Download February 2016 - Swank HealthCare

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New CE/CME Courses*
February 2016
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Course Title:
Clinical Laboratory Science...........................10916 - Urinary Tract: Normality, Urinalysis, and Abnormalities Surveys normal anatomy and physiology of the renal and urinary tract, as well as
the utility of urinalysis in the diagnoses process, including common abnormalities,
disorders, typologies, diseases and injuries.
EMS................................................................80516 - Emergency Response to Terrorism for Pre-Hospital Professionals
Recognizes the common reactions to terrorism and trauma including the signs
of post-traumatic stress disorder and identifies the important mental health
components to terrorism preparedness training along with how to apply real
life disaster and terrorism experiences into practice from an interview.
General Staff Education................................41616 - Genetics of Melanoma
Identifies the genetic component to melanoma including the genes associated
with familial melanoma, other increased genetic risks and the gene mutation
associated with breast cancer, as well as genetic testing and melanoma treatment.
General Staff Education................................41716 - Skinny Genes: New Trends in DNA Testing
Explains the history, facts and future of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing, as well
as using DNA to diagnose and examine mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms
and the Human Genome Project, along with the ways DNA applies to personalized
medicine, treatment and genetic variants.
Nurse Aide/Nurse Assistant...........................41516 - Postpartum Care for Moms and Infants
Discusses admission, discharge, care and safety in postpartum mother-infant units,
as well as physical and psychological adaptations for new parents and assessments
for mothers and infants.
Nursing..........................................................32016 - Integrative Medicine: Ayurveda
Defines Ayurveda practice and describes its origins. Recognizes the basic concepts
of Ayurveda. Associates Prakriti with physical attributes, metabolism and disease
processes. Becomes familiar with the application of Ayurveda concepts in the
management of women’s health conditions.
Nursing..........................................................33716 - Florida Laws and Rules
Describes general content of Title 64B9 of the Florida Administrative Code and
identifies license renewal requirements for registered nurses and licensed practical
nurses practicing in Florida. Describes the legislative purpose and provisions of
the Health Professions and Occupations Statute (Title XXXII) and Chapters 456, 458,
459, 466 and 467 that affect nursing practice. Discusses provisions of Title XXXII,
Chapter 464, Part 1, the Florida Nurse Practice Act (NPA), and gives examples of
information included and not included in the NPA. Discusses the Florida Board
of Nursing disciplinary process as it relates to nursing practice.
Patient Education..........................................50316- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Discussion on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), symptoms, detection,
treatment options and ways to help someone in crisis.
Physical Therapy...........................................11016 - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Discusses facts and symptomology of common vestibular disorders, including the
etiology, differential diagnosis, laboratory testing, treatment options and special
considerations for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Physician.......................................................20216 - Dose Reduction Methods for Computed Tomography
Explains the rationale and principles of radiation dose reduction methods for
computerized tomography including the technology and science behind it, as
well as dose reduction management while preserving image quality, the
biological effects of radiation and best practices in radiation safety.
Psychology....................................................90316 - PTSD: Diagnostic Issues and Management
Commentary about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) definitions, symptoms,
risk factors, correlations with traumatic brain injury, plus common psychotherapy
and pharmacological treatment options for PTSD.
Radiologic Technology..................................11116- Palliative Care for Interventional Radiography
Highlights the importance of healthcare providers’ explanations of risks-versus
benefits for treatments. Identifies variances between palliative and hospice care.
Discusses considerations for life expectancy, a patient’s physical abilities and mental
levels of function as issues for providers and patients. Describes the evolution toward
interdisciplinary team building among interventional radiologists and other healthcare
providers. Examines the role of patient consent and patient rights, including the
absolute right of autonomy. Explains the importance of providing patients
understandable, clear, relevant medical data and making recommendations that
may help patients develop realistic expectations for treatment outcomes, as well
as establishing positive goals for life after treatment.
Respiratory Therapy......................................11216 - Arterial Blood Gas: Respiratory and Metabolic Interpretations
Discusses physiology and the roles of PaO2, pH, PaCO2 and HCO3 involved in the
acid-base balance of the body, normal/abnormal arterial blood gas values and the
meanings of those values, as well as the causes, effects and treatments of various
imbalances, plus uncompensated, partial and full compensation of acid-base balance.
Safety Storm..................................................40616 - Tormenta de Seguridad: Alfa 2016
Resumen de los requisitos actuales de seguridad, incluyendo seguridad de la espalda,
prevención de caídas, la seguridad de incendios y eléctrica, la preparación para casos
de desastre, riesgos de comunicación, precauciones de enfermedad por patógenos
sanguíneos, y la seguridad de alergias al látex. Medidas para garantizar protección de
información de salud y a la protección contra la violencia en el lugar de trabajo y
el acoso también son discutidos.
Safety Storm..................................................40716- Tormenta de Seguridad: Beta 2016
Discutir los derechos del paciente, los métodos eficaces para proteger la privacidad
del paciente, la prevención de los errores médicos, y la prevención de infecciones.
Safety Storm..................................................40816- Tormenta de Seguridad: Gamma 2016
Analizar los aspectos éticos del cuidado de la salud (incluyendo respeto religioso,
físico, mental y emocional), el manejo y evaluación de dolor del paciente, causas
y prevención de errores médicos, y prevención de las infecciones asociadas con
el cuidado de la salud.
Social Work....................................................60516 - How Social Workers Can Promote Behavioral Change in Clients Identify the consequences of noncommunicable diseases and the function of social
work in healthcare. Recognize motivational interviewing (MI) as an approach to
enrich behavioral change, and indicate specific MI techniques that enhance
behavior changes in social work clients.
*Course availability is subject to your hospital’s subscription. Check with your Training Department for availability.
Swank HealthCare
10795 Watson Road | St. Louis, MO 63127