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1 ENRIQUE DUSSEL (1934- ) Born Dec. 24, 1934 (Mendoza, Argentina). Mexican citizenship. Tel. (52-55) 53 39 56 97. E-mail: Web-site There is a CD with his books and articles, and dissertations on his philosophy. He was two year in Israel (1959-1961), and he studied eight years in Spain, France and Germany (1957-1967). Master in Philosophy (UNC, Mendoza, Argentine, 1957), Doctor in Philosophy (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1959), Master in Religion Studies (Inst. Cathol., Paris, 1965), Doctor in History (La Sorbonne, Paris, 1967), Doctor Honoris Causa (University of Freiburg, Sw., 1981) and Doctor Honoris Causa (University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia 1995). In Mexico Professor in Ethics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAMIztapalapa, since 1975) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Visiting Professor for one semester at the Frankfurt University, Notre Dame University, California State University (Los Angeles), Union Th. Seminary (NY), Loyola University (Chicago), Vanderbilt University, Duke University, Harvard University, an others. Founder of the Movement of Latin American Liberation Philosophy. Author of more than 50 books in different languages, including: El humanismo semita, EUDEBA, Buenos Aires, 1969. Para una ética de la liberación latinoamericana, Siglo XXI-USTA Buenos Aires-Bogotá, 1973-1980, vols. 1-5 (many editions) A History of the Church in Latin America. Colonialism to Liberation (1492-1979), Willian B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1981 Philosophy of liberation, Orbis Books, NY, 1985. Ethics and Community, Orbis Books, NY, 1988. El último Marx (1863-1882) y la liberación latinomericana, Siglo XXI, México, 1990. Las Metáforas Teológicas de Marx, El Verbo Divino, Estella, 1994. The Invention of the Americas, Continuum Publishing Group, NY, 1995. The Underside of Modernity: Apel, Ricoeur, Taylor and Rorty, Humanities Press, NY, 1996. Towards an Unknown Marx. A commentary on the Manuscripts of 1861-63, Routledge, London, 2001. Hacia una Filosofía Política Crítica, Desclée de Brouwer, 2001, 476 p. Beyond Philosophy, Rowman and Littlefield, Maryland, 2002, 350 p. Ética del Discurso y Ética de la Liberación, with Karl-Otto Apel, Trotta, Madrid, 2005. Filosofía de la cultura y de liberación, UACM, México, 2006. Política de la Liberación. Historia mundial y crítica, Trotta, Madrid, 2007. Materiales para una política de la liberación, Plaza y Valdés, Madrid-México, 2007. Twenty Theses on Politics, Duke University, Durham, 2008. About Enrique Dussel: The Ethics and Politics of Liberation: Essays on Enrique Dusel, special issue of Listening (Journal of Religion and Culture) (Romeoville, IL), vol. 43, number 1, Winter, 1 2 2008, with article of M. Paradiso-Michau, L. Gordon, G. Wolff and W.P. Simmons. Pedro Enrique García Ruiz, Filosofía de la Liberación. Una aproximación al pensamiento de Enrique Dussel, Editorial Dríada, México, 2003, 299 p. Linda Alcoff-Eduardo Mendieta, Thinking from the Underside of History. Enrique Dussel´s Philosophy of Liberation, Rowman & Littlerfield, Maryland, 2000. Michael Barber, Ethical Hermeneutics. Rationalism in Enrique Dussel´s Philosophy of Liberation, Fordham University Press, New York, 1998 Hans Schelkshorn, Diskurs und Befreiung. Studien zur philosophischen Ethik von-KarlOtto Apel und Enrique Dussel, Rodopi B.V., Amsterdam, 1997, 362p. Peter Penner, Die Aussenperspektive des Anderen. Eine formalpragmatische Interpretation zu Enrique Dussel's Befreiungsethik, Argument Verlag, Hamburg, 1996, 320 p. Edgar Moros Ruano, ¿La Filosofía de la Liberación de Enrique D. Dussel: ¿Alternativa al Marxismo en América Latina?, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida (Venezuela), 1995, 238p. Armando Lampe (Ed.), Ética e a Filosofia da Libertaçâo. Festschrift Enrique Dussel, Editorial Vozes, Petrópolis, 1995, 325 p. Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (Ed.), Für Enrique Dussel. Aus Anlaß seines 60. Geburstages, Verlag Augustinus, Aachen, 1995, 217 p. Hans Schelkshorn, Ethik der Befreiung. Einführung in die Philosophie Enrique Dussel, Herder, Freiburg-Wien, 1992, 174p. Roque Zimmermann, América Latina. O nao ser. Uma abordagem filosófica a partir de Enrique Dussel (1962-1976), Editorial Vozes, Petropolis, 1987, 264 p. 2