Download Sesión de Poster 2 – Farmacología (sábado 6
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Sesión de Poster 4 – Fisiología Vegetal (domingo 7 de diciembre 08:30-10:30 hs) 101)- Content and pattern of n-alkanes in some native forage species from NE Mendoza, Argentina. Allegretti L, Egea V, Bakker M L, Paez S, Sartor C. U N Cuyo, IADIZA CCT Mendoza, Univ J A Maza, FCV Tandil. 102)- Use of Liodi-index to estimate the conservation value of plant communities in San Francisco del Monte de Oro, San Luis. Vázquez ML, Moglia MM, Lijteroff R. Dept. Bioquím. Biol. Fac. Quím. Bioquím. Farm., Univ. Nac. San Luis, 5700 San Luis. 103)- Detection of fungi in seeds of Piptochaetium napostaense, Poa ligularis and Nassella tenuissima. Baracco, JF. Larrusse, AS., Andrada, NR. FICES. UNSL. 25 de mayo St. 384 - 5730. Villa Mercedes (San Luis). 104)- Wetlands classification of the north of the Department Pedernera (San Luis, Argentina). Barbosa OA, Alcaraz PP, Gutiérrez PA, Cerda RA, Galarza FM. Natural Resources Area, FICES, UNSL, Villa Mercedes. 105)- Ionic accumulation in Atriplex seedlings as an osmotic adjustment mechanism. Bárcena N1, Ruiz M2 and Parera C2. 1 CONICET 2EEA INTA San Juan-1-EEA INTA San Juan. 106)- Diffusion coefficient of gum arabic. Bertoluzzo MG, Bertoluzzo SMR, R Rigatuso. Fac. de Cs. Bioq. y Farm., Univ. Nac. de Rosario, (2000) Rosario. 107)- Determination of the amount of starch in potatoes under different conditions of cooking. Bertoluzzo SMR, Vallasciani M, Barbieri G, Bertoluzzo MG. Fac. de Cs. y Bioq. Farm., Univ. Nac. de Rosario, (2000) Rosario. 108)- Indicators variables of the express of fatty acids of the soybean oil Bologna S, Rojas E, Martínez Alvarez D. Departamento Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. 109)- Variability in agronomic characters and soybean oil quality. Bologna S, Rojas E, Martínez Alvarez D, Escudero S. Departamento Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. 1 110)- Effect of Osmopriming on the germination of Panicum coloratum Carabajal M1, Ruiz2 M and Parera C2. 1-FCEFy N,UNSJ 2-EEA INTA San Juan. 111)- Effects of the saline and osmotic stress in the germination of three varieties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Castro Luna, A., Ruiz M., Quiroga M., Pedranzani H. Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal. F.I.C.E.S. PROICO 50107. Ciencia y Técnica. UNSL. 112)- Increase in photoprotective and photosynthetic pigments in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings induced by Azospirillum brasilense Sp 245. Cohen AC, Moreno D, Bottini R, Piccoli PN. Cátedra de Qca. Org. y Biol., Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias-CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. 113)- Effects of ABA treatment and water stress on accumulation of polyphenols on grape skin and wine for Vitis vinifera L. Deis, L.; Bottini, R.; Silva, M.F.; Cavagnaro, J.B. CONICET-FCA-UN Cuyo. 114)- Effects of Temperature and ABA on Poliphenols concentration in Grape Berries in Vitro (Vitis vinifera L). Deis, L.; Silva, MF.; Cavagnaro, JB. CONICET-FCA-UN Cuyo-PROBIOL. 115)- HPLC profiles of 5 species of Achyrocline and Gnaphalium (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae). Del Vitto LA, Gette MA, Petenatti M, Petenatti E, Marchevsky E. Herbario/Proy. 8702 y 22Q/616, FQByF UNSL, Ej. de los Andes 950, D5700HHW San Luis, Argentina. 116)- Parameters of oxidative stress in DM 4800 soybean roots (Glycine max L) under stress with cadmium. Felici CE, Perez Chaca MV, Molina AS, Marsa S, Zirulnik F. PROIPRO 2-0304, Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia, UNSL. 117)- HPLC profiles of sexual types of Thymophylla pentachaeta var. belenidium (Asterac.-Taget). Gette MA, Petenatti E, Zacchino S*, Saidman E, Aragón L, Del Vitto LA. Herbarium/Proy. 8702, 22Q/616 FQByF, UN San Luis; *Pharmacognosy, FByF, UN Rosario. 118)- Ultraviolet-B radiation modifies the methabolic profiles of terpenoids in in vitro Vitis vinifera L. cv. Malbec plants 2 Gil M1, Pontin M2, Longo A1, Bottini R1, Piccoli P1 1 FCA-CONICET, UNCuyo, Chacras de Coria, Mza. 2EEA-INTA La Consulta, La Consulta, Mza. 119)- Detection of crowding in shoots induces root elongation in the soil. González C V, Boccalandro H. CONICET – Fac Cs Agrarias, Univ Nac de Cuyo – Mendoza. 120)- Determination of melatonin in grape skin by liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry. González C, Boccalandro H, Quiroga M, Wunderlin D*, Silva M. CONICET – FCA UN Cuyo – Mendoza. *ISIDSA - UN Córdoba. 121)- Variation in the content of proline in plants of Digitaria eriantha under cold stress. Gutiérrez M., Tavecchio N.,Grumber .K, Pedranzani H. Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal. F.I.C.E.S. PROICO 50107. Ciencia y Técnica. UNSL. 122)- Analysis of physical-chemical stimuli in the germination of Pappophorum pappiferum (Lam.) Kuntze. Lartigue C, Morbidelli ME, Verdes PE, Leporati J, Romero MB. PROICO 50307- Lab. de Genética y Biotecnología Vegetal. FICES–UNSL-V. Mercedes (San Luis). 123)- Phytochemical screening of Jungia polita (Asterac.-Mutisieae), “zarzaparrilla”, “viña”. Lucero C, Fusco MR, Sosa A, Petenatti EM. Farmacognosia UNSL and Proyecto 8702, FQByF UNSL, Ej. de los Andes 950, San Luis. 124)- Isolation of bacteria that solubilize phosphorous and fix nitrogen in different soils. Palma P, Nuñez S, Damelli R. Fac. Ingeniería y Ciencias Econ. Sociales Univ. Nac. San Luis, Villa Mercedes 5730 SL. 125)- Effects of ABA and 1-MCP over yield and grape composition of Vitis vinifera cv Cabernet Sauvignon. Quiroga AM, Cavagnaro JB, Bottini, R. CONICET-Fac Cs Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Chacras de Coria, Mza. 126)- Weeds belonging to Asteraceae Family present in natural grasslands and crops in San Luis (Argentina). Rosa EB(1), Mercado SE (1) & Scappini EG (1) (1) Fac. de Ing. y Cs. Econ.-Soc. UNSL. 3 127)- Germinative response of Digitaria californica under saline stress conditions. Ruiz M1, Barcena N2 and Terenti O3. 1-EEA INTA San Juan, 2-CONICET.3-EEA INTA San Luis. 128)- Monitoring of an inoculated lactic starter to fermented green olives. Sfreddo E1, Sánchez M L, García Lampasona S2, Dediol C, Nacif N, André S, Farrando S. 1 Cát de Microb, 2 Lab de Biol Mol. FCA-UM Cuyo. 129)- Photoreceptors modulate cold and light stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sáez J, Berli F, González C, Bottini R, Boccalandro H. Fac C Agrarias, Univ Nac Cuyo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza. 130)- Control of a selected lactic acid starter for green olives fermented. Sfreddo E, Sánchez M L, Dediol C, Nacif N, André S, Farrando S, García Lampasona S. Fac. Cs Agrarias, UN Cuyo, Mza. 131)- Cenchrus ciliaris: response to stress during germination. Ruiz M1, Barcena N2.and Terenti O3. 1-EEA INTA San Juan, 2-CONICET.3-EEA INTA San Luis. 132)- HPLC profiles of native propolis samples from Cuyo region, Argentina. Teves M, Gette MA, Petenatti ME, Del Vitto LA. Herbario/Proyecto 8702 and 22/Q616, FQByF UNSL, Ej. de los Andes 950, San Luis. 133)- Response of wheat treated with ABA and Azospirillum to water and salt stress. Travaglia C, Wolters E, Reinoso H. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, X5804ZAB Río Cuarto, Argentina. 4