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José Ruiz Fernández
Born in Toledo (Spain) the 26th August 1970
* c/ Gustavo Fernández Balbuena, 32, 1º
28002 Madrid
Tel: +34-660473501
02/2008 -
: Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
09/1999 - 09/2004: PhD in Philosophy in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (15/09/2004).
09/1993 - 06/1999: Bachelor in Philosophy in the Universidad Nacional de Educación a
Distancia. 1993-1994 Paris, the rest in Madrid.
09/1988 - 09/1993: Telecommunication Superior Engineering in the Polytechnic University of
Madrid (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Madrid).
09/1993 - 09/1994: Masters in Communications Systems in the École Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications de Paris.
03/2011 – 06/2011: Becas del Amo. Scholarship for research in the Department of Philosophy of
the University of California – Santa Cruz (Estados Unidos).
01/2006 - 01/2008: Scholarship for Postdoctoral research from the Ministry of Education and
Science of Spain in the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany). Tutor: Prof. Laszlo
01/2002 - 12/2005: Scholarship for postgraduate research from the Ministry of Education and
Science of Spain. Research in the Husserl Archive of the Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
(Germany) between 04/2002-06/2002 and 07/2004-09/2004. Research in the Department of
Philosophy of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) between 04/2005-12/2005.
08/2002 - 05/2003: Scholarship for postgraduate research in the Department of Philosophy of the
University of California - Berkeley (UC Education Abroad Program Scholarship).
2001: Scholarship for postgraduate research from the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst). Research in the Husserl Archive of the Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
(Germany) between 10/2000–02/2001 and 04/2001-06/2001.
09/1993 - 09/1994: Erasmus Scholarship from the European Union. Stay in the École Nationale
Supérieure des Télécommunications de París (France).
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
Sobre el Sentido de la Fenomenología [About the sense of Phenomenology] Ed. Síntesis,
Madrid, 2008, 207 pages.
El Sentido del Conocimiento Científico Empírico y el Problema de la Racionalidad. Una
Investigación Fenomenológica. [The Sense of Scientific Empirical Knowledge and the Problem
of Rationality. A Phenomenological Research] 310 pages. Servicio de Publicaciones, UCM,
2004. ISBN: 84-669-2546-5.
“Wittgenstein’s Phenomenology and Wittgenstein’s phenomenological relevance” Polish
Journal of Philosophy, ISSN: 1897-1652, Vol III, Nº2. pp.17-27 (Fall 2009).
“The problem of logos in Michel Henry” in Michel Henry’s Radical Phenomenology, Studia
Phaenomenologica, vol. IX, 2009. pp. 83-96. ISSN: 1582-5647/ ISBN: 978-973-50-2553-3.
“La indicación Formal como renovación de la fenomenología. Luces y sombras”. [The formalindication as a renewal of phenomenology. Lights and shadows.] 25 páginas. Dianoia. Revista de
filosofía. ISSN 1870-4913 (in press)
O Proceder indicativo-formal na filosofía do joven Heidegger. [The formal-indicative procedure
of early Heidegger’s philosophy] SANTOS, José Francisco; FLEIG, Mario (Orgs.). Heidegger e
Aristóteles: da assimilação à confrontação. São Leopoldo: Nova Harmonia, 2010, 272 p. ISBN
978-85-89379-60-1, pp. 159-188.
“Buscando una referencia concreta para el término ‘persona’. Una propuesta”. [Looking for a
concrete reference to the term “person”. A proposal”. Daímon, Suplemento 3 (2010), pp. 217224. ISSN: 1130-0507.
“La crítica de Natorp a Husserl y la asunción de un uso conceptual fenomenológico indicativo
en las primeras lecciones de Heidegger” [Natorp’s critique to Husserl and the Assumption of an
Indicative Conceptual use in Heidegger’s First Lessons]. Aprox. 15 pages within the volume Ion
Copoeru. Phenomenology 2008. Bucarest Zetabooks (in press).
“La gramática como fenomenológica. Consideraciones sobre el pensamiento de Wittgenstein”
[Grammar as Phenomenology. Considerations on Wittgenstein’s Thought]. Pensamiento.
Pensamiento. Vol. 67 (2010), Nº 247. pp. 169-179. ISSN:0031-4749.
“Vida religiosa, vida irreligiosa y fenomenología” [Religious life, ireligious life and
Phenomenology], Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía, ISSN: 0210-4857. NºXXXVII, 2010.
“Nihilismo, ideología, fenomenología” [Nihilism, Ideology, Phenomenology], Daimon, Revista
de Filosofía, nº 47, 2009, pp. 165-177. ISSN: 1130-0507.
“Ciencia Empírica y Mundo de la Vida” [Empirical Science and the Lifeworld], Alea. Nº7,
Revista Internacional de Fenomenología y Hermenéutica (2009). pp. 115-131. ISBN: 15764494-7.
“Evidencia, juegos de lenguaje y la posibilidad de la fenomenología” [Evidence, Languagegames and the Possibility of Phenomenology] Logos, Anales del Seminario de Metafísica,
ISSN: 1575-6866. Vol. 41 (2008), pp. 259-284.
“El problema de la noción de inmanencia en Michel Henry” [The Problem of the Notion of
Immanence in Michel Henry], Daímon, Suplemento 1 (2007), pp. 165-172. ISSN: 1130-0507.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
“La Humildad de la Fenomenología” [The Humility of Phenomenology], ARBOR, Ciencia,
Pensamiento y Cultura, Nº 736, Marzo-Abril 2009, ISSN: 0210-1963. pp. 379-387.
• “La crítica del lenguaje como momento fenomenológico” [The Critique of Language as a
Phenomenological Moment], Dokos. Revista Filosófica, 1, 2008, 33-47. (ISSN 1889-0202 e
ISSN 1989-2020).
• “El Mundo y su supuesta articulación en el Habla: apuntes críticos” [The World and its alleged
articulation in the Rede], Universitas Philosophica, Nº 48, pp. 13-27; ISSN: 0120-5323. (June
• “La verdad en Ser y Tiempo y el lugar originario de la verdad” [“Truth in Being and Time and
the original place of truth”], Pensamiento, Revista de Investigación y Información Filosófica,
vol. 63 (2007), number 235, pp.111-123. ISSN:0031-4749.
• “Manifestación sin esencia – apuntes críticos a la filosofía de Michel Henry” [“Manifestation
without essence: critical remarks to Michel Henry’s philosophy”], Diálogo Filosófico, 66 (2006),
pp. 473-490. ISSN:0213-1196.
• “Un problema de la fenomenología: la controversia entre Husserl y Natorp” [“A problem of
phenomenology: the controversy between Husserl and Natorp”], Investigaciones
Fenomenológicas, Revista de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología, nº5, March, 2007,
pp.209-224, ISSN: 1137-2400.
• “Para una delimitación fenomenológica de la intencionalidad” [“For a phenomenological
delimitation of intentionality”], Alea, Nº3, Revista Internacional de Fenomenología y
Hermenéutica, Oct. 2005, pp. 65-91 ISSN: 1576-4494-3.
• “El sentido del conocimiento científico empírico y el problema de la racionalidad” [“The sense
of Empirical Science and the Problem of Rationality”], Investigaciones Fenomenológicas,
Revista de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología, nº4, Sep 2005, pp.301-314, ISSN: 11372400
• “A Vindication of Kantian Euclidean Space”, Teorema, Revista Internacional de Filosofía, Vol.
XXIII/1-3. Oviedo, 2004. pp.105-116 ISSN: 0210-1602.
• “Kantian Euclidean Space and Husserlian Material Ontologies”, Essay 45 in Celebration of the
Founding of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations. Ed. CHEUNG, Chan-Fai,
Ivan Chvatik, Ion Copoeru, Lester Embree, Julia Iribarne, & hans Rainer Sepp. Web-Published
at, 17 pages, 2003.
“Jan Patocka: Introducción a la Filosofía”, [Jan Patocka: Introduction to Philosophy]. Servicio
de Información bibliográfica para la filosofía (SIBF) Vol. III/1, 2007,
ISSN 1885-3617.
“Agustín Serrano de Haro: La Precisión del Cuerpo. Análisis filosófico de la puntería”, [Agustín
Serrano de Haro: The Precision of the Body, Philosophical Analysis of Aiming] Teorema, Revista
Internacional de Filosofía, Vol. XXVI/3. Oviedo, 2007. pp. 191-193, ISSN: 0210-1602.
“Ramón Rodríguez: Del Sujeto y la Verdad”, [Ramón Rodríguez: Concerning Truth and
Subject], Logos, Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, nº38, 2005, pp. 373-375, ISSN: 15756866.
“La indicación formal como renovación de la fenomenología. Luces y sombras” [Formal
Indication as a renewal of Phenomenology. Lights and shadows] Conference in the International
Simposium: Experiencia de la Vida y Significación [Life experience and Meaning]. Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, 9-11 December 2009.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
“Nihilismo, Ideología y Fenomenología” [Nihilism, Ideology, Phenomenology], IV Congreso
de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía: “Pensar el futuro”, Madrid, UCM, 5 Febrero 2009.
ISBN: 978-84-691-8927-6.
“El concepto de mundo de la vida y su problemática contribución a una aclaración
fenomenológica de la ciencia empírica”, [“The concept of life-world and its problematic
contribution for a phenomenological clarification of empirical science”] III Congresso
Internacional da Associacao Portuguesa de Filosofia Fenomenológica e da Socidade Brasileira
de Fenomenologia: “Mundo da Vida – Racionalidade – Ciencia”, Lisboa, 5-8 Diciembre 2007.
“La crítica filosófica del lenguaje como momento fenomenológico”, [“The critique of language
as a phenomenological moment”], International Wittgenstein Symposium, Transzendentale
Phänomenologie versus Grammatikalische Phänomenologie, Ludwig Wittgenstein Geselchaft,
Toledo, 5-7 Septiembre 2007.
“La articulación del Habla: un problema fenomenológico”, [“The articulation of the Rede: a
phenomenological problem”], Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología, IV Coloquio
Latinoamericano de fenomenología, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá (Colombia), 29
Agosto – 1 de Septiembre 2007.
“Self and Other as Phenomena”, 5th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology,
Copenhague, 22 Abril, 2007.
“Fenomenología y reflexión: la controversia entre Natorp y Husserl”, [“Phenomenology and
reflection: the controversy between Natorp and Husserl”], 10 Febrero 2007, Actas del III
Congreso de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía: “la filosofía y los retos de la complejidad”,
Murcia. ISBN: 978-84-8371-654-0.
“El problema de la noción de inmanencia en Michel Henry”, [“The problem of immanence in
Michel Henry”], 11 Febrero 2005, Paideia: II Congreso de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía,
Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 84-9750-402-X.
“Atención e intencionalidad”, [“Attention and intentionality”], VII Congreso de la Sociedad
Española de Fenomenología, Salamanca, 30 Abril 2004.
“Mathematical Analysis of ATM Wavelength Routing Systems by Exploring their Similitude
with Space Division Switching” in: Proceedings of the International Conference on
Communications: Converging technologies for tomorrow’s applications ICC96 Co-authors:
Guang-Hua Duan, Javier Garaval. Ed: Piscataway, N.J: IEEE, 1996, Vol. 3, pp.1783-1787; 23
Junio, Dallas (USA), ISBN: 0-7803-3250-4.
“Analyse des performances d’un système de commutation par routage en longueur d’onde par
méthode classique”. Co-authors Guang -Hua Duan. Published in the proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. OPNET’95; 26, January
1995, París, France.
01/2010 – 12/2012: Project of the National Research Program of the Ministry for Education and
Science. Title: Interpretation and Truth in the Phenomenological Hermeneutic. Director: Ramón
Rodríguez García. Complutense University of Madrid.
Sept. 2005-Sep 2009: Project of the National Research Program of the Ministry for Education
and Science. Title: Theory of Categories in Hermeneutical Philosophy. Director: Ramón
Rodríguez García. Complutense University of Madrid.
01/10/2010 – 15/02/2011: Communication, rhetoric and argumentation. Master. Department of
Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
26/09/2010 – 15/02/2011: History of thinking and aesthetic ideas. Group A. Department of
Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
26/09/2010 – 15/02/2011: History of thinking and aesthetic ideas. Group D. Department of
Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2010 – 15/02/2011: Philosophical Antropology I. Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2010 – 15/02/2011: Practical Seminar (Scheler: The position of man in Cosmos).
Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2009 – 15/02/2010: Metaphysics (Husserl: Logical Investigations). Department of
Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2009 – 15/02/2010: Philosophical Antropology 1. Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2009 – 15/02/2010: Philosophical Antropology 2. Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
01/10/2009 – 15/02/2010: History of thinking and aesthetic ideas. Department of Philosophy of
the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
13/10/2009 – 17/11/2009: Argumentation in the language of the media. Logical analysis. Master.
Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
09/02/2009 – 30/06/2009: Metaphysics (Husserl: Logical Investigations). Department of
Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
09/02/2009 – 30/06/2009: Philosophical Antropology. Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
13/10/2008 – 17/11/2008: Argumentation in the language of the media. Logical analysis. Master.
Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
29/09/2008 – 23/01/2009: Metaphysics (Plato: Teetetus). Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
29/09/2008 – 23/01/2009: Metaphysics (Kant: Prolegomena). Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
18/02/2008 – 07/05/2008: Nihilism and Metaphysics. Department of Philosophy of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
18/02/2008 – 07/05/2008: Argumentation in the language of the media. Logical analysis. Master.
Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
09/2004 - 02/2005: Actual currents of Philosophy (Husserl: Phenomenology of Inner TimeConsciousness). Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
09/2004 - 02/2005: Fundamental Ontology: D. Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding. Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
02/2004 - 06/2004: Fundamental Ontology: G. Berkeley, Treatise Concerning the Principles of
Human Knowledge. Department of Philosophy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
09/2002 - 01/2003: Introduction to Logic. Department of Philosophy of the University of
California - Berkeley.
05/2008 - 06/2008: “A new science for a new world: Philosophical and Scientific thinking in the
Renaissance”. 6 hours course in the Master of History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía
S. A. (C.I.F. B-84019256).
09/2007 - 10/2007: “Experience as a principle of knowledge: the English empiricism”. 18 hours
course in the Master of History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía S. A. (C.I.F. B84019256).
06/2007: “A new science for a new world: Philosophical and Scientific thinking in the
Renaissance”. 12 hours course in the Master of History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía
S. A. (C.I.F. B-84019256).
04/2007: “The Phenomenological Movement”. 9 hours course in the Master of History of
Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía S. A. (C.I.F. B-84019256).
10/2006: “Experience as a principle of knowledge: the English empiricism”. 9 hours course in
the Master of History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía S. A. (C.I.F. B-84019256).
03/2006 - 04/2006: “The Phenomenological Movement”. 12 hours course in the Master of
History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía S. A. (C.I.F. B-84019256).
09/2005 - 10/2005: “Experience as a principle of knowledge: the English empiricism”. 12 hours
course in the Master of History of Philosophy in the Escuela de Filosofía S. A. (C.I.F. B84019256).
09/1995 - 10/1999: Telecommunications Superior Engineer in the Department of International
Operations and Maintenance in Telefónica S.A.
Spanish: Native speaker.
English: High level reading, writing and conversation. Several stays in Ireland (5 months),
England (2 months), and the United States (12 months). 280 points in the TOEFL.
German: High level reading, writing and conversation. Several stays in universities in Germany
(40 months). High level of the Zentrale Mittelstuffeprüfung of the Goethe Institut.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández
French: High level reading, writing and conversation. Several stays in the university in Paris (14
months). Access to the DALF.
Russian: Beginner level reading and conversation. Several stays in Rusia (6 months).
Member of the Editorial Staff of Alea: Revista Internacional de Fenomenología y Hermeneútica
[Alea: International Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics] ISSN: 1576-4494.
Member of the Spanish Society of Phenomenology.
Member of the Academic Society of Philosophy.
Curriculum Vitae - José Ruiz Fernández