbon Metropolitan Area Almada Area ~ 70 km2 175 000 inhabitants 35 km Waterfront Atlantic Ocean Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 White sandy beachfront, fisherie community Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Topics… ... a glimpse of Almada ... adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change ... improving resilience through ecosystem based adaptation … Final remarks Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Almada’s starting point on adaptation… − South bank of Tagus river across Lisbon ► urban pressure − Highly populated and dense territory − Vulnerable coastal and riverfront areas to sea level rise, with high tourist value − Abusive occupation of high value natural areas, rich Mediterranean ecosystems at risk − Ageing society Long term vision on sustainability from our political leadership More informed community Landuse plans under development … Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Mitigation Agenda energy consumption and GHGs emissions Energy efficiency, renewables, smart mobility... low carbon city ... but even with drastic mitigation, accumulated CO2 will change the climate until 2040’ (climatic system inertia) Adaptation Agenda Allowing the resilience of our natural, social and economic systems, providing our communities an healthy and safe environment to live and work. Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Mitigation Agenda energy consumption and GHGs emissions Energy efficiency, renewables, smart mobility... low carbon city ... but even with drastic mitigation, accumulated CO2 will change the climate until 2040’ (climatic system inertia) Adaptation Agenda Means to allow the resilience of our natural, social and economic systems, providing our communities an healthy and safe environment to live and work. Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Methodology Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change Conferência “Roteiro Local para Change as Alterações Climáticas:Conference Mobilizar, Planear ECCA, European Climate Adaptation 2013e Agir” Almada, Portugal | 28March - 29 Maio 2009 Hamburg | 18 – 20 2013 Downscaling Climate Evolution Scenarios Monitoring climate change impacts (ex:, floods, landslides, heat waves, oceanic overwashes) Vulnerability Diagnosis (coast, riverfront, ecosystems, urban water cycle, urban services), Adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change existing and amplified… Modeling Urban Heat Island Effect Design Risk Maps Definition of adaptation goals and measures Integrating adaptation goals and measures in land use planning: Urban Plans and Master Plan of Almada (currently under revision) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Almada’s Climate Evolution (2070-2100 scenarios) 50 Temperature Anomalia das temperaturas para 2070 -2100 em Almada 45 ↑ +4,25 oC 40 - Annual mean: increases 2,5 ºC - Nº of Days/year with >35 ºC: 2070 - 2100 ↑ +5 oC 35 Temperatura (oC) - Tmáx Summer , Winter: rises 4,0 to 5,0 ºC 2000-2006 Variação dos modelos 30 25 20 ↑ +2,5 oC 15 5-10 ► 20-30 10 ↑ +4 oC 5 0 Precipitation Maior temp. máx. registada Média temp. máx. Verão Média temp. diária anual Média temp. mín. Inverno Evolução da precipitação mensal com alterações climáticas 10,0 Autumn and Spring - increase of heavy rainfall events 2000 - 2009 9,0 2070 - 2100 8,0 7,0 Precipitação (mm) - 55% reduction in Summer precipitation - 12,5% increase in Winter precipitation - Decrease of 15 to 55% in 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Jan Fev Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez Almada’s vulnerability to Natural Hazards Mass Wasting (rock falls, rock topple, landslides) Sea Level Rise (coastal erosion) Storm Surges/overwash Mass Wasting Droughts Flooding Salinization of Coastal Aquifers Forest Fires Biodiversity loss Heat waves Coast Erosion Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Improving resilience through land use planning “Boost” resilience in land use planning Multi-dimension, integrated and multi-level approach: Detail scale: integration of specific adaptive solutions (smart urban design) in the development of Local and Urban Plans (1:1.000) Municipal scale: define a global territorial adaptation strategy and establish solutions + regulations for Almada’s Master Plan (1:10.000) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Land use plans are the most strategic compulsory plans that can be develop at a local level ! F2 - New approaches to resilient 3 levels of land use planning: Master Plan (1:10.000) Urban Plans (1:1.000) + Local Plans (1:1.000) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 urban planning and design boosting resilience through land use planning Examples Adaptative Measures (Detail scale) Smart urban design to improve natural cooling and the use of solar energy in buildings Conservative average sea-level rise limits incorporated in urban design Development of urban green corridors Coastal dune restoration Promotion of water infiltration and the use of permeable pavements Protection of people and property from flood risk with the construction of terrace defenses and retention basins Rehabilitation of streams with riparian vegetation (green Adaptación and a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas blue infrastructure) municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Example: Developing Local Plan of Fonte da Telha Coastal Adaptation Measures incorporated in the Plan REMOVE urban perimeter reconfiguration with retreat from the risk areas PROTECT ACCOMMODATE define a new ground level: 11 m (landfill) building on stilts elevated pathways recover of the dune ecosystems dune reconstitution: minimum level 12 m sediment trapping erosion and slope deposits control with native plants Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Topics… ... a glimpse of Almada ... adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change ... improving resilience through ecosystem based adaptation … Final remarks Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Ecosystem based adaptation 1º Identify different types of hazards in Almada 2º Evaluate how the current hazards will be amplified by climate change impacts 3º Assess how GI’s environmental services can respond and mitigate to current and future hazardous/ vulnerabilities 4º Spatial representation of GI’s environmental services 5º Designed ecosystem based projects to address the hazardous/vulnerabilities Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Types of hazards in Almada Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 GI’s environmental services GI’s environmental services Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Nature conservation Food Aquifer recharge Erosion control Rain water Microclimatic Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas (floods, marine regulation ) permeability municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 washover, land slides) Carbon sequestration Disease plagues control, seed dispersal Multifunctional Map of Green Infrastructures Network Environmental services Multifunctionality Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas (nr. of services) municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Example of Almada’s GI application Mitigation of the Urban Heat Island Effect (~ 4ºC) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Example of GI application High vulnerability to heat waves: evaluate mortality rate increased in Lisbon Area for the period of the heat wave in 2013 (June 23rd to July 14th) Number of heat wave days for June-JulyMortality rate in Lisbon Area (June 23rd and July 14th) August 2013 (NACLIM FP7 Project) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Example of GI application Mitigation of Heat Island Effect (temperature; humidity) Hazards Green Infrastructure Major GI Heat island Effect Heat waves Drought Fires … Vegetation of conservative value Water course (bed and banks) Areas of highest infiltration Cliffs (protection belts) Soils of high ecological value c Areas at risk of erosion Urban GI Gardens and parks Green Infrastructure services Microclimatic regulation and reduction of heat island effects on cities Flood mitigation during rainfall peaks Nutrient recycling and groundwater supply Retention basins Erosion control Wooded areas and streets, Food production Vegetable gardens … Recreation, Education,… Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Smaller green areas and corridors within the urban areas / native tree species Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Vegetable Gardens; Roofs; Gardens Green roofsGreen and walls at theVertical most dense areas Boosting territorial resilience Example GI + BI multifunctional project Present Problem: Erosion events caused by flooding during heavy rain periods; soil and infrastructure losses; biodiversity lost; demand for vegetable gardens Objectives: Mitigation of flood/erosion hazards; enhance biodiversity; promotion of local food production food, biodiversity, runoff water; water infiltration ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Boosting territorial resilience Example GI + BI multifunctional project How can GI + BI and their ecosystem services respond to current and future hazards/vulnerabilities? Hazards GI + BI GI + BI Ecosystem Services Flooding Water course Erosion Water course margins Erosion control Soil loss High permeability areas Biodiversity loss Soils of high ecological value Flood mitigation during rainfall peaks … Vegetation with conservative value Adaptation water cycle and other urban services Vegetable gardens Microclimatic mitigation and reduction of heat island effect Wooded areas Gardens and parks … ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Food production Improve air and water quality … Example GI + BI multifunctional project Solution: Natural stream restoration (riparian vegetation) + Retention basin (accommodate stormwater) + Vegetable garden ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Example GI + BI multifunctional project Meadow Fruit farm Riparian vegetation Vegetable plots Hydraulic surface Picnic Park discharger Stream ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life th Seoul, South Korea | 11 April 2015 Fruit farm Stream Combining green and blue adaptive solutions Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 75,00 m3 1.152,55 m3 3.460,55 m3 Water Retention Flooding area Volume Water capacity Nível 1 Bacia de retenção Bacia de retenção Área inundável Nível 2 Nível 3 Nível 4 ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Retain basin Retain basin Boosting territorial resilience Example GI + BI multifunctional project Present Problem: High coast line regression; degradated dunes; no vegetation; beach sand nourishment required for inland protection; biodiversity loss Objectives: Mitigation of coastal erosion, restore dune ecosystems and enhance biodiversity biodiversity, sediment loss; sedimentary balance ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Boosting territorial resilience Example GI + BI multifunctional project How can GI + BI and their ecosystem services respond to current and future hazards/vulnerabilities? Hazards Adverse weather conditions (storms, strong winds) Storm surge Shoreline retreat Coastal flood Overwash GI + BI Dune relief (beaches, sand dunes) Vegetation of conservative value GI + BI Ecosystem Services Flood mitigation during storms Resilience to disasters Areas of highest infiltration Erosion control … Nature conservation Loss of Biodiversity Saline intrusion … ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 Genetic resources Water availability/quality Tourism Cultural inheritage … Boosting territorial resilience Example GI + BI multifunctional project Solution: ReDuna Project Soft measures (ecological restoration of coastal sand dunes) + Heavy coastal protection measures (beach sand nourishment) ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 ICLEI World Congress 2015 | Urban Nature: Provisioning Services - Water for life Seoul, South Korea | 11th April 2015 ReDuna → Erosion control → Resilience to disasters → Nature conservation → Tourism → … Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas sand fences made of permanent fences to regulate the elevated pathways for dune municipales Bilbao | 15 Septemberpedestrian 2015 access to the dune dry willow branches or wicker protection plantation of native species on mobile dunes Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Topics… ... a glimpse of Almada ... adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change ... improving resilience through ecosystem based adaptation … Final remarks Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Conclusions Final remarks … Climate Change is a Global phenomena with Local impacts: adaptation must be addressed at a City level Adapt Cities to climate change, means addressing the uncertainty of its impacts (different nature, type, magnitude) and take decisions, act now But… Cities are extremely complex systems (mass, energy, momentum flows…), difficult to manage So, flexibility and creativity are required in any adaptation strategy (local management with a global knowledge…) Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Final Remarks Final remarks … Green Infrastructure as a planning tool is an effective way to build natural and urban resilience, with short term benefits with a lower cost than grey infrastructure. Private engagement should be promoted e.g. economic valuation of environmental services. Multi-dimension provision of ecosystem services can tackle different hazards, with several benefits from win-win solutions However, ecosystem based adaptation implies a deep transformation in urban planning practices Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Future challenges Future challenges… It is important for Cities to rely on robust (“translated”) data to useful information, benchmarking studies and practical solutions. (R&D) − more regional data about the economic value of environmental services provided by ecosystems − evaluate the limits for adaptation (what is the tolerable risk?) − more comparative studies on investement and cost benefits of ecosystem based adaptation Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015 Thank you for your attention! Adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático: Marco europeo, sectores estratégicos y políticas municipales Bilbao | 15 September 2015