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Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program 8.00 – 9.00. Registration
9.00-9.10 Welcome and general objectives. Jesús Merayo
9.10 – 11.00 Part I Current concepts and Physiopathology of the
innervation of the ocular surface. Treatment Overview. Photophobia &
Moderators: Begoña Baamonde, Juana Gallar, Jesús Montero, José M.
Benítez del Castillo and José M. Herreras.
9.10-9.15 Glossary. Dysfunction of the innervation of ocular surface. Begoña
9.15-9.20 Anatomy of corneal innervation. Ignacio Alcalde
9.20-9.35 Physiology of ocular surface innervation. Lacrimal dysfunction
syndrome. Pathophysiology. Clinical and therapeutic implications.
Carlos Belmonte.
9.35-9.40 Measurement of ocular sensitivity. Javier Belmonte
9.40-9.50 Esthesiometry in different ocular diseases. Juana Gallar
9.50-9.55 Psychometrics. Visual Analogic Scale. Ronald Sánchez
9.55-10.05 Pharmacological principles of pain treatment. Ana Baamonde
10.05-10.10 Biomarkers of pain in the ocular surface. Eva Soba
10.10-10.15 NSAD and ocular pain. Maite Sainz de la Maza
10.15-10.25 Photophobia & neurosciences. Carlos Belmonte Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
1 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program 10.25-10-35 Blepharospasm. Francisco Arnalich
10.35-11.00 Discussion.
11.00-11.30 Coffee-break
11.30 13.30 Part II Innervation y Trophism of the ocular surface. Lacrimal
dysfunction syndrome and sensation of dry eye. Neuropathic pain.
Moderators: Javier Celis, Joaquim Murta, Juana Gallar, Cristina Peris, David
11.30 11.35 Keratoconus as a neurotrophic disease. Physiopathology &
Therapeutics implications. Luis Fernández-Vega Cueto
11.35 -11.50 Correlation between corneal sensitivity and irritation and blink rate
in tear dysfunction. Stephen Pflugfelder
11.50-12.25 Neurotrophic diseases of the ocular surface by local origin:
Dry Eye after corneal surgery
11.50-11.55 Focus on the clinical problem. Jesús Merayo
11.55-12.05 New artificial tear, new technology. Howard Ketelson.
12.05-12.10 Matrix regenerative agents. Agents. Maria João Quadrado
12.10-12.15 Nerve Growth Factor. NGF. Ana María Muñoz
12.15-12.20 Haematic derivates in the ocular surface. Plasma rich in growth
factors. PRGF. Ana C. Riestra.
12.20-12.25 Amniotic membrane eye drops. Almudena del Hierro
12.25-12.35 Imaging analysis of the nerves of the ocular surface by confocal
microscopy. Scott Hau Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
2 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program 12.35 -13.20 Neurotrophic diseases
12.35-12.40 Herpetic keratitis. José María Herreras
12.40-12.45 S. de Wallemberg. Ana Boto
12.45-12.50 Facial Palsy. Nicolás Alejandre
12.50-12.55 Neurotrophic keratitis associated to Lagoftalmus. Filipa Ponces
12.55-13:00 Persistent defect with marginal infiltrates after DSAEK. Francisco
13.00-13.05 Corneal Innervation disorders in Fuchs Dystrophy. Gesaren Fares
Valdivia 13.05-13.10 Innervation & Keratoplasty. David Galarreta
13.10-13.30 Discussion
13.30- 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Part III Ocular Pain, Dysesthesias, neruophatic pain. Pain
and systemic diseases.
Moderators: José F. Alfonso, Jose L Güell, Juan Durán, María João Quadrado.
15.00-16.00 Sensation of dry eye with no evident dry eye. Neuropathic
pain after ocular surgery.
15.00-15.05 Focus on the clinical problem. José F. Alfonso, Jesús Merayo
15.05-15.20 Pain without Stain. Stephen Pflugfelder Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
3 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program 15.20-15.25 Prevention, Intra and post operative approach of pain in corneal
refractive surgery. Carlos Lisa
15.25-15.30 Pain and Cataract surgery. Rosario Touriño
15.30-15.35 RNAi treatment. David Mingo, Ignacio Jiménez-Alfaro
15.35-15.40 topical treatments. Cristina Peris
15.40-15.50 Care for patients with ocular neuropathic pain at the Pain Unit.
Teresa Brid
15.50-16:00 Psychiatric treatment. Juan Durán de la Colina, Ana M. GonzálezPinto
16.00-16.15 Discussion
16.15-16.45 Pain and Systemic diseases
16.15 -16.30 Headache and Migraines. Margarita Sánchez del Rio
16.30-16.45 Fibromyalgia & Rheumatic Pathology. Melchor Álvarez de Mon
16.45 -16.50 Post herpetic neuralgia. María Mir
16.50-17.00 Discussion
17.00-17.30 Coffee Break
17.30-18.40 Part IV. Ocular Pain in Specific Diseases Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
4 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program Moderators: Luis Fernández-Vega, Joaquím Murta, Tomás Martí, MT
Rodriguez Ares
17.30-17.35 Pain and Collagen cross-linking. Ramón Gutierrez.
17.35-17.40 Topical anesthesia and corneal diseases. Joaquim Murta, Andreia
17.45-17.50 Pain and peripheral ulcerative keratitis. Javier Celis
17.50-18.00 Pain in uveitis and scleritis Maite Sainz de la Maza
18.00-18.10 Recidivant erosion of the cornea. M. Teresa Rodríguez Ares
18.10-18.15 Pain in a blind Eye. Alcohol vs. Chlorpromazine. Ignacio Rodriguez
18.15-18.25 Pain and acantamoeba keratitis. Tomás Martí
18.25-18.40. Discussion
18.40-18.45 Final remarks. Jesús Merayo Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
5 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program Meeting Coordinator
Jesús Merayo-Lloves.
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Oviedo. Director of
Research. Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica (FIO.) Ocular
surface and inflammation clinical unit. Instituto Oftalmológico FernándezVega. Oviedo, Spain
Key note Speakers
Carlos Belmonte
Professor of Physiology. Institute of neurosciences. Alicante. Miguel
Hernández University and CSIC. Alicante. Spain
Stephen C. Pflugfelder
Professor of Ophthalmology. Baylor College of Medicine. Texas. EEUU
Invited Speakers (Multidisciplinary)
Ignacio Alcalde.
Postdoctoral Scientific. Fundación de Investigación Oftalmológica.
Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega. Oviedo
Ana Baamonde Arbaiza
Professor of Pharmacology. University of Oviedo.
Teresa Brid Castañon.
Pain Unit. University Hospital of Asturias. Oviedo. Spain
Juana Gallar.
Professor of Physiology. Institute of neurosciences. Alicante. Miguel
Hernández University and CSIC. Alicante. Spain
Scott Hau. Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
6 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program Optometrist. Confocal microcopy unit. Moorfields Eye Hospital. London.
United Kingdom
Howard Ketelson.
Senior Investigator. Alcon labs. Forth Worth. Texas, EEUU.
María Mir.
Internal Medicine Unit. Hospital Infanta Leonor. Madrid, Spain
Ana M. González-Pinto.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Vasc Country University. Vitoria,
Margarita Sánchez del Rio.
Neurologist. Chief of Headache Unit. Clínica Ruber Internacional. Madrid
Melchor Alvarez de Mon Soto.
Professor of Medicine. University of Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. Spain.
Eva Soba
Specialist in Ophthalmic Nursing. Instituto de Oftalmobiología Aplicada
(IOBA). University of Valladolid (Spain).
Invited Speakers (Ophthalmologist)
Nicolás Alejandre Alba
Fundación Jiménez-Díaz. Madrid
Francisco Arnalich.
Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid
José F. Alfonso Sanchez
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Oviedo. Instituto
Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega. Oviedo
Begoña Baamonde Arbaiza
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Oviedo. University
Hospital of Asturias (HUCA). Oviedo.
Javier Belmonte Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
7 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program Hospital of Alicante.
José M. Benítez del Castillo
Professor of Ophthalmology. Complutense University and San Carlos
University Hospital. Madrid.
Javier Celis
La Mancha-Centro Hospital and Eye Bank. Alcázar de San Juan. Ciudad
Juan Durán
Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Vasc Country. Instituto ClínicoQuirúrgico. Bilbao
Gesaren Fares Valdivia
Virgen de la Arraixaca Hospital. Murcia.
Luis Fernández-Vega Cueto
Master in Ocular Surface and Cornea. University of Oviedo. Instituto
Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega. Oviedo
Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz
Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Oviedo. Medical Director.
Instituto Oftalmológico Fernández-Vega. Oviedo
David Galarreta Mira
University Hospital of Valladolid. IOBA. Valladolid
José Luis Güell
Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular (IMO). University of Barcelona
José M. Herreras
University Hospital of Valladolid. IOBA. Valladolid.
Iñigo Jimenez Alfaro
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid. Fundación Jiménez-Díaz. Madrid.
Tomás Martí Huget
University Hospital Bellvitge. University of Barcelona.
David Mingo
Fundación Jiménez-Díaz. Madrid
Jesús Montero
Virgen Macarena Hospital. Cartujavision. Sevilla
Joaquim Murta
Professor of Ophthalmology. University of Coimbra. Portugal Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.
8 Annual Meeting of the Spanish Ocular Surface & Cornea Society
Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) March 20, 2015 Innervation of the Ocular Surface Trophism, Discomfort, Pain and Lacrimal dysfunction syndrome Scientific Program Cristina Peris
Fundación Oftalmológica del Mediterráneo. Valencia
M. Filipa Ponces
UHC- Unidade Hospitalar de Coimbra. Portugal
Maria João Quadrado
Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal
Andreia Rosa
Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal
Ignacio Rodriguez
Master in Glaucoma. University of Oviedo. Instituto Oftalmológico
Fernández-Vega. Oviedo
M. Teresa Rodríguez Ares
Associate professor of Ophthalmology. University of Santiago de
Maite Sainz de la Maza
Hospital Clínic. Barcelona
Rosario Touriño Peralba
University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela. Registration:
Isabel Nieto. phone: +34 93 238 87 77. email:
Palacio de congresos y exposiciones de Oviedo- EDIFICIO CALATRAVA
Calle de José Ramón Zaragoza 8-10 bajo 33006 Oviedo.