Download REPORT COLOMBIA Cities, companies, institutions, universities

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Cities, companies, institutions, universities, colleges and school accepted the invitation of responsible for
hearts to make September the heart month. It was a unique opportunity allowing to expand the messages
of the world heart day, held on Sunday, September 29, a whole month.
Ciudades como Medellín, Pasto, Cúcuta y Leticia adelantaron la CAMINATA EN FAMILIA PARA
CORAZONES RESPONASABLES, con diversas actividades. En Medellín más de 6 mil personas
desfilaron en la 2da. Caminada del Corazón en un ambiente festivo y de reflexión que mostró el enorme
compromiso de la ciudad, la Secretaría de Salud y el INDER. En Cúcuta, con el concurso invaluable de
INDENORTE se organizó con gran aceptación la "Carrera de Pacientes Con Todo el Corazón". En Pasto,
con el concurso de la Universidad de Nariño y la Universidad Mariana se hizo realidad la Caminata del
Corazón, en tanto que en Leticia, con el apoyo y liderazgo de Cafamaz, el sábado 7 de octubre se
realizará la Caminata en Familia para Corazones Responsables. En Santa Rosa de Osos en Risaralda
distribuyeron los tips del día mundial en los senderos de caminantes.
Cities like Medellin, Pasto, Cucuta and Leticia ahead of the hike in family for “CORAZONES
RESPONSABLES”, with various activities. In Medellin over 6 thousand people paraded in the 2nd. Walk
of the heart in a festive atmosphere and reflection which showed enormous commitment to the city, the
Health Secretary, and INDER. In Cúcuta, with the invaluable assistance of INDENORTE organized is with
great success the "race of patients with all the heart". On grass, with the assistance of the University of
Nariño and the Marian University became a reality the heart walk, while Leticia, with the support and
leadership of Cafamaz, do the walk on Saturday, October 7 hearts responsible families. In Santa Rosa de
Osos in Risaralda, they distributed the tips of the day on the trails of walkers.
Companies like Pacific Rubiales, Nacional de Chocolates, Noel, Colcafe, Nutresa services, services
specialized FCB, Association of scientific medical students society of Colombia (ASCEMCOL) - scientific
medical students Association of the CEIDA in Itagüí (ACEMRIS) - Technology University of Pereira,
Risaralda, the services of health unit Unisalud of the University Teaching and Technology of Tunja,
COOMEVA, line friend pharmaceutical, the FUNDEM Foundation, the E.S.E Hospital Mercy of Calarcá,
unit mobile Multitematica of the Secretariat of Health of Medellín, School of Nutrition and Dietetics
University of Antioquia, Trust Central S.A, Consortium EPS offset, Comfenalco Valle, Worley Parsons,
CompanyTtransportadora de Gas TGI, Cauca University, program health love, AIA in Medellin,
BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM S.A., Empresas Públicas de Medellín in La Sierra, Guadalupe, Guatape and
Porce II and food Toning S.A. they drove hiking, recreational and sports activities, distributed material,
generated programs to promote healthy habits and conquered new responsible for hearts.
The great response to our call us committed and excited. Responsible for hearts grow in all corners of the