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Andrés Felipe Valderrama Pineda Born 1972, Bogotá, Colombia e-mail: Address: Tom Kristensens Vej 10 L412, København 2300, Danmark Education 2010 1999 1997 PhD in Construction, Production, Civil Engineering and Transport, Technical University of Denmark MSc in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, United Kingdom Mechanical Engineering, University of Los Andes, Colombia Professional Experience Present position 2006-2010 2003-2006 2001 – 2003 1997 – 2001 1999 – 2000 Post Doc in projects Sustainable Transitions and PROCEED at the Innovation & Sustainability Group, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant at the Innovation & Sustainability Group, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Founder (in 2002) and Coordinator of the Technology and Society Group and Coordinator of the General Engineering Program at the Engineering School, University of Los Andes. General Secretary, Engineering School, University of Los Andes Lecturer in Mathematics, History and Engineering, University of Los Andes Activist in the Colombian and the International Campaign Against Landmines Publications • • • • • Valderrama A. (forthcoming) The co-production of urban transportation maps and the city, Encounters, Denmark. Valderrama A. (forthcoming) Disability, transport and the city: the case of Bogotá, Science Technology and Human Values. Arias, R, Bejarano, A, Ramírez, M, Silva, J and Valderrama, A. (forthcoming) “The Borders of Engineers without Borders: Self-assessment of Ingenieros Sin Fronteras Colombia” in International Journal of Engineeing for Social Justice and Peace. Valderrama A. (2010) The Design of Large Technological Systems, PhD Dissertation, DTU-Denmark Valderrama A. (2009) “How do we co-produce urban transport systems and the city? The case of Transmilenio and Bogota” in Bender, Thomas and Farias, Ignacio (Eds.) Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies, Routledge • • • • • • • • • • • Valderrama A; Lleras E; García A; Camargo J; Mejía I; Mejía A “Engineers’ Identity and Engineering Education in Colombia 1887-1972” Technology and Culture, (United States of America, 2009) Valderrama A and Jimenez J “Desarrollos Tecnológicos en Colombia: Superando Categorías de Oposición” Revista REDES, No. 37, (Argentina, 2008) Valderrama A and Jørgensen U “Urban transportations systems in Bogotá and Copenhagen: An approach from STS” Journal of Built Environment 34 (2) (United Kingdom, 2008) Valderrama A and Beltran I “Diesel versus compressed natural gas in TransmilenioBogotá: innovation, precaution, and distribution of risk” Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, 3 (United States of America, 2007). Valderrama A; Lleras E; García A; Camargo J; Mejía I; Mejía, “Engineering Programs in Colombia: Two Paths, One Reform, Workshop “Educating Engineers: Location, Knowledge, Desire” of the International Network of Engineering Studies. September 10-13. (Virginia Tech, Blacksburgh, Virginia, United States of America, 2006) Valderrama A and Jiménez J “Technology Developments in Third World: resistance and the overcoming of dominant paradigms”, paper presented at the ISA’s World Congress of Sociology, RC23’s Session 1 “Science and technology in contemporary Africa and the Third World. Between international communities and development needs“, July 23-29 (South Africa, 2006) Valderrama A and Jiménez J “Tecnología, Cultura y Resistencia”, in Revista de Estudios Sociales, 22 (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 2005). Valderrama, A “Teoría y Crítica de la Construcción Social de la Tecnología”, in Revista Colombiana de Sociología, 23 (Colombia, 2004). Valderrama, A and others: “Expoandes: engineering the problems of third world countries since first year”, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Education, (Spain, 2004) Valderrama A and Ronderos P “El futuro de la tecnología: una aproximación desde la historiografía”, in Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad e Innovación, 5, (Spain, 2003). Valderrama A “De la Innovación al uso: algunas reflexiones en torno de la historiografía de la tecnología y su aplicación en Colombia” in Revista de Ingeniería, 14 (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 2001). Invited Presentations and Keynotes 2011 2011 2009 Cátedra Manuel Ancízar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, August 26. Henenbach Visiting Professor, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, United States, April 9-16. I Jornada Internacional de Estudios sobre Tecnologia y Sociedad, Argentina, September 17. 2005 2005 2005 2005 “Ingenieros Sin Fronteras y la Cooperación Internacional Académica Colombia-España”, Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos en la Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona, España, Novembre 28. “Estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad en Colombia”, I Encuentro Internacional de Ciencias Naturales, Ambientales y Matemáticas, Universidad Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia, Octobre 4-7. “La Ingeniería y las Ciencias Sociales”, Simposio Innovación, Investigación y Globalización, Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana de Bucaramanga, Bucaramanga, Colombia, Septembre 22-23. ¿Uno o varios mundos posibles?, Panelista, Tecnicidad, Tecnoculturas y Tecnoresistencia, Universidad Central, Colombia, June 7-10.