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PowerPoint Slides English Text Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Video Transcript Professional Oncology Education Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Time: 33:08 Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing Administration The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Hello. My name is Annette Bisanz and today we’re going to talk about normal bowel function and dysfunction, related to constipation and its treatment. Spanish Translation Función intestinal normal y disfunción relacionada con el estreñimiento y su tratamiento Transcripción del video Educación Oncológica Profesional Función intestinal normal y disfunción relacionada con el estreñimiento y su tratamiento Duración: 33:08 Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Enfermera de Práctica Avanzada Administración de enfermería MD Anderson Cancer Center de la Universidad de Texas Hola, mi nombre es Annette Bisanz y hoy vamos a hablar sobre la función intestinal normal y la disfunción relacionada con el estreñimiento y su tratamiento. The objectives for this session are that: all participants will be able to set expectations for frequency of bowel movements; normalize the constipated bowel; and assign a bowel maintenance program. El objetivo de esta sesión es que todos los participantes puedan establecer expectativas para la frecuencia del movimiento intestinal; normalizar el intestino estreñido; y asignar un programa de mantenimiento del intestino. Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Annette Bisanz, MPH, RN Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing Administration Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Objectives All participants will be able to: • Set expectations for frequency of bowel movements • Normalize the constipated bowel • Assign a bowel maintenance program 1 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Normal Bowel Function • The literature states that the norm for a bowel movement varies from three times per day to three times per week • The most normal time for a bowel movement is upon arising or after breakfast when a normal gastro-colic reflex occurs Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Setting an Expectation for Frequency of Bowel Movements • If a person eats three good sized meals per day, expect a bowel movement every day • If a person eats one half his/her normal amount, expect a bowel movement every other day • If a person eats one third his/her normal amount expect a bowel movement every third day Normal bowel function, as stated in the literature, is that it can vary from three times per day to three times per week. And the most normal time to have a bowel movement is on arising in the morning from sleep or after breakfast. This is when you have a normal gastrocolic reflex. La función intestinal normal puede variar de tres veces al día a tres veces por semana. El momento más normal para tener un movimiento intestinal es por la mañana después de levantarse o después del desayuno, cuando se tiene un reflejo gastrocólico normal. It’s important to set an expectation for frequency of bowel movements. I find that this is something that patients are not aware of. When you see patients coming into the em --- emergency center, two weeks without a bowel movement, we know we haven’t taught that patient the requirements for frequency. And so, today we’re going to discuss this. If a person eats three good-size meals a day, he needs a bowel movement every day. If he eats one-half his normal, he needs a bowel movement every other day. And if a person eats one-third his or her normal amount, expect a bowel movement every third day. Nobody goes more than three days without a bowel movement, even if they’re in the intensive care unit, on a ventilator, and getting nothing by mouth. And the reason for this is that there is normal --- there‘s a normal sloughing of the gastrointestinal tract, and there are also enzymes that are pouring into the GI tract that create the need to have a bowel movement at least every three days. Es importante establecer una expectativa para la frecuencia del movimiento intestinal, algo que los pacientes parecen ignorar. Cuando un paciente viene al centro de emergencias porque hace dos semanas que no tiene un movimiento intestinal, sabemos que no le hemos enseñado los requisitos para la frecuencia. Hoy hablaremos sobre este tema. Si una persona consume tres comidas de buen tamaño al día, debe tener una evacuación intestinal todos los días. Si come la mitad de lo normal, necesita una evacuación intestinal cada dos días. Y si una persona come un tercio de su cantidad normal, se espera una evacuación intestinal cada tres días. Nadie pasa más de tres días sin un movimiento intestinal, aunque esté en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, con respirador y sin recibir alimentos por boca. Esto se debe a que hay un desprendimiento normal del tracto gastrointestinal y enzimas que ingresan al tracto, que crean la necesidad de mover el intestino al menos cada tres días. 2 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Prevalence of Constipation • • • • 10% of the general population 20% of people over 65 years of age 50% of people with cancer 78% of patients with terminal cancer Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Constipation From a Cost Perspective • Accounts for 2.5 million physician visits annually • $400 million in laxative preparations sold per year To discuss the prevalence of constipation (this was surprising to me) that 10% of the general population is constipated; 20% of people over age 65, so as we age, we tend to be more constipated; 50% of people with cancer; and 78% of patients with terminal cancer. And I think it’s interesting, and I always tell patients, [you know] that we’re partners in this whole process of helping them with their bowel management. And I tell them that if they don’t have bowel problems before they come to us, we’ll give it to them with our treatments. So we need to help them to know how to manage their bowels and to help themselves with the problems of constipation and diarrhea. Okay, so constipation from a cost perspective - it accounts for 2.5 million physician visits annually, and 400 million dollars is spent in laxative preparations every year. That’s a phenomenal amount, and it shows how much people are trying to self-medicate themselves and how severe the problem really is. And so, we need to guide our patients in choosing the correct treatments, if they’re going to --- and we want them to help themselves. Con respecto a la prevalencia del estreñimiento, el 10% de la población general tiene estreñimiento; el 20% de las personas mayores de 65 años (a medida que envejecemos tendemos a tener más estreñimiento); el 50% de las personas con cáncer; y el 78% de los pacientes con cáncer terminal. Siempre les digo a los pacientes que somos socios en este proceso de ayudarlos con su control intestinal. Si ellos no tienen problemas intestinales antes de acudir a nosotros, se los provocaremos con nuestros tratamientos. Debemos enseñarles a controlar sus intestinos y a ayudarse con los problemas de estreñimiento y diarrea. Desde la perspectiva del costo, el estreñimiento representa 2.5 millones de visitas médicas al año, y cada año se gastan 400 millones de dólares en preparaciones laxantes. Es un número extraordinario que revela la cantidad de personas que intentan automedicarse y la gravedad del problema. Debemos guiar a nuestros pacientes para que elijan los tratamientos adecuados y puedan ayudarse. 3 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Patient Assessment • Normal frequency of stools and date of last bowel movement • Consistency of stools • Describe stool amount (quantity sufficient) • Accompanying symptoms: abdominal distention, pain, presence of nausea/vomiting, appetite, fluid intake • Impaction • Food, fluid and fiber intake daily • Medications affecting bowel function Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Patient Assessment Continued Disease Processes and Other Diseases • Diabetes, neurological disease, IBS, Parkinson’s Disease • Surgical changes in the GI Tract • Treatment causing constipation • Physical effects of disease and/or treatment • Placement of tumor and metastatic/advanced disease • Obstruction from adhesions • Spinal cord compression or autonomic neuropathy • Metabolic factors (fluid/electrolyte imbalances) Okay, so for patient assessment, we want to know, when we’re assessing our patients, what is the normal frequency of stools and when did they have their last bowel movement? We also want to know the consistency of the stools. We want them to describe the amount or quantity sufficient. The thing that people don’t realize, if they’re eating three good-size meals a day and they have a bowel movement, they should expect one every day. If they’re used to going this much, and they’re only going this much, they’re packing up this much every day, and so our patients need to understand that quantity sufficient is really important. We also want to know accompanying symptoms - like, do they have abdominal distention, pain, any presence of nausea/vomiting? What’s their appetite like? What’s their fluid intake? We want to check them for an impaction. We also want to know their food, fluid, and fiber intake daily. And we want to know the medications that may be affecting their bowels. We need to know other disease processes because we know that our cancer patients not only have can--don’t only just have cancer, they come to us with other disease processes. Some patients are diabetic. Some have neurological diseases. They may have irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson’s disease. All of these can affect the --- the GI tract. Surgical changes in the GI tract definitely can --- can affect the patient's GI motility. Treatment-causing constipation, like our opioids or chemotherapies, that cause constipation; the physical effects of disease and/or treatment, the placement of the tumor, and metastatic or advanced disease. Frequently, if the patient has a tumor or metastatic disease in the abdomen, it can press on the colon and make it difficult for the patient to have bowel movements. The patient could have obstruction from adhesions. Maybe they’ve had prior Para evaluar a los pacientes, debemos saber cuál es la frecuencia normal de sus evacuaciones y cuándo fue la última; qué consistencia tienen; queremos que describan en qué cantidad las tienen. Las personas deben comprender que si están consumiendo tres buenas comidas por día y tienen movimientos intestinales, deben esperar uno por día. Si están acostumbrados a hacer una determinada cantidad y hacen menos, cada día acumulan la cantidad restante. Nuestros pacientes deben comprender que la cantidad suficiente es muy importante. También queremos conocer los síntomas concomitantes, como distensión abdominal, dolor, presencia de náuseas o vómitos, apetito e ingesta de líquidos. Queremos comprobar si hay impactación; conocer su ingesta diaria de alimentos, líquidos y fibra; y conocer los medicamentos que pueden estar afectando sus intestinos. Debemos conocer los procesos de otras enfermedades, porque nuestros pacientes con cáncer acuden a nosotros con condiciones preexistentes. Algunos pacientes son diabéticos. Otros tienen enfermedades neurológicas, síndrome del intestino irritable o enfermedad de Parkinson. Estas condiciones pueden afectar el tracto gastrointestinal. Los cambios quirúrgicos en el tracto gastrointestinal pueden afectar la motilidad gastrointestinal del paciente. El estreñimiento causado por tratamientos, como nuestros opioides o quimioterapias; los efectos físicos de la enfermedad y/o su tratamiento; la ubicación del tumor y la enfermedad metastásica o avanzada. Si el paciente tiene un tumor o enfermedad metastásica en el abdomen, este suele ejercer presión sobre el colon y dificultar los movimientos intestinales del paciente. El paciente podría tener una obstrucción por adherencias. Quizás ha tenido una cirugía abdominal previa y tiene adherencias que están 4 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Considerations for Treatment Possibilities • Age • Hydration status • Labs needed for treatment planning: platelets, BUN, creatinine • Need for abdominal X-ray (KUB vs. abdominal series) • Recent CT scan with barium ingestion • Successful self-care measures in past • Decreased physical activity • Result of abdominal exam abdominal surgery and they have adhesions, which are constricting the colon and inhibiting the bowel function. They can have a spinal cord compression, as a complication of their cancer, and that can cause bowel problems or autonomic neuropathy. Metabolic factors, such as fluid and electrolyte imbalances, can also affect bowel function. We want to know their age. We want to know their hydration status. We want to know --- we need to be aware that the labs needed for treating and planning for patients with constipation include knowing their platelet count, their BUN, and their creatinine, and really their white cell counts, also. We may need an abdominal exam --- abdominal x-ray, like a KUB or an abdominal series. The abdominal series is much more comprehensive because you get six views on an abdominal series. And if you’re really wondering what is causing the patient's abdominal distention or problems, it’s probably better to order an abdominal series. Check and see if your patient had a recent CT scan with barium ingestion because many times, patients retain the barium, and we want to make sure that that barium is --- is excreted. It can cause real severe constipation. Successful self-care measures that the patient’s used in the past is very important; and have they had a recent decreased --- decrease in physical activity? And then do an abdominal exam. And when you look at the abdomen and really uncover the belly and look at it, and make sure that the contour is the same on both sides, that it’s --- it’s equal. And then, next, take you stethoscope and assess for bowel sounds. And, frequently, if the patient is packed full of stool, you won’t hear anything. Also, you won‘t hear anything if they have an ileus. It’s something that you can use in your diagnostic tool. But the other thing is, which you want to do, is palpate the abdomen and determine: Is it firm? Is it soft? Is constriñendo el colon e inhibiendo el funcionamiento del intestino. Como una complicación del cáncer, puede tener una compresión en la médula espinal que provoca problemas intestinales o una neuropatía autonómica. Los factores metabólicos, como desequilibrios hídricos y electrolíticos, también pueden afectar la función intestinal. Queremos saber su edad y su estado de hidratación. Los análisis necesarios para tratar y planificar para pacientes con estreñimiento incluyen los recuentos de plaquetas, nitrógeno ureico en la sangre, creatinina y glóbulos blancos. Posiblemente se necesite una radiografía abdominal, como una KUB o una serie abdominal. La serie abdominal es más completa porque obtiene seis vistas. Si no se sabe qué está causando los problemas o la distensión abdominal del paciente, lo mejor es pedir una serie abdominal. Compruebe si su paciente recientemente se hizo una tomografía computada con ingesta de bario, porque muchas veces los pacientes retienen el bario y queremos asegurarnos de que sea excretado, ya que puede causar estreñimiento grave. Las medidas de cuidado exitosas que el paciente haya usado son muy importantes; y si ha disminuido su actividad física. Se hace un examen abdominal para observar el abdomen. Descubra y observe el vientre. Asegúrese de que el contorno sea el mismo a ambos lados. Con el estetoscopio evalúe los sonidos intestinales. Si el paciente está lleno de materia fecal, no oirá nada, y tampoco si tiene un íleo. Es algo que puede utilizar como herramienta de diagnóstico. También debe palpar el abdomen y determinar si está firme o blando; si hay dolor al palparlo; si el paciente tiene molestias adicionales. También puede percutir el abdomen para determinar cuánto aire hay en el vientre, ya que el aire en exceso va de la mano con el síndrome de Ogilvie. 5 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Definition of Constipation there any pain as you palpate the abdomen? Does the patient have additional discomfort? And then, you also might want to percuss the abdomen and that’s --- to make sure how much air is in the ---the belly, because, and that goes along with the potential of increased air and Ogilvie’s Syndrome, possibly, okay. The definition for constipation, the clinical definition that I use, is hard, difficult to eliminate stool. It’s not as much the frequency, but if the stool is hard and difficult to eliminate, the patient is constipated. La definición clínica de estreñimiento es la dificultad para eliminar la materia fecal. No depende tanto de la frecuencia, pero si las heces son duras y difíciles de eliminar, el paciente está estreñido. And if there’s one thing that I want to leave you with today, it’s not to ever underestimate the amount of stool that a patient can hold. I’m going to give you some --- three clinical examples of this, because it really helped me in my practice to understand how to do my job thoroughly, and well, to prevent future episodes of constipation. The first patient is a 42 --42-year-old Asian male. He had a colostomy and he had not had a bowel movement for 10 days. He was admitted to the hospital through the emergency room and he was miserable. His abdomen was distended. He was vomiting. He was unable to eat or drink. And so in taking his history and knowing what had happened, he had already had an x-ray; he was not obstructed. He did have stool obstruction, but he didn’t have any tumor obstruction. And so, we began to irrigate the colostomy with milk and molasses. And Nunca debemos subestimar la cantidad de materia fecal que un paciente puede contener. Daré tres ejemplos clínicos de esto porque me han ayudado a comprender cómo realizar mi trabajo correctamente y a prevenir futuros episodios de estreñimiento. El primer paciente es un hombre asiático de 42 años. Tenía una colostomía y no había tenido un movimiento intestinal en 10 días. Fue admitido en el hospital a través de la sala de emergencias y estaba muy molesto. Tenía el abdomen distendido, vomitaba, y no podía comer ni beber. Al tomar su historia médica, me enteré de que se había hecho una radiografía y que no había obstrucción, es decir, tenía una obstrucción fecal, pero no tenía ninguna obstrucción tumoral. Entonces empezamos a irrigar la colostomía con leche y melaza, y este señor literalmente llenó un balde de materia fecal. Lo miré y me pregunté dónde guardaba toda esa materia fecal. Era de constitución pequeña, aproximadamente 120 libras, Hard, difficult to eliminate stool Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Don’t Ever Underestimate the Amount of Stool a Patient Can Hold! • 42 year old Asian man • 44 year old female on radiation treatment for colorectal cancer • 72 year old male with progressive disease from lymphoma 6 this gentleman literally emptied a bucket of stool. I looked at him and I thought, “Where did he hold all that stool?” I mean he was of slight build, he was about 120 pounds and when you look at a person, you can’t tell what’s going on in their GI tract. I would like to use this next patient, too, as an example. She is a 44-year-old female. She was an entrepreneur. She had her own business. She had had colorectal surgery and six weeks later she started on radiation therapy for that same cancer. The radiation, of course, was over her GI tract. And she was two weeks into her radiation therapy, and she developed abdominal distention, severe pain and she was vomiting. And she came through the emergency center and they admitted her. And when I assessed her, I found out that she had not had a good bowel movement ever since she had her colorectal surgery; not the formed – not the nice formed stool that people normally have. And so, when she started radiation therapy, after two weeks into the radiation therapy, everybody gets diarrhea. And so, what we did is give her some Lomotil to slow down the diarrhea. Well in essence, she was so packed full of stool, she was having runaround diarrhea from the small bowel. And she was so packed up with stool, we tried to give her milk and molasses enemas. We did four the first day. We had --- we probably cleaned out 20 cm. of her GI tract. And so, the next day, we decided, “Let’s call the gastroenterologist. This lady needs help. She’s absolutely in agony.” The doctor took her to endoscopy, and irrigated out the stool. And I could not --- and I went with her, and I could not believe... The stool was like clay and it was chipping off the mucosa of the colon. And everything was bruised. And so it -- It just really taught me a very good lesson --- that we need to teach our patients how frequently… she obviously did not know how often pero con solo mirar a una persona no se puede saber qué sucede en su tracto gastrointestinal. También utilizaré a otro paciente como ejemplo. Una mujer de 44 años, empresaria, con su propio negocio. Había tenido una cirugía colorrectal y seis semanas más tarde comenzó con radioterapia para ese cáncer. La radiación abarcó el tracto gastrointestinal. Transcurridas dos semanas de su radioterapia, desarrolló distensión abdominal, dolor intenso y vómitos. Fue admitida en el centro de emergencias. Cuando la evalué, descubrí que no había tenido un buen movimiento intestinal (con materia fecal normal, bien formada) desde su cirugía. A las dos semanas de comenzar la radioterapia, desarrolló ® diarrea y le dimos Lomotil para frenarla. Estaba tan llena de materia fecal que estaba teniendo una diarrea que se filtraba del intestino delgado. Le administramos enemas de leche y melaza. Realizamos cuatro el primer día. Limpiamos aproximadamente 20 cm de su tracto gastrointestinal. Al día siguiente decidimos llamar al gastroenterólogo porque esta señora necesitaba ayuda, estaba en total agonía. El médico la llevó a endoscopia e irrigaron las heces. Yo la acompañé y no lo podía creer… las heces eran como una arcilla y estaban desgastando la mucosa del colon, que estaba lleno de hematomas. Así aprendí que debemos enseñar a nuestros pacientes con qué frecuencia deben esperar un movimiento intestinal. Debemos evaluar y averiguar el patrón de movimiento intestinal cuando el paciente acude a nosotros. El siguiente paciente es un hombre de 72 años con linfoma progresivo. Este paciente había estado alimentándose bien. Hacía seis meses que estaba experimentando algunas dificultades intestinales. Estaba teniendo movimientos intestinales cada dos días, pero en cantidad insuficiente; es decir, acumuló materia fecal diariamente durante seis meses. Le administramos cuatro enemas de leche y melaza. El primer día llenó un balde de heces. El segundo día le administramos cuatro enemas más; otro balde de heces. Cuando estaba en el inodoro, llamó la enfermera y le solicitó que entrara porque sentía 7 she should expect a bowel movement, and also, we -- we need to fully assess and find out the pattern of stooling when patients come to us. The next patient is a 72-year-old male with progressive disease for lymphoma. This patient had been eating well. He had been having some bowel difficulties for six months. And so --- but he told me he had been having a bowel movement every other day, but he wasn’t going quantity sufficient; and he was packing up every day for six months. And so we gave him four milk and molasses enemas. The first day he literally emptied a bucket of stool. The second day, we gave him another four enemas – another bucket of stool. And then, he was on the commode, pulled on his light, and asked a nurse to come in, and he was in so much pain in his rectum. The nurse put him back to bed, put on a glove, did a digital rectal exam and found an impaction. She called me and asked me to come and help her. The impaction was this big, and it was hard and it had points on it. I think, after experiencing --feeling that, and I tried -- I put on a glove and tried to shave off those points, because I knew, if that came through the anus, it would cause bleeding, tremendous pain. And I could not budge those points. I couldn’t shave them down with my finger. So, I called the gastroenterologist and he said, “You know, you’ve done such a good job of cleaning this patient out, now he’s not nauseated anymore. I‘m going to ® give him a gallon of GoLytely .” And this patient drank ten --- eight ounces every 10 minutes and he was very compliant. He drank the whole gallon, because there was room, he just had to get rid of this fecalith. This was a fecalith. And I didn’t know what the term was until the gastroenterologist told me, and by the next day, that fecalith had dissolved. So you see, I just want to really impress upon you how much our patients hoard stool, and that we need to be very mucho dolor en el recto. La enfermera lo llevó a la cama, se colocó un guante, realizó un examen rectal digital y detectó una impactación. Solicitó mi ayuda. La impactación era grande, dura y tenía puntas. Me coloqué un guante y traté de rebajar las puntas porque si pasaba por el ano, provocaría sangrado y un dolor terrible; pero no pude hacerlo con mi dedo. Llamé al gastroenterólogo y me dijo que había realizado un buen trabajo purgando a este paciente, y ahora que ya no tenía náuseas le administraría ® un galón de GoLytely . El paciente obedientemente bebió ocho onzas cada 10 minutos. Pudo beber el galón entero porque tenía lugar, solo debía deshacerse del fecalito. Al día siguiente, el fecalito ya se había disuelto. Quiero destacar que nuestros pacientes acumulan heces, y que necesitamos estar al tanto de su función intestinal porque nuestros tratamientos provocan estreñimiento. 8 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Two Types of Impaction Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Clean Out All Stool From the Colon • Low Impaction – Digitally remove impaction – Give enemas of choice till no more formed stool is eliminated • High Impaction – Give milk and molasses enemas (repeat four times per day till no more formed stool is eliminated) – Give oral laxative based on lab values on top of bowel function of our patients because our treatments are very, very constipating. There are two types of impaction. When I went to nursing school, I learned that you can put on a glove and you can do a digital rectal exam to see if the patient is impacted. And so if you see in the page – in the picture on the right, this is the – the initial development of a lower impaction. But the -- the gut can expand, and it gets much bigger than that, so the stool is so big it can’t come through the anus and it has to be digitally broken up with a finger and brought down manually. The other --- on the other slide, on the left, this is a high impaction. And what happens in our cancer patients, what I am finding is, that they’re coming in not having stool for five-plus days, eating well, and I do a digital rectal exam, and I feel nothing. And what I have had to come to the conclusion is that our patients, because they’re not eating enough and they’re not drinking enough, they are not having the massive peristaltic pushdown in their GI tract, and they’re retaining fluid in the upper part of the colon, and it’s actually impacted stool. So in treating these patients, we have to differentiate between a low impaction and a high impaction. For the low impaction, we want to digitally --- digitally remove the impaction by using our finger to break it up and help to bring it out. And then following that, give the patient an enema until there is no more formed stool eliminated. When the patient has a high impaction, I recommend using milk and molasses enemas and repeat them four times a day, until there is no more formed stool eliminated. At the same time, we give oral laxatives; based on --- and the type of medication is based on their lab values. Existen dos tipos de impactación fecal. En la escuela de enfermería aprendí que puedo colocarme un guante y realizar un examen rectal digital para determinar si hay impactación. A la derecha se ve el desarrollo inicial de una impactación inferior. El intestino puede expandirse y agrandarse, y las heces se agrandan tanto que no pueden pasar por el ano; debemos romperlas digitalmente y hacerlas descender manualmente. A la izquierda se ve una impactación superior. Los pacientes con cáncer vienen sin haber tenido movimientos intestinales por cinco días o más, aunque se alimentan bien, y al realizarles un examen digital rectal no siento nada. La conclusión es que como nuestros pacientes no se alimentan ni beben lo suficiente, no están teniendo un movimiento peristáltico masivo en su tracto gastrointestinal, y están reteniendo líquido en la parte superior del colon, que en realidad es materia fecal impactada. Al tratar a estos pacientes, debemos diferenciar entre la impactación inferior y superior. La impactación inferior se remueve digitalmente, usando los dedos para romperla y ayudarla a salir. Se administran enemas al paciente hasta que ya no elimina heces formadas. Cuando el paciente tiene una impactación superior, recomiendo usar enemas de leche y melaza, y repetirlos cuatro veces al día hasta que ya no elimine heces formadas. Administramos laxantes orales y el tipo de medicación se basa en los valores de laboratorio. 9 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Milk and Molasses Enema Recipe • Mix ¾ cup hot water with 3 ounces powdered milk • Add 4 ½ ounces molasses • Give four times per day Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Why Milk and Molasses Enema Works • • • • Low volume Hyperosmolar solution Comfort of patient Ease of administering *Need research for evidence based practice So if you’re going to give a milk and molasses enema, this is the recipe: you mix ¾ of a cup of hot water with 3 ounces of powdered milk; add 4-1/2 ounces of molasses; and give it four times a day. Esta es la receta para un enema de leche y melaza: mezclar ¾ taza de agua caliente con 3 onzas de leche en 1 polvo; añadir 4 /2 onzas de melaza, y administrar cuatro veces al día. To get the best results, -- and oh, the reason I use milk and molasses is --- is because it works, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because we are using a low volume. That recipe is only a cup and a half, and our patients that are so full of stool, they can’t tolerate a liter of fluid in an enema. The other thing is that it’s a hyperosmolar solution. And because it’s a very low volume, very concentrated, it will help to break up that stool and bring it down. And it’s --- it’s a comfortable enema for the patient. It’s just food. It’s not a stimulant, and I‘ve --- I’ve never had a patient complain about this type of an enema. And it’s very easy to administer because it’s the kind of enema that is a retention enema. It’s not going to be coming right back out, and I will show you how to give that enema. Utilizo leche y melaza porque funciona, debido a que usamos un volumen bajo. Esta receta es solo una taza y media, y los pacientes que están tan llenos de heces no pueden tolerar un litro de líquido de un enema. Es una solución hiperosmolar, y como es un volumen muy bajo, muy concentrado, ayudará a romper las heces y a que desciendan. Es un enema cómodo para el paciente, solo son alimentos, no es un estimulante. Los pacientes nunca se han quejado de este tipo de enema. Es muy fácil de administrar porque es un enema de retención, no va a salir enseguida. Demostraré cómo administrar este enema. 10 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Tips on How to Get Good Results from Enema Type of enema bag Position on left side to advance enema tube Turn patient to right side Administer solution slowly Clamp enema tube and keep in place for 20 minutes while patient stays on right side • Then remove enema tube • • • • • This is [speaker intended to say “These are”] tips on how to get some good results from the enema that you give. First of all, you need an enema bag from the hospital. So if you’re talking to a patient on the phone at home, they can’t go to the drugstore and get an enema bag that will be effective for them because it’s usually the red rubber, it’s got the long tubing, it’s got an enema tip and a douche tip connected. But with this, we want to advance the tube, and so the drugstore enema bag will not work. So for your patients to do their job, if they need to have this as a home remedy, you need to give them an enema bag from the hospital. Position the patient on the left side. Advance the enema tube up 12 inches. Then turn the patient on the right side. As you turn the patient on the right side, then the solution, when you --- when you administer it, is going to go down the transverse colon, into the ascending colon, and it’s not going to come out. Remember, it’s a retention enema. So after you give it, don’t pull the enema tube out because if you do, they will have the immediate reflex to have a bowel movement, and you want them to hold it for 20 minutes. So you clamp off the enema tube, leave them on their right side for 20 minutes, and then remove the tube. And you’ll be amazed at the results you get from giving the enema this way. Consejos para conseguir buenos resultados con el enema administrado. En primer lugar, necesita una bolsa de enema del hospital. Si está hablando con un paciente que está en su hogar, en la farmacia no conseguirá una bolsa de enema efectiva porque suele ser la de goma roja, con un tubo largo y un pico de enema conectado a un pico para duchas. Queremos insertar el tubo, por lo que la bolsa de enema de farmacia no funcionará. Para que los pacientes puedan hacerlo si lo necesitan como remedio casero, debe proporcionarles una bolsa de enema del hospital. Coloque al paciente sobre su lado izquierdo e inserte el tubo de enema 12 pulgadas. Luego colóquelo sobre su lado derecho. Mientras gira al paciente hacia la derecha, cuando administre la solución esta pasará del colon transverso al colon ascendente y no saldrá. Recuerde que es un enema de retención. Luego de administrarlo, no debe tirar del tubo de enema; si lo hace, el paciente tendrá el reflejo inmediato de evacuar, y queremos que lo retenga durante 20 minutos. Debe sujetar el tubo, dejar al paciente sobre su lado derecho durante 20 minutos y luego retirar el tubo. Se sorprenderá con los resultados obtenidos. 11 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Also Cleanse Colon from Above • Give magnesium citrate, one bottle and repeat next day if needed • If kidney function is compromised, give lactulose 30cc every 4-6 hours unless patient’s abdomen is distended Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment At the same time, you want to also give them magnesium citrate, one bottle p.o., and repeat it the next day, if needed, because your goal is to get everything pushed down from the top. So we work from both ends, to get rid of all that stool. If the patient has compromised kidney function, that’s the only time I give lactulose, and I would give 30 cc., every four to six hours, until the patient’s abdomen --unless the patient’s abdomen is distended. If the patient has a distended abdomen, I would never give lactulose, mainly because the side effect of it is gas and it --- because it ferments --- it causes a fermentation process when it hits the bowel, and it does have a side effect of gas. The other thing --- it can be dehydrating. If used in a home setting, I don’t recommend it for any more than every six hours because it can dehydrate the patient if they’re not getting IV fluids. You can continue the enemas and the oral medications until there is no more formed stool in the colon. Al mismo tiempo debe darle citrato de magnesio (un frasco por boca) y, si es necesario, repetirlo al día siguiente. El objetivo es empujar todo desde arriba. Si trabajamos desde ambos extremos, eliminaremos toda la materia fecal. El único caso en que administro lactulosa es cuando el paciente tiene la función renal comprometida. Administraría 30 cc cada cuatro a seis horas, a menos que el paciente tenga el abdomen distendido. En este caso no administraría lactulosa, ya que fermenta cuando llega al intestino y provoca el efecto secundario de la flatulencia. También puede provocar deshidratación. Si se utiliza en el hogar, no lo recomiendo para intervalos menores a seis horas porque el paciente puede deshidratarse si no está recibiendo líquidos por vía intravenosa. Puede continuar administrando enemas y medicamentos orales hasta que no haya más heces formadas en el colon. Continue enemas and oral medications until there is no more formed stool in the colon 12 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment After colon is free of stool, a bowel maintenance program can be initiated Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Bowel Maintenance Program Includes • 2 quarts (64 ounces) fluid per day • 25-40 grams of fiber per day • Eat three well balanced, good sized meals per day if possible • Provide bowel medications to offset side effects of opioids and other medications on the GI tract • Include physical activity in daily regimen • Bowel training if needed After the colon is free of stool, then, and this is what we call normalizing the bowel. And after that, then a main --- bowel maintenance program will work for the patient. Too often a patient comes in constipated, and we hit them with all these stimulant laxatives. That is not the time to give stimulant laxatives because it makes the patient miserable. We need to help them get rid of the stool first, and then --- the bowel maintenance program can include the --- the other bowel medications. Con el colon vacío, se alcanza la normalización de los intestinos y se puede iniciar un programa de mantenimiento del intestino para el paciente. A menudo recibimos pacientes estreñidos y les administramos laxantes estimulantes, pero este no es el momento de administrar laxantes estimulantes porque provocan molestias a los pacientes. Primero deben eliminar las heces, y luego se pueden incorporar otros medicamentos intestinales al programa de mantenimiento. The bowel maintenance program then should include - they need adequate fluids; so they need two quarts of fluid per day. They need 25 to 40 grams of fiber per day. And if they can’t take it in their diet, it’s important that they get it medicinally. If your patient is on tube feeding, make sure that the dietitian gives a formula with fiber in it. And make sure your patients ® know that they can’t put Metamucil in the feeding tube. It will block it. And eat --- and have the patient should eat three well-balanced, good-sized meals per day if possible. This is important for good bowel function. The one thing that I notice that people --that patients who are getting liquid feedings or getting feedings through a tube think that because they are just eating --- taking liquids, they don’t have to have a bowel movement every day, and that’s a myth. If they’re taking all of their nutrition in liquid form, they need to have a bowel movement every day. If they’re eating half their norm in liquid form, every other day, and so forth, okay. So make sure that your patients understand that. Provide bowel medications to offset side effects of opioids and other medications on the GI tract. And include physical activity in the patient's daily regimen and then if the patient needs bowel El programa de mantenimiento del intestino debe incluir una cantidad de líquidos suficiente, es decir, dos litros de líquido por día. Necesitan 25 a 40 gramos de fibra por día. Si no pueden incorporarla a su dieta, deben hacerlo medicinalmente. Si el paciente está recibiendo alimentación por tubo, asegúrese de que el dietista le dé una fórmula con fibra. Debe informarse a los pacientes que no pueden poner ® Metamucil en el tubo de alimentación, porque lo bloqueará. Los pacientes deben tener una dieta balanceada y recibir porciones abundantes de comida todos los días. Esto es importante para un buen funcionamiento intestinal. Los pacientes que reciben alimentos líquidos o con tubos de alimentación creen que porque solo toman líquidos no tienen que tener movimientos intestinales todos los días. Es un mito. Si están recibiendo su nutrición en forma líquida, necesitan tener un movimiento intestinal todos los días. Si están comiendo la mitad de lo normal en forma líquida, cada dos días, y así sucesivamente. Asegúrese de que sus pacientes lo comprendan. Deben proveerse medicamentos intestinales para compensar los efectos secundarios de los opioides y otros medicamentos en el tracto gastrointestinal. Además, debe incluirse actividad física en el régimen diario del paciente y si este necesita entrenamiento intestinal, debemos ayudarlo. 13 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Front Line Therapy for Constipation • Adequate fluid (2 quarts per day) • Fiber (nutritional or medicinal) – Nutritional - 1 cup of Fiber One® cereal (noodle type) per day – Medicinal - 1 tablespoon (6.8 grams) of psyllium or methylcellulose in 8 ounces of water followed immediately by 8 more ounces of water daily Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment If Front Line Therapy is Not Effective Add: • Osmotic laxatives (i.e., magnesium hydroxide, polyethylene glycol) • Stool softeners (i.e., docusate sodium) • Lubricants as needed If this is not effective, add stimulants (i.e., senna) training, we need to assist them with that. Front-line therapy for constipation is adequate fluid (2 quarts per day) and fiber, nutritional or medicinal. If they’re going to take it nutritionally, one of the things I ® have found very effective is Fiber One cereal. It’s the noodle type, and what the box states is it has 28 grams of fiber in one cup. If they put fruit on top of that, they’ve got their daily allotment of fiber. And for a society where we don’t eat enough fiber, this is a great thing to teach the patient to get some -- a lot of fiber in this way. We’ve added it to our menu for the patients and they can choose it for breakfast each day. If they can’t take nutritional fiber or can’t get enough that way, I would recommend medicinal fiber where they take 1 tablespoon or 6.8 grams of psyllium, or 1 tablespoon of methylcellulose in 8 ounces of water. And make sure they follow it immediately by 8 ounces of water because it’s the amount of fluid that they take with it that will dictate how it’s going to work in the GI tract. If they can’t drink that much at one time, what I recommend is a heaping teaspoon in 4 ounces of fluid, plus 4 more ounces of fluid, twice a day. Okay, if front-line therapy of fu --- fiber and fluid is not effective, then you can add milk of magnesia and ® things like MiraLax , stool softeners, and lubricants if needed. What we tell our patients to prevent constipation, if you’re expecting a bowel movement every two days based upon you’re eating half your norm, by 4:00 in the afternoon, if you haven’t had a bowel movement, drink 4 ounces of prune juice. If you don’t have a bowel movement by bed time, take milk of magnesia. El tratamiento principal para el estreñimiento es la ingesta de líquidos suficientes (2 cuartos por día) y fibra nutricional ® o medicinal. Como fibra nutricional, el cereal Fiber One es muy eficaz. Tiene forma de fideos y la caja indica que una taza de cereal contiene 28 gramos de fibra. Si a eso le añaden frutas, ya tienen su cuota diaria de fibra. En una sociedad donde no se consume suficiente fibra, esta es una buena manera de enseñar a los pacientes a hacerlo. Lo incorporamos al menú para los pacientes y pueden elegirlo como desayuno todos los días. Si no pueden consumir fibra nutricional o esta es insuficiente, recomiendo la fibra medicinal: 1 cucharada (6.8 gramos) de psilio o 1 cucharada de metilcelulosa en 8 onzas de agua, seguidas de otras 8 onzas de agua, ya que es la cantidad de líquido que beban la que dictará cómo actuará en el tracto gastrointestinal. Si no pueden beber tanto líquido de una vez, recomiendo una cucharadita copiosa en 4 onzas de líquido, y 4 onzas de líquido adicionales, dos veces al día. Si la terapia de fibra y líquidos no es efectiva, pueden ® agregarse leche de magnesia, MiraLax , ablandadores de materia fecal y lubricantes. Para prevenir el estreñimiento, recomendamos a los pacientes que si esperan tener un movimiento intestinal cada dos días (comiendo la mitad de lo normal) y a las 4 pm no lo han tenido, que beban 4 onzas de jugo de ciruela. Si a la hora de dormir no han tenido un movimiento intestinal, deben tomar leche de magnesia. 14 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Set Expectation for Frequency of Bowel Movements and Then: • If no bowel movement by 4 p.m. on the expected day, take 4 ounces of prune juice followed by a hot liquid • If no bowel movement by bedtime, take 2 tablespoons or 2 caplets of magnesium hydroxide • If no bowel movement after breakfast the next day, repeat magnesium hydroxide every 6 hours until bowel movement • If patient needs to repeatedly take magnesium hydroxide, increase maintenance program medications Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment If on Opioids or Other Constipating Medications • Take up to 8 senna-s per day • If laxation does not occur, add polyethylene glycol: 17 grams in 8 ounces of water daily • Next, increase polyethylene glycol to two doses daily • If no relief from above regimen, consider giving subcutaneous methylnaltrexone every other day for opioid-induced constipation So here we go, just to reiterate: if no bowel movement by 4:00 p.m. on the expected day, take 4 ounces of prune juice followed by a hot liquid. If no bowel movement by bed time, take 2 tablespoons, or some people don’t like the taste of milk of magnesia, they can take 2 caplets; and if no bowel movement after breakfast the next day, repeat the milk of magnesia every 6 hours until they have a bowel movement. If the patient needs to take repeatedly milk of magnesia, their bowel maintenance program is not strong enough. So remember, if they’re on opiates and constipating medications, they can take up to 8 Senna-S a day. So if they’re only on 2 Senna-S twice a day, you can up it to 3 twice a day. If they’re on 4 Senna-S twice a day, which is the optimum dose, and ® that’s not working, add MiraLax once a day. If that’s ® not working, they can have MiraLax twice a day. OK so we can take up to 8 Senna-S per day, and if ® laxation doesn’t occur, add the MiraLax , and increase it to two doses if needed. And if no relief from the above regimen, consider giving ® subcutaneous Relistor . This is a new drug on the market for opioid-induced constipation. It won’t have any effect on any other causative factor of constipation, only opioids. Reitero: si no hay movimiento intestinal a las 4 pm del día esperado, tomar 4 onzas de jugo de ciruela y una bebida caliente. Si no hay movimiento intestinal a la hora de dormir, tomar 2 cucharadas —o dos cápsulas si no le agrada el sabor— de leche de magnesia; si no tiene un movimiento intestinal después de desayunar al día siguiente, continúe tomando leche de magnesia cada seis horas hasta que se produzca una evacuación. Si el paciente debe tomar leche de magnesia varias veces, su programa de mantenimiento del intestino no es lo suficientemente intenso. Si están tomando opioides y medicamentos para el estreñimiento, pueden tomar hasta 8 Senna-S por día. Si están tomando 2 Senna-S dos veces al día, pueden aumentarlo a 3 veces al día. Si están tomando 4 Senna-S dos veces al día, que es ® la dosis óptima, y eso no funciona, añada MiraLax una vez ® al día. Si eso no funciona, pueden tomar MiraLax dos veces al día. Pueden tomar hasta 8 Senna-S por día; si no se produce un ® efecto laxante, agregue MiraLax , y auméntelo a dos dosis por día si fuera necesario. Si no hay alivio con este régimen, ® considere administrar Relistor por vía subcutánea. Este es un nuevo medicamento para el estreñimiento inducido por opioides. No tendrá ningún efecto sobre ningún otro factor causal del estreñimiento, solo sobre los opioides. 15 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Methylnaltrexone • Indicated for treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in patients with advanced illness who are receiving palliative care when response to laxative therapy has not been sufficient • Decreases constipating effects of opioids • Does not diminish the central analgesic effects of opioids Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Curative Care Discussion of Palliative Care Palliative Care (Symptom Management) It’s also indicated for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness or who are receiving palliative care when response to laxative therapy has not been sufficient. It decreases the constipating effects of opioids because what it does is it lifts off the opioid from the mu-receptors in the colon and allows for normal laxation. It does not diminish central analgesia effect of opioids, so it’s a very nice drug to give because they still get the benefits of their opioids and get --- get the pain relief. También está indicado para tratar el estreñimiento inducido por opioides en pacientes con enfermedades avanzadas, o que reciben cuidados paliativos cuando la respuesta al tratamiento con laxantes no ha sido suficiente. Disminuye los efectos de estreñimiento de los opioides porque los retira de los receptores Mu en el colon y permite un efecto laxante normal. No disminuye el efecto analgésico central de los opioides, por lo que es un buen medicamento para administrar porque se obtienen los beneficios de los opioides y el efecto analgésico. Because it talks about giving it to palliative care patients, I --- I just wanted to review with you the continuum of curative and palliative care. And as you’re first diagnosed usually with cancer, you’re in the curative mode and the acute care mode. And so you see, on the left-hand side of the screen here, your whole focus is primarily on curative. And as you get -- have progressive disease, the curative form of treatment gets less and less. As you’re in the palliative care mode, really when you’re in the curative care --- care mode, you still get some palliative treatments like symptom management, pain management. And so most of our patients that have cancer have a continuum of curative and symptom management along the continuum of care. Ya que menciona su administración a pacientes de cuidados paliativos, revisemos el proceso de los cuidados curativos y paliativos. Al ser diagnosticado inicialmente con cáncer, se está en el modo curativo y de cuidado agudo. Del lado izquierdo, vemos que la atención se centra principalmente en el cuidado curativo. Con una enfermedad progresiva, la forma curativa del tratamiento es cada vez menor. En el modo de cuidado curativo, también se reciben algunos tratamientos paliativos como el control de síntomas o el tratamiento del dolor. La mayoría de nuestros pacientes con cáncer reciben cuidado curativo y control de síntomas durante el proceso de cuidado. 16 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Contraindications for Methylnaltrexone Patients with known or suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction Note Methylnaltrexone has not been studied in: - Pregnant or breastfeeding women - Children - Patients with severe hepatic impairment Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Methylnaltrexone Administration • Based on patient’s weight • Given subcutaneously • Usually given every other day, but no more frequently than every 24 hours • Causes laxation within one half hour to four hours • Dose reductions with severe renal impairment Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Bowel Training • Drink 4 ounces of prune juice before a big meal of choice • Eat a big meal • Drink a hot liquid, then • Immediately insert a bisacodyl suppository • Repeat steps above for 14 days • On day 15, insert a glycerin suppository in place of the bisacodyl suppository • If no results, insert bisacodyl suppository, then • In one week, retry glycerin suppository ® The contraindications for Relistor is patients with known or suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction, so it’s very important to realize that this is not a magic drug that can be just given; give them a shot and they’ll have a bowel movement. If they’re impacted with stool, that stool has to be removed because that, in a sense, is a suspected mechanical obstruction by stool, so it’s not safe to give if they are full of stool. It’s a great --- it is very good for ® maintenance dose, also. Relistor has not been studied in pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, or patients with severe hepatic impairment. ® ® Las contraindicaciones del Relistor se aplican a los pacientes que tienen o en quienes se sospecha obstrucción mecánica gastrointestinal. Debemos comprender que no es un medicamento mágico que puede administrarse libremente, y que con una inyección los pacientes tendrán un movimiento intestinal. Si tienen impactaciones, esa materia fecal debe retirarse porque puede tratarse de una obstrucción mecánica por heces. Si están llenos de materia fecal, no se puede administrar. Es bueno como dosis de ® mantenimiento. Relistor no ha sido estudiado en mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia, ni niños o pacientes con insuficiencia hepática grave. ® The dosage of Relistor is based on the patient's weight. It’s given subcutaneously. It’s usually given every other day but no more frequently than every 24 hours. And it does cause laxation within half an hour to four hours. Dose reductions are --- are --- are done with severe renal impairment. La dosis de Relistor se basa en el peso del paciente. Es administrado por vía subcutánea. Suele darse cada dos días, y con una frecuencia de hasta 24 horas. El efecto laxante aparece dentro de los treinta minutos a cuatro horas. Las dosis se reducen cuando existe una insuficiencia renal grave. Okay, now if your patient needs bowel training for constipation, this is the method to use. Have the patient drink 4 ounces of prune juice before a big meal of choice. It makes no difference which meal, although I do prefer breakfast because that’s when they have the normal gastrocolic reflex. But for some people, they can’t do it until evening because of their home situation. So they have to pick a meal where they have a big meal and center their bowel training around that. So they drink 4 ounces of prune juice before the meal of choice, eat a --- the big meal, drink Si el paciente necesita entrenamiento intestinal para el estreñimiento, debe utilizarse el siguiente método: hacerle beber 4 onzas de jugo de ciruela antes de una comida abundante de su elección. No importa qué comida, aunque es preferible el desayuno porque es cuando se tiene el reflejo gastrocólico normal —aunque algunas personas no pueden hacerlo sino hasta la noche debido a su situación en el hogar. Deben elegir una comida abundante y concentrar su entrenamiento intestinal en ella. El paciente bebe 4 onzas de jugo de ciruela antes de la comida de su elección, come abundantemente, bebe algo caliente e 17 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Digital Stimulation is Utilized When • Regular bowel training is not successful for patients with neurogenic bowel • Patient has S2 and below nerve involvement • When anal sphincter is very tight and stool can’t pass through without relaxing the external and internal sphincters Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment How to do Digital Stimulation • Insert gloved, lubricated index finger ½ inch into anus and gently rotate finger in a circular motion • Advance index finger to 1 inch and continue circular rotation of finger until relaxation of internal sphincter is felt • Allow stool to pass and repeat until no more stool is present • Repeat daily as part of bowel regimen a hot liquid, and then immediately insert a bisacodyl suppository. Repeat that step for 14 days, and on day 15, insert a glycerin suppository in place of the bisacodyl. And sometimes that ---, by putting them through this training for two weeks, the bowel has learned to respond to the stimulus of the prune juice, big meal, and hot liquid, and they may no longer need ® a Dulcolax suppository. But if they don’t have results with --- with the glycerin suppository, insert the bisacodyl suppository for another week and then try it again. Sometimes, people need digital stimulation in order to have a bowel movement. And this is --- digital stimulation is used when regular bowel training is not successful for patients with neurological bowel --- or with a neurogenic bowel. All patients with S2 and below nerve involvement will need digital stimulation. And when the anal sphincter is very tight and the stool can’t pass through without relaxing the external and internal anal sphincters, digital stimulation would be needed for them. inmediatamente después se coloca un supositorio de bisacodilo. Debe repetir este paso durante 14 días y el día 15, colocarse un supositorio de glicerina en lugar del bisacodilo. Al llevar a cabo este entrenamiento de dos semanas, el intestino aprende a responder al estímulo del jugo de ciruela, la comida abundante y la bebida caliente, y ® posiblemente ya no necesite el supositorio Dulcolax . Si no obtienen resultados con el supositorio de glicerina, coloque el supositorio de bisacodilo durante otra semana y luego vuelva a intentarlo. So how do you do digital stimulation? All right, the process is: put a glove on and lubricate your index finger. Insert your gloved, lubricated finger into the anus one-half inch and do a circular rotation, very gently because you want to relax the external sphincter. Then you advance the finger to 1 inch and you continue the circular rotation until you relax the internal sphincter. And once that is felt, the stool will begin to pass, and that can be repeated until no more stool is eliminated. You repeat this daily as part of the bowel regimen, the bowel training that we just mentioned. ¿Cómo se realiza la estimulación digital? El proceso es el siguiente: debe colocarse un guante y lubricar el dedo índice. Introduzca el dedo lubricado media pulgada dentro del ano y haga una rotación circular, muy suavemente porque se busca relajar el esfínter externo. Introduzca el dedo 1 pulgada y continúe la rotación circular hasta relajar el esfínter interno. Una vez relajado, la materia fecal comenzará a pasar. Esto puede repetirse hasta que ya no se elimine materia fecal. Debe repetir el proceso diariamente como parte del entrenamiento intestinal. A veces las personas necesitan estimulación digital para tener un movimiento intestinal. La estimulación digital se utiliza cuando el entrenamiento intestinal normal no tiene éxito en los pacientes con un intestino neurogénico. Todos los pacientes con afectación de los nervios S2 e inferiores necesitan estimulación digital. Cuando el esfínter anal es muy estrecho y la materia fecal no puede pasar sin relajar los esfínteres externo e interno, se necesita estimulación digital. 18 Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Bowel Training With Digital Stimulation • Bowel train with prune juice, big meal, hot liquid and immediately • Do digital stimulation to empty stool in rectal vault • Insert bisacodyl suppository and 30 minutes later • Repeat digital stimulation until all stool is eliminated • Teach patient to do this daily as only means of elimination Normal Bowel Function and Dysfunction Related to Constipation and its Treatment Summary You have learned: • The importance of normalizing the bowel before giving a maintenance program • The way to administer milk and molasses enemas for the best outcome • A new medication effective for opioid induced constipation • When digital stimulation is needed for bowel training Okay, bowel training with digital stimulation, if you need to combine the bowel training with the digital stimulation, here’s how you do it. You bowel train with the prune juice, the big meal, the hot liquid, and immediately do digital stimulation to empty the stool in the rectal vault. Then you’re going to insert the rectal bisacodyl suppository, and 30 minutes --- and 30 minutes later you’re going to repeat the digital stimulation until all the stool is eliminated. Teach the patient to do this daily as the patient's only means of eliminating stool. And many of our patients, because of a neurogenic bowel and nerve involvement are involved in doing this on a daily basis and are very successful. So in summary, you have learned: the importance of normalizing the bowel before giving the patient a bowel maintenance program. You have learned the way to administer milk and molasses enemas to get the best outcome. You have learned about a new medication effective for opioid-induced constipation that has been refractory to normal laxative therapy. And you have learned when digital stimulation is needed for bowel training. I thank you for your attention. Si es necesario, puede combinar el entrenamiento intestinal con la estimulación digital del siguiente modo: el entrenamiento intestinal se realiza con el jugo de ciruela, la comida abundante y la bebida caliente. Inmediatamente después, debe realizar la estimulación digital para vaciar las heces en la ampolla rectal. Luego se coloca el supositorio de bisacodilo y 30 minutos más tarde se repite la estimulación digital hasta que se elimine toda la materia fecal. Enseñe al paciente a hacer esto diariamente, porque es el único medio que tiene para eliminar las heces. Muchos de nuestros pacientes con intestinos neurogénicos y afectación de nervios lo practican diariamente de manera exitosa. En resumen, hemos aprendido la importancia de normalizar el intestino antes de administrar al paciente un programa de mantenimiento del intestino, y cómo administrar enemas de leche y melaza para obtener mejores resultados. Conocimos un nuevo medicamento eficaz para el estreñimiento inducido por opioides que ha sido resistente al tratamiento normal con laxantes. Y por último, aprendimos en qué casos es necesaria la estimulación digital en el entrenamiento intestinal. Muchas gracias por su atención. 19