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1 ENRIQUE DUSSEL (1934- ) CURRICULUM VITAE Born in Mendoza (Argentina), Mexican, married to Johanna Peters (German). Children: Enrique (1965) and Susanne (1966). Phone and fax: Mexico City (52-55) 53 39 56 97. Email:, Web-page:, I. TITLES 1957 1959 1965 1967 1981 1995 Bachelor and Master in Philosophy (Universidad Nacional del Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina). Ten semesters Doctor in Philosophy (Universidad Central de Madrid, Spain). Bachelor in Theology (Institut Catholique of Paris and Muenster University). Eight semesters Doctor in History (La Sorbonne, Paris). Doctor Honoris Causa (Freiburg, Switss). Doctor Honoris Causa (Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia). II. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1966-68 1967-73 1968-75 1975- 1976- Professor of Ethics at Department of Philosophy of the Philosophy Department of the Universidad Nacional de Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina). Professor in the Pastoral Institute of CELAM (Quito, Ecuador). Professor of Ethics in the Philosophy Faculty in the Universidad Nacional del Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Professor of Ethics in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa (UAM-Iz.), and in the Faculty of Philosophy in the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM, Mexico City). Professor of Church History and Methodology in Religious Studies, (ITES, Mexico City). III. LECTURERS IN UNIVERSITIES 1972 1973-76 1981 1981 1982 Catholic University of Louvain (Belgica) Mexican American Cultural Center (San Antonio,Tex.,USA) Loyola University (Saint Louis, Miss., USA) University of Freiburg (Suiza) Theological Faculty of Geneva (Geneva) 2 1983 1986 1987 1989 1991 1992 1994 1997 1998 2000 2003 Christian Theological Seminary of the Disciples of Christ (Indianapolis, IN) A winter semester as Visiting John A. O'Brien Professor at University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) A spring quarter as Distinguished visiting professor at State University of California (Los Angeles, CA) A winter semester as Visiting Professor, Union Theological Seminary (NY) A winter semester as Visiting Wilson Professor, Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) A winter semester as Visiting Professor in the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Germany) A winter semester as Visiting Professor in the Loyola University (Chicago, USA) Visiting Professor Universität Wien (Viena, AUSTRIA) A spring semester as Visiting Professor in the Duke University (Durham, NC) A winter semester as Robert Kennedy Visiting Professor of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, (Cambridge, USA). Binghamton University (SUNY), at PIC (Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture program), winter semester A. LECTURES IN U.S.A. 1976 1979 1980 1980 1982 1982-83 1985 1985 1986 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 University of Texas (Austin) Harvard Divinity School (Boston) American Philosophical Catholic Association (Philadelphia) Villanova University (Pennsylvania) Tulane University (New Orleans) Loyola University (Los Angeles) Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) University of Florida (Gainesville) University of Richmond (Virginia) Lutheran School of Theology (Chicago) Loyola University (Los Angeles) Mount St.Mary College (Los Angeles) University of California (Los Angeles and River Side) Southern University of California (Los Angeles) University of Albuquerque (Nuevo Mexico) University of Fordham (New York) University of Social Research (New York) City University of New York, Baruch College (New York) Princeton University (New Jersey) Yale University (Mass.) 3 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1998 1998 1998 1998 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2002 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 University of Masssachusset, Amherst (Mass.) Duke University (Durham, North Carolina) Dyton University (Ohio) Lutheran School of Theol. (Chicago) Lynchburg College (Virginia) Emory University (Atlanta) Maryknoll School in Missionoloy (New York) Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Divinity School (Tennessee) University of California Los Angeles UCLA (Los Angeles) Andover Newton Theological School (Boston) American Philosophical Association (Atlanta) Loyola University (Chicago) American Philosophical Association (Chicago) University of San Francisco (San Fco.) Saint Louis University (Saint Louis) University of San Francisco (San Fco.) Duke University Divinity School (Durham) McMaster University (Ontario, Canada) State University of New York (New York) Ohio State University (Ohio) Binghamton University (Binghamton) University at Buffalo (Buffalo) Le Moyne College. Department of Philosophy (Syracuse) Rauschenbusch Lectures Colgate Rochester. Divinity School (Rochester) University of Minnesota (Minneapolis) SUNY. Hampshire College, International Education. (Amherst) Boston College (Boston) Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge) Brown University (Providence) University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Michigan University (Ann Arbor, Detroit) University of California (Berkeley) Binghamton University (Binghamton) University of California-Berkeley (Berkeley) University of Chicago (Chicago) Duke University (Durham) University of Washington (Washington) Emory University (Atlanta) University of Massachusset (Amherst) Center for Cultural Studies Rockefeller Foundation (Santa Cruz, CA) UC-Berkeley (Berkeley) American Catholic Philosophical Association (South Bend) 4 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 Pardue University (West Lafellette) Columbia University (New York) University of Michigan (New York) University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon) University of Berkeley (California) B. LECTURERS IN LATIN-AMERICAN Argentina: Bolivia: Brasil: Caribe: Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza, Rosario, etc. La Paz, Cochabamba Rio, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Campinas, Sao Leopoldo, Recife, Florianópolis, etc. La Habana, Matanzas, Santo Domingo, Port-au-Prince (Haiti), TrinidadTobago, Kingston (Jamaica), Point-au-Pitre (Guadaloupe) Centroamérica: Panamá, San José, Heredia, Tegucigalpa, Guatemala, Managua, Esteli, Granada, San Salvador Chile: Santiago, Valparaiso Colombia: Bogota, Cali, Medellín, Manizales Ecuador: Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Riobamba Mexico: Iberoamerican and other universities of Federal Distrit, Puebla, Toluca, Guadalajara, Chihuahua, Monterrey, Xalapa, Chiapas, Morelia, Cuernavaca, Ciudad Juárez, etc. Peru: Lima, Cuzco Puerto Rico: Río Piedras, Cayey, Humacao Uruguay: Montevideo Venezuela: Caracas, Mérida, Maracaibo C. LECTURERS IN EUROPA Austria: Belgique: France: Hungary: Germany: Ireland: Italy: Norway: Russia: Spain: Sweden: Wien, Linz Lovaina, Bruselas Paris, Strasbourg Budapest, Zegeb Würzburg, Tübingen, Münster, Aachen, München, Freiburg, Rostock, Frankfurt, Neurod, Mainz, Bonn, Krefeld, Düren, Regensburg, Siegen, Darmstadt, Naurod, Diesburg, Rottenburg, Bremen, Saarbrücken, etc. Dublin Rome, Milano, Castello, Bologna, Messina, Napoles, Bergamo, Torino, Genova, Firenze, Lecce, Marina di Carrara, Verona, Bolzano, Trento, etc. Oslo Moscow Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, Murcia, Málaga, Salamanca, Barcelona, Vigo, Avila Stockholm, Uppsala 5 Switzerland: Luzern, Biel-Stadt, Sornetan, Lausanne, Neuchatel, Freiburg. Zürich, Bern, etc. U. K.: Brighton, London, Edimburgh D. LECTURERS IN ASIE AD AFRICA Egypt: Ghana: India: Kenya: Korea: N.Zeland: Philippine: Senegal: Sri Lanka: Tanzania: Zimbabwe: El Cairo Accra New Delhi, Bombay, Poone, Kerala, Madras, Madurai, Bangalore, etc. Nairobi Seoul Auckland Manila, Negros, Mindanao Dakar Colombo Dar-es-Salaam Harare IV. ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1962-63 19701973-92 1983-91 1985-89 19851981197119891993 1994 19961997 19971999- Research member (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) of the Institut for Church History (Mainz, Germany) Member of the committees of Third World, Church History and Theological Ethics of the review Concilium President of the Commission for the History of the Church in Latin America (CEHILA) Coordinator of the Working Commission on Church History in the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) Member of the Executive Committee of IAMS (International Association of Mission Studies) Coordinator of the Association on Philosophy and Liberation (AFYL) Member of the Committee of the Collection "Theology and Liberation" Member of the committees of the review Christus (Mexico), Servir (Mexico), Revista de Teología (San Salvador), Puebla (Petropolis) Member of the Research National System (Mexico) Member of the committees the Centro de Documentación en Filosofía Latinoamericana e Ibérica (Mexico) Member of the Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology (S.Diego) Director Honorario of the review Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana (Maracaibo, Venezuela) Member of the Committee of the review Principios (Natal/RN, Brasil) Member of the Committee of the review African Philosophy (Lewisburg, PA, USA) Member of the Committee of the review Devenires (Univ. 6 2000 2002 20022002 2004 2002 2004-2014 2008 Michoacana, Morelia, México Se le otorgo el Premio a la Investigación 2000 en el Área de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Member of the Committee of the review La lámpara de Diógenes (Puebla) Asesor de la Licenciatura en Filosofía de la Universidad de la Ciudad de México (Distrito Federal) Jurado Asesor del Concurso de Oposición, Convocatoria CO.I.CSH.c.04.02, Área de Filosofía de las Ciencias Sociales, UAM. Member of the Committee of the review Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture (Florida State University). Tutor del Programa en las Áreas de Ética y Filosofía Política en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Investigador Nacional Nivel III, del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Mención Honorífica en el Premio Libertador al Pensamiento Crítico 2007 otorgado por Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela