Download Syllabus Spanish 1 Chapter 2 October 10, Monday Check scores
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Syllabus Spanish 1 Chapter 2 October 10, Monday Check scores and errors on Ch.1 Test Handout Ch. 2 Syllabus and Vocabulary and Grammar sheet Text: Introducción al tema: La familia y la casa Text: Ch.2 Vocabulario 1 with handout October 11, Tuesday Text: Ch.2: Vocabulario 1: 1, 2, 3 (Diagram on board to figure out answer), 4, 5, 6 (If absent, only do 12346) Handout: Mi familia ideal Project due Tuesday, Oct. 18 (50 points) October 12, Wednesday Wkbk: Ch. 2: Vocabulario 1: ABCDEF Audio: Ch.2: Vocabulario 1: BC Reminder: Mi familia ideal project due Tuesday, Oct. 18 October 13, Thursday Vocabulario 1 Quiz Text: Ch2: Vocabulario 2 with handout Text: Ch.2: Vocabulario 2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Draw a cat and place him in different places to make sentences using: delante de, detrás de, and al lado de (If absent only do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Reminder Mi familia ideal project due Tuesday, Oct. 18 October 14, Friday Wkbk: Ch.2: Vocabulario 2: Act A, B (use el or la), C, D, E, F, G Audio: Ch. 2: Vocabulario 2: F, G, H October 17, Monday Vocabulario 2 Quiz Ch. 2 Text: Gramática 1: El verbo “tener” with notes Ch. 2 Text: Gramática 1: El verbo “tener” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (If absent only do 1, 3, 4) October 18 Tuesday Mi familia ideal project due Tuesday, Oct. 18 Ch. 2: Text: Gramática 1: 7, 8 Ch. 2: Wkbk: Gramática 1: A, B, C, D, E, F, G October 19 Wednesday Gramática 1: Quiz Ch. 2: Text: Gramática 2: Los adjetivos posesivos with notes Ch. 2: Text: Gramática 2: Los adjetivos posesivos: 9, 10, 11 (If absent, do 9, 11) October 20 Thursday Ch. 2: Text: Gramática 2: Los Adjetivos Posesivos 12, 13, 14, 15 (If absent only do 12, 14, 15) Ch. 2: Wkbk: Gramática 2: A, B, C October 21 Friday Gramática 2: Quiz Text: Gramática 3: Pronunciación Text: Conversación: A, B, C, D October 24 Monday Text: Lecturas Culturales: Lecturas Culturales: Una familia ecuatoriana: A, B, C, D October 25 Tuesday Text: Lecturas Culturales: Un Poco Más: Mascotas: A October 26 Wednesday Text: Prepárate Para el Examen: Self check for achievement Text: Repaso del Capítulo 2 Test: Ch. 2: Tuesday November 1 October 27 Thursday Wkbk: Integración 1 Wkbk: Integración 2 Test: Ch. 2: Tuesday, Nov. 1 La casa de mis sueños due next class period All Wkbk, textbook, audio activities are due at midnight tonight November 1, Tuesday Ch. 2: Assessment: R and W Wkbk: Tarea: La Casa: Due 100 pts. November 2, Wednesday Ch. 2 Assessment Listening