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BAPTISM INFORMATION Form Date: PLEASE READ THIS FORM COMPLETELY BEFORE ENTERING INFORMATION Please PRINT CLEARLY USING PENCIL-- Por favor SOLO LAPIZ y LETRA de IMPRENT Please read the baptism brochure. Por favor, lea el folleto el bautismo. • Return this form completely filled out to the Parish Center. • Attach a copy of your child’s birth certificate. • This form must be fully filled out before attending class. • Class begins at 7:00pm. Class is closed at 7:15pm. NO CHILDREN!! -- Desired Baptism Date / Fecha que desea Bautizar -$60.00 Fee Paid English Spanish Vietnamese / Month/ Mes / Day/ Día Child’s information: ___________________________________________ First Name and Middle Name of Child / Nombre del niño(a) _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City of Birth / Ciudad de nacimiento __________________________________ Date of Birth / Fecha de nacimiento Last Name / Apellido ________ Age/Edad Was the child privately baptized because of illness? /¿Fue el niño(a) bautizado(a) antes por motivos de enfermedad? F Yes/Si Was the child adopted? / ¿Fue el niño(a) adoptado(a)? F Yes/Si F No F No Parent’s information: _____________________________________________________ Father’s Name / Nombre del Padre ___________________ Religion / Religión F Completed Class / / Date _____________________________________________________ Mother’s first name and maiden name / Nombre de soltera de la madre ___________________ Religion / Religión F Completed Class / / Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address / Dirección City/Ciudad ZIP Code ____________________________ Home Phone / Teléfono de la casa Work Phone / Teléfono del trabajo Cell Phone / Teléfono Celular Were the parents married in the Catholic Church? /¿Se casaron los padres por la Iglesia Católica? F Yes/Si F No Name of Church/Nombre de la iglesia: ________________________________ In which parish is the family registered? / ¿En qué parroquia están registrados? __________________________________________ If not registered at St. Joseph the Worker; you will need permission from your parish to baptize here. Si no registrado en esta parroquia; necesitará permiso de su parroquia para bautizar aquí. Do you have permission to baptize outside of your parish? ¿Tiene permiso para bautizar fuera de su parroquia? F Yes/Si F No Why are you requesting baptism here? - ¿Por qué pide usted bautismo aquí? ____________________________________________ • Godparents must fill out a Sponsors or Godparents registration form (available in the office) ___________________________________ Godfather’s Name / Nombre del padrino __________________ Telephone / Teléfono ___________________ Religion / Religión F Completed Class / / Date ___________________________________ Godmother’s Name / Nombre de la madrina __________________ Telephone / Teléfono ___________________ F Completed Class Religion / Religión / / Date Notes: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / SOLO PARA USO DE OFICINA Schedule Baptism Date: Actual Baptism Date: Presiding Priest Name: Signature: Date Entered: __________ Page: ___________ No.: ____________ Ledger entry F Date Certificate Sent: ___________ Date Certificate Made: ___________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / SOLO PARA USO DE OFICINA Call Date: ____________ Interview Date: ____________ Interviewer: ________________________ Interviewer’s Comments: (please enter all comments concerning this baptism here.) Is this a private baptism? Yes No Name of Priest/Deacon performing the baptism ______________________ If not registered at SJW, why is the baptism being done here? ____________________________________________ CLASSES / CLASES PARENTS / PADRES will attend class class waived by: ____________ GODPARENTS / PADRINOS will attend class class waived by: ____________ Date attended pre-baptism class / Fecha en que asistieron a clases pre-bautismales PARENTS / PADRES FATHER/PADRE PARISH/PARROQUIA Date MOTHER/MADRE PARISH/PARROQUIA Date GODPARENTS / PADRINOS GODFATHER/PADRINO PARISH/PARROQUIA Date GODMOTHER/MADRINA PARISH/PARROQUIA Date Name of Godparent’s proxy, if any: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / SOLO PARA USO DE OFICINA BAPTISMAL INFORMATION SHEET 060113.doc 6/21/2013 10:49:00