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PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Frank Epperson, Rector Rev. Daniel Roa, Parochial Vicar Deacon Mike Heinzelman Deacon Gary Moore TELEPHONE NUMBERS Email Comments/Suggestions to: Parish Office Phone 542-6984 Parish Office Fax 542-1621 Religious Education 326-3408 Pastoral Council – Lori Pandolfo 539-6592 Parish Organist – Steven T. Angelucci 537-0449 School Office – Barbara Gasparini 545-7252 Preschool Office – Sharry Caesare 528-9133 Home School—Jennifer Tawney 609-610-2153 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Entrance is located at SW corner of Rectory WEBSITES Parish: School: REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH Our warmest welcome to all who worship in our community. If you are not registered in the parish, please complete a registration card. Cards are available at church entrances or at the parish office. MARRIAGES & BAPTISMS Please contact the office at least 6 months in advance for weddings and 3 months in advance for baptisms. Check the parish website for more information. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office when a parishioner is home bound or hospitalized to arrange for Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick. MASS TIMES Daily Mass: Saturday: Sunday: 6:45 and 8:00 a.m. 8:00a.m; 4:30 p.m. & Sp.6:30 p. m. 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon and 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Latin Mass: 5:30 p.m. Sunday Latin Mass: 1:30 p.m. CONFESSIONS 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday or by appointment PERPETUAL ADORATION Perpetual Adoration is in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. To sign up for your hour with our Lord, call 539-2772. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament is held in the chapel every First Friday following 8:00 a.m. Mass. DEVOTIONS Recitation of the Rosary is Monday – Saturday at 7:30 a.m. in the Cathedral Chaplet of Divine Mercy is Saturday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Cathedral CATHEDRAL SHOPS Cathedral Thrift Shop is open Tues & Wed 9:30 – 2:30 Cathedral Books & Gifts Hours: Wed-Fri 9:30-4:30 & Sun 9:30–1:30 - Phone: 542-0250 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—October 11, 2015 Today’s Hymn numbers follow bulletin announcements PARISH CALENDAR ADMINISTRATION SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 ~PARISH OPERATIONS FINANCIAL REPORT~ Coffee Social-PLC-8:00 am-12:00 Noon RCIA-Becker Ctr.-10:30 am Latin Mass-Cathedral-1:30 pm St. Ambrose Young Adult Group-PLC-7:00 pm For the Week of: 9/27/2015 MONDAY OCTOBER 12 Parish Office Closed for Columbus Day Rosary for Life-Chapel-9:00 am Choir Rehearsal-Becker Ctr.-7:00 pm Endow Meeting-PLC-7:00 pm Knights Bible Study-PLC-7:00 pm TUESDAY OCTOBER 13 Women of the Word-Becker Ctr.-9:00 am Latin Mass-Cathedral-5:30 pm WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 Queen of the Angels-Becker Ctr-6:15 pm Legion of Mary-PLC-7:00 pm THURSDAY OCTOBER 15 Prayer Vigil-Cathedral-7:00 pm FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 Friday Morning Scripture Study-PLC-9:30 am Candlelight Living Rosary-Cathedral-7:00 pm SATURDAY OCTOBER 17 League of the Two Hearts & Little Flowers—PLC– 9:30 am Confessions-Cathedral- 3:30—4:30 pm Spanish Mass-Cathedral-6:30 pm ALL SOULS DAY ~ALL SOULS DAY ENVELOPES~ The month of November is traditionally the month we remember our beloved dead. This memorial begins on All Souls Day (11/2) and continues throughout the rest of the month of November. All Souls Day reminds us that we are a Church of community. We are the Church Militant here on earth because we are still waging the fight. The saints in heaven, whom we honor on All Saints Day, constitute the Church Triumphant. On All Souls Day, we remember and pray for the Church Suffering (Purgatory). Be sure to turn in your envelopes with names of loved ones to be remembered at all Masses during the month of November. For those who do not receive envelopes, you will soon find special envelopes available in the church. Please fill them out and return as soon as possible. Sunday Donations Received: $10,097 Collection Revenue Received for: $0 None ~CATHEDRAL BOOKS & GIFTS~ Pope Francis Month! The Gift Shop special of the month for October is 20% off all in-stock items related to Pope Francis to commemorate his US tour. Books, candles, medals, pictures, etc. Shop hours are: Wed-Fri 9:30-4:30 and Sun 9:30-1:30. We are closed on Mon., Tues. and Sat. Call us at 542-0250. ~ANNUAL PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT~ The parish annual financial report for last fiscal year, July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 is available in the parish office to registered parishioners. If you would like a copy, please stop by and pick one up. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. PRIEST RETREAT WEEK ~WEEKDAY MASSES~ The priests of our diocese will be on retreat from October 20 to 22. Because of this, there will be a slight change in our daily Mass routine on those days. The 6:45 am Mass will take place as usual with Fr. Christopher Henderson presiding. The 8:00 am Mass will be a Liturgy of the Word Service. YOUTH CLUB NEWS ~BOOK DRIVE~ The Queen of the Angels girls’ club is having their sale of books, rosaries, etc. on the weekends of Oct. 17—18 and Oct. 24—25 . Please stop by and see what we have to offer! ~NEW BOYS’ CLUB~ St. Eugene's is starting a new group, "Warriors for Christ", for boys in grades 4-7. The group will focus on why we should have a personal relationship with Jesus and what it means to be Catholic. Erik and Stephanie Bjornstrom will be leading this exciting new one-hour boys group that will begin on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, at 6:00 pm. Please contact Erik and Stephanie at: for more information. ~ST. JOHN BOSCO~ In honor of our Youth Groups, here is some advice to our young people from Don Bosco: “Do you want your companions to respect you? Always think well of everyone and be ready to help others. Do this and you will be happy.” MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm (Sp) 6:30 pm Sunday October 10 Mayor Family, deceased Emiliano Espiritu, deceased Raul Barajas, deceased October 11 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 5:30 pm Monday 6:45 am 8:00 am Tuesday 6:45 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Wednesday 6:45 am 8:00 am Thursday 6:45 am 8:00 am Friday The Giampaoli & Tessier Families, living & deceased Harold & Aileen Bettinelli, deceased People of St. Eugene’s Special Intention to St. Lucy Ariana O’Brian, living Tom Rantfl, deceased October 12 Julian & Mary Otte, deceased Epifanio C. Marapao, Sr., deceased October 13 Marie Elizabeth Saint Juste, living Deirdre McCormick, deceased Michael Tran, living October 14 Rita Joyce Frame, deceased Mrs. Sweeney & Family, living October 15 Mimi Street, living Rita Joyce Frame, deceased October 16 6:45 am 8:00 am Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Elizabeth Haberkorn, deceased The Giampaoli & Tessier Families, living & deceased October 17 Brendan Stronge, deceased Mary Byrnes McKrell, deceased Ana Geiser, living IN NEED OF OUR PRAYERS Those who are ill need your support and prayers: Michael Russell, Sr. , Elaine Dolcini, Edward G. Urtiaga, Maureen Mardanyas, Alice Gordon, Cristina Mamuyac, Jeffrey Andrews, John Patrick McGuire, Thomas Timko, Gregory Angeo, Joyce Bailey, Jim Keegan, Irene Medina, Melvin Lukasiewicz, Jeff Mello, Catherine Hubbard, Tristan Humble, Samuel Agius, Sandy Torti Wilcox, Marjorie Miles, Lynne Staley, Marie Tran, Pam Hall, Dee Dee Kramer, Amelia Lansangan, Tina Laws, Marv Kidweiler, Reysalyn Gerardo Andrade, Ellen Moore, Dennis Wrenn, Kathryn Acquistapace, Albert Gonzales and Gail Brown. DIOCESAN YOUTH MINISTRY ~EXALT~ The Diocesan Dept. of Youth Ministry invites you to attend its session focusing on the 3rd marker of the church— ”Catholic”, at St. John the Baptist Church in Healdsburg on 10/17 starting at 6:30 pm All are welcome. SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES ~YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE~ Fr. Epperson and Women of the Word invite you to join them on a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi and Nettuno, Italy. Visit the Vatican, the Catacombs, the Roman Coliseum, Assisi, the home of St. Maria Goretti and more. This “Year of Mercy” pilgrimage will take place from February 14-24, 2016. The cost of $3,699.00 includes airfare, 4 Star hotel, most meals, transportation, expert tour guides and more. For more information, call Fr. Epperson at: 521-2777. ~CANDLE LIGHT LIVING ROSARY~ You are invited to attend the 30th Annual Candlelight Living Rosary for Life on Friday, October 16, at 7:00 pm at St. Eugene's Cathedral. The rosary has always been a prayer for peace and a meditation on Jesus and Mary as they appear in the Gospels. This is an opportunity to pray the rosary in a group, in a beautiful candle-lit setting here in the Cathedral. This year we will be supporting mothers and babies at Catholic Charites. Please bring an item to donate. An ice cream social with ice cream bars from Fruta and homemade cookies will follow the event. Flyers are in the vestibules. ~INSTALLED ACOLYTES~ We are proud to tell you that the Diocese of Santa Rosa will be installing 18 men from the Cathedral of St. Eugene, as well as men from other parishes, to the office of Installed Acolyte later this month. This office for lay men was created by Pope Paul VI for parish service. The functions of altar servers and of EMHCs are both taken from duties of an Acolyte. However, there are things that an Acolyte can do that an EMHC cannot, such as purifying the vessels during or after Mass, setting the altar before the preparation of the gifts (in the absence of a deacon) and exposing and reposing the Holy Eucharist. Just as priests or deacons should distribute Holy Communion if present, in preference to all others, the Acolyte should be first chosen among the laity for that task when pastoral necessity requires it. We congratulate our soon-to-be installed Acolytes and are grateful for the service they will give to our Lord and His Church. RESPECT LIFE ~RESPECT LIFE MONTH~ Quotes from the USCCB: “Your support might be the only support she receives, ...You can make a difference in her life. Some simple things you can do are letting her know that you care and are always ready to listen, that you are available to help her, that you are praying for her--can give hope and courage when she might otherwise feel alone. We never know how the smallest things we do can change someone's life. Also, for parents of special needs children, the beauty of parenting is that you aren't given a child with a disability. You are given your child with a disability. It's like looking at a stained-glass window from the outside: The colors look dark, and you can't quite make out the figures. From the inside, however, with the sun shining through it, the effect can be brilliant. Perhaps this is why so many families of children with disabilities, despite difficulties, often radiate joy.” CATEDRAL DE ST. EUGENE’S – 11 de Octubre del 2015 Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARA LA PARTICIPACION EN LA MISA CREDO Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; Que por nosotros lo hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, Y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; Y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, Y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; Y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, Que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo Bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén. Desde el Escritorio del P. Roa: Sínodo de los Obispos en Roma (Parte I) En la Ciudad Eterna se está celebrando un sínodo sobre la familia. Lamentablemente los medios de comunicación no saben que es lo que está pasando y están ofreciendo pobre o incorrecta información. Debido a esta situación nuestro obispo, Monseñor Roberto Vasa, y dos otros obispos escribieron un pequeño documento en el cual presentan el correcto significado del sínodo. A continuación se presenta parte de este documento. – I – El Sínodo de los obispos y su autoridad 1a PREGUNTA: ¿Qué es el Sínodo de los obispos? RESPUESTA: El Sínodo de los obispos es una institución permanente de la Iglesia Católica, creada por el Papa Paulo VI a través del Motu Proprio Apostolica sollicitudo (15 de septiembre de 1965), con el fin de ayudar con sus consejos al Papa en el gobierno de la Iglesia universal, para realizar la mayor “colegialidad” prevista por el Concilio Vaticano II. El Sínodo es convocado por el Papa y se reúne de tres formas: asamblea general ordinaria, asamblea general extraordinaria y asamblea especial. 2ª PREGUNTA: ¿Tienen valor magisterial las conclusiones del Sínodo de los obispos y son, por tanto, vinculantes para los fieles? RESPUESTA: El Sínodo es una asamblea sólo consultiva, sin valor de Magisterio. En relación a su poder deliberativo, lo recibe sólo si y cuando es concedido por el Papa, como cualquier otra asamblea. Sin embargo, como regla general, el Papa recoge ideas de las conclusiones del Sínodo para publicar una Exhortación apostólica post-sinodal, la cual propone las conclusiones del Sínodo a toda la Iglesia. 3a PREGUNTA: ¿Puede el Sínodo de los obispos alterar la doctrina de la Iglesia en puntos doctrinales de teología moral? RESPUESTA: Ni el Sínodo de los obispos, ni cualquier otra instancia eclesiástica, tiene autoridad para cambiar la doctrina de la Iglesia. “La Iglesia no ha sido la autora de éstas, ni puede por tanto ser su árbitro, sino solamente su depositaria e intérprete, sin poder jamás declarar lícito lo que no lo es por su íntima e inmutable oposición al verdadero bien del hombre” (B. Pablo VI, Humanæ Vitæ, 25 de julio de 1968, n° 18). “...una doctrina que ha sido enseñada durante siglos y continuamente reafirmada por la Iglesia no puede ser cambiada sin arriesgar la credibilidad de la Iglesia”. (Card. Velasio De Paolis, Los divorciados vueltos a casar y los Sacramentos de la Eucaristía y de la Penitencia, discurso en el Tribunal Eclesiástico Regional Umbro, 8/1/2015). 4a PREGUNTA: Si no el Sínodo, ¿puede por lo menos el Papa alterar la doctrina de la Iglesia en puntos fundamentales de teología moral, como por ejemplo, el matrimonio sacramental? RESPUESTA: Muchos puntos fundamentales de teología moral, como por ejemplo la doctrina sobre el matrimonio sacramental, son de autoridad divina directa, y por tanto no pueden ser alterados por ninguna autoridad eclesiástica, ni siquiera por el Sumo Pontífice. “Así pues, se deduce claramente que el Magisterio de la Iglesia enseña la no extensión de la potestad del Romano Pontífice a los matrimonios sacramentales ratos y consumados como doctrina que se ha de considerar definitiva...” (S. Juan Pablo II, discurso de 21/1/2000 al Tribunal de la Rota Romana, nº 8) 5a PREGUNTA: Si no la doctrina, ¿puede por lo menos la disciplina de la Iglesia en materia de matrimonio y de familia, ser alterada por el Sínodo? RESPUESTA: El Sínodo no tiene autoridad para alterar la disciplina de la Iglesia en materia de matrimonio y de familia. Solamente el Romano Pontífice puede hacerlo, y en todo caso siempre en coherencia con la Verdad revelada y para la salvación de las almas. “Por cuanto dice respecto a la disciplina, ésta no se puede considerar una realidad simplemente humana y cambiable, sino que tiene un significado mucho más amplio; la disciplina comprende también la ley divina como los mandamientos, que no están sujetos a cambio alguno, a pesar de no ser directamente de naturaleza doctrinal, y lo mismo se diga de todas las normas de derecho divino. La disciplina, a menudo comprende todo aquello que el cristiano debe considerar como compromiso de su vida para ser un fiel discípulo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.” (Card. Velasio De Paolis, Los divorciados vueltos a casar y los Sacramentos de la Eucaristía y de la Penitencia, Discurso cit., p.29). 6a PREGUNTA: Sea como fuere, algunos sostienen que el Papa no convocó dos Sínodos sobre la familia para confirmar lo existente. ¿Estamos entonces en la víspera de un giro pastoral absoluto? RESPUESTA: Si es verdad que no se convoca un Sínodo sólo para confirmar una doctrina, no se puede convocarlo tampoco para debilitarla. Por el contrario, se debe evitar que ciertas corrientes hagan propuestas pastorales que contradigan la doctrina católica o que endosen un lenguaje ambiguo que oculta los verdaderos problemas y las soluciones adecuadas.