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Microfluídica Introducción: Fundamentos, Historia, Mo8vación, Aplicaciones, Tendencias… 1 A que llamamos Microfluídica? “Es la ciencia y tecnología que u2liza sistemas que procesan o manipulan can2dades pequeñas de fluidos (entre 10-‐18 y 10-‐9 litros), mediante canales cuyo tamaño esta entre decenas y cientos de micrones” G. M. Whitesides Nanofluidics Microfluidics 2 Condición de no 85, NUMBER 5 deslizamiento entre un fluido y un solido and L. Léger, R. Pit, H. Hervet, Phys. Rev. Lef., vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 980–983, Jul. 2000. OLUME Microfluídica Para que sirve? Inves8gación Básica Inves8gación Aplicada Nuevas o Mejores Tecnologías Cul8vo de Células y respuesta a P Hesbmulos Y S I C A Lexternos R E V I E W L E Mejor: T T E R SCromatograLa 31 Nueva: Separación entrópica of the effective shear rate, g" , and thus of the s " g. " Clearly, Dz and b ! Dz!2 3 "g" 2 g#! value of the diffusion coefficient pend on the anyhow a weak dependence "D #, and the poo in the estimate of D results only in a systematic u of 20% in the b values. The diffusion length during t gives an uppe Dz: Dz ! 2"DF!2g" # . For hexadecane of the order of a micrometer, a value that we hav Disposi8vos y Sistemas P. Frimat, et al,” Lab on a Chip, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 231, 2011. Published on 27 October 2010. Downloaded by RUTGERS STATE UNIVER Inves8gación Básica scope, for coupling where at least one of molecules the differences, efficient separation without thebeing use ofsuitable a gel matrix ergy, so DNA are temporarily in Fig. 4(A), flow ratios thus $1.4 enabling enabled efficient arraying that was cellular partners can act as microfluidic valve (i.e. adheres and largely insensitive to variations in the size of the SW480 epithelial or pulsed electric fields. Samples of long DNA molecules (5000 to !160,000 trapped at the entrance of the thin regions. becomes flattened). The coupling principle can also be applied to cells (Ø SD $ 3.0pairs) mm). Recorded in Fig. 4(B), only !25% of traps base were efficiently separated into bands incell 15-millimeter-long chanThe entropic trapping limits the overall motypes with different sizes, with the simple requirement that were occupied when using flow ratios #1.0, whereas >98% of nels. Multiple-channel devices operating in parallelthe were demonstrated. The bility ofMoreover, DNA molecules in the channel, and aperture is smaller than the smallest cell type. the traps wereefficiency, occupied with flow ratios $1.4. compactness, andSingle easecell of occupancy fabrication ofusethe device suggest the arrayingthe mobility of DNA of the differential resistance method eliminates the becomes length-depenwas 80.6% (SD $ 4.3) when using a flow ratio of 1.4 and 85.0% possibility of more practical integrated DNA analysis Interestingly, risksystems. of channel blocking which can occurdent. with systems designedlonger DNA molecules (SD $ 2.8) with a flow ratio of 1.8. The influence of the trap size 12 actually have higher mobility in this channel to contact cells across the width of a single microchannel. was also examined and had only a minor impact on cell arraying Further developments were field required (13). to provide aescape reliable Gel electrophoresis is the standard method for In the of a DNA molecule from (13). A spatially varying but static electric characteristics. In this experiment, >99% of traps were occupied cell co-culture Dead, non-adherent cells (!10%) of DNA by length. efficiency of to and an entropic trap, only the part of the molecule an arraysingle of constrictions actplatform. as size-depenforseparation trap diameters ranging from The 15 mm (cell-sized) 37 mm. removed. However, flow reversal cellswith are the boundary of the thin gel cell electrophoresis deteriorates seriously, howthatwhile is inviable contact dent traps forshould DNAbe motion. Separation matrices Single occupancy was typically 80%, with the exception of the flattened state would direct region dead cells into neigh- role. Whenever a sufever,traps for DNA molecules plays a crucial such as gelsinorthe polymer solutions are notonly used, largest where only 68.6% longer (SD $ than 6.7) ofabout traps contained bouring traps immediately across the microfluidic channel. This 40,000 pairs but (40significant kbp). Slab gel pulsedficient number of DNA monomers are introandmay the methods used to fabricate this array are single cells.base This small reduction (*p # 0.005) is solved by exploiting the longer time scales required for cell be field caused the greater freedom of using cell placement the gelbyelectrophoresis (PFGE), time- with compatible with silicon-based processing. duced into the high-field thin region (by flattening than initial adhesion. Within 2 hours of loading, viable possibility failing to divert thebestreamlines once the first cell is varying of drive voltages, can used to separate Therefore, this couldadherent easily be integrated cellsdevice become but retain aBrownian relativelymotion), sphericalthe escape of the whole loaded, or that cell doublets were sheltered from flow-induced longer double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) frag- into a largermorphology. total analysis The At system. this stage thebasic cellular molecule valve is inisainitiated partially(14). Longer DNA moldisaggregation and separation. ments, but generally the process is slow, and theory of operation ecules, with larger Ro, have a larger surface of and thebydevice has been closed state, flow reversal dead cells are diverted into the in contact with the boundary and thererecovery of separated DNA from gel is com- described (14). Here, we demonstrate one apserpentine channel and removed from area the system. Following further 4 hours incubation, cellsa flatten fore have higher in probability to escape per plex. Efficient separation has been reported plication of athe entropic trap array devicethe by remaining for arraying the secondslab cell type. Thistime method unit (dueensures to a higher escape attempt with pulsed-field capillary gel electrophoresis using it in areadiness way similar to conventional that at least one of the cell partners is viable. With the second frequency), which leads to a shorter trapping (PFCGE) (1–3). However, only one sample gel PFGE methods. arraying of thetrap cellsarray are estimated to bea viable time and highersuch overall mobility (Fig. 1B). could be run at a time in PFCGE, and so The basic designphase, of the 90% entropic that !90% of the pairs are also likely to contain viable cell multiple capillary systems would be required b partners. for large-scale genome sequencing or DNA Co-culture of nm Fig. 1. Nanofluidic sep- experiments require time scales of thets order = 75~100 fingerprinting (4). Moreover, with respect to aration device td b = 1.5~3 µm hours with to days.AHowever, with the immediate introduction of future integrated bioanalysis systems (5, 6)— many entropic following plasma-based device assembly, the aqueous the so-called micro total analysis systems ("- (A) Cross-sectional PDMS maintainsCathode(-) a hydrophilic character21 which supports cell Anode(+) 22 1!2 of TAS)—it could be cumbersome to introduce a schematic diagram adhesion and migration. Within 24DNA hours some cells migrated Electroforeign sieving matrix into the channel of a the device.outside the trap region (see Fig. S2(A)†), and to the extremities of phoresed DNA the moleserpentine channel by the fourth day of culture (see highly integrated device. DNA motion cules are Fig.trapped S2(B)†). Migration prevents controlled single cell co-culture. A variety of microfabricated systems (7–12) whenever they meet a this limitation we implemented a plasma stencilling To remedy region Thin region have been studied for separation of dsDNA. thin region, because an within and Thick H. trap G. regions. Craighead, “Separa8on of Long 22 to pattern cells the This approach B J. H However, early artificial gel systems (8, 10) their radiusmethod of gyrarequires a hydrophobic PDMS state which can be restored, DNA M olecules i n a M icrofabricated Entropic tion (Ro) is much largwith arrays of pillars showed poor dc electrofollowing plasma bonding, by the diffusive return of oligomers to er than the thin region phoretic separation for long DNA molecules, Trap Array,” Science, wva1!3 ol. 242Native 88, no. 5468, pp. max 30 µmovernight incubation in a dry state. depth (here,the td surface and ts during a b and the use of pulsed electric fields was rewb PDMS surfaces provide biologically inert backgrounds 1026 –1029, May 2000. which are the thick and thin quired (9). More recently, a single-molecule region depths, 26–28 b resist cell adhesion. Hydrophilic patterns for cell adhesion respecFig.DNA 5 The cellular valving(11) approach single cellsorting co-culture. Single cell(B) Top sizing device and afordiffusion were provided within the microfluidic system by plasma stenciltively). view of arraying (A) were and cellular adhesion, to a flattened array (12) reported. Despitetransforming the advantag2Rowith the aqueous flows, the using a Tesla generator.22 As the device ling in operamorphology to act as a valve in the open state (B). Introduction of the DNA es of these new systems, it is still unclear how tion. Trapped plasma was routed along the linear path of least resistance, second cell (C) and following further culture the cell flattened and coneventuallythe surface to - produce a hydrophilic state which + these systems might be incorporated into estab- molecules oxidizing G. 1. (a) Schematic of half the flow cell; (b) equivalence independently by solving numerically the c tween slip and shear rate. Nuevas oportunidades aprovechando diffusion equations for a two-dimensional mode las diferencias en el comportamiento a escala microscópica experiment. This agreement between experim IR) at the solid/liquid interface. Immediately after the simulated La $sica no cambia, Dz values means that if numerical pre eaching pulse, the fluorescence intensity is low (photoist in the relation defining Dz, they remain of t pero os mthe ecanismos ominantes ueden er drastically diferentes. eached probes are linside illuminated d area), and it 1pand should snot affect the estimated ogressively recovers due to the transport of nonbleached important to notice that the experiment i Ejemplo: Movimiento ItBisrowniano 3 obes into the evanescent wave. The kinetics of fluorestacted the first cell (D). lished bioanalysis protocols. This journal is ª The Society of Recently we Royal introduced anChemistry entropic 2011 trap array system with lithographically defined constrictions comparable to molecular dimensions; this system can be used with static (dc) electric fields to rapidly separate large DNA fragments School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: C escape, with a probability of escape proLab Chip, 2011, 11, 231–237 | 235 portional to the length of the slit that the DNA molecule covers (wa and wb). Larger molecules have a higher escape probability because they Fluorescence cover wider regions of DNA microscopy the slit (wb # wa). (C) observation Experimental setup. Reservoirs are made at both ends of the channel and filled with DNA solution. buffer solution to the BC at a distance L ! 80 nm though the MEMS, Microfluidica, Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip, Nanotecnologia, … Inspiración (1959?) 4 Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica Miniaturización & Integración G. Moore, doble numero de transistores cada año, por lo menos hasta 1975!! 5 Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica 80’ MEMS Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. D. Lopez, F. Pardo y otros @ Lucent (2005) 6 Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica Integración y Miniaturización 80’ MEMS Acelerómetros Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the all-surface-micromachined “tent” microphone made at the MCNC foundry. determined by the size and tension of the membrane but by the tunable length of the beams. The assembly is accomplished in one step by pulling upwards with a micropipette from the vertex as shown in Figure 8. Several self-assembly techniques have also been tried but measurements have not yet been made on these devices. A sound pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the chamber forces the membrane to move and the change in capacitance is detected by a charge sensitive amplifier. The main construction steps for the “tent” microphone are shown in Figure 8. Here one can see that the assembly requires the pulling of the apex up out of the plane and the pushing in from the two sides to form the tetrahedron. Sealing of the hinge was 194 Hinges Figure 8. Main MEMS “tent” microphone construction steps. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7 Orígenes ADXL50 70’ The ADXL50 is a complete acceleration measurement system Microelectrónica on a single monolithic IC. It contains a polysilicon 80’ surface-micro machined sensor and signal conditioning circuitry. The ADXL50 is capable of measuring both positive and negative acMEMS celeration to a maximum level of ± 50 g. THEORY OF O P ERATION Figure 16 is a simplified view of the ADXL50’s acceleration sensor at rest. The actual structure of the sensor consists of 42 unit cells and a common beam. The differential capacitor sensor consists of independent fixed plates and a movable “floating” central plate which deflects in response to changes in relative motion. The two capacitors are series connected, forming a capacitive divider with a common movable central plate. A force balance technique counters any impeding deflection due to acceleration and servos the sensor back to its 0 g position. demodulator will rectify any voltage which is in sync with its clock signal. If the applied voltage is in sync and in phase with the clock, a positive output will result. If the applied voltage is in sync but 180° out of phase with the clock, then the demodulator’s output will be negative. All other signals will be rejected. An external capacitor, C1, sets the bandwidth of the demodulator. Acelerómetros The output of the synchronous demodulator drives the preamp —an instrumentation amplifier buffer which is referenced to +1.8 volts. The output of the preamp is fed back to the sensor through a 3 MΩ isolation resistor. The correction voltage required to hold the sensor’s center plate in the 0 g position is a direct measure of the applied acceleration and appears at the VPR pin. OBS O TOP VIEW Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition TOP VIEW APPLIED ACCELERATION print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. CS1 CENTER PLATE TETHER Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the all-surface-micromachined “tent” microphone made at the MCNC foundry. CS2 determined by the size and tension of the membrane but by the tunable length of the beams. The assembly is accomplished in one step by pulling upwards with a micropipette from the vertex as shown in Figure 8. Several self-assembly techniques have also been tried but measurements have not yet been made on these devices. A sound pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the chamber forces the membrane to move and the change in capacitance is detected by a charge sensitive amplifier. The main construction steps for the “tent” microphone are shown in Figure 8. Here one can see that the assembly requires the pulling of the apex up out of the plane and the pushing in from the two sides to form the tetrahedron. Sealing of the hinge was Hinges BEAM CENTER PLATE FIXED OUTER PLATES 194 Figure 8. Main MEMS “tent” microphone construction steps. Bell Labs Technical Journal LETE BEAM UNIT CELL CS1 < CS2 CS1 CS2 CS1 CS2 UNIT CELL CS1 = CS2 DENOTES ANCHOR DENOTES ANCHOR Fig ure 17. T h e A D X L50 S e nsor M o m e ntarily Resp o n din g 8 to a n E xtern ally A p plie d A cceleratio n When the ADXL50 is subjected to an acceleration, its capacitive Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica 80’ MEMS 90’ Microfluidica Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip (1977) Gas Chromatograph S. C. Terry, J. H. Jerman & J. B. Angell Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. Acelerómetros Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the all-surface-micromachined “tent” microphone made at the MCNC foundry. determined by the size and tension of the membrane but by the tunable length of the beams. The assembly is accomplished in one step by pulling upwards with a micropipette from the vertex as shown in Figure 8. Several self-assembly techniques have also been tried but measurements have not yet been made on these devices. A sound pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the chamber forces the membrane to move and the change in capacitance is detected by a charge sensitive amplifier. The main construction steps for the “tent” microphone are shown in Figure 8. Here one can see that the assembly requires the pulling of the apex up out of the plane and the pushing in from the two sides to form the tetrahedron. Sealing of the hinge was 194 Hinges Figure 8. Main MEMS “tent” microphone construction steps. Bell Labs Technical Journal Columna de 30um x 200um y 1.5 metros ! Grabado en Silicon 9 Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica 80’ MEMS 90’ Microfluidica Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. Acelerómetros Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the all-surface-micromachined “tent” microphone made at the MCNC foundry. determined by the size and tension of the membrane but by the tunable length of the beams. The assembly is accomplished in one step by pulling upwards with a micropipette from the vertex as shown in Figure 8. Several self-assembly techniques have also been tried but measurements have not yet been made on these devices. A sound pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the chamber forces the membrane to move and the change in capacitance is detected by a charge sensitive amplifier. The main construction steps for the “tent” microphone are shown in Figure 8. Here one can see that the assembly requires the pulling of the apex up out of the plane and the pushing in from the two sides to form the tetrahedron. Sealing of the hinge was 194 Hinges Figure 8. Main MEMS “tent” microphone construction steps. Bell Labs Technical Journal (2003) Large Scale IntergaGon T. Thorsen, S. J. Maerkl & S. R. Quake Miles de válvulas y conexiones 10 Orígenes 70’ Microelectrónica 80’ MEMS 90’ Microfluidica Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip 00’ Nanotecnología Nanofluidica Poly 1 (P1) and Poly 2 (P2) layers are shown in magenta and blue, respectively. The active elements are the P1 triangular plate and beams (visible below the P2 layer due to the conformal deposition print trough) and the P2 grid on top, forming a capacitor whose electrodes are connected to bond pads via serpentine springs. The mechanical Q ( 2) is governed by the size and distribution of holes in the grid and the resonance frequency (19 kHz) by the mass of the P1 plate and stiffness of the three beams. Acelerómetros Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the all-surface-micromachined “tent” microphone made at the MCNC foundry. determined by the size and tension of the membrane but by the tunable length of the beams. The assembly is accomplished in one step by pulling upwards with a micropipette from the vertex as shown in Figure 8. Several self-assembly techniques have also been tried but measurements have not yet been made on these devices. A sound pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the chamber forces the membrane to move and the change in capacitance is detected by a charge sensitive amplifier. The main construction steps for the “tent” microphone are shown in Figure 8. Here one can see that the assembly requires the pulling of the apex up out of the plane and the pushing in from the two sides to form the tetrahedron. Sealing of the hinge was 194 Hinges Figure 8. Main MEMS “tent” microphone construction steps. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11 Historia Breve (e incompleta) • 1975 -‐ 1st disposi8vo analí8co en miniatura (cromatograLa) -‐ Fabricación: grabado en silicon. (Stanford; Terry y otros) • 1990 A. Manz introduce la idea de μTAS (Micro-‐Total-‐Analysis-‐Systems) Se fabrican disposi8vos • 2000 Se introduce la idea de “sor-‐lithography”. Se simplifica y populariza la fabricación de dis8ntos sistemas Se amplia el concepto de μTAS a Lab-‐o-‐a-‐chip • 2010 Empiezan a surgir ideas para simplificar aun mas la fabricación: “Paper-‐based microfluidics”; “CD-‐microfluidics” y otros Impresoras 3D con resolución ~ 100 micrones. 12 Popularidad Microfluidic lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip plavorms: requirements, characteris8cs and applica8ons D. Mark, S. Haeberle , G. Roth , F. von Stefen and R. Zengerle Chem. Soc. Rev., 2010, 39, 1153-‐1182 Imposible mantenerse al dia!! 13 Microfluidica: desarrollo de tecnología μTAS & Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip Información y cálculo: Automa8zación Integración Miniaturización 14 Microfluidica: desarrollo de tecnología μTAS & Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip Información y cálculo: Automa8zación Integración Miniaturización Procesos y análisis químicos: Tubos de ensayo… Automa8zación Integración Automa8zación Miniaturización Integración 15 Microfluidica: desarrollo de tecnología μTAS & Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip Información y cálculo: Automa8zación Integración Miniaturización Tubos de ensayo… Automa8zación Integración Miniaturización Automa8zación Integración 16 μTAS & Lab-‐on-‐a-‐chip Que ventajas 8ene? más chico; más rápido; más simple, más economico, …mejor!! • • • • • • • • • Portá8l Menos volumen de químicos Mayor seguridad Reduce la contaminación Bajo costo y producción masiva Más rápido Análisis en paralelo Usos novedosos (implantes?) Métodos novedosos ? 17 Microfluídica: Areas de mayor uso y crecimiento Química analí8ca; control de reacciones químicas; detección y muestreo; ensayos químicos en paralelo; Ej. Desarrollo de técnicas y disposi8vos de separación 18 Microfluídica: Areas de mayor uso y crecimiento Ventajas: Bioquímica: Numero grande de estudios simultáneos; Biología: Células: Control preciso de los esbmulos/condiciones Ej. Respuesta de células Madre a la falta de oxigeno 19 Desarrollo de medicamentos; ingeniería de tejidos; gené8ca; ensayos bioquímicos, celulares; Microfluídica: Materiales 2508 2508 D Quéré Figure 12. Substrate decorated with posts (the bar indicates 1 µm). If coated wi fluorinated silanes, this substrate is found to be super-hydrophobic [37]. Other important observations can be deduced from the Kao experim hydrophilic and hydrophobic cases can be asymmetric—we see in figure 10 th angle jumps to a much larger value as soon we enter the hydrophobic 20 domain. (b hand, the variation of the contact angle is continuous in the hydrophilic part, bu (both linear) seem to be successively followed. (c) It is impossible to induce ei Microfluídica: Salud INSIGHT REVIEW NATURE|Vol 442|27 July 2006|doi:10.1038/nature05064 Microfluidic diagnostic technologies for global public health Paul Yager1, Thayne Edwards1, Elain Fu1, Kristen Helton1, Kjell Nelson1, Milton R. Tam2 & Bernhard H. Weigl3 The developing world does not have access to many of the best medical diagnostic technologies; they were designed for air-conditioned laboratories, refrigerated storage of chemicals, a constant supply of calibrators and reagents, stable electrical power, highly trained personnel and rapid transportation of samples. Microfluidic systems allow miniaturization and integration of complex functions, which could move sophisticated diagnostic tools out of the developed-world laboratory. These systems must be inexpensive, but also accurate, reliable, rugged and well suited to the medical and social contexts of the developing world. Microfluidic systems can be designed to obtain and process measurements from small volumes of complex fluids with efficiency and speed, and without the need for an expert operator; this unique set of capabilities is precisely what is needed to create portable point-of-care (POC) medical diagnostic systems1,2. Fortunately for the microfluidics field, the military has always had a need to practise medicine in challenging and resource-limited environments, and so has long been trying to acquire robust medical technologies that add an absolute minimum to the burden of those people and machines transporting them. It was for this reason that microfluidics research in the United States was given a great boost in the 1990s by funding from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The technologies developed with DARPA’s Infectious disease DALYs 3% 6% Lower respiratory infections 24% 9% HIV/AIDS Diarrhoeal diseases 6% Malaria 12% 23% 17% Measles Tuberculosis Pertussis Others 21 Microfluídica: Medicina 22