Download Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco
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Five Senses - Kindergarten Cinco Sentidos EALR 2: Inquiry (INQ): Answer questions by explaining observations of the natural world. Core Content: Making Observations Content Standards: Students know that: *K-1 INQA Question and Investigate: Scientific investigations involve asking and trying to answer a question about the natural world by making and recording observations. Performance Expectations: Students are expected to: *Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in their environment. Content Standards: Making Observations: Answer questions by explaining observations of the natural world. (Kindergarten students will learn about their 5 senses and how they use these senses to make and record observations. This unit is a stepping stone to launch skills of observations. September and October would be the perfect time to use this unit.) Essential Question: How do I use my body to observe the world? ¿Cómo uso el cuerpo para observar el mundo? I can share and record my observations. Yo puedo compartir y anotar mis observaciones. I can ask questions about my observations. Yo puedo hacer preguntas a cerca de mis observaciones. I can answer questions about my observations. Yo puedo responder preguntas a acerca de mis observaciones. Name: _________________ Date: ________________ Prediction – Reaction Guide 5 Senses – Kindergarten Scientists draw pretend pictures. F T Scientists use many senses to observe the world. I can hear colors. F I can share my observations with pictures and words. T Smelling food is a way to observe it. T By Cathy Coleman & Maria Smith Nov. 2014 Nombre: _________________ Fecha: ________________ Guía de la Predicción – Reacción 5 Sentidos – Kindergarten Los cientifícos dibujan los imagenes/dibujos de pretender. (Scientists draw pretend pictures.) Los cientifícos usan muchos sentidos para observer el mundo. (Scientists use many senses to observe the world.) F V Yo puedo oir los colores. (I can hear colors.) F Yo puedo compartir mis observaciones con mis dibujos y mis palabras. (I can share my observations with pictures and words.) V El oler de la comida es una manera para observarla. (Smelling food is a way to T observe it.) By Cathy Coleman & Maria Smith 11/2014 CCD Words observe observar sight la vista hearing el olfato touch el tacto smell el oÍdo taste el gusto investigate investigar Prediction Final Meaning to study carefully The ability to see with eyes. The ability to sense sound with ears. The ability to sense with your skin. The ability to sense an odor with a nose. The ability to sense with a tongue. To inquire or study carefully to get facts or information. Oral Sentence I can observe ____________ Sensations Everywhere! Children here, Children there Experiencing sensations everywhere! Happy children hear songs, Sensitive children feel animals, Hungry children smell lunch, Healthy children taste vegetables, Observant children see colors. Children inside their classrooms, Children around the garden, Children at the playground, Children near the kitchen! Children here, children there, experiencing sensations everywhere! Original by: Karen Hernandez Adapted by Cathy Coleman & Maria Smith This is saved as a separate document with correct spacing and photo illustrations in the District GLAD Kindergarten Resources section Five Senses Bugaloo Big Book Page 1 We’re your senses and we’re here to say, We help you live every day. Sometimes we hear or taste or smell, We help you see or even feel. Repeated Phrase Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 2 We are your eyes and we help you see, Hey look at the eagle in that tree! Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 3 We are your ears and we help you hear, Wow, listen to that airplane flying near! Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 4 I’m your nose and I help you smell, Yum, Mom’s making cookies, I can tell! Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 5 We are your nerves and we help you feel, We sense the tickling that makes you squeal! Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 6 We are your taste buds and we help you taste, We really like that yummy toothpaste. Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Page 7 Our body is an incredible creation, That helps people live across the nation. I’m glad I can experience the world around, So much beauty in feeling, sight and sound. Sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste too, Doing the five senses bugaloo! Original by: Karen Hernandez Adapted by Cathy Coleman & Maria Smith Libro Grande de Cinco Sentidos Bugalu Página 1 Somos tus sentidos y estamos aquí para decir, Cada día te ayudamos a vivir. A veces oímos o probamos u olemos, Te ayudamos a ver o sentir. Repeated Phrase Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 2 Somos tus ojos y te ayudamos a ver, ¡Mira el águila en ese árbol! Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 3 Somos tus oídos y te ayudamos oír, ¡Escucha el avión que vuela por aquí! Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 4 Soy tu nariz y te ayudo oler, Mm… ¡Mamá hace galletas, puedo decir! Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 5 Somos tus nervios y te ayudamos sentir, ¡Sentimos las cosquillas que te hacen chillar! Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 6 Somos tus papilas gustativas y te ayudamos probar, Nos gusta mucho esa pasta de dientes. Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Página 7 Nuestro cuerpo increíble es una creación, Que ayuda a la gente vivir en toda la nación. ¡Estoy contenta para experimentar el mundo, Tanta belleza en sentimiento, vista y oído! Vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto, ¡Hacer el bugalu de los cinco sentidos! Original by: Karen Hernandez Adapted by Cathy Coleman & Maria Smith