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Name: Rafael Navarro Alemany
Professional address: Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular-IMO
Josep Maria LLadó, 3
Salida 7 de la ronda de Dalt
Barcelona 08035. Spain.
Professional Telephone: 34 932531500.
Birth Date: 14 may 1965
School of medicine: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Unidad Docente
Valle Hebron. Spain
Medicine Degree: from 1984 to 1990.
Opthtalmology specialist : from 1992 to 1995. Hospital Universitario Valle
Hebron. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Spain
Area of expertise : Retina.
-Associate professor ophthalmology at Universidad Rovira I Virgili. Tarragona.
1997-1999- Ophthalmologist at Hospital Juan XXIII from 1996-1999. Tarragona. Spain.
- Retina Specialist at Hospital San Pablo. Universidad autónoma de Barcelona.
Spain. 1999- 2004.
-Retina Specialist at Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona. Universidad
central de Barcelona. Spain. 2005-2006
- Private office : Retina Specialist. Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular. Barcelona.
- Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
- Professor of the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology
Last Published papers (International) :
1. Navarro R, Gris O, Broc L, Corcostegui B. “Bilateral giant retinal tear following
posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation” Journal of Refractive
Surgery. May-jun; 21(3):298-300. 2005.
2. Valverde D, Riveiro-Alvarez R, Bernal S, Jakson K, Baiget M, Navarro R, Ayuso C.
” Microarray-based mutation analysis of the ABCA4 gene in Spanish patients with
Stargardt disease: evidence of a prevalent mutated allele”.Mol Vis 2006 Aug11; 12:9028.
3. Rafael Navarro, MD; Ricardo Casaroli-Marano, MD; Carlos Mateo, MD; Oscar
Gris, MD; Alfredo Adan, MD; Borja Corcóstegui, MD. “Optical coherence
tomography findings in Alport syndrome”. Retinal cases and brief reports. Vol 2, nº
1, page 47-9.
4. Adan A, Casaroli-Marano RP, Gris O, Navarro R, Bitrian E, Pelegrin L, SanchezDalmau B. “Pathological findings in the lens capsules and intraocular lens in chronic
pseudophakic endophthalmitis: an electron microscopy study”. Eye. Jan;22(1):113-9.
Epub 2006 Oct 13.
5. Navarro R, Mateo C, Corcóstegui B, Baiget M, Bernal S. R . “Choroidal
Neovascularization associated with Goldmann-Favre syndrome". Retinal Cases and
brief reports.Vol 1, nº 2. Page 5-6.
6. Burés-Jelstrup A, Navarro R, Mateo C, Adan A, Corcóstegui B. “Detection of
ciliary body detachment with anterior segment optical coherence tomography”. Acta
Ophthalmol Scand. 2008 Nov;86(7):810-1. Epub 2008 Jan 24.
7..Adán A, Mateo C, Navarro R, Bitrian E, Casaroli-Marano RP. “Intravitreal
bevacizumab (avastin) injection as primary treatment of inflammatory choroidal
neovascularization.Retina.” 2007 Nov-Dec;27(9):1180-6.
8. Adán A, Solé M, Corcostegui B, Navarro R, Burés A. “Cytological vitreous findings
in a patient with infantile neurological cutaneous and articular (CINCA) syndrome”.
Br J Ophthalmol. 2007 Jan;91(1):121-2.
9. Bernal S, Solans T, Gamundi MJ, Hernan I, de Jorge L, Carballo M, Navarro R,
Tizzano E, Ayuso C, Baiget M. ” Analysis of the involvement of the NR2E3 gene in
autosomal recessive retinal dystrophies”. Clin Genet. 2008 Apr;73(4):360-6. Epub
2008 Feb 20.
10. Ronan SM, Yoganathan P, Chien FY, Corcóstegui IA, Blumenkranz MS, Deramo
VA, Elner SG, Fastenberg DA, Johnson MW, López M, Mateo C, Moshfeghi DM,
Navarro R, Rosenblatt BJ, Sanislo SR, Saxe SJ, Zacks DN. “ Retinal pigment
epithelium tears after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (Avastin) for neovascular
age-related macular degeneration”. Retina. 2007 Jun;27(5):535-40.
11. García-Arumí J, Corcóstegui IA, Navarro R, Zapata MA, Berrocal MH.
“Vitreoretinal surgery without schisis cavity excision for the management of juvenile X
linked retinoschisis”. Br J Ophthalmol. 2008 Nov;92(11):1558-60.
12. Bohorquez MC, Navarro R, Corcostegui B. “Ultra wide field angiography in the
diagnosis of aneurysmal retinal telangiectasia: a case report”. Semin Ophthalmol.
2009 Jan-Feb;24(1):15-8.
13. Permanyer J, Navarro R, Friedman JS, Pomares E, Castro-Navarro J, Marfany G,
Swaroop A, Gonzalez-Duarte R.” A novel mutation in PROM1 that results in nonsense
mediated decay causes autosomal recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa with early macular
affectation.”Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Dec 30. [Epub ahead of print]
14. Carlos Mateo, Anniken Bures Jelstrup, Rafael Navrro, Borja Corcostegui “
“Macular bucling for eyes with myopic foveoschisis secondary to posterior
staphyloma”. Retina 2011. in press
Last presented papers (International) :
A. “Evaluation and treatment guidelines in the management of retinal vein
occlusions”. 14th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. Madrid.
June 2003.
B.“Hereditary retinoschisis: management of complications”. Euretina. Barcelona.
May 2005.
C. “Current concepts in X- linked retinoschisis”. Euretina. Vienna. May 2008.
D. “Lens surgery in myopia: a vitreoretinal specialist´s view”. XXVII Congress of
the ESCRS. Barcelona, Spain. September 2009.
E. “Diabetic Macular Edema: Management”; “Choroidal Neovascularization” and
“ Autofluorescence” . Vº Simposio Internacional. Rosario, Argentina. Septiembre
F. “New anf Future diagnostic tools for retinal diseases: Fundus autofluorescence”.
Euretina congress. Paris, France. September 2010.
G. “ Management of CNV secondary to angioid streaks” . Lugano, Switzerland.
October 2010.
H. “Pathophysiology and new agents in study for diabetic macular edema” .1st
Macula & Retina congress . Miami, USA. March 2011.
I. “Bestrophinopaties”. Asociación Panamericana de Oftalmología. Estoril, Portugal.
April 2011
J. “VEGF Trap eye: View1 and view2 results” y “Macular edema: treatment
options”. Trends in surgical and medical retina . June 2011. Barcelona, Spain.
Last presented papers (National) :
A- “ Exudative Retinal detachment in central serous chorioretinopathy”. Congress of
the Spanish society of Ophthalmology. Valencia. October 2003.
B- “Debates in vitreoretinal surgery”. Congress of the Spanish society of
Ophthalmology. Córdoba. September 2004.
C- “New techniques for the diagnosis of diabetic macular edema”. Congress of the
Spanish society of Ophthalmology. Córdoba. September 2004.
D- “Management of diabetic macular edema “. Congress of the Spanish society of
Ophthalmology. Zaragoza. September 2005.
E- “Discussions in vitreoretinal surgery” . Congress of the Spanish society of
Ophthalmology. Zaragoza. September 2005.
F- “Medical and Surgical retina: Clinical cases and videos”. Congress of the Spanish
society of Ophthalmology. Sevilla. September 2008.
G- “Autofluorescense in inherited retinal dystrophies”. Congress of the Spanish Society
of retina and Vitreous. Madrid, Spain. March 2009.
Experience in Clinical Trials:
1. Co-investigator : A randomized, controlled study on the efficacy and safety of
Sandostatin LAR in the therapy of patients with moderately severe or severe non –
proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) or low risk proliferative diabetic
retinopathy (PDR).NOVARTIS. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau 2000.
2. Co-investigator: A multicenter, randomized, doubled masked,controlled study to
evaluate the saffety and efficacy of an intravitreal fluocinolone acetonide (0.5 or 2
mg) implant compared to standard therapy in patients with non infectious uveitis
affecting posterior segment of the eye . BAUSCH AND LOMB. Hospital de la Santa
Creu i Sant Pau 2002.
3. Co-investigator : Diabetic Retinopathy Candesartan Trials DIRECT.
ASTRAZENECA. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 2001.
Co-investigator: Ensayo fase II/III multicéntrico aleatorio, doble-enmascarado,
de escalada de dosis, controlado, comparativo y de grupos paralelos para
establecer la seguridad y eficacia de inyecciones intravítreas de eye001 (Aptámero
anti-VEGF polietilen glicosilado) administradas cada 6 semanas durante 54
semanas en pacientes con degeneración macular exudativa asociada a la edad.
EOP1003.EYETECH PHARMACEUTICALS. Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular de
Barcelona 2001.
Co-investigator in : C-01-99: ANECORTAVE. ALCON. .Instituto de Microcirugía
Ocular de Barcelona 2003.
Co-investigator in : B7A-MC- MBDL : “Reducción en la aparición del edema
macular diabético que amenaza el centro de la macula con LY333531”. LILLY.
Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular. Barcelona 2004.
7. Co-investigator in B7A-MC-MBCU: “ Reducción en la aparición del edema
macular diabético que amenaza el centro de la macula con LY333531”. LILLY.
Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2005.
8. Co-investigator in EXCITE CRFB002A2302 (Ranibizumab). NOVARTIS.
Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2006.
9. Principal investigator in C-02-60 (ARMD). AART “Wet armd”. ANECORTAVE.
ALCON. Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2005.
10. Co-investigator in 1123-THG/MIVI-II/TG-MV002 “Microplasmin in diabetic
macular edema”. THROMBOGENICS Ltd. Instituto de Microcirugía ocular.
Barcelona 2007.
11. Principal investigator in: 206207-010-01“POSURDEX in diabetic macular
edema”. ALLERGAN. Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2007.
12. Principal investigator in FAME clinical Trial for Macular edema . ALIMERA
SCIENCES. Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2007.
13. Co-investigator in: “Epiretinal Implants in Retinitis Pigmentosa”. INTELIGENT
MEDIAL IMPLANTS (IMI). Instituto de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2008.
14. Principal investigator in BO451001MONET STUDY . “PF-04523655 in wet
armd”. PFIZER. de Microcirugía ocular. Barcelona 2009.
15. Principal investigator in FOVEA study in ”diabetic macular edema”. IMO 2011.
Society Memberships
Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Euretina, Spanish society of
Ophthalmology, Spanish Vitreoretinal society.
Candidate for Club Gonin membership
ID number (Nº colegiado for Spain only): 28468.
Rafael Navarro Alemany
Date: September 2011