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1 Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name: Inés Samengo Address: Centro Atómico Bariloche, (8400), Nationality: Argentine San Carlos de Bariloche, Birth date: 14th July, 1970 Río Negro, Argentina Birth place: Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel.: ++ 54 294 4445100 int 5391 Family: Married, with children Fax: ++ 54 294 4445299 E-mail: Web: Present position - Adjunct Professor, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. - Independent Researcher, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. University degrees - Ms S in physics (1993), Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Marks: 8.82/10.00 - Ph D in physics (1998), Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Marks: 10.0/10.0 Professional affiliation - Member of the Society for Neuroscience - Member of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia. - Member of the American Physiological Society. 2 Previous research and teaching positions In Argentina 1. April 1990 - July 1990: Teaching Assistant in physics, C.R.U.B., Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina. 2. August 1990 - March 1994: Scholarship fellow of Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina. 3. February 1993 - July 1998: Teaching assistant, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. 4. April 1994 - March 1996: Scholarship fellow of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Beca de Iniciación, Argentina. 5. April 1996 - March 1998: Scholarship fellow of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Beca de Perfeccionamiento, Argentina. 6. April 1998 - March 1999: Scholarship fellow of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Prórroga excepcional de la beca de Perfeccionamiento, Argentina. 7. April 1999 - August 1999: Postdoctoral Fellow of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Beca Postdoctoral, Argentina. 8. September 1998 – July 2012: Chief Teaching Assistant, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Bariloche, Argentina. 9. January - December 2001: Postdoctoral fellow, F.O.M.E.C. and Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Bariloche, Argentina. Abroad 10. September 1999 - August 2000: Postdoctoral Fellow of the S.I.S.S.A., hired by Alessandro Treves, within the Human Frontier Science Program, Trieste, Italy. 11. July 2002 - September 2002.Visiting scientist at the S.I.S.S.A., Research Fellowship, Trieste, Italy. 12. May 2003 - December 2003. Postdoctoral Fellow of the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation in the Institute for Theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany. 3 Teaching experience 1. 1990: Teaching assistant in Physics I, Engineering, C.R.U.B., Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina, 1 semester. 2. 1993: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics II, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 3. 1994: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics II, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 4. 1994: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics I, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 5. 1995: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics I, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 6. 1996: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics I, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 7. 1997: Teaching assistant, Quantum Mechanics I, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 8. 1998: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematics 1, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 9. 1999: Chief teaching assistant,Mathematics 2, Physics, InstitutoBalseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 10. 2000: Chief teaching assistant,Mathematics 1, Physics, InstitutoBalseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 11. 2001: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematics 1, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 12. 2002: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematics 2, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 13. 2002: Chief teaching assistant, Neural Networks, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 4 14. 2004: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematics 2, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 15. 2004: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematical modelling of biological systems, Physics, InstitutoBalseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 16. 2005: Chief teaching assistant, Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 17. 2005: Chief teaching assistant, Neural Networks, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 18. 2006: Chief teaching assistant, Elements of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 19. 2006: Chief teaching assistant, Applications of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 20. 2007: Chief teaching assistant, Neural Networks, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 21. 2008: Chief teaching assistant, Group Theory, Phyhsics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 64 hours. 22. 2008: Chief teaching assistant, Applications of Group Theory, Phyhsics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 64 hours. 23. 2009: Chief teaching assistant, Group Theory, Phyhsics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 64 hours. 24. 2009: Chief teaching assistant, Neural Systems, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 25. 2010: Chief teaching assistant, Elements of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 26. 2010: Chief teaching assistant, Application of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 27. 2011: Chief teaching assistant, Neural Systems, Physics. Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 128 hours. 5 28. 2011: Chief teaching assistant, Mathematics 1, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, 128 hours. 29. 2012: Chief teaching assistant, Elements of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 30. 2012. Chief teaching assistant, Applications of Information Theory, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. In charge of the course, 64 hours. 31. 2012. Chief teaching assistant, Experimental Physics IV, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 32. 2013. Adjunct professor, Experimental Physics IV, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 33. 2013. Adjunct professor, Probability and Random Processes, Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 64 hours. 34. 2013. Adjunct professor, Information Theory, Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 35. 2014. Adjunct professor, Experimental Physics IV, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 36. 2014. Adjunct professor, Probability and Random Processes, Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 64 hours. 37. 2014. Adjunct professor, Information Theory, Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 38. 2015. Adjunct professor, Probability and Random Processes, Physics and Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 64 hours. 39. 2015. Adjunct professor, Information Theory, Physics and Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. 40. 2016. Adjunct professor, Probability and Random Processes, Physics and Engineering in Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 64 hours. 41. 2016. Adjunct professor, Information Theory, Physics Telecommunications, Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, 128 hours. and Engineering in 6 Thesis Supervision 1. Supervisor of Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide’s MsS Thesis, Physics, Complex Systems. Title: Analysis of the variability in the activity of auditory neurons. Defended in December 2005. 2. Supervisor of José Luis Favant’s MsS Thesis, Medical Physics, Inst. Balseiro. Title: Extracellular electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity. Defended in December 2005. 3. Co-supervisor of Román Rossi Pool, MsS Thesis, Physics, Instituto Balseiro. Modelos de Aprendizaje en Percepción Visual. Defended in December 2006. 4. Supervisor of Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide’s PhD Thesis in Physics in Instituto Balseiro, and cosupervisor, of his fellowship in CONICET. Defended in February 2011. 5. Supervisor of Aner Lucero’s MsS Thesis, Physics, Inst. Balseiro. Title: Caracterización del mapeo entrada salida en neuronas individuales. Defended in December 2007. 6. Supervisor of Eugenio Urdapilleta’s PhD Thesis in Physics in Instituto Balseiro, and supervisor of his fellowship in CONICET. Defended in March 2012. 7. Co-supervisor of Román Rossi Pool’s PhD Thesis in Physics in Instituto Balseiro, and supervisor of his fellowship in CONICET. Defended in March 2012. 8. Co-supervisor of Pablo Naim’s PhD Thesis in Biology, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina, and of his fellowship in CONICET. Discontinued in January 2011. 9. Supervisor of Yudy Carolina Daza Caro’s MsS Thesis in Physics in Insitituto Balseiro. Codificación neuronal en sistemas sensoriales. Defended in December 2010. 10. Supervisor of Rodrigo Echeveste’s MsS Thesis in Physics in Insituto Balseiro, orientation Complex Systems. Percepción sensorial en niños autistas. Defended in December 2011. 11. Supervisor of María Da Fonseca’s MsS Thesis in Physics Insituto Balseiro, orientation Complex Systems. Percepción cromática y categorización sensorial. Defended in December 2012. 12. Since April 2012: Supervisor of Soledad Gonzalo Cogno’s PHD Thesis in Physics, Instituto Balseiro. Dynamic and computational properties of bursting neurons. In progress. 13. Since April 2013: Supervisor of María da Fonseca’s PHD Thesis in Physics, Instituto Balseiro. Chromatic categorization in visual perception. In progress. 7 14. Since April 2014: Supervisor of Melisa Beatriz Maidana Capitán’s PHD Thesis in Physics, Inst. Balseiro. Analysis of coherence in hippocampal electrophysiological signals. In progress. Science communication 1. October 2009, and October 2014: Organizer of the 4-weeks School J. A. Balseiro “Modeling in Neuroscience”, together with Germán Mato and Marcela Nadal. The school was directed to 24 master or PhD students of neuroscience projects, interested in acquiring modeling expertise. 2. 2007-2012: In charge of the organisation of 1-week advanced courses directed to high-school teachers. The courses take place in Instituto Balseiro, and are focused in specific topics, that change every year. The activities contain a strong emphasis in practical and experimental techniques. Every year, 25-30 teachers of several disciplines (physics, mathematics, chemistry and/or biology) are selected. 3. Since 2012: Frequent speaker in high-schools of San Carlos de Bariloche, teaching about the psychopharmacology and long-term consequences of the consumption of abused psychoactive substances. 4. Since 2014: Organizer of the Brain Awareness Week in Bariloche, with a series of talks and an interactive exhibition for the general public, and high-school students. index.php/extension/extension-para-todo-publico/533.html Area of research I develop theoretical methods in the framework of covariance analysis and information theory to characterize the neural codes employed by the brain. The aim is to quantify the amount and type of the information conveyed by spiking neurons, typically (though not exclusively) in sensory areas. I also study the dynamical properties of single neurons, characterizing how the neural code depends on intrinsic properties. I model these neurons using tools of dynamical systems and stochastic processes. 8 I have participated in several experimental projects, making data analysis of recordings done by other people, including the rodent hippocampus, the primate visual system, and the insect auditory system. I am currently starting a new line studying the computational processes involved in human vision. To that aim, computer games are designed and developed, to test and analyse the chromatic discrimination abilities of players, as well as their chromatic memory. Publications In refereed international journals 1. Angular normalization of the electron transfer to the continuum peak; R.G. Pregliasco, I. Samengo and R.O. Barrachina; Nuclear Physics and Methods B 86 390-393 (1994) 2. Rainbow and Glory Scattering in Coulomb Trajectories Starting from One Point in Space; I. Samengo and R. O. Barrachina; European Journal of Physics 15 300-308 (1994) 3. Rainbow and Glory effects in the autoionization of atoms excited by the impact of heavy ions; I. Samengo and R. O. Barrachina; Journal of Physics B 29 4179 - 4191 (1996) 4. An alternative classical approach to the quantum-mechanical definition of the scattering cross section; J. Fiol, R. G. Pregliasco, I. Samengo and R. O. Barrachina; American Journal of Physics 65 (2) 343 - 347 (1996) 5. Classical momentum distributions of Rydberg states; Inés Samengo, Physical Review A 58 (5) 2767 - 2776 (1998) 6. The semiclassical limit of the scattering Coulomb wave function, Inés Samengo, Physical Review A 58 (6) 5001 - 5004 (1998) 7. Classical stationary particle distributions in collision processes I. Samengo, R. G. Pregliasco y R. O. Barrachina. Journal of Physics B 32 1971 - 1986 (1999) 8. Competing Neural Networks: finding a strategy for the game of matching pennies I. Samengo and D. Zanette, Physical Review E 62 (3) 4049 - 4056 (2000) - 9. Representational capacity of a set of independent neurons, Inés Samengo and Alessandro Treves, Physical Review E 63 (1) 11910 (14 pages) (2001) – 9 10. Independent neurons representing a finite set of stimuli: dependence of the mutual information on the number of units sampled, Inés Samengo, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 12 (1) 21 - 31 (2001) - 11. Measuring information spatial densities, Michele Bezzi, Inés Samengo, Stefan Leutgeb and Sheri Mizumori, Neural Computation 14 (2) 405-420 (2002) – /0111150 12. The information loss in an optimal maximum likelihood decoding, Inés Samengo, Neural Computation 14 771 - 779 (2002) - http: // 13. Estimating probabilities from experimental frequencies, Inés Samengo, Physical Review E 65, 046124, 10 pages, (2002) - 14. Standing on the gateway to memory. Shouldn't we step in?, Alessandro Treves and Inés Samengo,Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19 (6) 557-575 (2002) – 15. Macaque area V4 neurons translate the attended features of a visual stimulus into behaviorally relevant categories.G Mirabella, I Samengo, G Bertini, BE Kilavik, D Frilli, A Fanini, L Chelazzi L. Journal of Vision 3 (9) 38 (2003). 16. A Subjective Distance Between Stimuli: Quantifying the Metric Structure of Representations. DamiánOliva, Inés Samengo, Stefan Leutgeb and Sheri J. Mizumori. Neural Computation, vol: 17: 969 – 990 (2005) - 17. Dynamics of learning in coupled oscillators tutored with delayed reinforcements, M. Trevisan, S. Bouzat, I. Samengo and G. Mindlin, Physical Review E 72, 011907, 1-7, (2005) This article was selected by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, appearing on 15thJuly, 2005, Volume 10, Issue 2. 18. The Effect of Stimulus Statistics on the Information Transmission of Acoustic Signals in Insect Auditory Receptor Neurons, Ariel Rokem, Sebastian Watzl, Tim Gollisch, Martin Stemmler, Andreas V. M. Herz and Inés Samengo. Journal of Neurophysiology, 95 (4) 2541-2552 (2006) 10 19. Neurons in area V4 of the macaque translate attended visual features into behaviorally relevant categories, Giovanni Mirabella, Inés Samengo, Giuseppe Bertini, Bjorg Kilavik, Deborah Frilli, Alessandra Fanini, and Leonardo Chelazzi. Neuron54 (2) 303-318 (2007) This article was accompanied by a featured commentary in the same issue: Representation of Response Categories in Visual Cortex, by RufinVogels, 54 (2): 181-183 (2007) 20. Burst firing is a neural code in an insect auditory system. Hugo G. Eyherabide, Ariel Rokem, Andreas VM Herz and Inés Samengo. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2:3. doi:10.3389/neuro.10.003.2008 (2008) 21. Type I and type II neuron models are selectively driven by differential stimulus features. Germán Mato and Inés Samengo. Neural Computation 20: 2418-2440 (2008). http://arxiv. org/abs/0801.3963 22. Two distinct mechanisms shape the reliability of neural responses. Susanne Schreiber, Inés Samengo and Andreas V. M. Herz. Journal of Neurophysiology 101: 2239-2251, (2009). pdf 23. Bursts generate a non-reducible spike-pattern code. Hugo G. Eyherabide, Ariel Rokem, Andreas V. M. Herz and Inés Samengo. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 3 (1): 8-14 (2009). doi: 10.3389/neuro.01.002.2009 - neuro.01/ 002.2009/pdf/ 24. Quasistatic approximation of the interspike interval distribution of neurons driven by timedependent input. Eugenio Urdapilleta and Inés Samengo. Physical Review E 80, 011915 (2009). This article was selected by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, appearing on 1st August 2009. 25. The firing statistics of Poisson neuron models driven by slow stimuli. Eugenio Urdapilleta and Inés Samengo. Biological Cybernetics 101 (4): 265-277(2009) - 1563 11 26. The information transmitted by spike patterns in single neurons. Hugo G. Eyherabide and Inés Samengo. Journal of Physiology (Paris) Journal of Physiology (Paris) 104: 147-155 (2010)doi:10.1016/j.jphysparis.2009.11.018 - 27. Conversion of Phase Information into a Spike-Count Code by Bursting Neurons. Inés Samengo and Marcelo Montemurro. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9669. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009669 (2010). 28. Time and category information in pattern-based codes. Hugo G. Eyherabide and Inés Samengo. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 4:145. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2010.00145 (2010). /abstract 29. Spike-triggered covariance: Geometric proof, symmetry properties, and extensionbeyond Gaussian stimuli. Inés Samengo and Tim Gollisch. Journal of Computational Neuroscience34 (1): 137-161, DOI: 10.1007/s10827-012-0411-y (2013). /10.1007%2Fs10827-012-0411-y 30. Linking dynamical and functional properties of intrinsically bursting neurons. Inés Samengo, GermánMato, Daniel Elijah, Susanne Schreiber and Marcelo A. Montemurro. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 35 (2): 213-230 - DOI: 10.1007/s10827-013-0449-5 (2013). 31. When and why noise correlations are important in neural decoding. Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo. Journal of Neuroscience 33 (45): 17921–17936 (2013). http://www.;33/ 45/17921 32. Dynamics and reliability of bistable neurons driven with time-dependent stimuli. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Susanne Schreiber and Inés Samengo. Neural Computation 26 (12) 27982826(2014). 33. Effects of spike-triggered negative feedback on receptive-field properties. Eugenio Urdapilleta and Inés Samengo. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 38 (2) pp 405 - 425 (2014) 34. Information-theoretical analysis of the statistical dependencies between three variables: Applications to written language. Damián G. Hernández, Damián H. Zanette and Inés 12 Samengo. Physical Review E 92 (2) pp 022813 (2015). /estadistica/ines/Hernandez_Zanette_Samengo_PRE_2015.pdf 35. Thalamic neurons encode stimulus information by burst-size modulation. Daniel Elijah, Inés Samengo and Marcelo Montemurro. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9 pp 113 DOI:10.3389/fncom.2015.00113 (2015). fncom.2015.00113/ abstract 36. Derivation of Human Chromatic Discrimination Ability from an Information-Theoretical Notion of Distance in Color Space. María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Neural Computation doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00903, pp 1-18 (2016). daFonseca_samengo_2016.pdf 37. Bursting neurons in the hippocampal formation encode features of LFP rhythms. Maria Constantinou, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Daniel H. Elijah, Emilio Kropff, John Gigg, Inés Samengo, Marcelo A. Montemurro. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00133, pp 1-40 (2016). fncom.2016.00133/abstract In conference proceedings published as full papers 38. Comparación entre descripciones clásica, semiclásica y cuántica de un proceso de ionización inducido por colisión, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, 78 A.F.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993. 39. Estados coulombianos del continuo, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, 80 A.F.A, 1995. 40. Nearside-Farside Interference in Autoionization Processes, I. Samengo y R. O. Barrachina, Proc. International Course on Advances and Methods in the Study of Atomic Doubly Excited States, 1995. 41. Neural dynamics in the presence of noisy inputs. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. Actas del III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI), 29-31, 2011. 42. Dynamical and Coding properties of Single Neurons. Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Actas del III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI), 25-27, 2011. 13 In book chapters 43. Statistical description of associative memory, Inés Samengo, in Modern Challenges in Statistical Mechanics, edited by V.M. Kenkre and Katja Lindenberg, Melville, New York, 2003. 44. Spike-train Analysis, Inés Samengo, Daniel Elijah, Marcelo Montemurro, in Principles of Neural coding, edited by Stefano Panzeri and Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, CRC Press, 2013, pp. 75-96. 45. Effect of input noise on neuronal firing rate. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. In Physics, Computation and the mind: Advances and challenges at interfaces. AIP Conference Proceedings 1510, edited by Garrido, P. L.; Marro, J.; Torres, J. J.; Cortés, J. M., pp. 247-250, 2013. Teaching Notes at Instituto Balseiro 46. “Quantum Gym: Problemas en Mecánica Cuántica II”, R. G. Pregliasco, I. Samengo, C. Denton, J. Gervasoni, R. O. Barrachina, 60 pages. Presentations to conferences, published as an abstract 1. 77a Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Efectos Postcolisionales de Gloria y Arco Iris en procesos de autoionización inducidos por colisión”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1992. 2. 18a International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, “Rainbow and Glory Effects in Autoionization Processes in ion-atom collisions”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Aahrus, Denmark, 1993. 3. 78a Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Comparación entre descripciones clásica, semiclásica y cuántica de un proceso de autoionización inducido por colisión”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Rosario, Argentina, 1993. 4. Reunión para la enseñanza de las Ciencias y la Tecnología, “El Arco Iris”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994. 14 5. 79a Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Separación en contribuciones cercana y lejana de la amplitud de dispersión elástica”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Córdoba, Argentina, 1994. 6. International Course on Advances and Methods in the Study of Atomic Doubly Excited States, “Nearside-Farside Interference in Autoionization Processes”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Medellín, Colombia, 1995. 7. Reunión nacional sobre estructura electrónica y teoría de colisiones, “Mecanismos de interferencia en procesos de autoionización inducidos por colisión”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, IAFE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. 8. 80 Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Estados coulombianos del continuo”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Bariloche, Argentina, 1995. 9. 81 Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Alternativa clásica a la definición de la sección eficaz cuántica”, J. Fiol, R. G. Pregliasco, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Tandil, Argentina, 1996. 10. Joint-us Latin American seminar on atomic collisions, “Classical and semi-classical descriptions of the continuum Coulomb wave function”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina, Rosario, Argentina, 1997. 11. 20a International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, “NearsideFarside interference in autoionization processes induced by ion-atom collisions”, Inés Samengo and R. O. Barrachina,1997. 12. 20a International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, “On the classical momentum (n, l, m) distributions”, Inés Samengo, 1997. 13. 83 Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, “Distribuciones clásicas de los estados de Rydberg”, La Plata, Argentina 1998. 14. 19th Werner Brandt Workshop, “Classical stationary particle distributions in collision processes”, Inés Samengo, R. O. Barrachina and R. G. Pregliasco, S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina, 1999. 15. 19th Werner Brandt Workshop, “Classical Rydberg momentum distributions”, Inés Samengo, S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina, 1999. 15 16. TheNature of Hippocampal-Cortical Interaction: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, “Quantifying the information content of different representation schemes”, Inés Samengo and Alessandro Treves, Dublin, Ireland, 2000. 17. Computational Neuroscience 2000, “The representational capacity of N independent neurons”, Inés Samengo y Alessandro Treves, Brujas, Bélgica, Julio 2000. 18. ESF Summer Symposium On Neural Computation and Neuroinformatics: Principles of information coding and processing in the brain, “The representational capacitiy of N independent neurons”, Inés Samengo y Alessandro Treves, Trieste, Italia, Septiembre 2000. 19. Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2000, “Representational capacity of a set of independent neurons”, Inés Samengo and Alessandro Treves, New Orleans, USA, November 2000. 20. Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2001, “Neural information loss in a maximum likelihood decoding”, Inés Samengo, San Diego, USA, November 2001. 21. 53 CongressodellaSocietaItaliana di Fisiologia, “Computational approaches to the role of hippocampal subfields: CA3 & DG”, Alessandro Treves and Inés Samengo, Ferrara, Italy, September, 2002. 22. 53 CongressodellaSocietaItaliana di Fisiologia, “Computational approaches to the role of hippocampal subfields: CA3 & CA1”, Inés Samengo, Julie Goulet, Kit Longden and Alessandro Treves, Ferrara, Italy, September, 2002. 23. Neuroscience 2002, “Different strategies for encoding position in hippocampal and lateral septal cells”, Michele Bezzi, Inés Samengo, Stefan Leutgeb and Sheri Mizumori, Orlando, United States of America, November 2002. 24. Mirabella G, Samengo I, Bertini G, Kilavik BE, Frilli D, Fanini A, Chelazzi L “Macaque area V4 neurons translate the attended features of a visual stimulus into behaviorally relevant categories” Journal of Vision 3(9): 38a (2003) 25. Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment, “The Effect of Stimulus Statistics on the Information Transmission of Acoustic Signals in Insect Auditory Receptor Neurons”, Inés Samengo, Ariel Rokem, Sebastian Watzl, Tim Gollisch, Martin Stemmler and Andreas Herz, Oxford, United Kingdom, September 2004. 16 26. Neuroscience 2004, “Mechanisms for visual selective attention to elemental object features in primate area V4”, G. Mirabella, I. Samengo, G. Bertini4, B.E. Kilavik1, A. Fanini and L. Chelazzi1, San Diego, United States of America, November 2004. 27. Neuroscience 2004, “Categorization of attended stimulus features by neurons in early visual cortical areas of the macaque”, B.E.Kilavik, G.Mirabella, G.Bertini1, I.Samengo, A.E.Ipata and L.Chelazzi, San Diego, United States of America, November 2004. 28. 6th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society and 30 thGöttingen Neurobiology Conference,“Frequency dependence of spike timing reliability: lessons from conductance-based modelling”. Susanne Schreiber, Inés Samengo and Andreas VM Herz, Göttingen, Germany, February 2005. 29. III Taller regional de física estadística y aplicaciones a la materia condensada, “Estudio de la variabilidad en la actividad de neuronas auditivas”, Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo, La Plata, Argentina, June 2005. 30. 90º Reunión Nacional de Física, “Estudio de la variabilidad en la actividad de neuronas auditivas” Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo, La Plata, Argentina, September 2005. 31. IX Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, “Analysis of the variability of the response of auditory neurons”. Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, October 2005. 32. Jornadas de física Bariloche 2005, “Símbolos en el código neuronal y su influencia en la tasa de información mutua”, Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, December 2005. 33. Taller de Neurociencias, “Utilización de Arreglos de Microelectrodos para la excitación y medición de actividad eléctrica en neuronas cultivadas in vitro”. Román Rossi Pool, Eugenio Urdapilleta, Mariela Bellotti, Fabián Bonetto and Inés Samengo, Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, April 2006. 34. Taller de Neurociencias, “Variabilidad en la respuesta de neuronas sensoriales: ¿de dónde proviene?” Eugenio Urdapilleta, JanBenda, Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, April 2006. 17 35. 91º Reunión Nacional de Física, “Modelos de aprendizaje en percepción visual”, Román Rossi Pool, Inés Samengo and Germán Mato, San Luis, Argentina, September 2006. 36. 91º Reunión Nacional de Física, “Efectos de las propiedades intrínsecas de la dinámica neuronal sobre los estímulos preferenciales”, Eugenio Urdapilleta, Inés Samengo and Germán Mato, San Luis, Argentina, September 2006. 37. Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience 2006, “Information transmission in Burst spiking”, Inés Samengo and Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide, Berlin, Germany, October 2006. 38. IX Taller de Neurociencias, “Aproximación cuasi-estática para neuronas estocásticas conducidas por corrientes variables”, E. Urdapilleta, J. Benda and I Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, April 2007. 39. Segunda Escuela Argentina de Matemática y Biología, 2007.“Introducción al modelado de la dinámica neuronal”. Inés Samengo. La Falda, Córdoba, June, 2007. 40. Neural Coding 2007. “Burst firing is a neural code in an insect auditory system”. Inés Samengo and Hugo G. Eyherabide. Montevideo, Uruguay, November, 2007. 41. Neural Coding 2007. “The effect of stimulus history on firing statistics: Insights from a Quasistatic Approach”. Eugenio Urdapilleta, Jan Benda and Inés Samengo. Montevideo, Uruguay, November, 2007. 42. Neural Coding 2007. “Homeostatic Plasticity in Visual Perception Models with Veían Learning”. Román Rossi Pool, Inés Samengo and GermánMato. Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2007. 43. X Taller de Neurociencias, 2008. “Caracterización de la información transmitida por neuronas individuales” Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, April 2008. 44. X Taller de Neurociencias, 2008. “Adaptación de la respuesta neuronal en entornos ruidosos”. Eugenio Urdapilleta, JanBenda e Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, April 2008. 45. 1st Tutzing Meeting on Insect Hearing, “Burst firing is a neural code in grasshopper auditory receptors”, Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide and Inés Samengo. Tutzing, Germany, September 2008. 46. 1st Tutzing Meeting on Insect Hearing, “Categorical and temporal information transmitted by spike patterns in single neurons”, Inés Samengo and Hugo Gabriel Eyherabide. Tutzing, Germany, September 2008. 18 47. 1st Tutzing Meeting on Insect Hearing, “Characterizing the noise sources inducing trial-to-trial variability in grasshopper auditory receptors”, Eugenio Urdapilleta, Jan Benda and Inés Samengo. Tutzing, Germany, September 2008. 48. XI Taller de Neurociencias, 2009. Current-dependent noise sources in adapting auditory neurons. Eugenio Urdapilleta, JanBenda, Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina. 49. XI Taller de Neurociencias, 2009. Response of Poisson neural models driven by slow stimuli. Eugenio Urdapilleta, Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina. 50. XI Taller de Neurociencias, 2009. The effect of adaptation on the neural code. Eugenio Urdapilleta, Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina. 51. 18th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, July 2009. Bursting neurons encode the time-dependent phase of the input signals. Marcelo Montemurro, Inés Samengo. Berlin, Germany. 52. III Encuentro de divulgación científica Hospital Zonal Bariloche, Octubre 2009. “Procesamiento visual en primates”. Inés Samengo, Bariloche, Argentina. 53. II Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2010. “Synergy and redundancy in patternbased codes”. Hugo G. Eyherabide and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 54. II Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2010. “The neural code of sensory neurons in leech”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Pablo Naim, Inés Samengo, Yimy Amarillo and Marcela Nadal. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 55. II Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2010. “The role of intrinsic conductances in the neural code”. Yudy Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 56. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2011. “Modelos neuronales en presencia de ruido: el efecto sobre la frecuencia de disparo”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. Villa de Merlo, Argentina. 57. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2011. “Dinámica Neuronal y sus consecuencias computacionales”. Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Villa de Merlo,Argentina. 19 58. III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI), May 2011. “Neural dynamics in the presence of noisy inputs”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. Bahía Blanca, Argentina. 59. III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial (MACI), May 2011. “Dynamical and Coding properties of Single Neurons”. Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Bahía Blanca, Argentina. 60. II Reunión Conjunta SUF-AFA, September 2011. “The role of intrinsic conductances in the neural code”. Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Montevideo, Uruguay. 61. II Reunión Conjunta SUF-AFA, September 2011. “Categorización de estímulos sensoriales en niños autistas”. Rodrigo Echeveste and Inés Samengo. Montevideo, Uruguay. 62. III Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2011. “Neuronal oscillations driven by noisy input currents”. Carolina Daza and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba. 63. III Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2011. “Estimating the mean firing rate of linearnonlinear neuron models”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba. 64. III Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2011. “Categorization of sensory stimuli in autistic children”. Rodrigo Echeveste and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba. 65. Neural Coding 2012, September 2012, “Spike-triggered covariance revisited”, Inés Samengo and Tim Gollisch, Prague, Czech Republic. 66. 97º Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Física Argentina, September 2012, “Estrategias de Memoria Visual en Sujetos con Diagnóstico del Espectro Autista”, Melisa Maidana Capitán, Rodrigo Echeveste, Inés Samengo, Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina. 67. IV Reunión Conjunta de Neurociencias, October 2012, “Percepción cromática y categorización sensorial”. María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Córdoba. 68. Neuroscience 2012, October 2012, “Coding properties of intrinsically bursting neurons are determined by their bifurcation structure”. Germán Mato, Inés Samengo, Daniel Elijah, SusanneSchreiber, Marcelo Montemurro. New Orleans, USA. 69. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2013. “Frecuencia media de disparo de neuronas activadas por estímulos ruidosos”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Inés Samengo. La Plata,Argentina. 20 70. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2013. “Percepción cromática y categorización sensorial”. María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. La Plata, Argentina. 71. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2013. “Estrategias de memoria visual en sujetos con diagnóstico del espectro autista”. Melisa Maidana Capitán, Rodrigo Echeveste and Inés Samengo. La Plata, Argentina. 72. 98° Reunión Anual de la Asociación Física Argentina, September 2013. “Medición de la métrica de la percepción cromática utilizando juegos de computadora”. Federico Clavero, María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 73. 98° Reunión Anual de la Asociación Física Argentina, September 2013. “Análisis estadístico del acoplamiento rítmico entre los disparos de las neuronas de las áreas temporales y sus correspondientes potenciales de campo”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff and Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 74. 28° Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia, October 2013. “Visual memory strategies employed by children of the autistic spectrum.”Melisa Maidana Capitán, Rodrigo Echeveste and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 75. 28° Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia, October 2013. “Photoreceptor absorption curves account for human chromatic discrimination ability”, María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 76. 28° Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencia, October 2013. “Phaselocking between individual spikes and the local field potential of hippocampal and entorhinal areas in behaving rats”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff and Inés Samengo. Huerta Grande, Argentina. 77. 13° Latin American Workshop of Non-Linear Phenomena, October 2013. “Photoreceptor absorption curves account for human chromatic discrimination ability”, María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Córdoba, Argentina. 78. OCCAM 2014, May 2014. “Photorreceptor absorption curves account for human chromatic discrimination ability”. María da Fonseca and Inés Samengo. Osnabrück, Germany. 21 79. Winter School in Quantitative Biology Systems, December 2014. “Encoding multiple kinematic features in the temporal lobe”. Melisa Maidana Capitán, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff, Marcelo Montemurro, Inés Samengo. Trieste, Italia. 80. 99º Reunión de la Asociación Física Argentina, September 2014. “Transferencia de entropía entre señales con memoria”. Melisa Maidana Capitán, María da Fonseca, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Marcelo Montemurro, Inés Samengo. Tandil, Argentina. 81. V Congreso Argentino de Bioinformática y Biología Computational, September 2014. “Photoreceptor Absorption Curves Account for Human Chromatic Discrimination Ability”. María da Fonseca, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 82. V Congreso Argentino de Bioinformática y Biología Computational, September 2014.“Encoding the state of motion by the hippocampal region.” Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff, Marcelo Montemurro, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 83. NeuroCog: Primer Encuentro de Neurociencia Cognitiva, May 2015. “Veo, veo, ¿de qué color?”. María da Fonseca, Inés Samengo. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 84. 1st International Conference in Mathematical Neuroscience, June 2015. “Photoreceptor absorption properties account for human chromatic discrimination ability”. Inés Samengo, María da Fonseca. Cannes, France. 85. 100º Reunión de la asociación física argentina, September 2015. “Código neuronal en regiones del cerebro vinculadas a la navegación espacial.” Melisa Maidana Capitán, Emilio Kropff, Inés Samengo. Villa de Merlo, San Luis, Argentina. 86. Forum of Neuroscience of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), July 2016. “State of motion is represented in the local field potentials of the Hippocampus and the Entorhinal Cortex”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff, Marcelo Montemurro, Germán Mato, Inés Samengo. Copenhagen, Dinamarca. 87. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2016. “El estado de movimiento se representa en los potenciales de campo del hipocampo y de la corteza entorrinal”. Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Emilio Kropff, Germán Mato, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 22 88. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2016. “Neuronas de la región hipocampal codifican rasgos de los potenciales de campo locales.” Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Maria Constantinou, Emilio Kropff, John Gigg, Marcelo Montemurro, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 89. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2016. “Código neuronal en navegación espacial”. Melisa Maidana Capitán, Emilio Kropff, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. 90. Taller Regional de Física Estadística y Aplicaciones a la Materia Condensada (TREFEMAC), May 2016. “Propuesta de un espacio cromático con una métrica perceptualmente uniforme”. María da Fonseca, Inés Samengo. Bariloche, Argentina. Invited talks 1. Institut fur Kernphysik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,“Classical Rydberg momentum distributions”, June 1996. 2. Mahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin, Germany, “The semiclassical limit of the continuum Coulomb wavefunction”, June 1996. 3. Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus, Denmark, “Classical Rydberg Momentum Distributions”, June 1997. 4. Instituto de Neurología M. M. Ferreyra, Córdoba, Argentina, “Redes Neuronales en el almacenamiento y evocación de memorias”, July 1999. 5. Simposio del lóbulo occipital, Buenos Aires, Argentina,“Nuevos modelos de redes neuronales y visopercepción”,12th October, 2000. 6. 53 Congresso della Societa Italiana di Fisiologia, Ferrara, Italy, ”Computational approaches to the role of hippocampal subfields: CA3 & DG “, 17th September, 2002. 7. 53 CongressodellaSocietaItaliana di Fisiologia, Ferrara, Italy, ”Computational approaches to the role of hippocampal subfields: CA3 & CA1”,17th September, 2002. 23 8. Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, London, United Kingdom, “The information spatial density found in rodent hippocampal and septal cells.” October 2003. 9. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “A subjective distance between stimuli: quantifying the metric structure of representations”, September 2004. 10. FaMAF, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física , “Codificación neuronal de la información sensorial”, Córdoba, Argentina, 18thNovember, 2004. 11. Departamento de Fisiología, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, “Adaptación de la codificación sensorial al ambiente natural en que vive un animal”, July 2005. 12. Sociedad Argentina de Neurología Infantil, Buenos Aires, Argentina, “Bases neurobiológicas del procesamiento de información”, August 2005. 13. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “Information transmission in burst spiking”, October 2005. 14. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “The role of cortical networks in orientation selectivity”, October 2006. 15. Escuela BioMat 2007, La Falda, Argentina, “Modelos de dinámica de una única neurona”, Junio 2007. 16. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “Type I and Type II neural models are selective to differential stimulus features”, October 2007. 17. Neural Coding 2007, Montevideo, Uruguay, “Burst firing is a neural code in an insect auditory system”, November 2007. 18. X Taller de Neurociencias 2008, Huerta Grande, Argentina. “Caracterización de la información transmitida por neuronas individuales”, April 2008. 19. 1st Tutzing Meeting on Insect Hearing, Tutzing, Germany “Categorical and temporal information transmitted by spike patterns in single neurons”, September 2008. 20. Department of Biology, University of Manchester, UK, “Conversion of phase information into a spike-count code by bursting neurons”, May 2009. 21. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “Conversion of phase information into a spike-count code by bursting neurons”, May 2009. 24 22. Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany, “Time and category information in the neural code”, May 2010. 23. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “Linking dynamic and functional properties of Bursting Neurons”, July 2011. 24. Institute for theoretical Biology, Berlin, Germany, “When and why noise correlations are important in neural decoding”, July 2013. 25. Department of Biology, University of Manchester, UK, “Dynamics and reliability of resonator neurons in their bistable state”, May 2014. Reviewing activities I regularly review articles for Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physics A, Neural Computation, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, Biological Cybernetics, Journal of Theoretical Biology and Journal of Neurphysiology. I alsoparticipateinevaluationprocesses of nationalscientific agencies, as CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and ANPCyT (Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica). Funding 1. August 2001. Grant of Fundación Antorchas, Young Scientists: 4900 USD = 4900 ARS (1 year). Director. 2. November 2002. Renovation grant of Fundación Antorchas: 2500 USD = 9000 ARS (1 year). Director. 3. August 2004 – December 2005. Initial Grant of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas: 1600 USD = 5000 ARS. Director. 4. November 2004-November 2006. Grant of SeCyT-ECOS. Group project. Director: GermánMato. 8000 U$S. 5. June 2005-May 2007: Grant of Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Group project. Director: German Mato. Co-director: Inés Samengo. 9000 ARS= 3000 U$S. 25 6. PIP 2005 – 2006 ,Grant of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas nº PIP 5140. Goup project. Director: GermánMato, Co-director: Inés Samengo. 15300 USD = 46000 ARS. 7. June 2006: Grant of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, to buy micromanipulators: 5561 Euros. Director. 8. Janurary 2007- December 2008: Grant of the Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica PICT 2005 nº 38082, Young Scientists, 25000 ARS= 8000 U$D. Director. 9. June 2008 – June 2011: Grant of the Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica PICT 2006, 300000 ARS= 100000 U$S. Director. 10. PIP 2010 – 2012, Grant of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas nº PIP 112 200901 00738. Goup project. Director: Germán Mato, Co-director: Inés Samengo. 76.300 USD = 300.000 ARS. 11. July 2009-June 2011: Grant of Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Group project. Director: German Mato. Co-director: Inés Samengo. 10.000 ARS = 2.500 U$S. 12. November 2011-October 2014: Grant of Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica PICT 2006, 300000 ARS= 73.000 U$S. Director. 13. January 2014 – December 2015: Grant Raíces Siembra, from Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. 3 international and 3 domestic journeys per year. Director. Organization of academic activities - 2002: Organizer of the academic plan and staff of the undergraduate courses of Instituto Balseiro. - 2005: Organizer of the Latin American Workshop in Nonlinear Physics, Bariloche. - since 2007: Organizer of yearly training courses for High-School Physics and Mathematics Teachers in Centro de Formación Continua, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche. - 2008: Organizer of TREFEMAC Workshop in Nonlinear Physics, Bariloche. - 2009 and 2014: Organizer of the José A. Balseiro School “Modeling in Neuroscience”. 26 - Since January 2013: Member of the Academic Committee for the Master in Physics, InstitutoBalseiro. Awards: - 2016 Prize to the best Professor in Engineering in Telecomunications. Funded by Fundación José A. Balseiro, and awarded by the students graduated in 2016. Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), English, Italian and German, excellent performance in oral and written comprehension and production. Other activities: President of Fundación Principito, supporting the rehabilitation of neurologically impaired children. Inés Samengo San Carlos de Bariloche, December 2016