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CURRICULUM VITAE I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1) Identification Name: Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castañeda Nationality: Colombian I.D.: 19’408.044 from Bogotá Birth Date: June 8, 1960 Place: Bogotá 2) Address Working place: Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Carrera 6 No. 14-16, Teléfono: 2970200 ext. 622 Home: Cra. 5 No. 57-43 Apt. 702, Chapinero Alto, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia, Phone: 3483775 E-mail:; URL: H-Index: 13 i-10-Index: 24 Regular op-ed: 3) Education High School: Nuevo Reino de Granada School, and Lycée Français Louis Pasteur, Bogota, 1971-1977 2 University: Philosophy Departament, Nacional University of Colombia y Philosophy School, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia, 1977-1987 Career: Philosophy –thesis: magna cum laude- Doctorate: Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.): Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Louvain, Belgium, 1987- 1992 Visiting Positions: Visiting Scholar: Philosophy Departament, University of Pittsburgh, United States of America, Winter Term, 1996 Visiting Research Professor: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy and the Center for the Study of Culture and Values, Catholic University of America, Fall term, 2006 Academic Visitor - Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, Fall Term, 2008 4) Professional Experience El Rosario University, Research Professor (tenured), 2007 to-date Externado de Colombia University, Research Professor, 2003-2006 (tenure) El Bosque University, Associate Professor, 1998-2005 Industrial University of Santander, Professor, 2001-2002 Free University of Bogotá, Professor of Philosophy of Law, 1985-87 (Coordinador of area), and Research Profesor Philosophy School, 1999-2001 Javeriana University, full time professor, 1993-1997 Superior School for Public Administration (ESAP/Institute of Human Rights, Profesor in the Specialty in Human Rights, 1994-2001) Professor of the UNESCO Chair of Complex Thinking “Edgar Morin”, El Bosque University, 1999 Professor of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace, Luis Carlos Galán Institute/Unesco, 1995 and 1998 La Sabana University, Professor of Epistemology and Contemporary Philosophy, 1987-88 (half time professor); Professor, 1993- 97 3 Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario University, Professor of Ethics, 1987- 88; Professor of Contemporary Philosophy, 1993-94 and 1997 Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Assistant teacher in the subejct “Esthetics”, Philosophy School, 1985 Guest Professor at: Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile (Chile), 1993; San Marcos University, Lima (Perú), 1995; Visiting Scholar at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (E.U.), 1996; Catholic University of America (E.U.), 1996 and 1997; Nacional University of Rosario, Rosario (Argentina), 1997; Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, Sao Leopoldo (Brasil), 1997; Universidad de Valladolid (España), 1999, Universidad de Zulia (Venezuela), 2005, Universidad Autónoma de México (México), 2005; Universidad del Valle de Momboy, Varela (Venezuela), 2006; Catholic University of America, 2006, University of Cambridge, 2008; Institute IPCEM (Perú) (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011); NECSI (2011); Boston College (2011); EFMD (2011) (2012); 5) Areas of major work and interest Working areas: Contemporary Philosophy, Political and Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Science Working research lines: Theory of complex non linear systems (the sciences of complexity), non classic logics, theory of consciousness and cognitive sciences, theory of racional choice, theory of collective action, human rights, civil society, bioethics, phenomenology 6) Languages French: I read, speak, write and understand English: I read, speak, write and understand German: I read, speak, write and understand Dutch: I read, speak, write and understand Portuguese: I read, speak and understand Ancient Greek: I read 7) Awards and Honorific Titles Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.), K.U. Leuven, Belgium,1992 Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh,1995 4 Visiting Research Professor, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy y el Center for the Study of Culture and Values, Catholic University of America, 2006 Academic Visitor – Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, Fall Term, 2008 Honorary Member, Centro de Investigaciones del Pensamiento Complejo Edgar Morin, Perú, 2009 Complex Systems Vice-President, Réseau d’ Ingénierie de Cartagène, Metz (Francia), 2010 Lectio Inauguralis, Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 2012 Distinction of Merit, Conferida por el IPPLA, Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima, Julio 2008 Portafolio Award, Mención de Honor, Categoría Mejor Docente Universitario, 2008 Distinguished Professor, Titulo conferido por la Universidad del Rosario, 2009 Scholarship-Contract N° 005 -96 by Colciencias for the internship as "Visiting Scholar" in the Philosophy Department of the University of Pittsburgh, BIDCOLCIENCIAS Program III Stage. There is a “paz y salvo” Research Fellowship, Catholic University of America, Exchange Visitor Program Number P-1-01300, Subject/Field Code 38.0101, from April 21, 2006 Diplom in Philosophy, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario University, 1987, Thesis: Suma Cum Laude “Visiting Professor”, Title awarded by El Bosque University, Santafé de Bogotá, November, 1997 Founder and First President of the Colombian Association for Philosophy of Science, 2000-2001 5 Doctoral Scholarship by the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-laNeuve) from May 11, 1988 (NOMA: 1184 88 00), to work with Professor G. Florival. I refused it Doctoral Scholarship by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven) from Abril 26, 1988 (Ref: A.2.Q/REV/LS/878) to work with Professor R. Bernet. I accepted it 8) Participation in research projects (2012) Member of the Reserach Group CEPI, Unversidad del Rosario, recognized by Colciencias con la calificación A1 (2008) Member of the Research Group “Lasting and Complexity”, Universidad del Rosario, recognized by Colciencias as “A” Group. Leader of the group (2006) Participant as Visiting Research Professor at the Seminar on History and Cultural Identity at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C.: Result: Publications: 1 article, 1 chapter in a book, 1 book (forthcoming) (2005 since) Member of the Research group “Odeon”, research line on Financial Theory, Externado de Colombia University, research group recognized by Colciencias. Ranked as “A” group (November 2006) (2004a – since) Member of the group “Bioethics and the life sciences”, director of the reserach lineo on “Foundations of biotehics”, El Bosque University, both group and line recognized by Colciencias in Octubre. Ranked as “A” group (March, 2005) (2003a - since) Member of the group “Opera”, director of the research line on “complex systems, politics and governance”, CIPE, Externado de Colombia University, both group and line recognized by Colciencias in Diciembre. Ranked as “A” group (November, 2006). Leader of the group (2003b) “The complexity of the public: theory, application and simulation o fan idea”, research project presented to the CIPE of the Externado de Colombia University. State of the project: approved, in process (2002) “Complex systems, techonological evolution and challenges to ethics”, research project approved by the Board of Directors, El Bosque University, Agreement No. 7107 de 2002. Research developped within the “Observatory of Life”. State of the Project: terminated and published 6 (1996) “Rationality and world”, by Colciencias, Contract 005-96. Result: Publication: Own books (1997a), articles and essays (1998a) II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION 1) Articles published (2013a) “The spirit of black and white”, in:, June 16, Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (original in spanish) (2013b) “Abelard and Eloïse, a surprised love, in:, June 9. Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (original in spanish) (2013c) “Ambiguity”, in:, May 26, Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (2013d) “Infinity” by Verrept: the experience of an encounter, in:“infinito”-de-verrept-la-experiencia-deun-encuentro, May 12, Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (2013e) “Living, dwelling, building. On architecture and complexity, in:, May 8, Jpurnal from UNAM (Mexico) (2013f) “”Koinonia” by Stephen Cefalo. A reflection upon the still-life, in:, April 28, Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (2013g) “The opposite to beauty is not ugliness”, in:, April 21, Journal from UNAM (Mexico) (2013h) “A strange beauty: the Juliet by Waterhouse,, April 14, Jurnal from UNAM (Mexico) in: (2013i) “Complexity, thinking, drawing”,, April Journal from la UNAM (Mexico) in: 7, 7 (2013j) “An Undesirable Inheritance: A short study on a painting by Tamam Al Akhal, in:, March 31, Journal from UNAM (2013k) “What cannot be said is not the ineffable”,, March 24, Journal from UNAM in: (2013l) “Eugène Delacoix/Painting an idea”, in:, March 17, Journal from UNAM (2013m) “Argument styles. Arguments styles?” in: los%20Eduardo%20Maldonado, March 15, No. 40, ISSN 1989-9270 (2013n) “There are some beginnings …”, in:, year, XVII, No. 279, March 4, ISSN 1856-7983 (2012a) “Borders: frontiers”, in:; year XVII, No. 275; Dic. 17, ISSN 1856-7983 (2012b) “Scientific revolutions and the STS studies as the Unity of Science: Their reach in Latin America”, in: (2012c) “Dr. Rzykurski. A ‘minor’ character in Frankenweenie”, in: (2012d) “How is the complexity of Latin America? A reflection on anthropology ad complexity”, in:; ISSN 2007-2309 (2012e) “Crises of bioethics and bioethcs in the midst of crises”, en: Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética, Vol. 12, No. 22 (January-June), pp. 112-123, ISSN 1657-4702 (2012f) “The Complexification of Engineering”, en: Complexity, Vol. 17, Issue 4 (March-April), pp. 8-15; 8 (2012g) “Paper kills book: are you sure?”, in: Elementos. Ciencia y cultura, No. 85, Vol. 19, (January-March), pp. 15-20, ISSN 0187-9073; (2011a) “Facing N-P Problems via Artificial Life: A Philosophical Appraisal”, en: Kampis, G., Karsai, I., and Szathmáry, E., (Eds.), ECAL 2009, Part II, LNCS 5778, págs. 216-221, Berlin: Springer Verlag; together with Nelson Gómez (2011b) “The Recent man by H. R. Patapievici. Or on the place and problema of philosophy”, in: Aporía. Revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas, No. 1, págs. 116-122; ISSN 0718-9788 (2011c) “Acquisition of competitive advantages through the generation of a strtaegic territory”, jointly with J. Martínez, H. Rivera e I. Mendoza, in: Contaduría y Administración, No. 234, May-August,: 11-31, ISSN 0186-1042 (2010a) “A short note on criptology and complexity” in: Innovar, (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), 20(38), 5-12 (2010b) "A computational proposal for the over-crowding in an industrial sector "(Maldonado, C. E., Martínez, J., Mendoza, I.),, in: 5th Americas International Conference on Production Research 2010, ISBN 978-958-447045-4 (2010) (2010c) (Maldonado, C. E., Martínez, J. H., Mendoza, I. A., Mendoza, L., Ortega, F.) "Management, Complexity and Perdurability: An Experience for a Laboratory for Modeling and Simulation in Colombia", in: ICELW2010, New York, Publicación digital, CD, Columbia University (2009a) “Complexity of the Social Systems: a Challenge for the Human and Social Sciences”, in: Cinta Moebio 36: 146-157; (2009b) “The philosophical dimension of the world: Nanology”, in: Episteme, No. 28, Julio-Diciembre), ISSN xyz, pp. Yxz, (2009c) “A note on cryptology and complexity”” in: Innovar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (paper accepted); in the press 9 (2009d) “Meaning and reach of thinking upon living systems””, in: Thelos, No. 4, Digital Journal, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana del Estado de Chile, ISSN 0718-3259, págs. 1-15, (2009e) “Complexity is a Problem, not a World View””, in: UCM Revista de Investigación, No 13, Mayo, ISSN 0121-067X, págs. 42-54 (2008a) “Complexity and the Social Sciences from the Contribution of Qualitative Mathematics”, Cinta de Moebio. Revista de Epistemología de ciencias sociales, ISSN 0717-554X, No. 33 (Diciembre), págs. 153-170, (2008ba) “History and Complexity”, in: Filosofski Alternativi, págs. 5-17, ISSN 0861-7899 (original en ingles, publicado en búlgaro) (2008a) “History and Complexity”, in: Filosofski Alternativi, pp. 5-17, ISSN 0861-7899 (original in english, Publisher in bulgarian) (2008b) “Beauté et science: a la recherche de l´inconnu”, in: Alkemie. Revue semestrielle de litterature et philosophie, No. 1, ISSN 1843-9102, págs. 73-79 (2008c) “The philosophical dimension of the nanoworld: nanology”, in Episteme (forthcoming) (2008d) “Philosophy of Mathematics, Complexity and Truth”, in Revista Peruana de Epistemología (forthcoming) (2008e) “Theoretical Biology and Philosophy. S. Kauffman´s Thesis”, in Trilogía (forthcoming) (2007a) “Learning about Diversity”, in: Zero. Dieciocho, Universidad Externado de Colombia, first semestre, pp. 22-26, ISSN 0123-8779 (2007b) “A Positive Comprehension of Non-Classical Logics (4)”, in: Zero. Dieciocho, Universidad Externado de Colombia, first semestre, pp. 160-163, ISSN 0123-8779 (2007c) “What is Biopolitics?”, in: Doxa, Dept. of Humanities, USTA, Bucaramanga, ISSN 1909-2032, p. 1 (2006a) “Ethics, Bioethics and the Lifeworld”, in: Derecho y Vida. Ius et Vita. First part: June, No. LIII; Second Part: July, No. LIV, Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISSN 1692-6455 10 (2006b) “Non Classical Logics (3): Paraconsistent Logic”, in: Zero. Dicisiete, Universidad Externado de Colombia, second semester, pp. 148-152, ISSN 0123-8779 (2006c) “Patočka´s Idea of Philosophy or the Other Charge of Phenomenology”, in: Utopía y praxis latinoamericana Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social, Año 11, No. 32, January-March, Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela, pp. 93-103, ISSN 1315-5216 (2006d) “Catastrophe Theory and Financial Theory”, in: Odeón. Observatorio De Economía y Operaciones Numéricas, Universidad Externado de Colombia, pp. 4774, ISSN 958-616-455-1 (2006e) “Science and technology in Latin America”, in: Zero. Dieciséis, Universidad Externado de Colombia, summer term, pp. 68-73, ISSN 01238779 (2006f) “Non classic logics (2): Time Logic”, in: Zero. Dieciséis, Universidad Externado de Colombia, primer semestre, pp. 124-128, ISSN 0123-8779 (2005a) “In Which Sense Can We Talk About A Dialogue Between the Sciences?An Essay Concerning the New Sciences of Complexity”, in: Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Exactas y Naturales, Volume XXIX, Number 112, pp. 417-428, ISSN 0370-3908 (2005b) “The Sciences of Complexity: Sciences of Sudden Changes”, in: Odeón. Observatorio De Economía y Operaciones Numéricas, Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISSN 958-616-455-1, pp. 85-125 (2005c) “Logic of counterfactuals and international affairs”, in: Oasis, No. 11, Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISBN 958-616-617-1, pp. 5-18 (2005d) “¿Why are there multiple logics?”?, in: Zero. Quince, Universidad Externado de Colombia, second semester, págs. 112-117, ISSN 0123-8779 (2005e) “What does it mean thinking on evolution?”, in: Zero. Catorce, Universidad Externado de Colombia, first semester, pp. 124-128, ISSN 01238779 (2005f) “About the epistemological status of bioethics”, in: Derecho y vida. Ius et vita, Universidad Externado de Colombia, May, No. LII (first part), ISSN 1692-6455 11 (2005g) “About the epistemological status of bioethics”, in: Derecho y vida. Ius et vita, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Junio, No. LIII (second part), ISSN 1692-6455 (2004a) “Science versus War. A Study of Scientometry and STS on Colombia”, coauthor, with: Jorge A. Mejía, in: Working Papers of CIPE, November, ISSN 1794-7715, pp. 1-24 (2004b) “The Logics of Multilateralism. A Complex Dynamic Network”, in: OASIS. Observatorio de Análisis de los Sistemas Internacionales, Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISSN 958-616-455-1, pp. 98-122 (2004c) “What are the Sciences of Complexity?”, in: Zero. Trece, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Segundo semestre, pp. 106-111, ISSN 0123-8779 (2004d) “Rethinking and Reconfigurating the Meaning and Posibilities of Bioethics. On the Equivoque of Identifying Bioethics with Medical Ethics”, in: Derecho y vida. Ius et Vita, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Febrero, No. XXIX, ISSN 1692-6455 (2003a). “The Problem of the Philosophy of Knowledge and the Study of Complex Systems”, in: Praxis Filosófica, Universidad del Valle, No. 17, December, ISSN 10120-4688, pp. 103-120 (2003b). “Theoretical Framework of the Work in the Complexity Sciences and Seven Thesis on Complexity”, in: Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia, Vol. IV, Nos. 8 and 9, págs. 139-154, ISSN 0124-4620 (2002a) “The Mind-Body Problem in K. Popper. A Critical Review”, in: Semana del pensamiento filosófico. Popper: los grandes debates del siglo XX, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, Año 3, No. 3, pp. 129-142, ISSN 16579895 (2002b) “Socrates versus Plato”, in: Semana del pensamiento filosófico. Platón: 25 siglos, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, Año 2, No. 2, pp. 65-75, ISSN 1657-9895 (2001a) “Ideas towards a Philosophical Foundation of Civil Society”, in: Filosofia Unisinos, Universidade do Rio do Sul (Unisinos), Vol. 2, No. 3, Jul/Dez., pp. 75-106, ISSN 1519-5023 (2001b) “The Heuristics of Artificial Life”, in: Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia, Colombia, ISSN 0124-4620, Vol. II, Nos. 4-5, pp. 35-43 12 (2000) “What is Philosophy of Science? The Case of Quantum Physics”, in: Momento. Revista de física, No. 21, Dept. of Physics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 27-43, ISSN 0121-4470 (1999) “What does it mean, Thinking Phenomenologically”, in: Revista Praxis Filosófica, No. 10/11, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, pp. 107-124, ISSN 0120-4688 (1998a) “The Necessity of Reason: Notes for a Research Program”, in: Revista Estudos Leopoldenses. Serie Ciencias Humanas, No. 152, vol. 34, Unisinos, Sao Leopoldo, Brasil, pp. 103-136, ISSN 0014-1607 (1998b) “R. Penrose’ s Program Against Dualism”, in: Universitas Philosophica, Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, No. 31, pp. 31-54, ISSN 0129-5323 (1998c) “Philosophical Elements for the Analysis and Comprensión of the Public”, in: Politeia, No. 22, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 353-383, ISSN 0121-7151 (1998d) “The Theory of Racional Choice. A Dialogue with the Social Sciences”, in: Cuadernos de Administración, No. 20 (April), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, pp. 101-118, ISSN 0120-3592 (1997a) “Rationality, World and Experience”, in: IV Congreso de Investigación Javeriana, Universidad Javeriana, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 443-452 (1997b) “The Human Time: Between Memory and Oblivion”, in: Justicia, Perdón, Memoria y Olvido. La urdimbre de la paz, Cuadernos Académicos “Quirama”, Medellín, Colombia, No. 16, pp. 142-158 (1996a) “Ethics and Latin American Culture. The Ethics of the Human Rights”, in: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana, No. 66-67, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 5-18, ISSN 0120-8462 (1996b) Concerning a Provisional Moral in Times of Transition: Descartes, Colección Ensayos, N° 22, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 1-23, ISSN 0121-6643 (1996c) Review of the Book “Writings on Phenomenology” by D. Herrera Restrepo, in: Universitas Philosophica, Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, No. 2526, pp. 230-233, ISSN 0129-5323 13 (1995a) “Towards a Non-Eidetic Phenomenology: Husserls Courses from 1910-11”, in: Revista Areté. Revista de Filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú, Volumen VII, N° 1, pp. 45-98 (1995b) “State of the Reason and The State´s Reasons”, in Revista Politeia, N° 16, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 204-212, ISSN 0121-7151 (1994a) “Natural Experience and Transcendental Experience of Death: Towards a Phenomenology of Life”, in: Revista Universitas Philosophica, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, N° 22, pp. 97-117, ISSN 01295323 (1994b) “The Beginning of Transcendental Phenomenology: E. Husserl´s The Idea of Phenomenology”, in: Revista Ideas y valores, N° 95, Agosto, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 85-120, ISSN 0120-0062 (1994c) “Notes for a Philosophical Foundation of the Human Rights”, in: Revista Administración y Desarrollo, ESAP, N° 34, Junio, pp. 25-29 (1993) “Thinking as Origin” in Revista Universitas Philosophica, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, N° 21, pp. 95-103, ISSN 0129-5323; reprinted in Cuadernos Filosóficos, No. 1, Santiago de Chile, Chile, pp. 1-10, and Revista Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia, Dic., 1993, vol. 86, N° 562, pp. 66-70 (1988) “Pedagogy as a Project for a Philosophical Construction”, in: Cuadernos del Seminario, Centro de Investigaciones Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Marzo, pp. 101-122 (1987) “An Idea of Human Consciousness´ Formation”, in: Criterio, Revista de la Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de Colombia, N° 10, Septiembre, pp. 37-48, ISSN 0160-498X (1986a) “From Bosch to Beckmann”, in: Revista del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Colombia, N° 533, Enero-Marzo, pp. 113-116, SIN 01203975 (1986b) “On a Moral of Ambiguity”, in: Revista del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Colombia, N° 533, Enero-Marzo, pp. 116-121, ISSN 01203975 (1986c) “The Moral Problem in Kant´s Transcendental Aesthetics”, in Revista de la Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 80-120 14 (1984) “Kant and Pedagogy”, in: Boletin Centro de Investigaciones, Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, N° 11, pp. 6-13 2) Books and Chapters in Books (2013a) Drifts of complexity. Applications and Measures. Bogotá: d. Universidad del Rosario, pp. 1-328, ISBN 978-958-738-271-6 (2013b) Drifts of complexity. Social sciences and convergent technologies. Bogotá: Ed. Universidad del Rosario, pp. 1-216, ISBN 978-958-738-293-8 (2012a) Drifts of complexity. Scientific and philosophical foundations, Maldonado, C. E. (Ed.),Bogotá, Ed. Universidad del Rosario, pp. 1-328, ISBN 978-958-738270-9; Introduction, pp. 1-6 and chapter: “What are the sciences of complexity? Philosophy of science of complexity”, pp. 7-102 (2012a) “Theoretical biology and philosophy. The thesis from S. Kauffman”, in: Z. Saldivia Maldonado (Comp.), Ensayos de epistemología contemporánea, Santiago de Chile: Bravo y Allende Editores, pp. 49-60, ISBN 978-956-307052-1 (2012b) “Biology of the possible. An essay on the philosophy of biology”, in: I. Hernández (Ed.), Poéticas de la biología de lo posible. Hábitat y vida. Bogotá: Ed. P.U.J., pp. 31-55, ISBN 978-958-716-527-2 (2012c) “The complexity in the direction of organizations, nowadays”, in: Primer Encuentro Regional de Investigación en Estudios Sociales. Memorias de las ponencias, Bogotá, Ascolfa-UMNG, 9.2, pág. 1-11, ISBN 978-958-57531-0-5 (2012d) Prologue to: M. Grueso y C. Toca (Eds.), Áreas funcionales para la reflexión: Marketing y recursos humanos, Bogotá: Ed. Universidad del Rosario, pág. xiii-xv, ISBN 978-958-738-252-5 (2011a) “Biological Computation: A Road to Complex Engineered Systems” (conjuntamente con Nelson Gómez); capítulo de libro, en: Sayama, H., Minai, A., A., Braha, D., and Bar-Yam, Y., (Eds.), Unifying Themes in Complex Systems. Volume VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems. New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity, págs. 918927, NECSI Knowledge Press, ISBN 978-0-9656328-4-3 (2011b) The World of the Sciences of Complexity, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad del Rosario, págs. 1-178, ISBN 978-958-738-164-1 15 (2011c) “Applied mathematics and tools in complexity”, in: Londoño, G., Vera, J., Montealegre, M., (Eds.), Memorias del I Seminario de Matemática Aplicada. Neiva: Ed. Universidad Surcolombiana-Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, págs. 9-26, ISBN 978-958-8682-44-0 (2011d) Toward a philosophical foundation of the human rights. Third edition, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad del Rosario, pp. 1-172, ISBN 978-958-738-156-6 (2011e) “History as an Increasingly Complex System”, in: History and Cultural Identity. Retrieving the Past, Shaping the Future, J. Hogan (Ed.), Washington, D. C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, págs. 129-152; ISBN 978-1-56518-268-4 (2011f) Thermodynamics and complexity. An introduction for the social and human sciences. Bogotá: Desde Abajo, pp. 1-207, (second edition) ISBN 978-958-845435-1 (2011g) “The Loneliness of the Writing”, en: A. Tat, G. Valcan, C. Valcan (Eds.), Simtul Nuantei, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Napoca Star (Rumania), págs. 8389, ISBN 978-973-647-795-9 (2011h) “How is the complexity of the city like?”, in: Guallart, V., Müller, W., Hernández, C., MultibBogotá. El por-venir de la ciudad discontinua. Una propuesta optimista para Bogotá siglo XXI, Bogotá, Empresa de Renovación Urbana, págs. 36-51, ISBN 978-958-98050-1-5 (2011i) Prologue to: Derecho y Complejidad, al libro: La complejidad del crimen internacional de guerra, de D. Motta Castaño, Bogotá, Ed. FUAC, págs. 1-6, ISBN 978-958-8433-17-2 (2010a) “Building the evolution. Philosophy of biology and philosophy of technology: an essay pertaining speed”, in: Estética, vida artificial y biopolítica, I. Hernández, R. Niño (Eds.), Bogotá, Ed. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, pp. 69-90, ISBN 978-958-716-366-1 (2010b) “Complex enginneered systems: Landscape and opportunities”, in: L. Pineda, P. Padilla (Eds.), El futuro de la educación en ingeniería y en la gestión de la ingeniería: una perspectiva sistémica, Metz (Francia), págs.1-12, ISBN 978-29534170-1-5 (2010c) “Living systems and complexity”, in: M.L. Eschenhagen (Comp.), Aportes ambientales desde América Latina. Para la apertura de las ciencias sociales, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad Central, págs. 17-46, ISBN 978-958-26-0142-3; book, pp. 1-238 16 (2009a) Complexity: Scientific Revolution and Theory (Editor Académico), Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, ISBN 978-958-738-030-9, pp. 1-240; chapter: “Exploring a general theory of complexity”, pp. 113-143 (2009b) Complexity of Archeology and Cultural Tourism: Territories, Sustainability and Patrimony (E. Forero Lloreda, C. E. López, C. E. Maldonado, Eds.), Bogotá, Ed. Universidad del Rosario, ISBN 978-958-738-049-1, pp. 1-147; chapter: “Anthropology, History and Complexity”, pp. 26-42 (2009c) “A Comment from Professor Carlos Eduardo Maldonado” to/in: E. Andrade, La ontogenia del pensamiento evolutivo. Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ISBN 978-958-719-207-0, pp. 403-406 (2009d) Cadenta Ideilor, A. Tat, C. Valcan (editori). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Napoca Star, co-author; chapter: “Alterity and Intersubjectivity in the Midst of Mathematics and Networks”, pp. 148-162; book pp. 1-216; ISBN 978-973647-640-2 (2009e). Some quanta for Everyone, Jairo Giraldo and others. Bogotá: Buinaima; chapter: “The Problem and the Challenge Concerning Interpretation in Science”: David Bohm and Quantum Physics”, pp. 339-356, ISBN 978-958987-091-4; libro, pp: 1-380 (2009f) Anthropology and Complexity, Bogotá, Universidad del Rosario; co-editor (in the Press) (2009g) History and Cultural Identity, ed. J. P. Hogan, Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, coautor; capítulo: “History as a Complex System” (en prensa) (2008a) Filosofia societăţii civile. Bucarest: Editura Bastion, ISBN 978-973-198011-9, págs. 1-204 (2008b) “The Complexity of Health. The Interplay Between Biology and Society”, chapter in the book in: María Carolina Morales (Ed.), Re-thinking the Social Nature of Health in Contemporary Societies. Perspectives, challenges and alternatives, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ISBN 978-958-719121-9, pp. 96-108 (2008c) ¿Who Are Wes? Towards a Comprehension of the Humane?, I. Calderón (Coord.), Bogotá, Universidad de la Sabana, ISBN 978-958-12-0249-2, págs. 1-219, co-author; chapter: “The Ambiguity of the Human: A Study Pertaining the Complexity of Anthropology”, pp. 143-172 17 (2007a) Despre Lux, D. Percec, C. Valcan (editori), Cluj-Napoca (Rumania), ISBN 978-973-647-560-3, págs. 1-156, coautor; capítulo: “Luxury as Opennes to the World”, pág. 31-47 (2007b). Fractal Anthropology. F. López Aguilar y F. Branbila Paz (compiladores), co-author; chapter: “The Problem of a General Theory of the Complexity of Fractals”. México, D.F.: Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, ISBN 968-5733-08-2, pp. 9-24 (2007c) Nanothecno-Science. Preliminary Notions Concerning the Microscopic Universe, J. Giraldo, E. González, F. Gómez (Eds.), Bogotá, Ed. Buinaima, ISBN 978958-44-0911-9; chapter: “The Philosophy of Science and NanotechnoScience”, pp. 69-80 (2007d) Complexity: Science, Thinking, and Applications (Editor), Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISBN 958-710-219-2. Chapters: “Complexity and Evolution”, pp. 17-36, and “The Problem About a General Theory of Complexity”, pp. 101-132 (2007e) Dilemmas of Politics, B. Vela Obregón (Coordinator); co-author; Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, ISBN 958-710-233-8, pp. 1-356; chapter: “Polítics and Non-Linear Systems: Biopolitics”, pp. 91-142 (2007f) Law in the Frame of Globalization, G. A. Ramírez Cleves (ed.)., ISBN 978-958-710-155-3, pp. 1-499; chapter: “Globalization as a Process: Tools for Thinking about Processes”, pp. 31-45 (2007g) Bioethics and biolaw, several authors; chapter: “Bioethics, biopolitics, biolaw and bioeconomics: the practical landscape of bioethics”, Tunja, Uniboyacá, ISBN 978-958-97454-7-2, pp. 43-52 (2006a) History and Foundations of Bioethics. On the Way to Biopolitics, several authors; coauthor; Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ISBN 958701-735-8, pp. 1-110; chapter: “Bioethics, Biopolitics and the Problems of Action”, pp. 85-105 (2006b) Building a New Cultural Ethos, several authors, Bogotá, Association for Teaching Science-Buinaima, coauthor; chapter: “Education in Science and Normalization. A Critical Approach”, pp. 121-128, ISBN 958-33-9842-X (2006c) Studies on Globalization, Several authors, Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia; chapter: “Globalization as a process. Tools to think about processes” (forthcoming) 18 (2005a) Thermodynamics and Complexity. An Introduction for the Social and Human Sciences, Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, pp. 1-205, ISBN 958710-027-1 (2005b) STS + P. Science and Technology as Public and Social Policies. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia/Observatorio Colombiano de Ciencia y Tecnología, ISBN 958-616-926-X, pp. 1-225 (2005c) The Complexity of Science and the Sciences of Complexity (compiler). Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia; chapter: “Complexity and the Social Sciences. The Problem About Measuring the Complexity of Human Social Systems”, 15-55; ISBN 958-616-946-4, pp. 1-150 (2005d) Aesthetics, Science and Technology. Electronic and Numerical Creations (I. Hernández, compiler), Bogotá, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; coauthor; chapter: “Heuristics and the Production of New Knowledge in the STS Perspective”, pp. 98-127, ISBN 958-683-791-2 (2005e) Bioethics and Education. Research, Problems and Proposals, Compiler (together with Ana Isabel Gómez), Bogotá, Universidad El Rosario, ISBN, 958-8225-36-1, págs. 1-336; pp. 1-322; chapters: “What is doing research in bioethics?”, pp. 23-39 (author), and “Bioethics, law and biopolitics in the formative research of the professionals in the health sciences”, pp. 40-64 (coauthor) (2005f) Bioethics and Sexuality, Bogotá, Universidad El Bosque, ISBN 958-807768-0, coauthor; chapter: “Sex as an Expresión of Life´s Complexity. An Essay on the Philosophy of Biology”, pp. 143-162 (2004a) Ethics, Philosophy and Law: Towards an Ethical Construction of the Public, Bogotá, General Attorney of the Nation´s Office – Studies Institute of the Public Secretary (Procuraduría General de la Nación – Instituto de Estudios del Ministerio Público), ISBN 958-8059-55-0, coauthor; chapter: “A Paradox of the Contemporary World: Anavoidability and Insufficience of Ethics”, pp. 93-114 (2004b) The Quality of Life. Approach, Perspective and Applications of the Concept, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ISBN 958-701-444-8, coauthor; chapter: “Is it Posible to Speak of Evolution or Progress of The Quality of Life?”, pp. 29-40 (2004c) Horizons of Bioethics. Health and Social Reality, Bogotá, Nacional Academy of Medicine/Universidad El Bosque, ISBN 958-97312-5-2, 19 coauthor; chapter: “Tension Between Bioethics and Biopolitics. Regarding Biotechnology”, pp. 27-46 (2004d) Bioethics and Biotechnology in the STS Perspective, Bogotá, Universidad El Bosque, ISBN 958-8077-61-3, coauthor; chapter: “Constructing Evolution. A Strong Defense of Biotechnology”, pp. 81-104 (2004e) The University Policy in the Society of Knowledge, Bogotá, Ed. Magisterio, ISBN 958-20-0757-5; coauthor, chapter: “University and Research: A Little Obvious Relationship”, pp. 75-96 (2004f) Causality or Emergence. Dialogue Between Philosophers and Scientists, Bogotá, Universidad de la Sabana/Colombian Society for the Philosophy of Science, ISBN 958-12-0227-7; coauthor, chapter: “Explaining Surprise. A Study on Emergence and Complexity”, pp. 31-63 (2003a) Biopolitics of War, Bogotá, Siglo del Hombre Editores/Universidad Libre, pp. 1-254, ISBN 958-665-059-6 (2003b) Theory of Justice. Critical Appraisals, Bogotá, Siglo del Hombre Editores, ISBN 958-665-060-X; coauthor, chapter: “Doubtability of a World based on the Person”, pp. 169-197 (2003b) Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Memories of the First Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Medellín: Señal Editora/Asofides, coauthor; chapter: “Biopolitics of the War in Colombia”, pp. 37-48, ISBN 958-9366-68-6 (2003c) Bioethics, Science, Technology and Society (STS), Bogotá, Universidad El Bosque, Colección “Bios y Ethos” No. 20, coauthor, ISBN 958-8077-57-5; chapter: “Bioethics and the Society of Knowledge”, pp. 25-46 (2003d) “The Spiritual Meaning of Phenomenological Philosophy”, in: IX International Congress of Latin American Philosoph. Challenges of Religion in the Times of Multiculturalism and Globalization. Bogotá, Universidad Santo Tomás, ISBN 958-631-332-8, pp. 183-193 (2003e) “A Difficult Problem in Science and Philosophy: How to Mesure a Systems’ Complexity”, in: Epistemological Perspectives. Memories of the 3rd National Encounter of Philosophy, Nacional Open University, Bogotá, Septiembre, págs. 30-43 (sin ISBN) (2003f) Bioethics and Complexity, Colección Bios y Oikos, No. 2, Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá (to be Published in 2005) pp. 1-320 20 (2003g) Reflections on the Catastrophic and Unstable, Bogotá, National Open University (to be publiched) (2003h) Language and Matter, Bogotá, National Open University (to be published) (2003i) Philosophical Reflexiono on Knowledge, Bogotá, National Open University (to be published) (2002a) Philosophy of Civil Society, Bogotá, Siglo Editores/Universidad Libre, ISBN 958-665-046-4, pp. 1-244 del Hombre (2002b) Complex Systems, Technological Evolution and Challenges for Ethics, Bogotá, Universidad El Bosque, “Cuadernos del Observatorio de la Vida”, ISBN 9588077-52-4, pp. 1-75 (2002c) Nietzsche in the Horizon of Contemporary Age. The Design of a New Hermeutic Sensibility, Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre/Universidad Libre. Coautor, chapter: “Nietzsche´s and Heidegger´s Nihilism and Thinking”, pp. 107-125, ISBN958-665-044-8 (2002d) Bioethics and the Armed Conflict. Colección Bios y Ethos No. 19. Bogotá: Ed. Universidad El Bosque, coautor; chapter: “A Difficult Question: (How) Is It Possible Neutrality?, pp. 31-43, ISBN958-8077-44-3 (2002e) Foundation of Bioethics. A Common Task. Bogotá: Universidad El Bosque. Colección Bios y Oikos, No. 1; Epilogue: “Thinking in Bioethcs Means Simply Thinking on Life”, pp. 73-76, ISBN 958-8077-46-X (2002f) Globalization, Territory and Culture, (L.A. Mejía, A, Guerrero, compilers) Bucaramanga: Universidad Industrial de Santander, coautor; chapter: “Globalization, Interdependence and Sensibility”, pp. 122-133, ISBN 9589318-95-9 (2002g) Economics, Violence and Peace, (L. Pérez, J. Camelo, A., Guerrero, compilors). Bucaramanga. Universidad Industrial de Santander, coautor; chapters: “The Human Rights and Human Development”, pp. 272-280, and: “Theoretical and Conceptual Basis Basis for the Design of the Peace and Human Development Observatory”, pp. 281-326, ISBN 958-9318-98-3 (2002h) Pluralism, Tolerance, Conflict. Bogotá: Instituto de Humanidades, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de la Sabana, ISBN 958-12-0211-0, 21 coautor; chapter: “The Logics of Counterfactuals and The Political Philosophy”, pp. 27-48 (2001a) Scientific and Human Racionalty. Building Bridges Between Science and Society. Valladolid: Ed. Universidad de Valladolid/Universidad El Bosque, M. Vega, C.E. Maldonado, A. Marcos (Coordinators), ISBN 84-8448-108-5, pp. 1-230; chapter: “Irrationality and Colective Action: Skating a Problem for the Philosophy of Social Sciences”, pp. 107-118 (2001b) Visions on Complexity, 2nd Edition, Colección “Filosofía y Ciencia” No. 1, Santafé de Bogotá, Editor, and coauthor. Chapters: Introduction, pp. 5-8, and “Sketching a Philosophy of the Logics of Complexity”, pp. 9-27. The book: pp. 1-263, ISBN 958-8077-17-6; First Edition 1999; “Sketching a Philosophy of the Logics of Complexity” reprinted in: Information, Education and Health in the Society of Knowledge, Bogotá, Colciencias/Fepafem/National Academy of Medicine, pp. 37-53, ISBN 958-96171-5-8 (2001c) Corruption and Human Rights. The General Malaise of the State. Bogotá: Ed. Universidad Libre, pp. 1-112, ISBN 958-96928-2-6 (2001d) Counterpoints of Reasearch, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad El Bosque, Colección Bios y Ethos, No. 16, pp. 1-91, ISBN 958-8077-36-2 (2001e) Everyday Life and Destiny of Globalization, Ed. Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Colección “Filosofía y Política”, pp. 1-79, ISBN 958-96928-1-8 (2001f) Bioethics and Health Justice, 2nd Edition Colección Bios y Ethos No. 9, Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor; chapter: “Philosophy and Health”, pp. 75-100, ISBN 958-96186-1-8; First Edition 1999 (2001g) Bioethics and Human Rights, 2nd Edition, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 7, Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor; chapter: “Community of Essence and Community of Problems of Bioethics and the Human Rights”, pp. 97-128, ISBN 958-96186-5-0; First Edition 1998 (2001h) Problems of Applied Ethics, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 3, Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor, chapter: “Ethics, Racional Choice and the Theory of Action”, pp. 73-97, ISBN 958-96186-3-4; First Edition 1997 (2001i) Foreword to the book: Several authors, Six Glances on Clinical Bioethics, Bogotá, Universidad El Bosque, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 14, pp. i-vi, ISBN 958-8077-34-6 22 (2000a) Civil Society, Collective Rationality and Collective Action, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad Libre, Colección “Filosofía y Política”, pp. 1-95, ISBN 95896497-4-2 (2000b) Thinking Politics, Ed. Universidad Libre/Facultad de Filosofía, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 1-56, ISBN 958-96497-3-4 (2000c) Human Rights, Solidarty and Subsidiarity. Essays on a Social Ontology, Ed. Temis, Santafé de Bogotá (Translation from the Edition in English from 1997a), pp. 1-180, ISBN 958-35-0273-1 (2000d) Bioethics and The Quality of Life, Bogotá, Ed. Universidad El Bosque, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 15, (coauthor); chapter: “Interpersonal and Intercultural Comparisons of Welfare”, pp. 77-94, ISBN 958-8077-32X (2000e) Current Problems in Philosophy, Universidad Libre, M. Rujana (compilator); coauthor; chapter: “Ideas on the History and the Futre of the Relations Between Science and Philosophy”, pp. 105-196, ISBN 958-96497-85 (2000f) Bioethics and Environment, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 11, Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor; chapter: “Place and Meaning of Artificial Life in Bioethics and in Ecology”, pp. 139-167, ISBN 958-8077-21-4 (2000g) The Public and the Private, Francisco Parenti (compiltor)., Ed. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Coauthor, chapter: “Raising the Questions: Waht is Civil Society?”, pp. 53-73 (2000h) Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian International Law, Ed. Universidad Libre, Santafé de Bogotá (coauthor). Chapters: “Democracy, Peace and Complexity” (pp. 49-72) and “Construction of the Civil Society. Civil Population or Civil Society?” (pp. 73-102) ISBN 958-96497-2-6 (2000i) Bioethics. The Quality of Life in the 20th Century, 2nd edition, Colección Bios y Ethos No. 1, Ed. Escuela Colombiana de Medicina, Santafé de Bogotá, (coauthor). Chpater: "Foundations for the Understanding of the Problem of the Quality of Life. World, Possibility and Openness ", pp. 39-64, ISBN 95896186-20-6; First Edition 1995 (1999) Towards a Philosophical Foundation of the Human Rights. Opening a Dialogue, Second Edition, Arango Editores, Santafé de Bogotá (First Edition: 1994: ESAP/Instituto de derechos humanos, pp. 1-94), pp. 1-190, ISBN 958-270032-7 23 (1998a) Philosophy of Law, Cultura and Constituion, Ediciones Gustavo Ibánez/Universidad Libre, Miguel Rujana Q.(comp.), Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor; chapter: “The Topos of Ethics”, pp. 25-40, ISBN 958-9333-89-3 (1998b) Clinical comités of Biopethics, Ed. Ministerio de Salud, Santafé de Bogotá, coauthor; chapter: “Foundations for Decision Making”, pp. 49-62, ISBN 9588011-39-6 (1997a) Human Rights, Solidarity and Subsidiarity. Essays on Social Ontology, Ed. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, D.C., pp. i-x, y 1-110, ISBN 1-56518-110-7 (1997b) Pedagogy and Human Rights: Encounters and Misencounters, Ed. Red Latinoamericana de Educación para la paz y los derechos humanos, Santafé de Bogotá, Chapter: “Ethics and Latin American Culture. The Ethics of the Human Rights” (coauthor), pp. 25-44, ISBN 958-96159-0-2 (1997c) Foreword to the book: Ontological Dimensions of the Human Body, by J. Escobar, Ed. Universidad del Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, pp. 1522 (1996a) An Introduction to Phenomenology After the Idea of the World. Husserl´s Philosophy, Ed. CEJA, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 1-341, ISBN 958-9502-07-5 (1996b) Memory vis-a-vis the Crimes of Lese Humanity, Ed. Fundación Manuel Cepeda/Defensoría del Pueblo, Santafé de Bogotá (coauthor). Chapter, "Dialectics Between Oblivion and Memory ", pp. 55-68 (1995a) The Current Philosophical Work in the Continent, Ed. Carlos B. Gutiérrez, Universidad de los Andes, Santafé de Bogotá (coauthor). Chapter: "The Possibilities of Reason ", pp. 711-716, ISBN 958-95826-0-5 (1995b) Thinking Upon Foucault, Ed. Instituto Luis Carlos Galán/Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Santafé de Bogotá, (coauthor). Chapter: "An Idea on the Formation of the Philosopher ", pp. 21-34, ISBN 958-9427-02-2 (1994) Phenomenology and Time Consciousness. The Problem of Time Constitution in E. Husserl´s Phenomenology, Ed. Universidad de la Sabana, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 1-226, ISBN 958-12-0137-8 (Second Edition is being prepared) Introduction to Hegel´s Philosophy of Law (Unpublished Book) (pp.1-245) 24 3) Other Papers and Posters Presented in Colloquia (Works in Process of Being Published) (2012a) (2012b) (2012c) (2012d) (2011) (2010) (2006a) “Complexity and y technology”, paper delivered in the 6th Congress of Expotecnología, Universidad del Valle de Momboy, Varela, Venezuela, January 18-20 (2006b) “Technology and logics”, workshop presented to the 6th Congreso of Expotecnología, Universidad del Valle de Momboy, Varela, Venezuela, January 18-20 (2006c) “Nanotechnology, development and society”, workshop presented to the 6th Congress of Expotecnología, Universidad del Valle de Momboy, Varela, Venezuela, January 18-20 (2005a) “Complexity and the social sciences”, course given at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, July 3-7 (2005b) “Ethics and complexity” Ph.D. course given at the Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, May 16-20 (2005c) “The Pars Impossibilis of Knowledge and the Debt to Biology”, Paper delivered to the Seminar-Debate on Evolution, National University of Colombia, March (2005d) “Chance and Necessity: a Critical Reappraisal”, Paper deliverd to the Seminal-Debate on Evolution, Nacional University of Colombia, April (2003b) “Theoretical Framework of the Work in the Sciences of Complexity”, paper delivered to the Seminal on Complexity of the Group of Theoretical 25 Biology and the Colombian Society for the Philosophy of Science, February, Universidad Externado (2003d) “The Dilemma of Social Cohesion: Social Networking and Institutions”, paper delivered to the 2nd Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Universidad de Antioquia, April (2002b) “The Loneliness of the Political Realism´s Reason””, paper delivered to the Seminal on Analysis of the Peace Politics of President Uribe´s Administration, Universidad Industrial de Santander-Banco de la República, October (2002c) J.-P. Sartre´s Critique of the Dialectical Reason, chapter of the book: Several authors Classicals of Political Thinking, which is planned to be published by Siglo del Hombre Editores/Universidad del Valle/Universidad Libre (2002d) “The Idea of Philosophy in Patocka or the Other Charge of Phenomenology”, paper delivered to the 2nd Latin American Colloquium on Phenomenology (CLAFEN), Bogotá: Universidad de San Buenaventura, Mayo 22-25 (will be published) (2001a) “Adyacent Posibles, Phase Transitions and Complex Systems”, paper delivered to the 2nd National Congreso of Philosophy of Science, National University, Bogotá, Agosto 2-5 (will be published) (1998a) “The Human Rights Between Solidarity and Participation”, paper delivered to the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Peace and Democracy, Instituto Luis Carlos Galán, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 1-18 (1998b) “Methodological Individualism and Non Linearity”, in: Conference on The Current State of Science. A Debate Between Philosophers and Scientists, Universidad Javeriana (1996) “Living Well: The Problem Seen from a Bioethical Perspective”, poster delivered to the Gerardo Molina Chair, Universidad Libre, Santafé de Bogotá (1995a) Towards a Phenomenology of Solidarity, Paper delivered to the Colloquium "Philosophy and the Construction of Civil Society”, Universidad de Lima (Perú), Agosto 16-18 (1995b) The Philosophical Dimensiono f the Hman Rights, Paper delivered to the UNESCO Chair on Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace, Instituto Luis Carlos Galán, December 26 (1987) Kant´s Ethics and Pedagogy, Poster delivered to the Conference on: "Ethics and Education", Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, October (1986a) The Philosophy of Law in the Formation of the Lawyer, Poster delivered to the Conference “Universidad Libre”, June (1986b) The Skeptics, Paper delivered to the Seminal on "Ancient Ethics", Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Libre, July (1986c) “The Philosophy of Law in the Formation of the Lawyer”, in Actas y Ponencias. IV Congreso de Filosofía Latinoamericana, Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino, Bogotá 4) Articles and Essays in Non Scientific Publications (2013a) “Against the disciplines… Complexity!”, in:, June 10, ISSN 2248-7123 (2013b) “On the rankings of universities”, in:, June 3, ISSN 2248-7123 (2013c) “Sceptical optimism concerning the peace dialogues at La Habana”, in:, May, ISSN 2248-7123 (2013d) “That palimpsest that is Latin America”, in:, April 7, ISSN 2248-7123 (2013e) “The hidden face of the moon of the moral progress”, in:, March 24, ISSN 2248-7123 (2013f) “On the politically incorrect sciences”,, ISSN 2248-7123 in: (2013g) “A short note on the organization of knowledge as the organization of life”, in:ón-del-conocimiento-como-organización-de-lavida.html 27 (2012a) “When Management Encounters Complexity”, Documento de investigación, No. 144, (Octubre), págs. 1-48, ISSN 0124-8219 (2012b) “Bioeconomics and dvelopment”, in Le Monde Diplomatique, Octubre, No. 116, 2012, pp. 32-33 (2012c) “The place of the social sciences”, in: (2012d) “The philosophical meaning of the Higgs boson”, in: Periódico Desde Abajo, Jul. 20- Ago. 20, p. 19, ISSN 0122-0101 (2012e) “Bioeconomics-Ecological economics”, in: Suplemento Caleidoscopio No. 5, Agosto 20-Septiembre 20, del periódico Desde Abajo, No. 183, ISSN 0122-0101 (2011) “Bio-inspired systems: a theoretical framework for compex systems engineering”, Documento de Investigación No. 112, Bogotá, Facultad de Administración, Septiembre, pp. 1-25, ISBN 0124-8219 (2010a) “Crisis and epistemology”, in: Revista AméricaEconomía: (2010b) Modelling and simulation of complex systems (together with N. Gómez Cruz), No. 66, ISSN 0124-8219, Febrero, págs. 1-32, Bogotá, Facultad de Administración, Universidad del Rosario (2010c) The world of the sciences of complexity. A state-of-the art (con N. Gómez Cruz), No. 76, ISSN 0124-8219, Mayo, págs. 1-98, Bogotá, Facultad de Administración, Universidad del Rosario (2010) “Modelling: behaviors that are sold”, in: Revista M2M (Marketing to Marketing), págs. 34-35, Marzo-Mayo, Ed. 3, ISBN 2145-0560 (2009a) “Science and technology day-after-day in the world nowadays. Globalization, security, and vigilance”, in: Diario El Nuevo Siglo, Noviembre 28, pág. D6 (2009b) “The causes of the fiscal crisis of the public univeristy. Education, development and governance”, in: Diario El Nuevo Siglo, Noviembre 16, pág. C18 28 (2001a) “The Logics of the War. Elements for the Analysis of an Expression”, in: Newspaper Vanguardia Liberal, Suplemento Dominical, sección “Ensayo”, September 9th, 2001, No. 1568, pp. 4-5 (2001b) “Politics and Biodiversity”, in: Newspaper Vanguardia Liberal, Suplemento Dominical, sección “Ensayo”, October 28th, 2001, No. 1577, pp. 4-5 (1994) “Dignity and Human Rights”, in Revista Escuela de Cadetes de Policía "General Santander", N° 64, April-June, pp. 17-19 (1982a) “Mental Facilities”, in Revista El Candil, Universidad Externado de Colombia, pp. 3-6 (1982b) “The Poetical Language”, in Revista Gestos, No. 4, Bogotá, Colombia, pág. 9 (1982c) “The Death Infance”, in Revista Gestos, No. 3, Bogotá, Colombia, pág. 14 5) Other Bibliographic Production Translations: a) Books: (1985) Treatise on Pedagogy, by I. Kant, Ed. Rosaristas, Bogotá (Translator. Original in German), pp. 1-58 (1984) Philips: an W-Ray of a Multinational, Ed.CEIS, Bogotá, (Translator. Original in English), pp. 1-138 b) Articles and Essays: (2002) “The Political Moralilty of J. Rawls”, by Milton Fisk; is expected to be Publisher in: Classicals of Political Thinking, Ed. Universidad Libre/Universidad del Valle/Siglo del Hombre Editores (2000) “Bioethics and Genetics”, by Karen Glass, in: Bioethics and Environment, Ed. Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá (Original in English), pp. 197207 (1998) “Bioethics and the Human Rights”, by Gilbert Hottois, in: Bioethics and The Human Rights, Ed. Universidad El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá (Original in French), pp. 151-215 29 (1997) “Law, Culture and Casts” by Lluis Sala-Molins (original in French), in Philosophy of Law, Ethics, Cultura and Constitution, Ediciones Gustavo Ibáñez/Universidad Libre, Santafé de Bogotá, pp. 162-175 (1994a) “On the Pretended Right of Lying for Man´s Sake””, by I. Kant, in: revista Argumentos N° 31/32, December (original in German), pp. 42-56 (1994b) “The Phenomenology of the hill in Husserl”, by Ulrich Melle, in: Revista Ideas y valores, N° 95, August, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, (original en German), pp. 65-84 (1983) “Map of African Misery”, in Geography and Politics, Universidad de la Sabana, Instituto de Educación a Distancia, Bogotá, (original en English), pp. 207-211 IV. OTHER PRODUCTION 1) Trabajos dirigidos a) Thesis which I have directed: Master Degree: 12 (2 published) and additionally (1 with suma cum laude, and 2 cum laude) b) Thesis which I am presently directing: Master Degree: 3; Doctorate: 1 c) Undergraduate Works: 6 2) Other Works Coordinator of the Observatory “OPERA” (Observatory for the Policies, Execution and Outcomes of the Public Administration) and Editor of the Yearbook “OPERA”, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2006 Editor of Opera – Observatorio de Políticas, Ejecución y Resultados de la Administración Püblica, a Yearbook indexed in Clase y RedaLyC (together with David Soto U.), 2006Director Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia, Journal Indexed in the Philosopher´s Index and Redalyc,1999-2006 Director Especialization in the Philosophy of Science, Universidad El Bosque, 1998-2005 Director Colection “Filosofía y Ciencia”, Universidad El Bosque – Up untilo now tour volumes have been published: Visiones sobre la complejidad, Vol. 1, C. E. Maldonado (ed.), Fenomenología y Psicología Pura. Un estudio de la vía psicológica 30 en Edmund Husserl, de Julio Cesar Vargas; Autores varios, Ensayos de filosofía de la ciencia, Vol. 3; Andrezj Lukomski, Mente-Cuerpo, Vol. 4 Director Institucional Seminal on Complexity, Universidad El Bosque, 19992005 Director of the Research Line on “Philosophical Foundations of Bioethics”, Master Studies in Bioethics, Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, 2000-2005 Director of the Research Lineo on: “Politics of Good Governance”, of the Master Studies on Government and Public Policies, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2004-2005 Director of the Research Lineo n: Complex Systems, Politics and Governance” of the Opera Group, recognized by Colciencias, 2003-2005 Academia Director of the Master Studies in Bioethics, Universidad El Bosque, 2001-2004 Director of the Reserach Center of the Philosophy School, Universidad Libre, 1999-2001 Director Institucional Seminar on Epistemology: Subject: Complexity, Universidad Javeriana, 1997-1999 V. COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1) Complementary formation Internationalen Sommerkursen, Sprachprogramm, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Brisgau, 1990 Certificaat Duits als Vreemde Taal, Centrum voor Levende Talen, K. U. Leuven, 1989 Certificaat Nederlands als Vremde Taal, Instituut voor Levende Talen, K.U. Leuven, 1989 IV Latin American Congress of Philosophy, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, 1986 Seminal: Philosophy in America, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 1980 31 Brevet d'études du premier cycle, Nantes, Francia, 1976 2) Participation in Evaluating Committees Member of the scientific board of the Journal Littérature et Philosophie, Roumania, since 2007 Member of the Academic Committe of “Cuadernos de Documentación Filosófica. De Argentina y Latinoamérica”, Journal Publisher in: Nacional University of Rosario, Argentina, since 1997 Member of the Academic Comité of “Cuestiones de Filosofía”, from the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), Journal indexed in Publindex (since 2006) Jury of the Concourse “Best Undergraduate Works Otto de Greiff, 2000-2001, Bogotá Supplent Member (elegible) of CONACES (Consejos Nacionales de Acreditación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior) (National Councils for Crediting the Quality of Superior Education), Room of Social and Human Sciences, 2004-2005, Nacional Secreatary of Education 3) Number of Times I have been Quoted, Sources and Reviews a) Catalogues, Bibliographies, and Historical Sources: Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Catálogo, (Nacional University of Colombia), p. 134; Revista de Estudios Sociales (Universidad de los Andes): p. 52; Paz, Democracia y Sociedad Civil. Bibliography of Colombian Authors 1990-1999 (Universidad del Rosario): passim; Historia de la Bioética en Colombia (universidad El Bosque): pp. 29 and sigs.; Bibliografía sobre derechos humanos en Colombia (Defensoría del Pueblo): p. 37, 89; Bibliografía sobre calidad de vida y temas conexos, Centro Internacional de Política Económica –UNA (Costa Rica), pág. 6; b) Books and Articles: National: Dimensiones ontológicas del cuerpo (book): supra; Maltrato infantil (book): p. 201; Filosofía y Derechos Humanos (book): p. 375; Análisis. Revista Colombiana de Humanidades: p. 128; Experiencias en Bioética (book): p. 89; Revista Praxis 32 Filosófica, No 7 (1997): p. 199 and ff.; Bioética y derechos humanos (book): pp. 4849; Desafios eticos e politicos numa sociedade democratica (article), p. 5; Newspaper El Espectador, 7 Mayo de 1995, p. 3); Morir. Como ejercicio final del derecho a una vida digna (book), pp. 81-84; VI Jornadas de actualización filosóficas. Verdad y temporalidad en Aristóteles (book): p. 99; Revista Praxis Filosófica, No. 10/11: pp. 423-427; Fenomenología y Psicología Pura. Un estudio de la vía psicológica en Edmund Husserl (book): Passim; Ensayos en bioética. Una experiencia colombiana (book), pp. 46, 105-106; VII Jornadas de actualización filosófica. Metafísica hoy: ¿Crítica o renovación? (book): p. 197; Régimen jurídico del ejercicio médico (book): págs. 122 (Doctrina § 0758) y 145 (Doctrina § 0879); Revista Cambio No. 359, 8-15 de mayo del 2000: p. 94; Revista colombiana de filosofía de la ciencia, Vol I, Nos. 2 y 3, p. 34; Bioética y calidad de vida (book): pp. 59, 71, 118, 159; Visiones sobre la complejidad (book): pp. 236, 251, 257; Revista Kaleidoscopio, No. 1, pág. 6; Justicia sanitaria (book): p. 24; Acercándonos a la bioética como una nueva inteligencia, (book), pp. 55 and ff.; Bioética y conflicto armado (book), p. 30; Revista gerencia y políticas de salud, No. 1: pp. 87-102; Computador, cibernética e información (book): p. 132; Fundamentación de la bioética. Una tarea común (book): passim; Revista Kaleidoscopio, No. 2, pp. 23-24; Revista de Filosofía UIS, No. 1, p. 118; Psicoanálisis y teoría de la complejidad (book), pp. 102-103; Pluralismo, Tolerancia, Conflicto (book): pp. 341343; Filosofía del derecho y filosofía social (book): p. 159; Bioética, ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS) (book), pp. 121, 137-8, 198, 200-201; Teoría jurídica. Reflexiones críticas (book), p. 304; La política universitaria en la sociedad del conocimiento (book), p. 44; Horizontes de la bioética. Salud y realidad social (book), pp. 6, 23-24; La medicina como institución: entre la voracidad y el suicidio (book), passim; bioética y fisioterapia (article): passim; Teoría de la decisión racional e individualismo metodológico (article), p. 18; Bioética y educación. Investigación, problemas y propuestas (book): passim; Ciudad y complejidad (book): p. 40; Bioética, Derecho y Ciudadanía (book): p. 15; Journal OPERA, 2006-2007 La sociedad civil en el proceso de toma de decisiones (essay), pp. 270, 290; Indicadores estéticos de cultura urbana (libro), págs. 21, 165; Crear competencias para pensar las ciencias (hacia una enseñanza universitaria sin aprendizaje) (libro), pág. 86-7, 198; “Desplazamiento forzado y acompañamiento psicosocial: a propósito de la emergencia de nuevos actores políticos” (artículo), en: Univ. Psychol. v.5 n.1 Bogotá abr. 2006; “La presencia del caos en un mundo determinista” (paper), en: Cuestiones de filosofía, No. 7, pág. 68; “Biopolítica de la violencia y comunicación de la sociedad civil en Colombia”, in: Miradas, Vol. 1, No. 3, págs. 327, 329, 337; Historia y fundamentos de la bioética. En camino hacia la biopolítica (book): supra; la dinámica de la innovación tecnológica (libro): págs. 3 y passim; “Apuntes para una reflexión tendiente al fortalecimiento de una cultura ambiental en Colombia” (artículo), en: Umbral científico, Junio, No. 002, 2004: págs. 3, 10; “Etica, Salud y Vida”, Cuadernos del doctorado. Doctorado en Salud Pública, U.N., Junio, 2005, págs: 36, 50; “De la bioética, a la biopolítica y al bioderecho”, en: Revista latinoamericana de bioética, Vol. 7, Ed. 12, 2007, pág. 5, 6; “Bioética global sustentable como tendencia en América Latina y el Caribe”, en: Revista 33 Latinoamericana de Bioética, Julio, 2006: págs. 14, 17, 30; Bioética y biojurídica (libro): pág. 138; International: “Posmodernidad, Derechos Humanos (DH) y el discurso de prensa: Notas a partir del caso mexicano”, by Tanius Karma, in: WWW.INFOAMRICA.ORG/ARTÍCULOS/TEXTOSPROPIOS/KARAM 1.HTM; “Le role du droit dans le tiers secteur”, by Adriana Ruiz-Restrepo, in:és/panels//Panel%207%20France/ISTRMES_Ruiz-Restrepo.doc; "From the "Single Confused Page" to the "Decalogue for Five Billion Persons": The Roots of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the French Revolution", by Marks, Stephen P., in: Human Rights Quarterly - Volume 20, Number 3, August 1998, pp. 459-514 The Johns Hopkins University Press; “Comunicación en la interacción didáctica: autopoiesis y aprendizaje”, in: Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proc. of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping. Pamplona, Spain;; P. L. Sotolongo, C. J. Delgado, La revolución contemporánea del saber y la complejidad social, Buenos Aires, FLACSO, 2006, ISBN987-1183-33-X, pp. 42-3, 192, 246; Revista Cubana de Filosofía. Edición Digital. Nro 6. Mayo-agosto de 2006:; Andrzej Balicki, “Czy Unia Europejska jest federacją?”, en: Numer 3 (10) / 2000. ISSN 15051161. III kwartał 2000; “Comunicación en la interacción didáctica: autopoiesis y aprendizaje”, in: Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proc. Of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, A. J. Cañas, J. D. Novak, F. M. Gonzalez, eds. Pamplona, Spain, 2004; Una ciencia política desde el sur, Colectivo de autores, Ed. Félix Varela, La Habana, 2004, passim; “Transdisciplinariedad y complejidad en el análisis social”, Doc. De debate, No. 70, Programa MOST, UNESCO, 2004 (SHS-2004/WS/14), pág. 10, 27; “Complejidad y pensamiento social”, en: Complexus. Revista de comepljidad, ciencia y estética, La Habana, págs. 6, 37; “Comunicación y educación: dos dimensiones convergentes en la recuperación del ser humano”, en: FISEC_ESTRATEGIAS, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UNLZ, Año I, No. 2, 2005, ISSN 1669-4015, pág. 28; Bioética en la Universidad (libro), R. S. Ferramola – A. Medina (eds.), Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Ed. Nueva Editorial Universitaria (ISBN en trámite), 2005, págs. 21, 22, 30, 34; 34 c) Thesis and dissertations written about me: Recepción de los clásicos de la filosofía en Colombia. Recepción de la fenomenología en Colombia en el pensamiento de Carlos Eduardo Maldonado, undergraduate thesis for M.A. in philosophy, by Héctor Eduardo Mejía Arciniegas, in: Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, 2003. General Library: Local Clasif. N.: T.F.L. M24r 2003 4) Associations to Which I Belong Associate Member, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy: Mind Association, Member (to be renewed) IEEE Member, Education Society, Colombia The Philosophy of Science Association, Full Member The International Network for Excellence in Management Development (EFMD), Full Member, (Code: 20874) Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia (A.C.A.C.), Colombian Association for the Advance of Science, Full Member with Number Latin American Circle for Phenomenology - Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología (CLAFEN), Ordinary Member Founder Member of the Asociación Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia – Colombian Association for the Philosophy of Science, First Chairman Member of the Asociación Colombiana de Filosofía del Derecho y Filosofía Social – Colombian Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy Member of Buinaima: Colombian Association for the Teaching of Science Memnber of IEEE – Education Society 35 Miembro del EIASM (European Institute for Advance Studies in Management) Miembro de la Red Mundial de Escritores en Español (REMES)