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Curriculum Vitae
Jesús Sánchez-Quiñones
Jesús Sánchez-Quiñones
Paseo de la Habana, 74, Madrid, 28036,Spain
+34 91 384 85 28
Sex Male | Date of birth 30/12/1965 | Nationality Spanish
Since 1989 up to know
Working for Renta 4 Group
Paseo de la Habana, 74 Madrid 28036 Spain
Since 2012 up to now
Managing Director and Member of the Board of Renta 4 Banco
In charge of: Business Development, Financial Markets, Asset Management, Online Channels,
Corporate Finance, Research, Marketing and Private Banking.
Since 2000 up to 2012
Managing Director and Member of the Board of Renta 4 Servicios de Inversión
(Holding Company)
In charge of: Business Development, Financial Markets, Asset Management, Online Channels,
Corporate Finance, Research, Marketing and Private Banking.
Responsible of Renta 4 IPO process in 2007 including: preparation of the deal, official documentation
processing, International Roadshow and Investor Relations.
From 2004 to 2006
Chairman and CEO of Renta 4 SGIIC and Renta 4 EGFP
In charge of: Mutual Funds and Pension Funds management companies.
Representing Renta 4 in INVERCO, the Mutual Funds Management Company Association
From 1996 to 2000
From 1994 to 1996
From 1991 to 1994
From 1991 to 1994
Assistant Manager to the Chairman of Rent a 4 S.V.
Director of the Research Department of Rent a 4 S.V.
Broker of the Derivatives and International desk in Rent a 4 S.V.
Analyst in the Corporate Finance Department of Rent a 4 S.V.
1989 – 1991
Master in Fiscal and Economic Studies by CECO (Madrid Chamber
of Commerce)
1983 - 1988
University Degree in Management and Administration by ICADE
(Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid)
Mother tongue
Other language
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Curriculum Vitae
Jesús Sánchez-Quiñones
Coauthor of the research: “Situación Actual y Perspectivas de las Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva”
2009 (Current Situation and Perspectives of Mutual Funds) published by Papeles de la Economía de
la Fundación de Estudios Económicos.
Coauthor of the research: “La crisis en Europa: ¿Un problema de Deuda Soberana o una crisis del
Euro?” 2012 ( Europe Crisis: Is it a Public Debt or an Euro Crisis?) published by Papeles de la
Economía de la Fundación de Estudios Económicos
Collaborator for Mass Media (Press, Radio and TV) on economic analysis and financial markets.
Wrote more than 500 journalist articles on financial and economic issues.
Participant in the research “Estudio sobre la Directiva de Transparencia” (Study about the
Transparency Directive) produced by MAZARS (2009-2010)
Guest Speaker for different universities and Business Schools. I.e: University Juan Carlos I, University
of Albacete, University of Oviedo, University of País Vasco, University of Burgos, University of
Navarra, ESADE and ICADE
Member of the GEA (Group of Economic Advisors) for the CEMA ( Committee for Economic and
Markets Analysis (CEMA)of ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority)
Member of the IEAF (Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts)
Member of the Economic and Fiscal Policy Committee of CEOE (Spanish Main Entrepreneurial
Member of the Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) workgroup for the setup of the MAB, Mercado
Alternativo Bursátil (Alternative Market) (2008-2009)
Member of the CNMV (Spanish Financial Regulator) workgroup on “Nueva Normativa sobre
Autocartera y Contratos de Liquidez” (New regulator on Treasury stocks and Liquidity Agreements),
“Normativa de Información a Inversores” (Key Investor Information Documents)
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