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Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 Laura Nuño de la Rosa Curriculum Vitae Personal details Laura Nuño de la Rosa García Date of birth: 18/07/1979 Positions 15/04/2012 Post-doc fellow KLI (Vienna, Austria) 01/10/201201/02/2013 External lecturer 01/01/201101/06/2011 Visiting fellow 1st October 2010 Honorific collaborator of the Department of Philosophy IV (Theory of Knowledge and History of Thought), UCM 2005-2011 Predoctoral Fellow on: “The concept of form in contemporary biology. A philosophical analysis” University of Vienna, Department of Theoretical Biology KLI (Vienna, Austria) Under the supervision of Prof. José Luis González Recio (Department of Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge, UCM) and Prof. Jean Gayon (IHPST-University Paris 1-Sorbonne) 2007-2009 Associate Teacher 2004-2005 Teaching Assistant (tutoring, lecturing) Department of Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge, Complutense University of Madrid 2001-2002 Research Assistant with Prof. Fernando M. Pérez Herranz Department of Humanities, Section of Philosophy, University of Alicante Education • 2012. PhD in Philosophy of biology. Dissertation: The concept of form in contemporary biology: a philosophical examination. Supervised by José Luis González Recio (UCM) and Jean Gayon (IHPST-Paris 1). • 2010. M.Sc. in Biophysics. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain. Master project: The origin of paired fins. Supervised by Brian Metscher and Gerd Müller. Department of Theoretical Biology, 1 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 University of Vienna. • 2005. DEA (Diploma on Advanced Research) in Philosophy of Science (“Entre Ciencia y Filosofía”), UCM. Dissertation: Historia filosófica de la idea de forma orgánica: del hilemorfismo aristotélico a la microanatomía celular (“Philosophical history of the idea of organismal form: from Aristotelian hylemorphism to cellular microanatomy”). • 2003. C.A.P. (Postgraduate Certificate in Education), University of Alicante, Spain. • 2002. Licentiate in Humanities, University of Alicante, Spain (4 th year at the Autonomous University of Barcelona). Languages • Spanish (mother tongue) • English (proficient) • French (proficient) • Catalan (proficient) Grants • 2012-2013: Post-doc fellowship. Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition (KLI), Vienna, Austria. • January-June 2011: Writing-up fellowship. Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition (KLI), Vienna, Austria. • 2005-2009: UCM PreDoctoral Grant. Thesis project: The concept of form in contemporary biology: a philosophical examination • 2007-2008: UCM Grant for aboard specialization (KLI. Vienna. September-November 2008). • 2006-2007: UCM Grant for aboard specialization (IHPST. Paris. April-August 2007). • 2001-2002: Collaboration Grant. Department of Humanities, Philosophy section, University of Alicante. Research project: Towards a morphologist ontology. Supervised by Prof. Fernando M. Pérez Herranz. • 2000-2002: SENECA Grant (Grant for graduate students mobility). Ministerio de Educación. Autonomous University of Barcelona. • 1997: Matrícula de Honor en COU (Grant awarded to 1st university year students having obtained the highest distinction in the Pre-university course) Travel grants • Student Travel Support by the ISHPSSB for attending the ISHPSSB 2009 MEETING in Brisbane, Australia, July 12-16. • Travel grant for attending MEPHISTOS 25 Conference at UCLA. Los Angeles (California), USA, April 2007. 2 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 Visiting Scholar January-June 2011 KLI (Vienna, Austria) September-November 2008 KLI and Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna April-August 2007 IHPST- Paris 1 (Paris, France) November 2005-January Instituto de Filosofía de La Habana (Cuba) 2006 Teaching • 2012-2013. What is life? Conceptual foundations of biology. Pre-graduate course, University of Vienna. 3 credits (20h) • 2008-2009. Anthropology. Practical credits (Antropología. Créditos prácticos). Degree in Philosophy, 1st year, UCM. 3 credits (20h) • 2007-2008. Contemporary trends. Practical credits (Corrientes contemporáneas. Créditos prácticos). Degree in Philosophy, 5th year, UCM. 3 credits (20h) • 2004-2005. Teaching assistant. Undergraduate courses on Alternatives to Darwinism in Theories of Life (Teorías de la vida) and Aristotle’s biology in Philosophy of Nature (Filosofía de la Naturaleza), UCM. Publications Books & book chapters 1. Etxeberria, A., and L. Nuño de la Rosa. 2009. Partes y funciones en el desarrollo y la evolución. Hacia un darwinismo sistémico. In Evolución y Adaptación: 150 años después del Origen de las Especies, ed. H. Dopazo and A. Navarro, 465-474. SESBE. 2. Etxeberria, A., and L. Nuño de la Rosa, ‘A World of Opportunity Within Constraint: Pere Alberch’s Early Evo-Devo’, in Pere Alberch. The Creative Trajectory of an Evo-Devo Biologist (Valencia: Publicacions Universitat de València, 2009), pp. 21-44. 3. Nuño de la Rosa, L., and F. M. Pérez Herranz, ‘The Problem of Form in Molecular Biology’, in Philosophical Essays on Physics and Biology, ed. by J. L. González Recio (Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2009), pp. 128-150. 4. Nuño de La Rosa, L., ‘Respuesta a Diez Preguntas En Torno a La Idea De Naturaleza’, in A Philosophical and Scientific Dialogue on Nature., ed. by J. L. González Recio (Madrid: Cersa, 2005), pp. 124-134. 5. Ebook: Nuño de la Rosa, L., and J. L. González Recio, The Role of Art in Biological Thought (Madrid: Cersa, 2005). Articles 1. Nuño de la Rosa, L. ‘El problema de la función en evo-devo’. Contrastes (in press) 2. Nuño de la Rosa, L. ‘El concepto de función en Evo-Devo’. Actas del I Congreso de la Asociación 3 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 Latinoamericana de filosofía de la biología. (“The concept of form in Evo-Devo”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Latinoamerican Association of philosophy of biology) 3. Nuño de la Rosa, L., and Etxeberria, A., ‘Pattern and Process in Evo-Devo: Descriptions and Explanations’, in EPSA09:2nd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, 2011. 4. Nuño de la Rosa, L., ‘Becoming Organisms. The Development of Organisation and the Organisation of Development.’, History and Philosophy of Life Sciences, 2010. 5. Nuño de la Rosa, L., and A. Etxeberria, ’¿Fue Darwin El "Newton de la brizna de hierba"? La herencia de Kant en la teoría darwinista de la evolución’, Endoxa, 2010, 185. 6. Reiss, J. O, Burke A. C, Archer C., De Renzi M., Dopazo H., Etxeberría A., Gale E.A., Hinchliffe J.R., Nuño de la Rosa L., and Rose C.R. ‘Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo’, Biological Theory, 3 (2008), 351–356. In preparation 1. Nuño de la Rosa, L., Müller, G. B., and Metscher, B. ‘The origin of paired fins: An epigenetic hypothesis’. 2. Nuño de la Rosa, L. ‘The morphogenetic approach in developmental biology and evo-devo’. The Organism in Evolution: An interdisciplinary Synthesis, ed. P. Huneman and D. M. Walsh. Oxford University Press. 3. Baetu, T. and Nuño de la Rosa, L.. ‘How Mechanisms Relate to Causes: Disentangling the Relationship between Causal Dependence and Productive Mechanisms’ Translations • González Recio, J. L. (Ed.), Looking at the History of Science/Pensando la naturaleza desde las universidades europeas, Madrid: Cersa, 2006. (From English and French to Spanish and from Spanish to English). • Whitehead, A. N, ‘Naturaleza y Vida’, Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, trans. by L. Nuño de la Rosa and J. L. González Recio, 2004, 257–288. Presentations and Talks 1. 29 November 2012. El problema de la función en evo-devo. Simposio "Desafíos conceptuales de la evo-devo actual", I Congreso de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Filosofía de la Biología (AIFBI), Universidad de Valencia, Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, 28-30 November 2012. 2. 28 October 2012. The Development of Relational Autonomy. WORKSHOP: Autonomy and Individual Organisms in Biology – A Collaborative Perspective. Centre for Research on Life, Mind and Society, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain, 27-28 October, 2012. 3. Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Gerd Müller, and Brian Metscher. Poster: The origin of paired fins: An epigenetic hypothesis. Fourth meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), Lisbon, Portugal, July 10–13, 2012 . 4. 11 June 2012. The Origin of Paired Fins: An Epigenetic Hypothesis. Theoretical Biology Seminars, University of Vienna. 5. The concept of organisation in evo-devo. IVe Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 4 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 (SPS), Montreal, Canada, 1-3 June 2012. 6. 31 March 2012. Round table: El debate sobre el aborto a la luz de la idea de teleología. David Alvargonzález, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Íñigo Ongay de Felipe. XVII Encuentros de Filosofía: Finalidad & Teleología, Fundación Gustavo Bueno, Oviedo. 7. 30 March 2012. Teoría de la evolución y teleología: del adaptacionismo darwinista a la investigación de lo posible en la evo-devo. XVII Encuentros de Filosofía: Finalidad & Teleología, Oviedo. 8. January 2012. The concept of organismal form in contemporary biology. Brown bag talks, KLI, Viena, Austria. 9. December 2011. Towards a new synthesis? Developmental challenges to the recieved view of evolution and internal tensions in evo-devo. Departament de Genètica, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona. 10. 10-15 July 2011. 3D Modeling and organicism in development and Evo-devo, Session “Evo-devo, explanatory integration, and physical science” ISHPSSB 2011 Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, EEUU. 11. 22-24 June, 2011. 3D Modelling, organicism and mechanical explanation in contemporary developmental biology and evo-devo. Third biennial SPSP conference, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society (Egenis), University of Exeter, Inglaterra. 12. 22 de febrero de 2011. (Invited speaker) Becoming organisms: the organisation of development and the development of organisation. Séminaire de Biologie Théorique, CREA (Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée)– CNRS / Polytechnique, París. 13. 27th January 2011. (Invited speaker) Becoming Organisms: recovering the Aristotelian Distinction Between Being in Potency and Being in Actuality in the Light of Contemporary Developmental Biology. Brown bag talk, KLI, Viena. 14. 2010a. (Invited speaker) Pensamiento tipológico y pensamiento poblacional. Seminario del Departamento de Lógica y Filosofia de la Ciencia, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. 15. 2010b. (Invited speaker) Developing organisms. Life and Mind Seminars, University of Sussex, Brighton, England. 16. 2010c. (Invited speaker) The organisation of development and the development of organisation. Philosophy of biology seminars, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. 17. 2009a. The biophysics of the developing embryo: a new challenge in theoretical integration. ISHPSSB 2009 Meeting, July 12, Brisbane, Australia. 18. 2009b. (with Etxeberria, A.) (Invited speaker) Forma y función en evo-devo. Seminar on Functions, June, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. 19. 2009c. L'adaptation des organes et la biophysique de leur développement dans la théorie évolutive: le cas des extrémités vertébrées. Symposium “Enjeux philosophiques de la pluralité des explications en biologie”. 3ème congrès de la Société de philosophie des sciences, November 12, Paris, France. 20. 2008a. (Invited speaker) Pere Alberch and the Morphogenetic school in the history of EvoDevo. Memorial Pere Alberch. The “cradle of evo-devo”. International Congress, May 21, Institute Cavanilles for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Valencia, Spain. 21. 2008b. (Invited speaker) Patterns & Processes in the early evo-devo: a philosophical examination. 5 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 Origins of evo-devo. A tribute of Pere Alberch. 20th Altenberg workshop in theoretical biology, September, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Vienna, Austria. 22. 2008c. The role of form in molecular biology. Brown bag talks, October, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Vienna, Austria. 23. 2008d. (Invited speaker) The generation of organisms: wholes and parts in developmental biology. Historical and philosophical perspectives on the concept of organism, December, Paris, France. 24. 2008e. (Invited speaker) Le rôle de la forme dans la biologie moléculaire. Séminaire de Philosophie de la Biologie, December 19, Paris, France. 25. 2008f. (with Christensen, W., and Barandiaran, X.). (Invited speaker) The Theoretical Path to Integration. Workshop in the ESF Research Networking Programme “CompCog”, December 1, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary. 26. 2008g. (with Etxebarria, A.). Pattern and Process in evo-devo. Symposia: Theoretical Contributions of Evo-devo to Evolutionary Theory. 2008 Euro Evodevo Conference, July, Ghent, Belgium. 27. 2007a. (Invited speaker) The problem of change in Darwinian mechanics: An Aristotelian critique through evodevo explanation of Morphospace. MEPHISTOS 25, April, UCLA, Los Angeles (California), USA. 28. 2007b. The Alberch variations I. A reconstruction of the conceptual phylogeny of Pere Alberch within the tree of EvoDevo. ISHPSSB 2007 Meeting, July, Exeter, England. 29. 2007c. Una reconstrucción de la filogenia conceptual de la evo-devo a partir de la obra de Pere Alberch. I Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE), September, Tarragona, Spain. 30. 2007d. Espacio, tiempo, materia, forma y movimiento: de la investigación científica a la creación artística, y retorno. Semana de la Ciencia, November 6, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. 31. 2006a. Mecanicismo y morfología: de la Grecia Clásica a la biología contemporánea. Complejidad 2006: Implicaciones filosóficas, epistemológicas y metodológicas, January, La Habana, Cuba. 32. 2006b. La mano: el papel de las herramientas en la génesis de la singularidad humana. Seminario de Tercer Ciclo de Filosofía, May 17, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. 33. 2005. Aesthetics inside Biology: Aristotle’s chisel and Kant’s paintbrush. ISHPSSB 2005 Meeting, July, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Reviewing • Conference papers ◦ Member of the Scientific committee of the Workshop on “Artificial Autonomy: Twenty years of practice of autonomous systems”, The Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL (8-12/08/2011, Paris) • Book proposals and peer-reviewed papers ◦ Book proposals: Oxford University Press, Humanities|Linguistics ◦ Biological Theory 6 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 ◦ Theoria ◦ History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences Participation in research projects 1. 2010-2012. Filosofía de la Biología. Subvención a grupos de investigación del sistema universitario vasco. Funding: Gobierno Vasco (IT 505-10), UPV/EHU San Sebastián. 2. 2009-2010. The Challenges to Evolutionary Theory: an interdisciplinary approach to heredity and development. Funding: France Canada Research Fund. IHPST (Paris 1-Sorbonne) and HPS Department, University of Toronto. 3. 2008. Conceptions of nature in the 20 th century. Bionomos-Bellas Artes Projects. Funding: Facultad de Bellas Artes (UCM), Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (México), University of Exeter (United Kingdom). 4. 2007-2008. Physics, Biomedical Sciences and Tecnology in the 19 th and 20th centuries. Bionomos Project. Funding: UCM and Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). 5. 2007. Art and Philosophy. Theory and Image. Equipos multidisciplinares para el aprendizaje. Contribuciones a la Semana de la Ciencia 2007. Vicerrectorado de Innovación Educativa and Facultad de Bellas Artes. Funding: UCM and Ayuntamiento de Madrid. 6. 2006-2007. Filosofía del lenguaje, de la naturaleza y de la ciencia. Comunidad de Madrid and UCM, Programa de creación y consolidación de grupos de investigación (2005-GR45/05). UCM2005930174. Funding: Comunidad de Madrid and UCM. 7. 2004. Los orígenes europeos de la ciencia moderna. Materiales para la innovación en la enseñanza de la asignatura de Filosofía de la Naturaleza. (P.I.E. 2003/31). Facultad de Filosofía. Funding: UCM. 8. 2003-2006. Especialización en la ciencia. estudios histórico-filosóficos sobre la formación y consolidación de disciplinas científicas (BFF2003-09579-C3-01). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Funding: Autonomous University of Madrid. 9. 2003-2004. Pensando la naturaleza desde las universidades europeas (PIMCD 2004/164). Facultad de Filosofía. Funding: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). International organisation • Local organisation of the 1st Conference of the The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA). Transfer of knowledge and popularization of Science • 339 new articles and collaboration in more than 900 articles in the Spanish Wikipedia related to philosophy, philosophy of biology, history of biology, theoretical biology, complexity sciences, developmental biology, experimental techniques, and mathematics. I also participate in the English and French Wikipedia projects and in Wikicommons. • Conceptual and web design of the research group Bionomos’s website (UCM) and the Portal in Philosophy, History and Sociology of Biology (Spanish Wikipedia). Within the framework of a program 7 Laura Nuño de la Rosa, CV 23/11/12 in innovative research in philosophy, I participated in the design of electronic books for highereducation in philosophy (J.L. González Recio, Ed., Looking at the History of Science/Pensando la naturaleza desde las universidades europeas, Madrid: Cersa, 2006). 8