Download 24th sunday in ordinary time september 15, 2013
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24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 We are now in the Year of Faith which continues through November of 2013. During this year, we have an opportunity to grow in faith through prayer, study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and study of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. ▪ This summer, Msgr. Holmes gave three homilies on minor documents of Vatican II. See the Year of Faith page on the parish website for the audio and written notes for the homilies, reflection/discussion questions, and an easy link to the texts of the documents. ▪ Eight neighborhood discussion groups are now meeting. Please see our website for complete information. ▪ Copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in large-format edition are available for sale in the parish office for $15.00. Madison’s Downtown Catholic Community /CathedralParishMadison Page 2 Cathedral Parish Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison SERVING CATHEDRAL PARISH Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino Bishop of Madison Reverend Monsignor Kevin D. Holmes Rector (608) 257-5000 · office (608) 255-1658 · residence Reverend José Luis Vázquez Parochial Vicar (608) 255-1658 Deacon Raymond Lukesic Director of Pastoral Care Marc Laudonio Director of Evangelization and Catechesis Nicole Garcia Director of Parish Life and Mission Amber Cerrato Director of Religious Education Daniel Button Pastoral Year Seminarian Leona Rane Alice Buechner Maria Culligan Parish Secretaries Parish Office 404 East Main Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 257-5000 – fax 257-5565 Holy Redeemer Church West Johnson Street (one half block off State Street) Saint Patrick Church East Main Street (three blocks east of the Capitol Square) FEATURED NEWS Parish Brunch This Sunday All parishioners and their guests are invited to join us for food and fellowship after the 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick this Sunday, September 15th. Our parish brunches are held at St. Patrick bi-monthly on the third Sunday of the month. Cash donations to help defray the cost of the brunch are gratefully accepted. If you are new at our parish, we would love to meet you! Please stop by the welcome table to say hello and learn more about life at the parish. Cathedral Parish Pilgrimage October 12th Join us on our pilgrimage to Dyersville, Iowa! Msgr. Holmes will celebrate Mass with us at the beautiful Basilica of St. Francis Xavier which is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the Midwest. The Basilica displays a handmade crucifix from 1873, a 52 ft. high baldachin, 64 stained glass windows, and many beautiful paintings and statues. After lunch, we will stop at the family farm with the baseball diamond carved into a corn field — the famous Field of Dreams from the 1989 movie. On Saturday, October 12th, the coach bus will depart from St. Patrick Church at 8:00 am and return around 6:00 pm. To register, please complete a pilgrimage form found on the kiosk and send it to our office, along with your check payable to the Cathedral Parish. The cost of this pilgrimage, which includes transportation, lunch, tour, and donation, is $45 per parishioner or $60 for non-parishioners. After October 1st, payments cannot be refunded. Holy Hour for Parents with Small Kids—Sept. 16th From 9:00 until 10:00 am on Monday, September 16th, and on the third Monday of each month, childcare will be available in the church hall at Holy Redeemer so that parents can have a time of undistracted prayer in the Perpetual Adoration chapel. There will be no vocal prayer or particular devotions during this hour; it is purely an opportunity for silent prayer and adoration. Parents should bring a toy or two, as well as a labeled water cup and a snack for their children. No registration necessary, but for further information you may contact Alison Hetue at or (608) 335-9556 (Email preferred). Join a Parish Choir! The choir that sings for the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick rehearses 7:00-8:30 pm each Thursday evening. There are currently openings in all sections and new members are welcome. If you are interested in joining the choir as a new member, please contact Patrick Gorman, choir director, at or 608-821-3081 to schedule a brief placement appointment. The choir that sings at the 9:00 am Mass at Holy Redeemer is also seeking new members. All interested singers are welcome to join the choir. Practice is scheduled Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. If you are interested in joining the choir, just come to practice, or for more information call Perry Allaire, choir director, at 244-9264. Page 3 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 15, 2013 FEATURED NEWS Retirement Reception for Joanne Einersen Next Sunday, September 22nd, we will have a retirement reception for Joanne after the 9:00 am Mass. Joanne Einersen has been organist and choir accompanist at Holy Redeemer for almost eighteen years. She had planned to retire in June but graciously stayed until a replacement organist could be in place. Thank you, Joanne, not only for your years of faithful, wonderful service, but for putting the parish’s need ahead of your own these past three months. Although Joanne will no longer be playing the organ, she is still a parish member and plans to continue singing with the 9:00 choir. Parking will be an extra challenge next Sunday. So we are asking all those planning to stay for Joanne’s reception to park in the ramp on Johnson Street that day. Prior to 9:00 am that day, there will be someone in front of the (closed) driveway next to Holy Redeemer School distributing passes for the ramp. These can be used for the gated section of the ramp at the street level and the level below. Please pull up to the curb on Johnson Street to get your pass, wait for a red light at State Street to stop traffic, and then cross to the other side of Johnson Street to enter the ramp. Bible Study Begins This Wednesday A ten week study on Exodus begins this Wednesday, September 18th, from 1:00-3:00 pm at St. Patrick Church hall. Registrations are accepted through Tuesday, September 17th, by contacting Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or There is a $11 fee for the materials that accompany this study, which you can pick up and pay for at the first session. 40 Days For Life September 25th—November 3rd Forty days of prayer, fasting and peaceful witness to end abortion will run 24/7 from Wednesday, September 25th to Sunday, November 3rd. Many volunteers are needed to pray peacefully in one-hour increments on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison, to keep a constant vigil during the campaign. Our parish has committed to staffing the hours each Friday from 4-5 pm and 5-6 pm. Volunteers will be available after Masses next weekend to help you sign up for a specific time. You can also sign up for vigil hours online at or call Bette Weisshaar at 358-5963. All are invited to a Kick-Off Rally Monday evening, September 23rd at Schoenstatt Heights, starting at 6 pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm; entree and beverages provided, please bring a dish to pass. Presentations will be given by Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council and Steve Karlen, 40 Days for Life National Team. Stations of the Cross at Cathedral Site Saturdays All are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross which are prayed publicly at the St. Raphael Cathedral site each Saturday morning. They begin at the corner of Henry Street and West Washington Avenue at 9:00 am. Thank you to our seminarians who have been leading the stations during the summer, and to Daniel Button, our Pastoral Year Seminarian you will continue to lead them this fall. MASS SCHEDULE Monday, Sept. 16 – SS. Cyprian & Cornelius 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Deceased Members of Nanovic Family 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer Spec. Int.: Dominic Schroeckenthaler Tuesday, Sept. 17 – St. Robert Bellarmine 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Mary Kannukadan 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer Poor Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, Sept. 18 – Weekday 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Vareed & Rose Chakkalakkal 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer Special Intention: Mary Ann Lukesic Thursday, Sept. 19 – St. Januarius 12:10 pm at St. Patrick † Poulose & Annam Parayil 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Eldrie Langlois Friday, Sept. 20 – SS. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang & Companions 12:10 pm at St. Patrick Special Intention: Michael Butler 5:15 pm at Holy Redeemer † Nancy Lane Saturday, Sept. 21 – St. Matthew 8:00 am at Holy Redeemer † Warren Schroeckenthaler 5:00 pm at St. Patrick (Vigil) † Mary Lou Haas 6:30 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer (Vigil) Deceased of Michael Newman Family Sunday, September 22 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am at Holy Redeemer (Tridentine) Special Intention: Mathew Howard 9:00 am at Holy Redeemer † Fr. Lawrence J. Kieffer 11:00 am at St. Patrick Special Intention: Francis & Rosemarie McMahan 60th Wedding Anniversary 11:00 am in Spanish at Holy Redeemer People of the Cathedral Parish 5:00 pm at Holy Redeemer † Joan M. Schappe 6:45 pm in Spanish at Holy Redeemer † Norma Sevillano Page 4 Cathedral Parish Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison CALENDAR This Week at St. Raphael Tuesday, September 17 10:30 am Mass at Capitol Lakes Saturday, September 21 9:00 am Stations of the Cross This Week at St. Patrick Tuesday, September 17 6:30 pm Main Event 6:30 pm Catholicism 101, II Wednesday, September 18 1:00 pm Bible Study 6:30 pm RCIC Class 7:00 pm Baptism Classes (in Spanish) Thursday, September 19 6:30 pm Young Adult Evening Prayer 7:00 pm Cathedral 20s&30s 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Sunday, September 22 9:00 am Religious Education Classes AT CATHEDRAL PARISH Welcome Welcome to Gabriel Louis Schroeckenthaler, who was baptized at Holy Redeemer Church last weekend. Congratulations to his parents, David & Kassandra Schroeckenthaler. See their photo on the homepage of the parish website. Congratulations Congratulations and best wishes to Jorge Rivera and Maria Guadalupe Salazar, who were married at Holy Redeemer Church last weekend. See their wedding photo on the homepage of the parish website. Mass Server Needed for Thursday 5:15 Mass A Mass server is needed for the 5:15 pm daily Mass at Holy Redeemer on Thursdays. Training would be provided. To volunteer, please contact Nicole ASAP at 257-5000 or CATHEDRAL 20S&30S Reorganized Cathedral 20s&30s This Week at Holy Redeemer Have you heard the news? Our weekly gathering has been reorganized! Visit our website for a full schedule. Monday, September 16 9:00 am Holy Hour for Parents of Youngsters 6:00 pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm Communion & Liberation mtg. (library) Small Group Bi-Weekly Study Continues This Thursday! Tuesday, September 17 6:00 pm Confessions in Spanish 6:30 pm Prayer Group (Spanish) Wednesday, September 18 9:00 am Exposition in Church 5:00 pm Benediction in Church 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Thursday, September 19 6:30 pm Spanish Ceremony Rehearsal Friday, September 20 6:00 pm Fe, Esperanza y Amor mtg.(dining room) 7:00 pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal Saturday, September 21 9:30 am Baptisms (Spanish) Join us this Thursday, September 19th, at 7 pm as Fr. Mark Toups guides us through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life in the eight-series study, Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer. We will watch the DVD together and then discuss the teaching over snacks in small groups to help us grow more deeply in our life of faith and in friendship. If you can't make it to all sessions, no problem, come when you can! Please join us before the study at 6:30 pm in the church for Evening Prayer. Theology on Tap—September 26th The next TOT gathering will be Thursday, September 26th, 7 pm at the Brink Lounge when our topic will be What Does it Mean to be Human?: Fulfilling the Needs of Our Hearts. Our speakers, Brandon Cook and Jim Stokman, will guide us as we try to answer fundamental questions in life, such as “Who Am I?” “What is happiness?”. Theology on Tap is a monthly speaker series where 20s & 30s are invited to join us for engaging talks by some of the leading thinkers, speakers, educators, innovators and activists in the nation as they share their insights on various contemporary issues facing young adults today. Young Adult Brunch We have a brunch for young adults (in their 20s and 30s) after the 11:00 am Mass at St. Patrick on the first Sunday of each month. Our next brunch is Sunday, October 6th! To receive email updates about Young Adult activities in our parish, please contact Nicole Garcia at 257-5000 or Page 5 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 15, 2013 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RE Classes Start This Sunday, September 15th Registration for Religious Education classes ends this Sunday, September 15th, when classes begin. Classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:30 am in the RE building, 30 South Franklin Street, next to St. Patrick Church. FAITH FORMATION The Main Event continues this Tuesday! Sept. 17th: Salvation History: Introduction to the Bible ‘The Main Event’ is a systematic study of the Catholic Faith for adults, revealing how all the aspects of the Catholic Faith fit together into one beautiful plan of God designed to bring us to authentic happiness. The first 10 sessions focus on the story of Salvation History as it unfolds in the Bible. ‘The Main Event’ begins with Evening Prayer, followed by the evening’s presentation, small group discussion, and social time (with snacks)! ‘The Main Event’ is held weekly on Tuesday evenings 6:30— 8:30 pm at St. Patrick. Check the website for more details, including the full schedule and topics of each gathering. Catholicism 101 We offer a monthly 3-session overview of the Catholic Faith for adults at St. Patrick Church that occurs every other month. The series is intended especially for (1) those seeking a basic introduction to Christianity and/ or the Catholic Church, (2) parents with a child to be baptized, and (3) couples preparing to be married in the Church. Session I will next be offered Tuesday, November 5th, with sessions II and III on the following two Tuesday evenings. Sessions begin at 6:30 pm. For further information on any of these programs, visit our website at, or contact Marc Laudonio at 257-5000 or TRIDENTINE MASS The Tridentine Mass Society of Madison is a diocesan organization, established to support the celebration of the Tridentine Mass throughout the Diocese of Madison. It currently focuses its efforts on the Mass at Holy Redeemer. Those who wish to support the special projects of the Tridentine Mass Society may do so by mailing a contribution to the Society at 529 Echo Valley Road, Brooklyn, WI 53521. FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Church Parish Festivals This Sunday, September 15th: St. Joseph’s Parish, East Bristol, serving chicken and ham dinner from 11 am to 5 pm. Next weekend, September 21-22: St. Ann Parish, Stoughton. 5K run Saturday at 8:30 am; Sunday festival fun for the whole family. For more information, visit SCRIPTURE READINGS Monday, Sept. 16 – SS. Cyprian & Cornelius 1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday, Sept. 17 – St. Robert Bellarmine 1 Tm 3:1-13/Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday, Sept. 18 – Weekday 1 Tm 3:14-16/Lk 7:31-35 Thursday, Sept. 19 – St. Januarius 1 Tm 4:12-16/Lk 7:36-50 Friday, Sept. 20 – SS. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang & Companions 1 Tm 6:2c-12/Lk 8:1-3 Saturday, Sept. 21 – St. Matthew Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13 Sunday, September 22 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Tridentine) 1 Cor 1:4-8 / Mt 9:1-8 CONFESSIONS At Holy Redeemer Church: Monday – Wednesday, 4:15 – 5:00 pm Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 am Sunday, 6:30 – 6:55 am At Saint Patrick Church: Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION At Holy Redeemer Church: Perpetual Adoration. Eucharistic Chapel is located on the ground floor of the church, and may be reached through the side door from the parking lot. On Wednesday only, adoration is in the upper church from 9:00 am until Benediction at 5:00 pm. For more information or to sign up for a regularly scheduled hour of adoration, visit, call 608-833-0554 or email ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Coyle Carpet One 257-0291 ______________________________________________________ Thanks to our advertisers for their support! Page 6 Parroquia de la Catedral Madison, Wisconsin /CathedralParishMadison SIRVIENDO LA PARROQUIA El Reverendísimo Robert C. Morlino Obispo de Madison Reverendo Mons. Kevin D. Holmes Párroco Reverendo Padre José Luis Vázquez Vicario Parroquial (608) 255-1658 Amber Cerrato Directora de Educación Religiosa 257-5000 ext. 12 María Culligan Secretaria Bilingüe (Martes a Viernes) (608) 257-5000 Horario de las Misas en español: Sábados 6:30 pm Domingos 11:00 am y 6:45 pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Sábados 5:30-6:15 pm Domingos 10:15-10:45 am Martes 6:00-8:00 pm Ministerios Litúrgicos Sábado, 21 de septiembre - 6:30 pm Acólitos: Homero Sánchez Lectores: Lisette y Alicia Becerra Monitor: Rogelio Becerra Hospitalidad: Martha y María Herrera, Daniel Estrada, Eloy Farfán Domingo, 22 de septiembre - 11:00 am Acólitos: Armando Pérez y Armando Pérez, Jr. Lectores: G. Soberanes, Verónica Guerra Salmista: María Gutiérrez Monitor: C. Medina Eucaristía: Julio Pimentel Hospitalidad: P. Mena, L. Alarcón, J. Zumba, V. Gastelum Domingo, 22 de septiembre - 6:45 pm Acólitos: Serafín Lima Lectores: A. Rivera, S. Lima Salmo: Primero lector Monitor: C. Domínguez Hospitalidad: Vitalino Rodríguez, Carolina Analco, Daniel Vázquez, Alicia Vázquez PARA REFLEXIONAR En la Misa Jesús, esta vivo y presente Cuando estoy en Tu presencia, Jesús Sacramentado, pienso con dolor: ¿Cómo no apreciamos este Misterio de amor donde te quedaste para ser nuestro confidente y nuestro alimento? ¡Que frio es nuestro corazón!. Nos decimos católicos pero tampoco meditamos en tu entrega al Padre la noche del Jueves Santo al instituir la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nos parece que fue ya hace muchos años, sin embargo vuelve a suceder todos los días, a toda hora en el mundo entero, siempre que se este celebrando la Santa Misa. En ella Tu vuelves a ofrecerte al Padre por todos y cada uno de nosotros. De la misma manera que lo hiciste por primera vez. No nos detenemos a pensar ni un momento en la grandiosidad del valor de una Misa. Y de una manera simple y tranquila dejamos el cumplimiento al tercer Mandamiento de la Ley de Dios, que creo yo proviene de la falta de preparación que tenemos los católicos respecto a lo que en si es la Santa Misa. Por cualquier motivo: paseo, futbol, gusto por quedarse en casa cómodamente en pants y chanclas, por unas visitas… porque el domingo es para descansar, y no salir para nada, en fin, porque “no me nace”, porque si no “siento un verdadero deseo de ir a la Iglesia, ¿para que voy?”, y así podríamos llenar paginas enteras con mil y variados pretextos, que a nuestro modo de ver, son tan solo la consecuencia de no saber con plena conciencia que la Misa es lo mas grande y hermoso que tenemos los católicos. Que participar en ella es estar Contigo, vivo y presente, tal como estuviste en el tiempo en que habitaste entre nosotros. ¿Dónde esta nuestra fe? ¿Es que hemos llegado a creer que ya no necesitamos estar presentes, dar testimonio a nuestros hijos, a nuestros familiares y amigos de que somos cumplidores de los Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios y acudir a la Iglesia para orar y tanto a pedirte perdón como darte gracias mi Dios por tanto beneficios que de Ti recibimos con nuestro cumplimiento y alabanza?. No basta con ser buenas personas y tratar de hacer el bien a nuestros semejantes…. Pues igual que no basta la fe para salvarse sin caridad y buenas obras, así no basta las buenas obras sin fe y sin oración. A parte de que no asistir a Misa los domingos (que es el día del Señor) y días de fiesta, es pecado grave, es saber que es la hora mas grandiosa porque nos ponemos en tu presencia y en la Iglesia, que es tu casa te levantamos nuestro corazón. Señor mío, mi Jesús…. Pensando todas estas cosas que si a mi me dan pena, para Ti han de ser de un gran dolor pues pareciera que no tenemos ningún interés por conocerte mejor, indiferencia hacia tanto amor y absoluto desprecio hacia lo que es realmente la Misa. Señor, ya no mas tibieza, tenemos que encender nuestro corazón para ir con amor y espíritu de agradecimiento a la Iglesia, a Tu Casa, Señor, a participar en la Santa Misa, para alimentarnos con Tu Cuerpo y Tu Sangre y pronto veremos como florece la Vida de Gracia en nuestros corazones y en todos los actos de nuestra vida. Padre José Luis Vázquez Page 7 24° domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 15 de septiembre de 2013 EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Este domingo 15 de septiembre es el primer día de clases, y es también el ultimo día de inscripciones. Al momento de la inscripción se solicita el pago del 50% del total a pagar, el cual no es reembolsable. Las clases son de 9:00 am a 10:30 am en el Centro de Educación Religiosa ubicado en 30 South Franklin Street, en la esquina de la Iglesia de St. Patrick (404 East Main Street). También en el Centro de Educación Religiosa, los niños mayores de 7 años que no hayan sido bautizados, tienen sus clases los miércoles de 6:30 a 8:00 pm. Uno de los padres o representantes debe de acompañar al menor en las clases. Sacramentos para Adultos Las clases para adultos que necesitan el Sacramento de Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación comenzaron el domingo 8 de septiembre, en el comedor a las 12:30 pm (después de la Misa en español) con la Sra. Mercedes Pozo. Todavía pueden inscribirse a las clases. NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES Hora Santa de Adoración A partir del viernes 13 de septiembre, y hasta que los conflictos en Siria y Egipto se resuelvan, tenemos en la iglesia de Holy Redeemer una Hora Santa de Adoración de 6:00 a 7:00 pm. Están todos invitados a dedicarle una Hora de Adoración al Señor. Próximas Platicas de Bautismo miércoles, septiembre 18 y 25 Las platicas son de 7 a 9 de la noche en el edificio de educación religiosa ubicado en 30 South Franklin Street, en la esquina de la Iglesia de St. Patrick (404 East Main Street). Los Bautismos son todos los sábados a las 9:30 de la mañana y todos los domingos a las 11:00 de la mañana. Para inscribirse en las clases y/o separar fecha de bautismo, llamen a Maris a la oficina de la parroquia, 257-5000 de martes a viernes de 8:30 am a 2:00 pm. Felicitaciones y Bienvenida Le damos la bienvenida a Nayeli, Saúl, Marcos y Sara, hijos de Alejandro López y Ángela Ponce, quienes fueron Bautizados la semana pasada. Grupo de Oración “Jesús a la Humanidad” Les invitamos a unirnos en oración este martes 17 de septiembre a las 6:30 pm. Juntos rezamos el Santo Rosario, la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, entre otras oraciones. No Confesiones el 24 El martes 24 de septiembre no habrán confesiones a las 6:00 pm. Padre estará participando en la Asamblea Presbiteriana de la Diócesis de Madison. Tampoco habrán confesiones el martes 5 y 12 de noviembre. LOS SACRAMENTOS Para más información llamar a la oficina (608) 257-5000 ext. 11. Requisitos para Bautismo Padres y padrinos deben asistir a una platica pre-bautismal por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo. La platica será en dos sesiones. Llamar a María a la oficina para anotarse en las clases. Los padres, si es la primera vez que bautizan en la Parroquia de la Catedral, o ha pasado mas de 3 años desde la ultima vez que bautizaron, deben recibir las clases pre -bautismales en esta parroquia (Holy Redeemer), no en otra parroquia. Los padrinos, si son pareja, deberán presentar copia del acta de su matrimonio católico. Recuerden que las personas que no estén casadas por la Iglesia y vivan juntas como pareja o familia no pueden ser padrinos de Bautismo. Si los padrinos no son pareja, pero tienen sus respectivas parejas y no son casadas por la iglesia, tampoco pueden ser padrinos. Las personas que piensan ser padrinos, deben ser católicos practicantes: Bautizados católico, Confirmados, asistir frecuentemente a Misa, acudir al Sacramento de la Confesión y poder recibir la Sagrada Comunión. Después de haber recibido la segunda charla, y tres semanas antes de la fecha de bautismo, deben ir a la oficina parroquial llevando los siguientes documentos: Copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a), Copia del acta de Matrimonio Católico de los padrinos, constancia que los padrinos han recibido las charlas pre bautismales. Copia de documento de identidad con foto de padres y padrinos. Los padrinos deben ser miembros inscritos de alguna parroquia católica, y hacer firmar un formato, que se les entregará el primer día de clases, por su párroco. Requisitos para Matrimonio Los novios deben presentar: A) acta de bautismo actualizada para matrimonio; B) Acta de confirmación; C) Copia del acta de nacimiento. D) Si están casados por lo civil, presentar copia del acta. En caso de que algún contrayente no este bautizado o confirmado, favor de contactar a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse en el programa de educación religiosa para adultos. Sólo después de recibir el sacramento faltante se podrá realizar el matrimonio. Los novios asistirán a platicas.