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Unión Europea Fondo Social Europeo INSTITUTO CANARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DEL CÁNCER ICIC 4th Meeting YCIC Young Cancer Investigators of the Canary Islands 2nd Meeting YBIM Young Biomedical Investigators of the Macaronesia November 10-13th, 2007 Arrecife Gran Hotel Lanzarote Scientific Committee Chairmen: Sergio Moreno, CIC Salamanca and Nicolás Díaz Chico, ULPGC, ICIC Ángel Gutiérrez Ravelo, IUBO-ICIC, ULL Paula Castilho, UMA, Madeira Armando Torres, IUTB, ULL Manuela Lima, UA, Azores Rafael Zárate, ULL, ICIC Miguel Fernández Braña, CEU, Madrid Joaquín Hdez. Brito, ULPGC Basilio Valladares, IUET, ULL Javier Dorta Delgado, SCS, ICIC Fernando García Tellado, CSIC Local Organizing Committee Dionisio Lorenzo (FUNCIS, Coordinator), Germán Rodríguez (ULPGC-ICIC), Raquel Ramírez (ICIC – ULPGC), Víctor Díaz Viera (FUNCIS), Francisco Puertas (ICIC) Supported by Gobierno Autónomo de Canarias (Semana de la Ciencia) Cabildo de Lanzarote Fundación Canaria de Investigación Sanitaria (FUNCIS) Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (ICIC) Asociación de Familiares de pacientes Oncohematológicos de Lanzarote (AFOL) Project Interreg IIIB Biopolis and Project Canarias Bioregión Centro Atlántico del Medicamento S.A. TIVAS S.L. MELCAN S.L.U. Auspicied by: University of La Laguna (ULL) University of Azores (UA) University of Madeira (UMA) University of Las Palmas (ULPGC) Instituto Universitario de Técnicas Biomédicas (IUTB) Instituto Universitario de Bio-Orgánica (IUBO) Instituto de Enfermedades Tropicales Centro de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Gran Canaria (BIOCÁN) Asociación Española de Investigación sobre el Cáncer (ASEICA) Asociación Canaria de Cáncer de Mama (ACCM) OBJECTIVES: 1. Facilitate Young Biomedical Researchers of the Macaronesia to communicate their scientific results in a friendly environment. 2. Encourage young and senior biomedical Macaronesian researchers to cooperate in the development of new projects. 3. Obtain the expert advice from the world-class invited biomedical scientists. 4. Start up a Biomedical Research Network in the Macaronesia that will increase the success of future projects. 5. Discuss a common strategy for Biomedical and Biotechnolgy development integrating all the universities and research institutions implicated. REGISTRATION Participation as speaker in this Meeting will be by invitation of the Organising Committee. Participation with a poster is offered to any young biomedical investigator (<40 yrs), with preference to those working in the Macaronesian islands. A limited number of travel grants are available. Please contact with the following persons: Azores: Dra. Manuela Lima, Madeira: Dra. Paula Castilho, Canary Islands: Dionisio Lorenzo, IV YCIC – II YBIM Preliminary Programme SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th 2007 YCIC/YBIM session: EXPERIMENTAL AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Chairmen: Pedro Lara and Rafael Alonso Félix Machín (35´) Research Supporting Unit, La Candelaria Univ. Hospital, Tenerife. To be announced 11:00 – 13:00 Diego Álvarez de la Rosa (35´), IUTB, University of La Laguna Pathophysiological roles of the ENaC/DEG family of ion channels. Ricardo Pardal (35´) Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla Stem cells and cancer. Opening Ceremony ICIC President , Organizing Committees, Local and Academic authorities Beach and Lunch 13:00-14:00 16:00–16:00 YCIC – YBIM session on New Antitumor Compounds Chairmen: José Carlos Rodríguez and Félix Claveríe Mario Díaz (25´), IUTB, University of La Laguna New Tamoxifen derivatives 16:30-18:00 Paula Castliho (25’), Univ. Madeira, Funchal Molecular modelling of ligands – balancing specificity using computational methods Ruben Pérez Machín (25´), ICIC – IUBO New natural SERM and SARM compounds Coffee break 18:00 -18:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE (I) Chairman: Sergio Moreno, CIC Salamanca 18:30 – 20:00 Invited Speaker: Jiri Lukas, Denmark Cancer Institute DNA damage-induced ‘chromatin code’ ICIC Assembly (ICIC members only) 20:00 DINNER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th 2007 21:00 YCIC session: TUMOR GENOMICS AND MARKERS Chairmen: Juan C. Díaz Chico and Ramón Colomer Elisa Bordón Rodríguez (20’), ICIC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Radiation induced DNA damage and repair. Opportunities for predictive assays. Luis Alberto Henríquez Hernández (20’) ICIC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Hormone-induced changes in the gene expression pattern in liver. Influence of epigenetic mechanism 09:00–11:00 Teresa Giráldez (20´), IUTB, University of La Laguna Molecular rearrangements underlying the function of ion channels Raquel Ramírez (20’), ICIC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Differences among microsatellites instability, MGMT promoter methylation and Kras mutation in colorectal and endometrial cancers Germán Rodríguez (20’), ICIC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria To be announced Coffee break 11:00-11:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE (II) Chairman: Nicolás Díaz Chico 11:30 – 13:00 Invited speaker: Miguel Beato, CRG, Barcelona To be announced Beach and Lunch 13:00–16:00 YCIC / YBIM session: RARE DISEASE GENETICS Chairmen: Nelson Simoes and José Carlos Rodríguez Manuela Lima (25’), University of Azores Rare disease genetics: the Machado-Joseph syndrome Armando Torres (25’), IUTB, La Laguna Primary Hyperoxaluria as an example of traslational research 16:00 – 18:00 Antonio Tugores, (25´) Research Supporting Unit, Insular and Materno-Infantil Univ. Hospital, Gran Canaria. To be announced Anther speaker (To be announced) Coffee break 18:00 – 18:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE (III) Chairman: Miguel Fdez. Braña Invited speaker: Caludia Lukas, Denmark Cancer Institute Microscopy-based screen for genome caretakers. 18:30-20:00 DINNER 21:00 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 2006 YCIC / YBIM session: Chairmen: Angel G. Ravelo, José M. Padrón Raquel Marín (25´). ULL Resources to study membrane effects of estrogens and antiestrogens. Basilio Valladares (25´), IUET, University of La Laguna To be announced 09:00-11:00 Nabil El Jaber (25´) IUBO, University of La Laguna Quest of bioactive molecules: phytochemistry and biotechnology Ángel G. Ravelo (25´), IUBO, University of La Laguna New antitumor agents Coffee break 11:00-11:30 Macaronesian Biomedical and Biotech Research Network Organizative session Authorities and invited directors of scientific institutions 11:00-13:00 (Not a public session) Poster session (I) Chairman: Jiri Lukas Those Young Investigators form the Macaronesia (under 35) that present a poster to this session will have an special fare to the II YCIC of 150 € (includes: trip to Lanzarote, 4 days full service hotel, coffee breaks, closing banquet invitation and an excursion). Those Investigators from outside of the Canary Islands will have the same treatment, except the plane ticket from their city to Lanzarote. This offer is limited to a maximum of 20 young investigators. Beach and Lunch 11:30-13:00 13:00–16:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE (IV) Chairmen: Javier Dorta and Antonio Cabrera 17:00–18:00 Invited Speaker: Jesús García-Foncillas, Jefe de Servicio de Oncología, Clínca Universitaria de Navarra To be announced Closing ceremony Coffee break 18:00 18:30 – 19:00 ICIC – AFOL “Canarias Contra el Cáncer” Lunes 12 de noviembre a las 19:00 horas Nicolás Díaz Chico, La investigación del cáncer en Canarias (15 min) Sergio Moreno, Bases moleculares del Cáncer Javier Dorta, Detección precoz y tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal (30 min) Orlando Falcón, Prevención primaria en cáncer de cérvix. Vacunas frente al papilomavirus humano (30 min) Jesús García-Foncillas Cáncer de mama: diagnóstico y tratamiento (30 min) 19:00-21:00 Coloquio Coordinado por Carmen Arrocha (AFOL) Marisa Herrera (ACCM) CLOSING DINNER: LOS JAMEOS DEL AGUA (Invitaron of the Cabildo de Lanzarote) 21:30 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 2007 HIKING LANZAROTE VOLCANOES RETURNING HOME 08:00