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Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences V INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Valencia, June 30th – July July 2nd 2016 “Príncipe “Príncipe Felipe” Research Center City of the Arts and Sciences, Valencia SPONSORED BY CONGRESS REGISTRATION FEES: SIRCOVA MEMBERS “IN TRAINING” SIRCOVA MEMBERS NO MEMBERS “IN TRAINING” NO MEMBERS EARLY REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT until June 1st 40€ 40€ REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT until June 25th 80€ 60€ REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DURING THE CONGRESS 140€ 80€ 150€ 100€ 180€ 120€ 250€ 150€ ACCOMMODATIONS: Delegates can reserve accommodation with special advantages at one of the official congress options (Hotel RENASA, Hotel ASTORIA, Hotel REINA VICTORIA), when completing the registration form, or contacting with Mr. Eduardo Alfonso The availability can only be guaranteed for early bookings. Please get in touch and confirm your room as soon as possible¡ At early registration and payment of the congress fees (until June 1th) ophthalmologists in training and predoctoral researchers can get one night free accommodation and breakfast. AUDIOVISUAL SECRETARIAT: Participants (guest speakers and 3 min oral communications) must submit their Power Point presentations within three days after the onset of the Congress. Contact with Oscar Alvarez: 96 1622497. Lecturers will give their PPP in the area adjacent to both rooms, previously to their participation, where they can check their functionality and compatibility. Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences Organizing Committee V International SIRCOVA Congress 2016: María D. Pinazo-Durán, Nicolás Cuenca, Amparo Navea, Manuel Vidal, Roberto Gallego-Pinazo, José M. Salgado-Borges and Carlo Nucci. Programme Coordinators: Roberto Gallego-Pinazo, Elena Bendala Tufanisco, Juan J. Salazar Marta Agudo Barriuso and Vicente Zanón-Moreno. Ophthalmic Research Publication: Nicolás Cuenca, María Paz Villegas, María D. Pinazo Durán, Ana I Ramírez Sebastián and Óscar Álvarez Barrachina. V SIRCOVA MEETING 2016 PROGRAMME Thursday 30th 14.00- Registration 15.00-15.20 OPENING CEREMONY 15.20-16.50 SESSION I: DOCTORAL THESIS 2016 Chairpersons: José M. Ramírez, Luis Alonso, Eduardo Silva 15.20-15.25 Guidelines for the SIRCOVA DOCTORAL THESIS AWARDS Presentation of 2016 participants 15.27-15.32 15.34-15.39 15.41-15.46 15.48-15.53 15.55-16.00 16.02-16.07 16.09-16.14 16.16-16.21 16.23-16.28 16.30-16.35 16-37-16.42 16.44-16.49 Protective effects of antiapoptotics and antioxidants in the treatment of retinal neurodegenerative diseases. Laura Fernández Sanchez Geometrical custom model of the human cornea and its application in the detection of corneal ectasia. Fco. Javier Cavas Martínez Choroidal tissue analysis as a prognosis factor in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated with intravitreal ranibizumab into a pro re nata regimen during 24-months. Pablo Hernández Martínez Expression in the mammalian retina of genes and proteins associated with parkinson and other neurodegenerative diseases. Laura Campello Blasco Nuevos factores de riesgo para la progresión del Glaucoma. Fco. Javier Hernández Martínez Alterations in the melanopsin system and circadian rhythms in retinitis pigmentosa and Parkinson disease. Gema Esquiva Soriano To analyse the implication of retinal glial cells in the physiopathology of glaucoma in an experimental model of unilateral laser-induced ocular hypertension, in both hypertensive and untreated contralateral normotensive eyes, in comparison with naïve eyes. Beatriz Gallego Collado Characterization in adult rodents of the melanopsin retinal ganglion cell population and study the retinal ganglion cell degeneration after ocular hypertension and its neuroprotection with BDNF. Fco. Javier Valiente Soriano Evaluación de Factores de Riesgo Exógenos y Endógenos para la Retinopatia Diabética en Pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 de Larga Evolucion en un Seguimiento a 18 Meses. María José Roig Revert Determination of spectral transmission and color of the human crystalline lens depending on age. Adriana Fandiño López "Identification and Characterization of the Total Population of Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Adult Rat: New Tracing Methods, Expression of Melanopsin and Brn3 Transcription Factors. Analysis of the Neuronal and Microglial Response to Axotomy and Effect of Aging on the Retina". Francisco Nadal Nicolás Impact of the chronic ocular treatment and exposure to computer screens on the ocular surface integrity. Biomarkers and design of new therapies to preserve the corneal transparency and the visual function. Carmen Galbis Estrada Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences 16.50-18.30 SESSION II: TRAINING IN OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH 2016 16.50-17.15 Research Project Design Manuel Vidal and Nicolás Cuenca 17.15-17.40 Clinical Trials Design Isabel Pinilla and Maribel López-Gálvez 17.40-18.05 Scientific Article Design Vicente Zanón-Moreno and José J. García-Medina 18.05-18.30 Scientific Communications Efficient Design Roberto Gallego-Pinazo and María D. Pinazo-Durán 18.30-18.50 COFFEE BREAK 18.50-20.15 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – I (numbers 01-17) Chairpersons: Marta Agudo, Juan J. Salazar, Violeta Gómez Vicente 18.52-18.55 18.57-19.00 19.02-19.05 19.07-19.10 19.12-19.15 19.17-19.20 19.22-19.25 19.27-19.30 19.32-19.35 19.37-19.40 19.42-19.45 19.47-19.50 19.52-19.55 19.57-20.00 20.02-20.05 20.07-20.10 20.12-20.15 Choroidal rupture due to blunt ocular trauma. Angélica Barros et al. Portugal. Glaucoma surgery in patients with silicone oil. Enrique Alfonso Muñoz, et al. Valencia Retinal artery occlusion - when things go well. A case report. Lilianne Duarte, et al. Portugal. Correlation between ischemical retinal accidents and radial peripapillar capillaries in the optic nerve: the role of Angio-OCT. Marta Cerdà-Ibáñez, et al. Valencia A Case Study To Adress Microvasculature Imaging Of The Normal Retina And Choroid By Oct Angiography. Rodrigo Clemente Tomás, et al. Valencia Ocular hypotony revisited. Juan María Davo Cabrera, et al. Valencia Treatment Outcomes in Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Rafael de Araújo, et al. Valencia Correlation between structural and functional macular status after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Mª Carmen Guixeres Esteve, et al. Valencia Dynamic Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. Isabel Pascual Camps, et al. Valencia. Uveitis and neurosensory retinal detachment. Differential diagnosis. Jorge Raga-Cervera, et al. Valencia. New Neuroprotective Strategies For The Treatment Of Retinitis Pigmentosa. Tania Ramírez Lamelas, et al. Valencia. Influence of hiperhomocysteinemia in diabetic retinopathy. Effects of the oral supplementation with antioxidant and omega 3 fatty acids. Silvia Sanz-González, et al. Valencia. Follow-up of type 1 neovascular membranes in Age-Related Macular Degeneration using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Raúl Torrecillas-Picazo, et al. Valencia Multimodal Analysis Of Retinal Images In Hereditary Dystrophies Of The Retina And Choroid. Paula Sánchez Monzó, et al., Valencia. Analysis Of The Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss In An Experimental Chronic Glaucoma Model By A Series Of Hyaluronic Acid Intracameral Injections. Aloma Mayordomo-Febrer, et al. Valencia. Searching for preclinical biomarkers of ocular diseases. Differential expression of miRNAs in human tears. Carmen Galbis Estrada, et al. Valencia. Vascular Changes In Optic Nerve Head In The Presence Of Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fibers Using Oct Angiography. Amparo Gargallo Benedicto, et al. Valencia. Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences Friday 1st 08.30-09.30 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – II (numbers 18-29) Chairpersons: Rosa de Hoz, José J. García-Medina, Aloma Mayordomo. 08.30-08.33 08.35-08.38 08.40-08.43 08.45-08.48 08.50-08.53 08.55-08.58 09.00-09.03 09.05-09.08 09.10-09.13 09.15-09.18 09.20-09.23 09.25-09.28 Quantitative morphogeometric relationships between corneal surfaces: implications for higher order corneal aberrations in keratoconus. Francisco Cavas, et al. Cartagena Influence of axial length and choroidal thickness in the visual results after cataract surgery. Álvaro Ferragut Alegre, et al. Valencia Morphological characterization as non?invasive diagnostic method in keratoconus according to a visual acuity grading scheme. Ernesto De la Cruz, et al. Murcia Analysis of the involvement of a putative novel transcription factor in ocular and craniofacial development using the zebrafish animal model. Jesús José Ferre Fernández, et al. Albacete Embryo and post-natal chicken retinal ganglion cells during development. Caridad GalindoRomero, et al. Murcia Visual impairment induced by excitotoxic glutamate agonists on specific subtypes of inner retinal cells. Violeta Gómez-Vicente, et al. Alicante Lateral inhibition at the axon terminal of rod photoreceptors. Clara Martínez, et al. Alcalá de Hena Circulating biomarkers of retinal vascular damage in obese children. Jana Pacheco-Cervera et al. Valencia. Differential response of retinal ganglion cells subtypes to transitory ischemia and neuroprotection with BDNF. Giuseppe Rovere, et al. Murcia Long term effect of axotomy on mice retinal ganglion cells. Mª Sánchez-Migallón, et al. Murcia Neural Network Guidance For The Use Of Intracorneal Rings And Segments In The Correction Of Keratoconus. Francesco Versaci, et al. Alicante "Adult-onset Coats' disease: A case report". Francisco Farías-Rozas, et al. Valencia 09.45-10.10 HOT TOPIC: Open Debate between Histology and OCT Opponents: Nicolás Cuenca and Roberto Gallego-Pinazo 10.10-11.45 SESSION III. UPDATE in OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH Chairpersons: José C. Pastor Jimeno, Pedro de la Villa, Enrique de la Rosa 10.10-10.30 Opening Conference: “OFTARED. What is this?” José C. Pastor Jimeno. FRONTIERS IN GENE AND CELL THERAPY 10.33-10.45 “Can we modify our genome? Genomic edition by CRISPR methodology.” José M. Millán Salvador. 10.48-11.00 “Regenerative medicine for the ocular surface”. Margarita Calonge 11.03-11.15 “Pharmacogenetics of the hypotensive response”. Elena Milla 11.18-11.30 "Present and future of gene therapy for IRD". Eduardo Silva. General Discussion Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences 11.45-12.10 COFFEE BREAK 12.10-13.10 SESSION IV. UPDATE in MEDICAL-SURGICAL RETINAL TREATMENT and RESEARCH Chairpersons: Amparo Navea, Isabel Pinilla, Esther Francés. SIRCOVA HONOUR TO DOCTOR JUAN FRANCÉS MATARREDONA Speaker: Dr. Andrés Riquelme Buendía (Valencia) 12-25-12.35 "Vitrectomy in primary Retinal Detachment. It is possible to simplify? José A. López Garrido 12.37-12.47 “Diabetic Choroidopathy: new findings with OCT Lilianne Duarte 12.49-12.59 Carmen Desco. 13.00-13.10 Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in proliferative vitreoretinopathy.Ricardo Casaroli General Discussion 13.25-14.00 SESSION V. UPDATE in MEDICAL-SURGICAL GLAUCOMA THERAPY and RESEARCH Chairpersons: Konrad Schargel, Carlo Nucci, María Paz Villegas. 13.25-13.35 “Minimally Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery”. José M. Martínez de la Casa. 13.37-13.47 Rafael Giménez. 13.50-14.00 “Canaloplasty. What has been happened after six years of expertise?” Isabel Lópes-Cardoso. 14.00-15.00 LUNCH. 15.00-16.00 SESSION VI. UPDATE in GLAUCOMA IMAGING TECHNIQUES Chairpersons: José M. Martínez de la Casa, Pablo Alcocer. José G. Monteiro 15.00-15.10 “Gonioscopy”. Jorge Vila 15.12-15.22 “Brain damage in glaucoma”. Carlo Nucci. 15.24-15.34 “New strategies in papillary OCT examination” José Ghilherme Monteiro. General Discussion Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences 16.00-16.58 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - III (numbers 30-41) Chairpersons: Marcelino Avilés, Laura Campello, Ana I. Ramírez. 16.00-16.03 16.05-16.08 16.10-16.13 16.15-16.18 16.20-16.23 16.25-16.28 16.30-16.33 16.35-16.38 16.40-16.43 16.45-16.48 16.50-16.53 16.55-16.58 Analysis of GPATCH3 gene expression in zebrafish embryos and human eyes. José Daniel Aroca Aguilar, et al. Albacete Retinal Proteomic Analysis Of The P23h Retinitis Pigmentosa Rat Model Unravels Molecular Targets For The Neuroprotective Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid (TUDCA). Laura Campello, et al. Alicante. Horner´s syndrome as a complication of locoregional anesthesia. Mónica del-Rio-Vellosillo, et al. Murcia. Axial Length and Refractive Error in a Population of Myopes from 16 to 66 Years of Age. Rita Ferreira, et al. Portugal. Internal carotid artery hypoplasia associated to optic nerve hypoplasia. José Javier Garcia-Medina, et al. Murcia. Axial Length and Retinal Thickness in Low and Moderate-to-High Myopic Eyes. Zelia Pereira, et al. Portugal. Visual, Motor And Behavioural Function Alterations In The Triple Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease. Oksana Kutsyr, et al. Alicante Ocular trauma: surgical approach of retinal complications. Purificación Piñas-García, et al. Sevilla. Autophagy modulation and the fate of retinal ganglion cells following retinal ischemia. Rossella Russo, et al. Italia Corneal Morphometric and Biomechanical Changes During the Menstrual Cycle. José Salgado Borges, et al. Portugal. Rare diagnosis: pigmented paravenous chorioretinal atrophy. Elisa De Nova Fernández-Yáñez, et al. Madrid Effects of intravitreal injections of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate on melanopsin and non-melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells in the adult rat. Beatriz Vidal-Villegas, et al. Murcia. 17.00.-17.25 COFFEE BREAK 17.25-18.11 SESSION VII. RETINAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES Chairpersons: Maribel López-Gálvez, Amparo Navea, Rodrigo Abreu 17.25-17.35 “Ecography in the Ophthalmological Clinical Practice”. Jorge Mataix. 17.37-17.47 “Multimodal OCT”. Rodrigo Abreu. 17.49-17.59 “Actual and future role of OCT Angiography in Retinal Vein Occlusions”. Juan Donate y Lorenzo López Guajardo 18.01-18.11 “Practical usefullness of wide field imagine” José A. López Garrido. General Discussion Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina Retina and Vision Sciences 18.30-18.50 PLENARY LECTURE. Francisco Ambrosio. (Univ. Coimbra, P.) “Targeting adenosine A2A receptors for the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases?” 19.00-20.00 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS – IV (numbers 42-52) Chairpersons: Blanca Rojas, Antonio Lleó Pérez, Carmen Galbis-Estrada 19.00-19.03 19.05-19.08 19.10-19.13 19.15-19.18 19.20-19.23 19.25-19.28 19.30-19.33 19.35-19.38 19.40-19.43 19.45-19.48 19.50-19.53 Macular Vascular Flow Area And Density In Healthy Population Using Oct Angiography. Rodrigo Abreu-González, et al. Tenerife Peripheral nerve injury activates retinal microglia. Yolanda Caja-Matas, et al. Murcia Effect of different neurotrophic factor in the retinal glial of two rats model of retinitis pigmentosa. Johnny Di Pierdomenico, et al. Murcia Neuroprotective Effect Of Statins: A Hypercholesterolemic Rabbit Model. Judith FernándezNavarro, et al. Madrid Effect of taurine depletion in the population of retinal ganglion cells and S- and L-cones. Diego García Ayuso, et al. Murcia Early changes in neuroretinal rim in mild Alzheimer's Disease. Elena S. García, et al. Madrid The trabecular meshwork in glaucoma patients: ultrastructural study of collagens. Maite García-Antón, et al. Madrid Oct-Angiography In An Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy Case: How Can It Help? John Paul Liscombe-Sepulveda, et al. Valencia Pluripotent cells isolated from the retinal ciliary body attenuate axotomy-induced retinal ganglion cell death. Fernando Lucas Ruiz, et al. Murcia Analysis of Coats´s disease vascular alterations by oct-angiography:a propos of a case. Álvaro Olate-Pérez, et al. Valencia Clinical Profile of Early Keratoconus With Normal Vision Based On Pattern Recognition Analysis. Pablo Sanz, et al. Alicante Saturday 2nd 09.00-10.30 LEARNING THROUGH CLINICAL CASES. Coordinator: Jesús Montero. 09.00-09.45 * Part I: GLAUCOMA CLINICAL CASES Chairpersons: Aitor Lanzagorta, Mercedes Hurtado. Speakers: Carlo Nucci, José Martínez de la Casa; Rafael Giménez Gómez; José J García Medina; Isabel Lópes Cardoso. 09.45-10.30 * Part II: OCULAR SURFACE CLINICAL CASES Chairpersons: Tatiana Suárez, Cristina Peris. Speakers: Jesús Montero; José Salgado; Cristina Peris; Rodrigo Abreu; Tatiana Suárez. Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences 10.30-11.10 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS –V. (numbers 53-60) Chairpersons: Antonio Duch, José Ramón Hueso, Catalina Herrero 10.30-10.33 10.35-10.37 10.39-10.42 10.44-10.47 10.49-10.52 10.54-10.57 10.59-11.02 11.04-11.07 Systemic Anticholinergic Drug Associated To Progression Of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma. Nieves Bascuñana-Mas, et al. Murcia Tomographic findings in Multiple Sclerosis. A longitudinal study. Ana González-Gómez, et al. Málaga Neuroprotective effect of TUDCA in a model of retinal ganglion cell death induced by ischemia/reperfusion. Laura Fernández-Sánchez, et al. Alicante A GSK-3beta modulator delays photoreceptor cell death and preserves visual function in the rd10 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Catalina Hernández-Sánchez, et al. Madrid Phosphorylated -synuclein as a biomarker of Parkinson disease in the retina. Isabel OrtuñoLizarán, et al. Alicante Can a football induce a relapse of ocular toxoplasmosis? Miguel Tudela Molino, et al. Murcia Pattern of Ganglion Cell Loss in Nonarteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy. Ignacio García-Basterra, et al. Málaga The Membranes Of The Elderly: Beyond Amd. María del Mar Grana Pérez, et al. Málaga 11.10-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.30 LEARNING THROUGH CLINICAL CASES * Part III: CLUB ESPAÑOL DE MÁCULA Chairpersons: Roberto Gallego-Pinazo and Juan Donate 13.30-13.45 SIRCOVA 2016 AWARDS 13.30-13.35 DOCTORAL THESIS AWARDS. President of the jury: José M. Ramírez Sebastián. Vice President and Treasurer: Luis Alonso Muñoz Board member 1: Juan Donate Board member 2: Eduardo Silva Secretary and Board member 3: José J. García Medina Best DT in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Research (Those defended between Jan 1st 2014 Dec 31st 2015): 2000€ Three honor mentions 13.35-13.40 CLINICAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AWARDS. President of the jury: Amparo Navea Tejerina Vice President and Treasurer: Roberto Gallego Pinazo Board member 1: Mª Isabel López Gálvez Board member 2: Mª Paz Villegas Pérez Secretary and Board member 3: Isabel Pinilla Lozano Best 3 min OC: 500€ Three honor mentions Investigación en Retina y Ciencias de la Visión Research in Retina and Vision Sciences 13.40-13.45 BASIC RESEARCH ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AWARDS. President of the jury: Manuel Vidal Sanz Vice President and Treasurer: Elena Bendala Tufanisco Board member 1: Nicolás Cuenca Navarro Board member 2: Ana I. Ramírez Sebastián Secretary and Board member 3: Vicente Zanón Moreno Best 3 min OC: 500€ Three honor mentions 13.50 CLOSSING REMARKS “Principe Felipe” Research Center City of the Arts Arts and Sciences, Valencia Carrer d'Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 3, 46012 València, Valencia Also collaborating: