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PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 FACULTAD DE MEDICINA Y ODONTOLOGÍA COURSE GUIDE OF Human Physiology-I Medical degree Academic year 2016-17 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 COURSE GUIDE OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I ECTS COURSE: Human Physiology-I 6 Subject: Physiology 12 Module: Morphology, structure and function of the human body 66 Type: Basic COURSE: 2º On campus classes Semester: 1º Responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Fco. Javier Romero Gómez Faculty: Dr. Fco.Javier Sancho Pellúz Departament: DEPARTMENT OF AND MACRO AND MICROSCOPIC PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Página 2 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 MODULE ORGANIZATION Morphology, structure and function of the human body 66 ECTS Duration and temporal location within the curriculum: It develops along the 1st and 2nd courses in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters. Includes 6 materials and is a module in which students acquire basic knowledge of functional morphological sciences which lay the foundations for the rest of their training. Subjects and courses Course/ semester Subject ECTS COURSE ECTS Morphology, structure and function of the human body 6 Histology 6 Biology 6 Cell biology 6 Embryology and anatomy I 12 Anatomy II 9 Anatomy III 6 Biochemistry and molecular biology 9 Biophysics 6 2/1 Human physiology I 6 2/2 Anatomy Biochemistry Physiology 27 9 12 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 3 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 COURSE GUIDE OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-I Prerequisites: Having passed the course "General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" GENERAL GOALS a. Know the basic principles of human physiology and homeostasis. b. Know the general and cellular physiology and function of the equipment and neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immunohaematological and respiratory systems c. Understanding the interrelationships between the various systems of the body to be able to integrate functions and understand the human body "as a whole". d. Know the normal range of different physiological parameters and analytical data and registration. e. Interpret vital parameters and relate the function of organs and systems. f. Introducing the relationship of normal physiology with alteration in the disease states. Competence weighting 0 1 2 3 4 BASIC COMPETENCES CB1. The students should demonstrate their understanding in a certain study area based on general secondary education, which is usually at a level that, whilst supported by advanced text books, also includes certain aspects which require knowledge of a higher level. X CB2. The students should be able to apply their knowledge in their field of work in a professional manner and possess competences which are demonstrated through ideas that the student creates, defends and solves. X CB3. The students shall have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to make judgments on relevant subjects of social, scientific or ethical nature. X CB4. Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and unskilled public entities. X CB5. The students should develop those learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. X GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1. Recognize the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered practice. X CG2. Understand the importance of these principles for the benefit of patients, society and the profession, with particular attention to confidentiality. X Página 4 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CG3. Learn to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context X CG4. Develop professional practice with respect for the autonomy, beliefs and culture of the patient. X CG5. Recognize ones limitations and the need to maintain and update their professional skills, with particular emphasis on autonomous learning of new skills and motivation for quality. X CG6. Develop professional practice with respect to other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills. X CG7. Understand and recognize the normal structure and function of the human body on a molecular and cellular level, but also on tissues, organs and systems in the different stages of life and in both sexes. X CG8. Recognize the basics of normal human behavior and its disorders. X CG9. Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of the disease on the structures and functions of the human body. X CG10. Understand and recognize the causative agents and risk factors that determine health status and disease development. X CG11. Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and his/her social environment. X CG12. Understand the foundations of action, indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions based on available scientific evidence. X CG13. Obtain and develop a medical record that contains all the relevant information. X CG14. Be able to perform a physical exam and a mental evaluation. X CG15. Ability to develop an initial diagnosis and establish a rational diagnostic strategy. X CG16. Recognizing and dealing with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention. X CG17. Establishing the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying the principles based on the best possible information and clinical safety conditions. X CG18. Indicate the most appropriate treatment for the most common acute and chronic conditions, as well as for patients that are terminally ill. X CG19. Suggest and propose appropriate preventive measures for each clinical situation. X CG20. Acquire under supervision adequate clinical experience in hospitals, health centers and other health institutions, as well as basic knowledge of clinical patientcentered management and appropriate use of tests, drugs and other health system resources. X CG21. Listen carefully and obtain and synthesize relevant information about the problems afflicting the patient and understand the contents of this information. X CG22. Compose medical histories and other medical records in a way that is understandable to others. X CG23. Communicate effectively and clearly, verbally or per writing with patients, family members, the media and other professionals. X Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 5 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CG24. Establish good interpersonal communication in order to speak to patients, family members, media and other professionals with efficiency and empathy. X CG25. Recognize the determinants of population health, both genetic and sexdependent, and also lifestyle on a demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural level. X CG26. Assume one's role in the prevention and protection from diseases, injuries or accidents but also the maintenance and health promotion at both individual and community level. X CG27. Recognize one's role in multidisciplinary teams, providing leadership when appropriate, both for the supply of health care, and interventions for health promotion. X CG28. Obtain and use epidemiological data and assess trends and risks in order to make decisions regarding health. X CG29. Meet national and international health organizations and the environments and conditions of the different health systems. X CG30. Basic knowledge of the NHS and health legislation. X CG31. Understand, critically evaluate and learn to use clinical and biomedical sources to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific information and health information. X CG32. Know how to use information technology and communication in therapeutic, preventive and clinical research activities. X CG33. Maintain and use records with patient information for later analysis, preserving the confidentiality of the data. X CG34. Having, in the professional activity, a critical, creatively, constructive skepticism and also be research oriented. X CG35. Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thinking in the study, prevention and disease management. X CG36. Being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information to solve problems using the scientific method. X CG37. Acquire basic training for research activity. X TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES CT1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis X CT2. Ability to organize and plan. X CT3. Oral and written communicative skills in native english X CT4. Knowledge of a foreign language X CT5. Computer skills X CT6. Ability to manage information X CT7. Troubleshooting CT8. Decision making X X CT9. Teamwork CT10. Ability to interdisciplinary teamwork Página 6 de 20 X X Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CT11. Working in an international context X CT12. Interpersonal skills CT13. Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism X X CT14. Critical Thinking CT15. Ethical commitment X X CT16. Autonomous learning CT17. Ability to adapt to new situation X X CT18. Creativity X CT19. Leadership X CT20. Knowledge of other cultures and customs X CT21. Initiative and entrepreneurship X CT22. Motivation for quality X CT23. Sensitivity for socio-enviromental issues X CT24. Ability to assume responsabilities X CT25. Self-criticism X CT26. To Value the personal involvement and knowledge of own skills and limitations X CT27. Ability to express one´s feelings X CT28. Show sensitivity to the problems of humanity X CT29. Knowing how to interpret the intentions of others X CT30. Social commitment X CT31. Be sensitive to personal, environmental and institutional injustice X CT32. Be able to establish and maintain relationships with other professionals and institutions. X CT33. To obtain relevant information from personal interviews X SPECIFIC COMPETENCES CE1. Knowing the structures and cell function. Biomolecules. Metabolism. Metabolic regulation and interpretation. X CE2. Learn the basic principles of human nutrition. Cellular communication. Excitable membranes. Cell cycle. Cell differentiation and proliferation. Information, gene expression and regulation. Inheritance. Embryonic development and organogenesis. X CE3. Know the morphology, structure and function of the skin, blood and circulatory, digestive, musculoskeletal, reproductive, excretory and respiratory system; as well as the endocrine system, immune system and central and peripheral nervous system. Growth, maturation and aging of the various organ systems. Homeostasis. Adaptation to the environment. X CE4. Manage materials and basic laboratory techniques. Interpret a normal analysis. Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir X Página 7 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CE5. Recognize through macroscopic and microscopic methods and imaging techniques, the morphology and structure of tissues, organs and systems. X CE6. Perform tests and be able to identify and interpret vital parameters. Basic physical examination. X CE7. Know the legal basis for the exercise of the medical profession. Informed consent. Confidentiality. X CE8. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of physical and mental damage. Social and legal implications of death. X CE9. Knowing and recognizing the normal evolution of the corpse. Postmortem diagnosis. Fundamentals of medical criminology. X CE10. Be able to write medical-legal documents. X CE11. Understanding the basics of medical ethics. Bioethics. Resolving ethical conflicts. X CE12. Apply professional values of excellence, altruism, sense of duty, responsibility, integrity and honesty to the exercise of the profession. X CE13. Recognizing the need to maintain professional competence. X CE14. Be able to perform the professional practice respecting the patient's autonomy, beliefs and culture. X CE15. Understand the principles and be able to apply their own methods of preventive medicine and public health. Risk factors and prevention of disease. X CE16. Recognize the determinants of the population's health. Health indicators. Planning, programming and evaluation of health programs. Prevention and protection from diseases, injuries and accidents. Evaluation of health care quality and patient safety strategies. Vaccines. Epidemiology. Demography. X CE17. Knowing the worldwide, European, Spanish and autonomic health planning and management. X CE18. Knowing the economic and social implications involved in medical intervention, considering the criteria of effectiveness and efficiency. Health and environment. Food security. Occupational health. X CE19. Understand, critically evaluate and learn to use the technologies and sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate the clinical, scientific and health information. X CE20. Know the basics of biostatistics and their application to medical science. X CE21. Being able to design and conduct studies using simple statistical software and interpret the results. Understand and interpret statistical data in the medical literature. X CE22. Knowing the history of health and disease. X CE23. Know the principles and the existence of alternative medicines. X CE24. Autonomously manage a personal computer. Use the search and retrieval systems of biomedical information. X CE25. Understand and manage clinical documentation procedures. X CE26. Understanding and critically interpreting scientific texts. X Página 8 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CE27. Know the principles of the scientific method, biomedical research and clinical trial. X CE28. Know the principles of telemedicine. X CE29. Know and use principles based on (best) evidence. X CE30. Know the aspects of communication with patients, families and social environment: Models of clinical setting, interview, verbal and nonverbal communication and interference. Giving bad news. X CE31. Compose records, reports, statements, and other records, so that they are understandable to patients, family members and other professionals. X CE32. Making a public presentation, oral and written, of scientific papers and / or professional reports. X CE33. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the skin X CE34. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of blood. Normal and pathological pregnancy and childbirth. Puerperium. STDs. X CE35. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main gynecological pathologies. Contraception and fertilization. X CE36. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of major eye diseases. X CE37. Knowing the tumor disease, its diagnosis and treatment. X CE38. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the ear, nose and throat. X CE39. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main cardiocirculatory pathologies. X CE40. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the digestive system. X CE41. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main nephrourinary pathologies. X CE42. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. X CE43. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the respiratory system. X CE44. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the endocrine system. Pathologies due to nutrition. X CE45. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the central or peripheral nervous system. X CE46. Know the main infectious agents and their mechanisms of action. X CE47. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the major infectious diseases in different organ systems. X CE48. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pathologies of the immune system. X CE49 Know the morphofunctional characteristics of the newborn, the child and adolescent. Growth. Preterm infant. X Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 9 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CE50. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main pediatric pathologies. Child nutrition. Diagnosis and genetic counseling. Cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development in childhood and adolescence. X CE51. Knowing the biological, psychological and social foundations of personality and behavior. X CE52. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Psychotherapy X CE53. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of the main intoxications. Palliative medicine. X CE54. Recognize the characteristics of the prevalent diseases in the elderly. Family practice: living environment of the sick person, health promotion in the family and the community. X CE55. Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of life-threatening situations. X CE56. Learn to make a complete anamnesis, that is patient-centered and oriented to various pathologies, interpreting its meaning. X CE57. Learn to make a physical examination by organ systems, as well as a psychopathological examination, interpreting its meaning. X CE58. Be able to assess the changes in clinical parameters at different ages. Exploration and monitoring of pregnancy. X CE59. Establish a plan of action, focused on the needs of the patient and the family and social environment consistent with the symptoms and signs of the patient. X CE60. Be able to do basic maneuvers and advanced life support. X CE61. Assess the risk / benefit ratio of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. X CE62. Know the indications of biochemical, hematological, immunological, microbiological, pathological and imaging tests. X CE63. Know the characteristics of tissues in different situations of injury, adaptation and cell death. Inflammation. Alterations of cell growth. Histopathology of different organ systems. Biochemical, cytogenetic and molecular biology applied to clinical diagnostic markers. X CE64. Understanding the basics of microbiology and parasitology. X CE65. Know the main techniques of microbiological and parasitological diagnosis and be able to interpret the results. X CE66. Understand the fundamentals of the interaction of radiation with the human body. Imaging appearance. Basic radiographic signs of different organ systems. X CE67. Know other techniques for obtaining diagnostic images. X CE68. Be able to assess the indications and contraindications of radiological studies. X CE69. Having the ability to apply the criteria for radiation protection in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with ionizing radiation. CE70. Know the main groups of drugs, dosages, routes of administration and pharmacokinetics. Interactions and adverse effects. Prescription and pharmacovigilance. Pharmacology of different organ systems. Analgesic, anticancer, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. CE71. Know the general principles of anesthesia and resuscitation. Nutrition and dietotherapy Página 10 de 20 X X X Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CE72. Know the main indications of electrophysiological techniques (ECG, EEG, EMG, and others) X CE73. The pathophysiology of wounds (including burns, frostbite and other injuries). Healing. Surgical bleeding and thromboembolic prophylaxis. X CE74. Knowing the general surgical indications, preoperative risks and postoperative complications. Transfusions and transplants. X CE75. Know the principles and indications of radiotherapy. X CE76. Understanding the basics of rehabilitation, promotion of personal autonomy, the functional adaptation of / to the environment, and other physical processes in morbidity, to improve the quality of life. X CE77. Know how to obtain and process a biological sample for study using different diagnostic procedures. X CE78. Be able to interpret the results of laboratory diagnostic tests. X CE79. Managing disinfection and sterilization techniques. X CE80. Be able to interpret through systematic reading a radiological image. X CE81. Know how to properly use various drugs. X CE82. Know how to perform and interpret an electrocardiogram and an electroencephalogram. X CE83. Correctly write prescriptions, tailored to each patient's situation and legal requirements. X CE84. Assess nutritional status and develop an appropriate diet to different circumstances. X CE85. Practicing basic surgical procedures: cleaning, haemostasis and suturing wounds. X CE86. Preprofessional practice in the form of independent clinical rotation and a final assessment of skills in health centers, hospitals and other healthcare settings to incorporate values of the profession, assistive communication skills, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgment, and attention to the most prevalent health problems in the areas of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and other clinical areas. X CE87. Final project: Transversal subject that will be done in association with different materials. X LEARNING OUTCOMES COMPETENCES R-1.- Know the basic principles of Physiology. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7, CG11,CG30,CT1,CT2,CT14, CT16,CE2,CE3,CE4,CE6 R-2.- Know the functioning of the various organ systems and have a basis in order to be able to interprete the pathological clinical situations CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7, CG11,CG30,CT1,CT16, CE2,CE3,CE4,CE6 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 11 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 R.-3 -Be able to relate the basic functioning of the various systems, highlighting the common or particular aspects. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG2, CG7,CT1,CT16,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 R-4.- Know the normal range of the most common analytical data and be able to interpret normal physiological records CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7, CG11,CG30,CT1,CT16,CE2, CE3,CE4,CE6 R-5.- Understands and is actively involved in clinical practice and / or laboratory R-6.- Shows ability to solve problems based on clinical cases based on physiology that the student faces. R-7.- Be capable of searching bibliographic information from different sources and analyzing it with a critical and constructive spirit. R-8.- Argumenting with rational criteria based on their work. R-9.- Be able to write an understandable and organized text on various aspects of human physiology R-10.- Be able to elaborate documents of physiology as a part of a group. Página 12 de 20 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG6, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1,CT16, CE2,CE3,CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7, CG11,CG30,CT1,CT2,CT7, CT14,CT16,CT19,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG6, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1,CT14, CT16,CT25,CE2,CE3,CE4, CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG6, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1,CT3, CT6,CT16,CT18,CT26,CE2, CE3,CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7 CG11,CG30,CT1,CT3,CT6, CT16,CT18,CE2,CE3,CE4, CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5,CG7 CG11,CG30,CT1,CT3,CT6, CT9,CT12,CT16,CT18,CE2, CE3,CE4,CE6 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 PRACTICAL LEARNING ORGANIZATION COMPETENCES RP1 Be capable of searching bibliographic information from different sources and analyzing it with a critical and constructive spirit. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1, CT6,CT16,CE2,CE3,CE4, CE6 RP2 Be able to elaborate documents of physiology as a part of a group. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5, CG6,CG7,CG11,CG30, CT1,CT3,CT6,CT9,CT12, CT16,CT25,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 RP3 Argumenting with rational criteria based on their work. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1, CT3,CT7,CT14,CT16, CT19,CE2,CE3,CE4,CE6 RP4 Showing ability to solve problems based on clinical cases. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5, CG7,CG11,CG30,CT1 CT7,CT9,CT14,CT16, CT18,CE2,CE3,CE4,CE6 RP5 Be able to gain clinical experience under appropriate supervision. CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4,CB5, CG6,CG7,CG11,CG30, CT1,CT2,CT9,CT16,CE2, CE3,CE4,CE6 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 13 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 ON-CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY Methodology of TeachingLearning Relationship to Learning Outcomes of the subject ECTS ON-CAMPUS CLASS Lecture. Resolution problems. Virtual simulators. Exhibition content by the teacher. Explanation of knowledge and skills. R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R8, RP3, RP4, RP5 1,2 SEMINAR AND PRACTICE GROUP Laboratory practices (virtual simulators, anatomical models). Oral presentation of the student. Group activities: group work sessions supervised by the teacher. Knowledge construction through interaction and student activity. It includes anatomical dissection practices. R1, R2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, RP4, RP5, RP6 0 Supervised monographic sessions with shared participation R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R8, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 0,4 Done in group, individual or collective exhibition (leader) R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 0,2 TUTORING Personalized attention in small groups. A period of instruction and / or guidance by a tutor aimed to review and discuss the material and themes presented in the lectures, seminars, readings, performance of works, etc. R1, R2, R3, R4, R7, R8, R9, R10, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 0,4 EVALUATION Joint oral tests and / or written employed in the initial t, formative or additive student assessmen. R1, R2, R3, R4, R9, R10, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6 0,2 Total 2,4 SEMINAR GROUP EXHIBITION Página 14 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 INDEPENDENT STUDENT WORK ACTIVITY GROUP ASSIGNMENT INDEPENDENT ASSIGNMENT Teaching-Learning Methology Relationship with Learning Outcomes for the subject ECTS Preparation of lectures, essays, problem resolution, seminars, papers, reports, etc.. to present in class or deliver them in class, practical and / or small group tutoring. Work done on the platform of the university ( R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6 1,4 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6 2,2 Total 3,6 Student study: Individual preparation of lectures, essays, problem resolution, seminars, papers, reports, etc.. o present in class or deliver them in class, practical and / or small group tutoring. Work done on the platform of the university ( Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 15 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN DE LA ADQUISICIÓN DE LAS COMPETENCIAS Y SISTEMA DE CALIFICACIONES Instrument of evaluation Learning outcomes Allocated percentage R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R8, RP2, RP4 25% R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R8, RP2, RP4 40% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7. R8, R9, R10, RP1, RP2, 2P3, RP5 30% R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R8, RP3, RP4 5% Review open questions Written test that assesses knowledge and primarily the student's ability to relate, integrate, and express coherently in written language. case Studies. Multiple choice exam Multipe choice exam with only one correct answer and five options. Allows the teacher to evaluate the acquired competences. Oral exam Oral exam in which the student answers questions given by the teacher. Oral presentation El alumno desarrolla mediante una exposición oral, apoyada o no con medios audiovisuales, un tema o trabajo encargado por el profesor. Al final de la exposición el profesor o el auditorio puede realizar preguntas. Curricular practices The teacher monitores the practical exercises, clinical cases or problems of different subjects, as well as the evaluation of the professional occupation in a real invironment. Assignment The student, individually or as a group, will develop a review or an investigation of a subject and will present it in written form for evaluation by the teacher. Attendance and participation The teacher assesses the participation, involvement and progression of acquiring knowledge and skills of students during lectures and curricular practices Simulations, OSCE The goal of these simulations is the reproduction of similar situation in real life with standardizedconditions, which allow the teacher to analyze the clinical skills of the student in specific situations. The teacher can also use the test known as Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE). Página 16 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 Practical exam The student faces an exam to demonstrate through a practical exercise the acquisition of certain skills. Minimum requirements: To pass the course the student must meet the following minimum requirements: 1. In order to pass this subject, the student must obtain at least a 5 in the written exam. However this grade should not be seen as sufficient to pass this subject, because the written exam only counts as 35% of the final grade. The teachers will then check the assignments, individual and group practical lessons and simulations and will then decide about the final grade. Criteria for granting honours: Honours may be granted to the best students, who must have obtained a minimum grade of 9. In certain cases, the teacher may establish a special test in order to determine those students which deserve the honour, given the limitation of 5% of the students enrolled. In the second and subsequent exams, honours may only be granted if there are any honours left to be granted. Course evolution in the second and subsequent course attendances: There will be a class for people who have failed the first exam, in case that the number of students exceeds the occupancy limit of the classroom and there will be a teacher for the aforementioned class. The teacher in charge of this group will teach six follow-up sessions and tutoring for 2 hours each. The competences to acquire the skills and abilities of the subject are made through all the practices provided for the subject. Each session of the course will develop the course so as to reinforce the work of the competences that each student needs in order to pass the course. The evaluation of the content and abilities for the course will be performed through an official exam. La evaluación de contenidos y habilidades se realizará en el examen fijado en el calendario oficial para esta asignatura. Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 17 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 CONTENT DESCRIPTION COMPETENCES GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY UNIT 1. Concept. Related sciences. Functional organization of the human body. UNIT 2. Internal environment. Body fluids. Homeostasis. Control systems. UNIT 3. Transport mechanisms. Passive transport. Active transport. UNIT 4. Properties of the membrane at rest. UNIT 5. Action potential. UNIT 6. General physiology of the synapse. Neurotransmitters. UNIT 7. General physiology of sensation and sensory receptor. UNIT 8. Physiology of muscle contraction. UNIT 9. Autonomic nervous system. PHYSIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND IMMUNITY UNIT 10. Blood composition. General features. UNIT 11. Erythrocytes. Erythropoiesis. Iron metabolism. Oxygen transport. Blood groups. UNIT 12. Functions of granulocytes and macrophages. Functional bases of the immune response. UNIT 13. Physiology of hemostasis. Platelet functions. Coagulation cascade. RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY UNIT 14. Respiratory mechanics. Ventilation. Volumes and lung capacities. UNIT 15. Pulmonary circulation. Gas exchange. Relations ventilation / perfusion. Transport of gases. UNIT 16. Neurohumoral regulation of ventilation adjustments. UNIT 17. Non-respiratory functions of the lungs. CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY UNIT 18. Introduction to cardiovascular physiology. General characteristics of cardiac muscle. UNIT 19. Concepts of cardiac electrophysiology. Conduction system. UNIT 20. Physiological basis of electrocardiography. UNIT 21. Cardiac cycle. Correlations between mechanical and electrophysiology of the heart. Cardiac function. Cardiac output. Venous return UNIT 22. Vascular system. Systemic arterial circulation. UNIT 23. Microcirculation. Venous and lymphatic circulation. UNIT 24. Systemic regulation of blood pressure. Local control of blood flow. Autoregulation. UNIT 25. Special Circulations. Página 18 de 20 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4, CB5,CG6,CG7,CG11, CG30,CT1,CT2,CT3, CT6,CT7,CT9,CT12, T14,CT16,CT18,CT19, CT25,CT26,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4, CB5,CG6,CG7,CG11, CG30,CT1,CT2,CT3, CT6,CT7,CT9,CT12, T14,CT16,CT18,CT19, CT25,CT26,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4, CB5,CG6,CG7,CG11, CG30,CT1,CT2,CT3, CT6,CT7,CT9,CT12, T14,CT16,CT18,CT19, CT25,CT26,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 CB1,CB2,CB3,CB4, CB5,CG6,CG7,CG11, CG30,CT1,CT2,CT3, CT6,CT7,CT9,CT12, T14,CT16,CT18,CT19, CT25,CT26,CE2,CE3, CE4,CE6 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 TEMPORAL LEARNING ORGANIZATION UNIT NUMBER OF SESSIONS 1 GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY 5 2 BLOOD PHYSIOLOGY 5 3 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY 5 4 CARDIOVASCULAR (1) PHYSIOLOGY 5 5 CARDIOVASCULAR (2) PHYSIOLOGY 5 NOTE: The number of sessions assigned to each part of the course is approximate and may vary depending on the learning needs. BIBLIOGRAPHY MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Silverthorn, D.U. (2014). Fisiología Humana. Un enfoque integrado. 6ª edición. Ed. Panaméricana. 2. Fernandez-Tresguerres, J.A. (2011) Fisiología Humana. 4ª edición. Ed. McGrawHill. 3. Thibodeau, G.A., Patton, K.T. (2007). Anatomía y Fisiología. 6ª edición, Ed. Elsevier Mosby. 4. Ira Fox, S. (2014). Fisiología humana. 13ª edición. Ed. Mc Graw Hill. 5. Hall, J.E. (2011) Guyton & Hall Tratado de Fisiología médica. 12ª edición. Ed. Elsevier España. 6. Mezquita (2011). Fisiología Médica: del razonamiento fisiológico al razonamiento clínico. Ed. Panamericana. 7. Pocock, G., Richards, C.D. (2010) Fisiología Humana: la Base de la Medicina. Ed. Masson. 8. Barrett, K.E. (2011) Ganong Fisiología Médica. 23ª edición. MacGraw Hill. 9. Sibernagl, S., Despopoulos, A. (2009). Fisiología: Texto y Atlas. Ed Panamericana. 10. Tortora, G.J., Derrikson, D. (2013). Principios de Anatomía y Fisiología. 13ª edición. Ed. Panamericana. Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir Página 19 de 20 PCA-27-F-01 Course guide. Medical degree. Human Physiology-I. Academic year 2016-17 11. Koeppen, B.M. (2009) Berne y Levy: Fisiología. 6ª edición. Ed. Elsevier España. 12. Boron, W.F., Boulpaep, E.L. (2012) Medical Physiology. Ed. Elsevier Saunders. 13. West, J.B. (2009). Fisiología Respiratoria. Fundamentos. 9ª edición. Ed. Panamericana. ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Molina, P. (2008) Fisiología Endocrina. 2ª Edición. Ed. McGraw Hill-Interamericana . 2. West, J.B. (2009) Best & Taylor Bases Fisiológicas de la Práctica Médica. 14ª edición. Ed. Panamericana. 3. Constanzo, L.S. (2011) Fisiología. 4ª edición. Ed. Elsevier España. 4. Feher, J.(2012) Quantitative Human Physiology: An introduction. Ed. Elsevier USA Página 20 de 20 Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir